Women for Whales

How to receive a message from Archangel Michael

Angels are real. That is now a fact in my life, and has been for some time! If you're with me on this, or you're still unsure but are willing to try to connect with them, because... like I used to say... "What could it hurt?" ... then let's go on an adventure! An adventure in how to receive a message from an angel.

For this reading, let's invoke Archangel Michael, who is a badass angel who already knows you intimately, whether you've been working with him or not!


Steps on how to Receive a Message from Archangel Michael

*These are not definitive, everyone connects to Archangel Michael in different ways, but this is one process you can use that will get you started in our really foundational way


Step 1  ~ Clear.

Clear out sugar, processed or heavy foods before you go in to ask for a message, they can interfere... much like static on a radio. Drink enough water. Honour your body temple ~ she's the conduit, the transmitter. Clear out distractions, and go somewhere you can be alone.

Step 2 ~ Ground.

Put your bare feet on Mother Earth while you breathe into your feet, exercise in a way you love, or visualize tree roots growing down into the Earth from your belly.

Step 3 ~ Breathe deeply, and enter into a meditative state,

with deep belly breathes and maybe some nice music to guide you.

Step 4 ~ Ask.

"Archangel Michael, please come to me now. I choose to work with you. What would you have me hear? I ask for a message from you." See Blue Violet Light pouring all around you. Into your cells and into your aura. Ask again. Breathe more Blue Violet light in. Stay here as long as you want.

Step 5 ~ Release.

Let go. Don't try to 'get' a message. Completely relax, and release. I've heard this be called the "Do Nothing Method" ~ the more pressure you put on yourself to receive a message, the more you push it away. {Kind of like dating ;) } Notice what you get. An image, a feeling, a thought. Anything that makes you feel good and just feels right, is your message from AA Michael.

Step 6 ~ Chill.

If you didn't receive anything specific, or you're unsure ~ don't worry. Ask Archangel Michael to keep giving you the message until you get it. Take note of your dreams, passages you read in books that give you chills, lyrics in songs that make you come alert, or really beautiful guidance a friend gives you... angels communicate in MANY ways, through MANY mediums.


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Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Learn to work with Archangel Michael more deeply , in this free 4 day mini-course!

In this journey, you'll dive deep into meditation with Archangel Michael, to align with your soul’s mission, and receive guidance on how to confidently step forward on your path.

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The Top 4 Ways to Help the Ocean

Mermaids Unite!



As most of us merfolk know, the sea isn't doing so hot right now. And this makes me very very sad, but such is life at this time on Planet Earth right now, and at least situations like this remind us why we're here - TO HELP!

Though a lot of people tend to take the stance of 'Someone should really do something about that!' - and look to the Japanese government, corporations, or those with a lot of money to do something - it's important to realize that WE are those somebodies. 

When we alter our daily habits to reflect our care + concern for the whale being (haha - get it?) of the Great Mama, we reach a new level of empowerment. It also puts us in alignment with our core values, and that holds a lot of sway energetically. Those who walk their talk emit a certain vibration, that others who aren't following through just don't. We have more respect for ourselves, because we're living in alignment - and living in alignment serves as a great launching pad for our other endeavours. 

Here's to the mermaids! Let's do everything we can to take care of the great being known as The Ocean. She needs us now more than ever - and though that sounds a little cheesetastic... IT'S THE TRUTH! 

So here are the top ways we can help:

1. Buy Organic or Grow a Garden

I don't care how expensive mainstream society thinks organic is, what's really expensive is being on your deathbed, looking back on your life, and realizing you made irresponsible decisions that have put the earth even further in peril, just so you could temporarily have more money in your bank account. (Fun light hearted topics with Beth, episode 1) The thing is - eating organic from the grocery store, yes, can be more expensive, but when you regularly visit local farmer's markets + grow some food in your own garden, it can actually be really affordable.

Buying food that's non-organic (ie. Pesticide sprayed) is one of the worst things you can do for the ocean. All that toxic runoff, combined with unnatural manure from factory farming operations, is making it's way into our seas, and causing massive dead zones, where virtually nothing lives. You can read more about dead zones in an article I wrote in 2011 here.

