Dolphins and Whales

A prayer for Dolphin Divine Union

As I tuned in to this energy of Divine Union today, I asked the Ascended Mermaid Collective how I can serve… “What wants to come through?”

These gorgeous mermaid beings showed me, that now is the time to revive the energy of the Oceanic Divine Masculine.

Now, let me back up for a bit, to give you some context.

We are all children of Divine Union. Mother Father God. We are fractals of this Divine Union, and inherently have Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies within us.

If you are a merbeing - a soul who considers the ocean, Mother… then you carry a certain 'flavour' of Divine Union codes. You carry what I call, the Dolphin Divine Union Template.

This template is the Oceanic Divine Feminine and Oceanic Divine Masculine, coming together in union.

In the fall of Atlantis, the Oceanic Divine Masculine was targeted. This pure masculine's connection to the Divine Mother was broken down, and reoriented to serve the Patriarchal forces.

(We can see the original Oceanic Divine Masculine's deep love for the Divine Mother in the orcas - sons will stay with their mothers for their entire life)

The thriving of the Oceanic Divine Masculine, is one of the keys to birth the harmonic New Earth.

It is when the Oceanic Divine Feminine + Oceanic Divine Masculine unite, that the waters will have their true custodians. The soul family of water will thrive once more. And when the waters are healed - the world will heal… after all, our bodies are mostly comprised of water. So too is Gaia, mostly water.

And so, I offer a prayer you can say today,

to invite the Oceanic Divine Masculine to rise

and unite with his feminine counterpart.

Please say the following out loud, if you feel called:


I call upon the Oceanic Divine Feminine, and I call upon the Oceanic Divine Masculine of my Higher Self.

I choose to re-activate the Dolphin Divine Union Template within me,

Embodying and reclaiming the pure water codes of love, that my soul knows.

I call upon the full activation of the Oceanic Divine Masculine, across all time, dimension, space and reality.

I pray that the ocean will once more be taken care of, by the Oceanic Divine Masculine,

And I ask that his wounds be washed away by Mother Ocean's grace.

I call upon the full activation of the Oceanic Divine Feminine, across all time, dimension, space and reality.

May she feel safe to love wildly and completely, vulnerably and sensually, as the bliss of Divine Union courses through her.

A holy marriage in the water realms of love.

May my heart now sing the song, that activates the water feminine and water masculine codes within me, and all across this planet - so they may restore the purity of water everywhere, through their powerful love.

May this Divine Union vibrate through every cell and every atom of my body,

And so it is.



If you resonate with this prayer, I have sooooo much more to share with you in Mermaids of the Rose.

We go into a deep meditation to unite these energies, while I share potent teachings on what happened to the Lemurian + Atlantean Oceanic Masculine energies in the fall, and why it matters now. Now is the time for remembrance, now is the time for healing. Join us here!

Who are the Mer?

I begin today's blog with a question…. 

Who are the mer? The mermaids, mermen, and oceanic ones?


The definition I was given is this: 

The mer are those who consider the ocean their mother, on a soul level.


Interestingly enough, as I spend time here in this Lemurian vortex of French Polynesia, where French is the main language spoken, (as well as Tahitian and it's dialects), I reflect on “mer” in this language.


The ‘sea’ and ‘mother’ are the same word in french… with a different spelling. Mer and Mère.


When you say “Une femme de la mer” out loud - it could either translate to “A women of the sea”, or "A woman of the mother.”


And of course, we, the mer, are both. It is the same for us. We are of the sea. And of the mother. Mother ocean. And the greater Divine Mother who birthed us all.


As we dive into our mer-lineage, and soul’s oceanic essence, we begin to activate and weave the lemurian, mermaid, crystalline grids of light through our hearts and cells.


This allows our very real soul’s songs, our siren songs, to emanate, and grow in momentum as they join our oceanic family’s songs in harmony. Including the whales and the dolphins.


From there, this great wave of higher vibrational sound and light, this profound song and symphony, inaudible to physical human ears, but heard in the subtle bodies and atoms - will allow humanity to wake up. Activating the purification process of their water bodies and emotional centers, and allowing for a great and vast awakening to unfold. 


We, as the mer - truly do hold incredible keys for planetary healing.


But we mustn't sleep on it. We can’t give this part of ourselves 2% of our attention. It's no longer enough to just know we're connected to the ocean - it's time to dive into it, and listen to what Mother Ocean has been telling us - reminding us of - all along.


It’s time to honour who we are. And when we do this, it will inform our soul’s mission, DEEPLY! We’ll remember our purpose here, in greater and greater ways.


I’m so happy to give an opportunity to my mermaid sisters, to come together and dive deep into our oceanic codes, through this offering: Mermaids of the Rose.


