Why I let myself be happy, when the world is suffering...

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We are conditioned to have shame if we experience happiness, joy, wealth, and health, when we know others are suffering.

We feel maybe it's not right... we should wait to feel happy, wealthy and healthy, when EVERYONE can! Until then... we show solidarity by suffering with them.



⭐️My belief:

We are naturally happy, healthy, and wealthy in our true states.

We are living in a world where certain energies have waged energetic wars to confuse us, and cut us from our natural abundance. This has gone on for thousands of years. (Much of this happens behind the scenes, most humans have no idea what is really going on.)

When we choose that it's not safe to be happy and wealthy while others suffer, we affirm the slavery matrix grid. We choose it. 
We actually use our energy to *keep* others in struggle, by affirming struggle.

When we access our abundance and joy, we affirm the field of LOVE, the crystalline + Christ Consciousness grids. We make them stronger. This therefore supports ALL beings to access their truths. Untangling the cords of slavery that have been here for far too long.
We are *not* asked to turn away from that which is not 'high vibe', as if it will ruin our energy.

Instead, we can look at what is, feel it in our hearts - and then look deeper to the TRUTH. All suffering is impermanent.

I believe love is the all-encompassing reality in this Universe, the energy that stays when all other energies are transient - they rise, and they fall.

We can hold space for suffering, but not let it drown us, knowing that all things return to Source, and are renewed.
This takes a deep faith in love. A deep connection to our hearts. Embodied experiences of divine connection.
And so...

When we use the power of true sight to SEE others THRIVING, even while they suffer... We can honour that suffering, make space for it - and simultaneously hold their brilliance in our hearts.

In doing this, we help them to anchor into whatever their soul is wanting for them.

In short...
We see the truth of who they are.
While holding space for the experience they are having (Without trying to fix it or change it.)



I refuse to believe that playing small, and being sad + angry about the state of the world all of the time, is what it takes to be grounded, real, and of service.

I will feel my feelings as they arise, I will have my good days, and bad, I will feel rage and pain... but my compass always points to LOVE.

And I will keep coming back to love, again, and again... as my deepest service to this planet.


So you will see me talk about abundance, sacred business, money, happiness, travel, freedom... and all the rest of it too - on my off days or tough times.

I do so, not out of disconnect, but out of devotion to the ULTIMATE connection.

Connection to Source.
To truth.

And so...

For the liberation of all beings,I Rise.

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