One cool fact is, between 1991 and 2001, when pesticides became too expensive for farmers to use, the Dead Zone in the Black Sea virtually disappeared,  after previously being the largest in the world. Proving that, yes, absolutely, when our actions change, the effects follow suit! Hurray! :D

3 major dead zones via satelite 

3 major dead zones via satelite 

2. Use Natural Shampoos, Soaps, and Cleaning Supplies

Most, if not all brand name shampoos + cleaning supplies contain chemicals that are just plain toxic for our oceans. (ie. Softsoap, Herbal Essences, Colgate, Windex, etc) Even products that say 'All Natural' and 'Eco Friendly!' tend to be bullshiz marketing schemes. Not only are alot of these additives toxic for the oceans, they are also toxic for our bodies + our babies! So we definitely gotta switch over. 

For this one - there can be a lot of research involved, OR, in my experience you are playing it pretty safe if you only buy your hygeine + cleaning products at health food stores. Again, there are definitely a few products in those aisles that are still questionable, so how far into this you want to go is up to you, but for the most part, they are pretty safe. 

Also, it feels way more luxurious and in line with self care to use high quality ingredients on your body and in your home. 

I am a big fan of Sea Wench Naturals in my hair, I make my own face + body lotions, and I make my own cleaning supplies with vinegar and essential oils. 


3. Steer Clear of Most Seafood, especially Shrimp + Farmed Fish

I'm sorry if this list seems big and scary, but it's so important to just face the facts.

Commercial fishing has gone so far out of control, that almost every old fisherman can recount stories of how abundant the seas were, to how minimal their catches are these days. 

At the top of the things to watch out for in terms of seafood though, are shrimp and farmed fish.

Shrimp is 'caught' using a method called bottom trawling. The process involves a machine literally scraping the ocean floor until it's bare, bringing up the catch, only taking the shrimp, and throwing everything else back into the ocean, dead. The ocean floor is a complex and beautiful ecosystem, much like our forests. The act of bottom trawling, is therefore, much like clear cutting. It's a really sad thing. So... that's where the shrimp of the world comes from chicas.  

These days, most salmon tends to be factory farmed (yet is often labelled wild for marketing purposes). There are also a host of other species that are now being farmed. 

Some farms are completely enclosed in concrete vats, which is probably the best for the ocean, though still seriously impacts human health, as these fish are filled with antibiotics and even colour enhancing chemicals to make their unhealthy flesh look pinker.

However, many fish farms are still out in the ocean, enclosed in with nets. Diseased fish infect the wild populations, while nasty antibiotics and chemicals drip openly in the sea. (Wild salmon stocks are currently in peril because of this, learn more here.)

I've also read about accounts of whale + seal deafening. Since farmed fish set their operations up in what was traditional feeding grounds for whales, seals, and the like, these animals obviously come hunting. They have broken through nets, and 'stolen' fish from the farmers, so it became a practice to put noise 'fences' up. These systems blast a very harmful sound pitch out into the ocean, so if a whale or dolphin comes near, their eardrums get blasted, disorienting them, and sometimes killing them. (Whales + dolphins use echolocation to swim + hunt.) 

If you eat seafood, make sure to check out your options for sustainable seafood here. 


4. Say No to Plastic as Often As You Can

Most people have head about the Gyres, the massive swirling plastic parties in the ocean. If you haven't, you can read up about the largest gyre, nicknamed the Great Pacific Garbage patch, here. 

Plastic is everywhere these days, that's just how it is. But as consumers, we do have a choice in how much we use. From bringing our own bags to bulk bins (so we forego the plastic bag options) to saying no to plastic at the till, there are little things we can do everywhere. 

Buy the spinach in a bundle, not in a plastic container. Bring your own water everywhere with you so you never have to buy plastic water bottles. The more conscious we can be about this, the better!


Oooh. Wow. So much is going on. There's so much we can do, but it requires us to be open eyed and willing to face our demons, for the earth is our home, humanity is our family, and if one of us is in trouble, we all are. 

Remember, we're here to help!

I love you mermaids, let's lead by example.

xo Beth

Pinspiration // Earth Goddess Home

I'm obsessed with creating spaces that feel eclectic, happy, warm, sacred and liveable! Although I don't (yet, muahaha) have a cedar cabin or treehouse, which will create the ULTIMATE base for design, I do what I can, with what I have! Currently, my room is my favourite place ever to be. Here is some of what inspires me when I create, I hope it sparks your creative flame!

xo Beth