In this initiation, we’ll journey with those who can awaken our mermaid inheritance deeply: Lemuria, Sirius, and Venus.


It would be an honour to swim in these waters of remembrance with you!

The Dolphin Divine Union Template

🐬  𝒟𝑜𝓁𝓅𝒽𝒾𝓃 𝒟𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝒰𝓃𝒾𝑜𝓃 🐬


In my last blog post, I spoke about a lineage of beings, whom I call the Mermaids of the Rose. During a part of their journey, these souls have been, and are still being - initiated in the Mystery Schools of Venus.


Venusian Priestesses carry the templates of Divine Union within them strongly. (Are you one of them?)


Now - there are different ‘flavours’ of Divine Union. And for those of us who are of the mer, the water ones: we carry what I call the Dolphin Divine Union Template.


This is when the Oceanic Divine Feminine Codes and the Oceanic Divine Masculine Codes, unite in unconditional love in a Vesica Pisces in our sacral chakras. (And beyond) 💦🐬🐚


Those who resonate primarily with another element, such as fire, will hold a different frequency of the Divine Union Templates.


For the mer (mermaids, dolphins, whales, water fae, etc) - this particular template we carry was attacked during the fall of Atlantis.

The purity of the watery womb of the Divine Feminine was ravaged by forced hybridization experiments, and more.


After all this trauma, it’s finally time for the Mermaids of the Rose to reclaim our Dolphin Divine Union Templates and resurrect them, through the power of our sovereign light.


If you feel me on this, I invite you to join us for Mermaids of the Rose - where we’ll be working with Lemuria, Venus and Sirius to awaken our dolphin mermaid energy, and to resurrect the Dolphin Divine Union templates. 


To learn more, and join us for 

Mermaids of the Rose, please go here.


It would be an honour to swim in these waters of remembrance with you!

Mermaids of the Rose

There is a lineage of light, that I call the Mermaids of the Rose.

These souls are mer-beings. Souls who resonate deeply with the water, and the Divine Mother.

🐚 While they come from all over the multi-verse, they travelled to Sirius (or have their origin point there), and many incarnated as water beings within Sirius B. 

🐚 With these oceanic frequencies strongly within them, they voyaged to Venus.

On Venus, they became initiated more deeply into Divine Mother frequencies, through the Mystery Schools of Love.

They further activated their rose templates there, and embodied and emanated codes of Divine Union.

The water ones of Venus resonate with the pearl, and many serve in the lineage of Aphrodite.

🐚 Venus prepared them for their missions on Gaia, where they incarnated into Lemuria. Many came as dolphins, whales, mermaids, water priestesses, and fae.

This lineage of light, the water ones who travelled from Sirius to Venus to Lemuria, are, who I call: the Mermaids of the Rose.



Are you a Mermaid of the Rose?

Mermaids + photographer unknown, please comment below if you know!


If so, I invite you into a journey for the Mermaids of the Rose.


As a lineage, we’re now being asked to awaken our mermaid codes, and activate the Dolphin Divine Union energies we hold within our sacral chakras, and entire beings.


Though these Divine Union templates were brutally attacked during the fall of Atlantis, we still very much hold them.


We are being called to purify these ancient traumas, and become the integrated beings of sovereign light that we are. Lemurian Venusian Priestesses who have come to unite the Oceanic Divine Feminine, and the Oceanic Divine Masculine, once more.

🐚 Is this resonating with you? 🐚

The Medicine of the Orcas

I've just left the Atlantean mountain tops of the Canary Islands (for now), and I'm super grateful for my time there, and for everything it activated within me.

And right now, I'm feeling called to share a musing I had about orcas (or killer whales), while I was there. Orcas hold such potent medicine for us, and I wanted to pass some of that medicine along ~ especially in regards to how orcas can help us heal the wounds of Atlantis, so we can successfully anchor in the next golden age.

So… Let's get into it!

I believe orcas hold major keys for collective healing.

They are the Dark Mother, AND light and joy, embodied in one being.

My remembrance for the reason that Atlantis fell, was the Atlanteans stopped honouring the black womb of the Mother, and the death cycle.

Towards the end - only white, clean, bright, and light, became sacred and holy.

Since then, we haven't been able to anchor in a new golden age, because we haven't found the balance of light and dark.

We haven't been able to integrate it all as one, whole, alive being - that is the Universe.

Image item

The Dark Mother, the Black Madonna - whatever words you want to use - is the one who eats shame and fear, and turns it into coherent energy.

She's able to be everywhere at once, as she composts what others feel is deeply unloveable.

Orcas embody the Dark Mother. They are black, they are killer whales, they are what others would find unpalatable, in their fierceness and relationship with death.

Their latin name Orcinus Orca, can be translated into: “Whale of the kingdom of the dead.”

And yet - they are also dolphins. (The biggest dolphin species)

They are joy. They are love. They have intense family bonds. They embody lightness, too.

In one body, they unify these frequencies. And we can visually see that, in their white and black forms.

May the wisdom of the orcas, be with us as we learn to embody all of who we are!

If you want to go deeper with orca medicine, look out for my next live initiatory journey 'Dolphin Consciousness' - launching next month!

Swimming with the wild dolphins of Africa...

A few weeks ago, I left South Africa for my next adventure ~ to the country northeast, of Mozambique.

It's here I came, with the sole intention of swimming with the wild dolphins, who live off the coast of Mozambique's most southern shores.

I've been hearing the call for many moons now… to go in the direction of the dolphins and whales.

To claim my essence as a dolphin being, and to also honour that my business is called to go in a new direction, and focus more strongly on transmitting dolphin consciousness.

So, of course it made sense to me, to go and mentor with the dolphins, physically. To be in the water with them, and then to meditate with them on land, as I learned more about this purpose unfolding.

Yesterday, I went for my 5th swim with the dolphins. We never know what's going to happen when we go out on the boat ~ as they are wild animals. We may see them, we may not, they may be in the mood to interact with us and play, or they may not.

After we left the shore, and began searching for the local pods who live here, we quickly found a large pod swimming, not so far from the little village we launched from.

We stopped the boat, and slipped into the water with our snorkel gear on ~ and that day ~ the dolphins did indeed want to play with us!

Being in the water with many wild dolphins, coming very very close to you, and looking you in the eyes ~ is a pretty surreal experience. It's one I'm very honoured to be able to have.

Yet all the stories I've heard, of people swimming with the dolphins ~ are shared from a place of feeling euphoric and blissed out while with them.

For me, I've definitely felt some of those feelings, but also ~ keep in mind these are master healers, and embodiments of Christ Consciousness.

Just like with any energy of pure and powerful light ~ as humans, it will bring stuff up and out, to be purified.

So as I was swimming yesterday, I was having trouble with my snorkel gear. I kept getting water in my mouth and the whole thing just felt super uncomfortable. I was getting frustrated, and in that moment, I silently said to the dolphins… “Please help me.”

It wasn't just that moment that I wanted help with. I was asking for help with simply being human. As you know ~ it's not the easiest experience to have ~ and I was feeling the density being brought up.

A few seconds after I asked for help, one dolphin came to swim straight at me. It swam basically in a line up to my face, all the while vocalizing and emitting it's sonar frequencies right into my head. It swam about a foot away from me, and then veered to my right.

About a minute later, it came back and did the exact same thing.

I had the strong feeling it heard my request for help, and was offering it's healing, reading exactly what I needed.




Yesterday, I definitely felt the emotional connection with the dolphins, in a new way. I felt they genuinely care about people and love us so much, and are here to listen and help.

We can connect with the dolphins physically ~ like I did yesterday, and that's truly an amazing experience ~ but we can also connect with the dolphins etherically, which actually can be just as powerful.

Dolphins are multi-dimensional beings, of a very high frequency. We can call upon the collective consciousness of these beings for help, guidance, and healing ~ similarly to how we would ask an Ascended Master or Angel for help. The same goes for whales as well.

There is so much to share, and I'm so grateful to be stepping on to this path and claiming my role as an emissary for the dolphins, as I support the transmission of their messages and frequencies on to land.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple is a flourishing online women’s circle, and we’d love to have you!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! I post a lot more magic on IG, and I would love to connect with you there! Find me at @the.dolphin.rose.temple

How to connect with dolphins

Dolphins carry the frequency of Christ Consciousness, which very powerfully emanates from their hearts.

It may seem like the best way to connect with the dolphins is to be at the ocean, and see them, or even swim with them.

While this is powerful, it’s important to understand that dolphins are multi-dimensional beings - and can be very easily connected with - no matter where you are.

You can search for dolphin sounds on YouTube - play them… (an optional step)

Then ask ‘Dolphins of divine light, I call upon you. I ask to connect with your consciousness now. Please make your teachings available to me.

Help me live in embodied joy, like you do. Thank you. 🐬🙏’

Now close your eyes, and just breathe. Focus on your heart and relax. Trust that the dolphins are with you and are guiding you.

Like many of us work with ascended masters and angels, we can work with the dolphins.

They are here to support our awakening and ascension, and hold a field of unconditional love.

Do you love dolphins? Let me know in the comments below!

Want to connect more deeply with the dolphins?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Visiting Atlantis Guided Meditation

Visit Atlantis through meditation and receive activations, downloads, and healings from Atlantean beings who come with unconditional love. Download this Atlantis meditation as an mp3 for free here.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple