
Mermaids of the Rose

There is a lineage of light, that I call the Mermaids of the Rose.

These souls are mer-beings. Souls who resonate deeply with the water, and the Divine Mother.

🐚 While they come from all over the multi-verse, they travelled to Sirius (or have their origin point there), and many incarnated as water beings within Sirius B. 

🐚 With these oceanic frequencies strongly within them, they voyaged to Venus.

On Venus, they became initiated more deeply into Divine Mother frequencies, through the Mystery Schools of Love.

They further activated their rose templates there, and embodied and emanated codes of Divine Union.

The water ones of Venus resonate with the pearl, and many serve in the lineage of Aphrodite.

🐚 Venus prepared them for their missions on Gaia, where they incarnated into Lemuria. Many came as dolphins, whales, mermaids, water priestesses, and fae.

This lineage of light, the water ones who travelled from Sirius to Venus to Lemuria, are, who I call: the Mermaids of the Rose.



Are you a Mermaid of the Rose?

Mermaids + photographer unknown, please comment below if you know!


If so, I invite you into a journey for the Mermaids of the Rose.


As a lineage, we’re now being asked to awaken our mermaid codes, and activate the Dolphin Divine Union energies we hold within our sacral chakras, and entire beings.


Though these Divine Union templates were brutally attacked during the fall of Atlantis, we still very much hold them.


We are being called to purify these ancient traumas, and become the integrated beings of sovereign light that we are. Lemurian Venusian Priestesses who have come to unite the Oceanic Divine Feminine, and the Oceanic Divine Masculine, once more.

🐚 Is this resonating with you? 🐚

Sirian Water Code Activation

We're now in the peak of the Sirian Gateway, which happens annually from around July 3rd to the 7th. (This stargate is created by the Sun being conjunct to Sirius.)

What does this mean?

In short, that our “light bridge” to Sirius, becomes stronger and more open, on these days.

That during this time, we can more easily connect with the frequencies of Sirius, and receive them to activate our DNA, and connect more deeply to our Sirian guides.

I wanted to offer you this Sirian Water Code Activation Ritual, to support you to receive the Sirian codes coming through at this time. This ritual came through to me after I'd got out of the ocean today!

In this ritual, we'll be working with the blue ray of Sirius, and with the crystalline Sirian water codes.

As you read through this ritual, know that you can change it according to your intuition. You can leave certain things out, and add other pieces in, if you feel called!

You can spend just 10 minutes in this ceremony ~ or ~ you can spend an hour going deep! Whatever you feel inspired to do.

You'll want to do this ceremony, ideally, between now and July 7th to ~ however, you can actually do this at any time. It's just that it will be supercharged at this time.

For this ceremony, you'll need:

💧Sacred, soothing music (optional)

💧A candle (or candles)

💧A lighter / matches

💧A glass of drinking water

And here's how to create the ceremony…

Sirian Water Code Activation

💧 Optional: Play your music.

💧Open ceremonial space. You can do this in many ways! Some like to call in the directions, some like to call in the Archangels, some like to work with the Sophia Dragon Tribe, some like to cast a circle of salt with prayer. If you don't have a way you love of opening sacred space, you can say:

“I call upon Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Gabriel now. Thank you for surrounding me with light. I call upon Isis, Mother Mary, and Hathor now. Thank you for blessing and opening my heart. I call upon my Higher Self, to fill every cell of my being, with light, now. Thank you Higher Self for co-creating a sacred space with the angels and masters, who are present. And so it is.”

Since we are working with Sirius in this ritual, you can then say:

I call upon the Sirian Masters of Light, the Sirian Archangels, the Dolphins and Lion Beings of Sirius, and all of my Sirian guides and angels of the highest light, to join me here, now. I call upon the blue ray of Sirius, and ask the Sirian blue light, to fill this sacred space now!”

💧Light a candle (or several). At the moment you light the flame, say: “I call the light of Sirius to this space now!”

Take several moments to breathe deeply, and focus on your heart. Now - see a brilliant bright blue light coming from Sirius high above you. See a pillar being formed, from this light, that goes through your body, and into the crystalline core of Gaia. See all of your cells filled with blue light. See your aura filled with blue light.

Breathe here in this visualization for as long as you'd like.

💧When you're ready to open your eyes, take the water in your hands and say: “I activate the Sirian light codes in this water. I activate the crystalline Sirian water codes. Water - light up, with the crystalline light codes of Sirius! Water - light up, with the songs, sounds, and sacred geometries of the dolphins and the whales! Thank you water!”

