Ancient Egypt

The story behind my snake tattoo...


I often get compliments and questions about my tattoo, the serpent coiled around my left arm, with roses and a lotus. ☥

"What does it mean?" - people ask. I rarely answer with the whole story, actually I don't think I ever have. Most of the time I simply say, "It represents my spiritual path."

Today I'd actually like to explain my tattoo, and how it came about. 

Several years ago, I was dancing at a really amazing party with a really amazing DJ, and was in a very expanded state. As I danced, I literally felt a symbol, a frequency - a packet of information, if you will - drop from the sky, and download into my body through my crown chakra. 

It was a tattoo of a snake, wrapped around my upper left arm. I knew I was to get it marked on me. 

Honestly, I cant remember if in that moment I knew the symbolism of the design, and how it connected to the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis. I just knew it was to happen. 

Now I know, that the ancient Priestesses of Isis, who could be found through Ancient Egypt, Greece, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, France, and far beyond - wore golden serpent armbands to signify their initiate statuses in the Ancient Mystery Schools of Isis (+ Hathor). 

You can find these ancient armbands throughout museums. I was lucky enough to see many in the Egyptian section of the Athens museum, and had a lot of remembrance come through in those moments. 

It would be years from the moment I downloaded the snake, to when I finally got it tattoed around my arm. 

I knew that getting the tattoo was a big commitment. And an honour. I didn't take it lightly. I knew when I got it, I would be initiated more deeply into my Priestess path, and into Snake medicine. And I was right. I got it 2 days before I hopped on a plane and flew to Peru, to sit with Ayahuasca, and to then wonder through ancient temples throughout the Andes. 

The roses in my tattoo connect to the Magdalene, and the ancient order of the Sisterhood of the Rose. The Magdalenes are Priestesses of Isis. 

Isis is an Ascended Master mentor. As Priestesses of Isis, we don't worship her. We embody the frequencies that she is a cosmic mother to. We learn sacred Priestess arts through her. We act as midwives through the veils, with her as a teacher and friend.

Isis hails to Earth from the star cluster, Sirius. The blue star in the sky, the brightest one. 

Her frequency weaved through Ancient Atlantis, seeding orders and Mystery Schools there, before moving on to Ancient Egypt after Atlantis was 'destroyed'. 

Isis ushered Egypt into a Golden Age, where it's citizens knew themselves as sovereign and unlimited. 

After Isis ascended, Mystery Schools still flourished with her teachings. 


Isis is an emanation of Sophia, Mother Father God, Creatrix of all life. Again, Isis was never worshipped in these Mystery Schools. 

The initiate was seen as a powerful soul in her or his own right, and was training to embody their Higher Selves in human form, thereby accessing multi-dimensional powers and awareness. 

The path of the initiate was rigorous, yet profoundly rewarding. The Priestesses (and Priests) of the Ancient Mystery Schools were spiritual leaders, healers, and frequency holders. 

Then, as the cycle of time turned, Egypt began it's descent. People were lead astray. They forgot about their own inherent power, and Isis was deified. Rather than seen as an equal and a mentor, in the hearts of her people, she was thought of as a Goddess, an unattainable figure only royalty and highly trained initiates had access to. 

And after this long descent that spread through Egypt, and then, the whole world...

...The Priestesses of Isis have returned again. 

This time, to seed a new golden age. 

From our origins in Sirius and beyond, throughout our lifetimes in Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, and reaching into today, we are waking up to who we truly are. 

I feel an urgent, yet simultaneously patient and loving call from Isis: "Awaken sisters."

Even though it's tempting to spend our days numbing out, or distracting ourselves, because deep down we know our missions are so damn big, and we're not sure what to do about it... It's time to rise. 

Let us sit in ceremony. 
Let us enter the ancient halls of remembrance. 

Ancient Egypt did not die. 
It lives within us, 
In the inner temples. 

The ancient temples were always gateways to inner temples. 
They are still very much alive, inside of us.

It's time to access this. 
It's time to continue our mentorship with Isis. 

It's time. 

You are more than who you've yet remembered yourself to be. 

You are my Priestess sister. 

Ancient powerful one. 

And I witness the fire inside of you, 
That has come to heal.
Yourself first, 
And then, 
All beings. 

☥ May we remember. ☥

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In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

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My Unexpected Magdalene Pilgrimage...


I didn’t intend to set out on a Magdalene pilgrimage. That summer, before I left, all I knew was I needed to get to Greece. I had booked a Priestress training with my mentor Eden in California, and intended to fly to Europe after that. 

Once I got to Europe, I began my travels through the south of Spain, and after a few weeks, finally landed in Greece. 

Greece was beyond anything I could have imagined. I fell so in love with the lands and waters… remembering them as home from other lifetimes. 

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But the wifi in Greece was not the best. I was trying to run my online based business, and had run into difficulties with the internet in both Spain and Greece. When I searched for help, few people could understand my need for fast wifi, and I started researching. I wanted to find a space where I could commune with other entrepreneurs, who lived a similar lifestyle as I did. I needed fast wifi to do live videos and ceremonies. 

And that’s when I found Dahab, Egypt. 

So, funnily enough, it wasn’t the temples or the pyramids that brought me to Egypt (consciously anyway…), it was a co-working space, set on the shores of the Red Sea. It promised fast wi-fi, a community of entrepreneurs, and views of the sea from our desks. Dahab was an ancient outpost of the Bedouin tribes, and was now attracting a lot of free spirits to experience it’s snorkeling, scuba diving, and laid-back energy. I was in!

My last stop in Greece, before I flew to Egypt, was Delphi - an ancient mecca of Priestess consciousness, and the spiritual centre of Ancient Greece. 

As I sat there in Delphi, activated and full of remembrance of ancient times, I waited for the very modern bus to take me to the airport in Athens. As I sat at the bus stop, I couldn’t believe it. Previously, I had no plans to visit Egypt on this trip. But here I was, mere hours away from returning to the Middle East, a place I’d lived as a child, and a place I remembered deep in my bones from lives past. 

As I landed in Egypt, the Middle East radiated through me. From the moment I arrived, everything was potent. It was challenging to be there. There was so much energy moving through me, so much activation. It felt really intense. It was also strange and sad to remember the magic of the ancient times, juxtaposed with the profound Patriarchal culture that had woven it’s way through the deserts and mountains. 

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While in Dahab, I had no plans to leave. I thought I was simply there to work on a project, and soak up the Middle East. I thought the pyramids and the temples would be for another trip. In some ways, I didn’t feel ready. 

But then… 

I watched a video of a spiritual teacher I follow. It was from years ago, but in it, she was standing in front of the pyramids, describing the frequency, and the power of the structures.

I felt it. 
I knew it. 
I had to go. 

Within 24 hours I was on a night bus to Cairo. 

And that’s when my Magdalene Pilgrimage began. 

I went alone, as I often do. 

I sat on the bus for 8 hours, crossing many gateways with guards carrying machine guns. 

Coming into Cairo was one of the strangest experiences of my life. Groggy from an overnight bus, I looked out the windows to see the lands come into view, in the morning light. 

Sand, dust, grey, beige, everywhere. And then - Cairo. Derelict buildings stood, in the same desert colours, washed out by sand. But these buildings were still inhabited. The levels of poverty I witnessed were profound. 

The city had a sort of chaotic desert madness to it. I’ve been a lot of places. I’ve traveled to South Africa on my own, Asia, South America, Central America, Australia, Europe, the States… and I’ve never experienced culture shock like I did when I got to Cairo. I felt like I was in another world. 

I felt a mix of being extremely uncomfortable, and like I was on a supreme mission. Im a nature girl. The chaos of the city, and the lack of any green life overwhelmed me, coupled with the fact that I was in a very conservative place as a solo female. 

And yet, I felt a sense of rightness. A magnetic pull to be in the frequency of the pyramids. 

Once I got off the bus, my Airbnb host picked me up, and took me to my apartment for the next 3 days. 

And that’s when I first saw the pyramids. 


Nothing can really prepare you for seeing the pyramids. Especially if you’ve always felt a connection with Ancient Egypt. 

My apartment looked over a golf course right under the pyramids, and for 3 days, I had a very close, direct view, of them. 

Jeshua and Mary Magdalene were initiated in the Great Pyramid
, as well as many other initiates of Isis and other sacred orders. They carry a frequency that goes well past the 3rd dimensional reality we can see. 

And quite frankly, they activated the shit out of me. 

… To be continued. 

In part 2 and 3 of my Magdalene Pilgrimage adventures I will continue my journey through Egypt, and then through Israel and the South of France. 

Why I cried in the Louvre in Paris...


I walked into the Louvre with one single intent: to visit the Ancient Egyptian collection. As I passed through the famed glass pyramid and descended into the matrix that is the museum, I marveled at the sheer breadth of this storehouse of antiquities. 

Walking through collection after collection, I did not stop until I reached the green sign that let me know that I’d found my intended location: The home of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities. 

My eyes immediately found the eye of Horus, painted and shaped with turquoise and black. I meandered then into the next room, which housed ancient sarcophagi - most painted with Isis, the Ancient Egyptian Mother Goddess who lives still, in and through, so many of us. 

As I gazed into the images painted on the ancient wood, I felt my heart connect with the Ancients. A well of emotion rose within me and I started crying, quickly wrapping my pink scarf around my head to give me a bit of privacy, as fellow museum-goers moved all around me. In the well of emotion, I knew something to be true - I missed Egypt. What Egypt was. I desperately missed life among my Priestesses and brothers of Isis and Hathor, Osiris and Horus. My heart broke open, until I was reminded of something Mary Magdalane told me etherically while in her Grotto in Southern France, “don’t long for the past, the present houses what you truly desire and need”. 

I breathed in and continued to walk around the room. Again I stared at another image of Isis, and was met by a wave of remembrance. This time, the remembrance showed me hatred I still carried in my being, which still deeply affected me to this day. It is hard to admit, but I hated my sisters in that moment. Not all of them. But I remembered the dissolving of the sanctuaries we’d created, how some women chose to “sell out”, in the terminology we use today. How they paraded their positions of power or Priestessing to the Patriarchal elite, for safety, luxury, or more power, diminishing the true aspect of who we were as devotees to the Divine Feminine. Confusing the publics view of how to return home to the heart space, and convoluting everything we had worked for. 


Again, I started crying, as I am now as I type this. I felt where I had stored this hatred, deep in my root chakra. I felt how this comes up in my life as Im wary of fellow sisters, especially those in a position of leadership, as I now understood on deeper levels, I subconsciously question the integrity of many whom I meet. 

I also noticed the way I judge this pattern in me. Part of me enacting the fear, and part of me judging it, because that’s not the way I’m supposed to relate to my fellow women. 

All of this came up and I wept, but after I left the Louvre, I knew something had been cleared. I remembered more of myself. And I know that something was lifted yesterday. I know I’ll continue to see remnants of this pattern come up in my life - mistrust in powerful sisters - but now I can have more compassion for this shadow side, because I know it’s not from a place of malevolence. Deep down, it’s from a desire for clarity, and integrity. And in compassion for my shadow, I can heal it. 

Blessings be to all beings, and may we open to the true codes of remembrance that are offered to us, everyday.