Take a deep breath, and drink from this water.

Now, place your hands on your body, and connect with the waters of your body! Then declare: “I activate the Sirian light codes in the waters of my body! I activate the crystalline Sirian water codes, within the waters of my body! Water in my body - light up, with the crystalline light codes of Sirius! Water in my body - light up, with the songs, sounds, and sacred geometries of the dolphins and the whales! Thank you water!”

Take a deep breath, and feel the waters of your body activating, and lighting up.

💧Now say, as many times as you'd like: “I open to receive the highest light codes of Sirius, that are available to me now! (x3). I integrate these light codes with ease and grace.”

💧Breathe and receive for as long as you'd like. Visualize the blue light filling you, and surrounding you. You can offer any prayers or make any request for help or guidance, at this time.

💧Take a moment, to send a blue ray of light, from your heart, outward, to bless the world, and to bless all beings.

💧When you're ready to close the ceremony, you can say “It is done, it is done, it is done. And so it is!”

Yayyyy! The ceremony is now complete, if you didn't drink all the water from your ceremony, you can drink it throughout the day or night, knowing that you're drinking activated water!

This is a powerful ceremony. The blue light of Sirius is really powerful. Hold yourself in that field for as long as feels right, and now that even just 30 seconds of this visual could be enough. You may be called to bathe in it for much longer. Do what feels right. Blue light is very powerful.

The Sirian Masters of Light Are Calling You

Right now, you've probably felt - the earth is going through some MAJOR upgrades. There is a lot of light being anchored on this planet, and with that - alot of shifts, purifications, cleansings, and activations. If life feels extra potent this year - it's not just you - it's the whole planet.

Ok, now for story-time about these lion beings...

Earlier today, I was digging my heels in. I had resistance in my body - and I felt it most noticeably in my womb. So I went up to meditate and watch the sunset at this amazing spot I found here in Greece - and that's when the waterworks came.

I spent a good 10 minutes crying as my womb opened up and let me know she was so sick of being suppressed.

Then I felt 2 white lion beings from Sirius behind me, who shared with me powerful urges to communicate what I will be sharing...

Let's backtrack...

I was asked on the 8/8/18 Lion's Gate Portal to offer Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray again.

The 8/8 portal is when the star Sirius returns from it's underworld journey, and is visible once more.

My understating is, it was also the Ancient Egyptian New Year and coincides with the flooding of the Nile. Sirius was a very important star for the Ancient Egyptians. This was (and is) - the star of Isis. It is a star system where Lion Beings come from, who are very powerful and benevolent. Lions played a key role in Ancient Egyptian society - even beyond recorded times - both in the physical and in the etheric. Also - Sirius looks blue from Earth. It is known as the blue dog star.

So you can see how Sirius connects to Lions, Blue, and Isis, in a (very quick) nutshell.

As I was standing in a lake, at dark, on the 8/8 portal, swaying with the water - it became very clear to me that I was to offer this Medicine Keepers journey again. This is primarily an experience with Archangel Michael, who works with the Blue Ray - but so much more has been revealed to me since then.

One of the reasons I am being asked to facilitate this 4 month experience is because the Sirian Lion Beings and elders have frequency to anchor onto this planet - and they need our help. As those who are called step forth, and work deeply with Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray deeply, our fields will begin to be embodied with blue light. They will be activated sufficiently, and this blue light will be grounded into the earth - so much so that the Sirian Lion Beings + Masters of Light can come and anchor in the frequencies and codes that are needed for this planet's ascension through us.

If you are feeling really resonant with these words + images, maybe you even have goosebumps, or chills, or perhaps just a feeling of deep intrigue - you might be being called into Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray. Either that, or you are being called to reach out on your own directly to the Sirian Lion Beings and ask for further instruction.

Remember earlier today, when my womb was all like... "Yo I AM SICK OF BEING SUPPRESSED." - This is partially what she was talking about.

My work is multi-dimensional. It is not so that you can have little shifts in your life, in an energy where you are in your small self - and just want more money, just want a nice relationship, and just want a nice, tidy, life. That is not what Im here for. And my womb was like - 'Can you not try to meet people in that place, that would be great, k thanks.'

My work flows through me to activate people very, very deeply- and it is very esoteric in nature.

You are here to shift the planet with your DEEP power - I see it, I know it. You're a cosmic rockstar.

This offering and all of my offerings are intended to light you up from the inside out so you are so fierce about that.

And YES we work with multi-dimensional beings, and YES we work with the gridlines of the planets, and YES we go DEEP.

My womb would also like me to stop trying to downplay or tidy up the work with multi-dimensional beings that I do - fearing it will be too much for people (Oh hi ancient persecution wounds, nice to see you again!).

So there you have it. The lion beings of Sirius are reaching out to you. They are telling me, that you wouldn't have opened up this e-mail if they weren't specifically trying to reach YOU. Whether or not they are asking you to be apart of our activation crew known as the Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray - is only something your Higher Self can tell you, in communication with them and Archangel Michael, who works closely with them.

So if you feel inclined, and magical, and brave, and badass, ANSWER their call - ask them what it is they want:

"Sirian Lion Beings, I am open to your guidance and your activations now. What is it that you want from me? Why are you reaching out? Can I do something for you? Please come to me in my dreamtime to let me know, and through my coming days."

Ok, if you read this far - you rock. And if you really want to feel this energy as a transmission, please watch the following video:

I am a being of the Blue Ray

I am a being of the blue ray.

Electric blue fire runs in my soul.

I resonate with Sirius, Dolphin, Whale + Lion Consciousness, and Archangel Michael.

I’m an activator, and an initiator.

I can be intense,

And when you sit in front of me and ask for a transmission,

I will demand nothing less than soul alignment,

Because the blue ray’s medicine is Divine Will, and the warrior courage to be in full alignment with the soul’s truth.


When I started offering transmissions from this place,

Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray,

And Dolphin Consciousness,

I couldn’t believe how many people signed up.

They came because I was finally transmitting the codes of my essence,

The frequency was magnetic, because it was in alignment.


You my dear, are also a badass, with some equally incredible medicine to share.

And I’m inviting you into the halls of your own soul, so you can remember even more deeply who you are, and why you’re here.

What frequency or ray are you a medicine keeper for?

And can you offer that frequency in an offering in your business, from a place of essence?

Because that’s when it will all start to make sense.

That’s where soul success + financial success start to speak the same language.


To give a f*ck about a pretty Instagram feed, or not... That is the question!


For years, I've gone back and forth on creating a beautiful and coordinated instagram feed - and brand - overall.

Sometimes I have so much fun creating imagery - using colours and symbols that just make my inner child go... Yayyyyyyy 😄

Other times, I go all rebellious and 'fuck the system-y' and say: "Whatevz, I have a message to say and this dark, grainy, selfie can go along with it 'cause I don't need to be a perfect, glossy, primed Priestess."

Well... Let me tell you a magical story that might have solved my conundrum once and for all.

I was meditating on the 12-12 portal, when Archangel Metatron came through. After telling me many a thing, 'he' turned his focus to my business, and imagery.

He said, when I share the imagery, colours, and the essence of my soul vibration - that is how I magnetize soul-mate clients to me. Because they are of a similar soul resonance, and feel themselves in my work.

I've known for a long time, lilac and turquoise are my JAM! Any time I see those colours, I go cray. Never mind when I see them TOGETHER! 🤩 I'm also deeply connected to mermaids, whales, dolphins, the ocean, and crystals.

So I was shown, when I share imagery that contains these frequencies, not only am I making my soul vair vair happy, I'm also making it clear to my soul family, and soul-mate clients, when they land on my feed or website... "This is for you! This IS you!" 🐬

So... rather than get all in your head about how to present yourself online... What if you took Archangel Metatron's advice?

What colours and symbols does your soul resonate with? What if you used those as the primary frequencies in your branding?

Would that feel authentic and fun? Would you LOVE seeing your feed, not because it was perfect according to some marketing guru's standards... but because it was in fact, perfect for your soul, and your soul-mate clients?

Wahoo! 🐬🤩

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

I am a being of the blue ray...


I am a being of the blue ray. I resonate with mermaids, dolphins, whales, music, vibration, and sacred geometry. My soul works closely with beings from Sirius, with Archangel Michael and Isis- who work within the blue ray as well.

I am here to activate the blue in people's energy fields, and especially my fellow blue rays. We are activators and awakeners. When we align with violet and vibrate with the blue violet ray, all bullshit is cut through, and transmuted. We are like Kali.

It is important that we awaken to our true multi-dimensional natures, for it is only then that our life missions can truly unfold. Blue ray beings are meant to work with their spiritual support system in the other realms.

I can show you how to work with the blue ray, especially the blue violet ray, and Archangel Michael to transform your life, wake up out of illusion, over and over again, and to step into the leadership roles you know you are here to take on. Your soul mission and meaningful achievements you wish to co-create will not come through striving. They will come through being an activated being who identifies with the light of your highest truth. You will magnetize all you need towards you with this activated energy field. Including soul family, money, and opportunities for leadership. Guidance will come to you easily with your clear energy, which has been activated and upgraded with the blue violet ray.

Join me for a free course on learning to work with Archangel Michael and the Blue Violet Ray here.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple



The story behind my snake tattoo...


I often get compliments and questions about my tattoo, the serpent coiled around my left arm, with roses and a lotus. ☥

"What does it mean?" - people ask. I rarely answer with the whole story, actually I don't think I ever have. Most of the time I simply say, "It represents my spiritual path."

Today I'd actually like to explain my tattoo, and how it came about. 

Several years ago, I was dancing at a really amazing party with a really amazing DJ, and was in a very expanded state. As I danced, I literally felt a symbol, a frequency - a packet of information, if you will - drop from the sky, and download into my body through my crown chakra. 

It was a tattoo of a snake, wrapped around my upper left arm. I knew I was to get it marked on me. 

Honestly, I cant remember if in that moment I knew the symbolism of the design, and how it connected to the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis. I just knew it was to happen. 

Now I know, that the ancient Priestesses of Isis, who could be found through Ancient Egypt, Greece, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, France, and far beyond - wore golden serpent armbands to signify their initiate statuses in the Ancient Mystery Schools of Isis (+ Hathor). 

You can find these ancient armbands throughout museums. I was lucky enough to see many in the Egyptian section of the Athens museum, and had a lot of remembrance come through in those moments. 

It would be years from the moment I downloaded the snake, to when I finally got it tattoed around my arm. 

I knew that getting the tattoo was a big commitment. And an honour. I didn't take it lightly. I knew when I got it, I would be initiated more deeply into my Priestess path, and into Snake medicine. And I was right. I got it 2 days before I hopped on a plane and flew to Peru, to sit with Ayahuasca, and to then wonder through ancient temples throughout the Andes. 

The roses in my tattoo connect to the Magdalene, and the ancient order of the Sisterhood of the Rose. The Magdalenes are Priestesses of Isis. 

Isis is an Ascended Master mentor. As Priestesses of Isis, we don't worship her. We embody the frequencies that she is a cosmic mother to. We learn sacred Priestess arts through her. We act as midwives through the veils, with her as a teacher and friend.

Isis hails to Earth from the star cluster, Sirius. The blue star in the sky, the brightest one. 

Her frequency weaved through Ancient Atlantis, seeding orders and Mystery Schools there, before moving on to Ancient Egypt after Atlantis was 'destroyed'. 

Isis ushered Egypt into a Golden Age, where it's citizens knew themselves as sovereign and unlimited. 

After Isis ascended, Mystery Schools still flourished with her teachings. 


Isis is an emanation of Sophia, Mother Father God, Creatrix of all life. Again, Isis was never worshipped in these Mystery Schools. 

The initiate was seen as a powerful soul in her or his own right, and was training to embody their Higher Selves in human form, thereby accessing multi-dimensional powers and awareness. 

The path of the initiate was rigorous, yet profoundly rewarding. The Priestesses (and Priests) of the Ancient Mystery Schools were spiritual leaders, healers, and frequency holders. 

Then, as the cycle of time turned, Egypt began it's descent. People were lead astray. They forgot about their own inherent power, and Isis was deified. Rather than seen as an equal and a mentor, in the hearts of her people, she was thought of as a Goddess, an unattainable figure only royalty and highly trained initiates had access to. 

And after this long descent that spread through Egypt, and then, the whole world...

...The Priestesses of Isis have returned again. 

This time, to seed a new golden age. 

From our origins in Sirius and beyond, throughout our lifetimes in Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, and reaching into today, we are waking up to who we truly are. 

I feel an urgent, yet simultaneously patient and loving call from Isis: "Awaken sisters."

Even though it's tempting to spend our days numbing out, or distracting ourselves, because deep down we know our missions are so damn big, and we're not sure what to do about it... It's time to rise. 

Let us sit in ceremony. 
Let us enter the ancient halls of remembrance. 

Ancient Egypt did not die. 
It lives within us, 
In the inner temples. 

The ancient temples were always gateways to inner temples. 
They are still very much alive, inside of us.

It's time to access this. 
It's time to continue our mentorship with Isis. 

It's time. 

You are more than who you've yet remembered yourself to be. 

You are my Priestess sister. 

Ancient powerful one. 

And I witness the fire inside of you, 
That has come to heal.
Yourself first, 
And then, 
All beings. 

☥ May we remember. ☥

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple