Archangel Michael

What is the Blue Violet Ray?

Woah baby! I feel called to share about the Blue Violet Ray with you, as I've just been in conversation with Archangel Michael, and some galactic forces who emanate the blue ray.

They're saying humanity is very much ready for the frequency of the Blue Ray, and Blue Violet Ray.

So let's get started on the foundational question:

What is the Blue Violet Ray?

This ray is - as the name suggests - a combination of Blue Light, and Violet Light. I would say about 82% blue, and 18% violet, if I'm being really specific.

Every light ray of Source has different properties - for example, a Ruby Red Ray has a very grounding effect, resonates with the Great Mother, and can offer feelings of safety, and security, when worked with in someone who is deficient in the Red Ray frequencies.

Now - let's explore what Blue and Violet do on their own:

The Blue Ray - the Blue Ray has many rays that emanate from it, including turquoise, and midnight blue, but from my perspective, the home temple of the Blue Ray is sapphire blue. This sapphire blue colour, is the colour of truth. It supports people to communicate directly with their souls, opening the dialogue between one's true self, and human self. The true self, shares the truth with the help of the Blue Ray as a bridge to the person's human consciousness, and allowing the soul consciousness + human self to merge more deeply together. Blue is many things - but for now - let's keep it simple, and say that sapphire blue is Truth.

The Violet Ray - this is a ray of transmutation. It takes lower level frequencies and purifies them through the potentized power of forgiveness and compassion - resulting in a more refined frequency of the light - a return to Source consciousness. Again - Violet is many things - but for now, for simplicity - let's say that Violet is Transmutation.

So what happens when you put Truth & Transmutation together?

Well - the Blue enables you to see, feel, hear, and know the truth, through your Higher Self's lensing.

And the Violet transmutes the fear that may get in the way of you fully receiving, and following through on that truth.

So they are a powerful combination, indeed.

Example, blue reveals the truth: that your Higher Self sees your job is not serving you, and wants you to fully commit to your spiritual business. But there is fear around money + safety. The violet clears the fear around this, so you're more free to follow your soul's guidance with confidence.

Now, I'd like to speak about a process in which you can work with the Blue Violet ray, that the Blue Ray Masters of Light, have shared with me.

Blue Violet Medicine for Clearing Density & Ancestral Issues in the Lower Chakras

Resulting in Lower Chakras filled with more light, and allowing you to follow through in this now, on your soul's mission, dreams, soul's goals, and callings.

  1. Close your eyes and connect with your breath, taking a few moments to allow yourself to feel centered and grounded. Let the breathe help you release what you've been thinking about moments earlier. Be in the present moment.

  2. Call upon Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light for assistance. “Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Thank you for brining the Blue Violet Ray into my lower chakras. I am ready to change and open up to the Divinity within me, that is me.

  3. Visualize the Blue Violet Ray penetrating your lower body: sacral + root chakras, legs, feet, earth star chakra below your feet, and in the aura surrounding them.

  4. Allow the Blue Violet Ray to penetrate this area for no less than 3 minutes for a full transformation. 3 minutes is good, do more if you're called. The Blue Violet ray is powerful and work quickly.

  5. While you see the Blue Violet Ray doing it's thing, you may repeat the simple mantra “Archangel Michael, I receive your light" over and over again, to keep your thoughts centered on the process.

  6. When you feel complete, thank Archangel Michael, and send a grounding cord or tree roots, into the soil, and down into the crystalline core of Gaia. You may also wish to bathe yourself in golden light from the Great Central Sun, and allow it to permeate your cells, to support full body integration of this upgrade and healing.

And there you have it!

This process is powerful - but can you imagine what it would be like, to access an entire course of Blue Violet Ray medicine?

Woah baby! I'm talking 15 hours of video content, 14 guided meditations, and 4 PDFs of channeled invocations, devoted to your activation with Blue and Blue Violet.

That's a total transformation - right there! Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray - is now available as a self-paced journey.

Inside this journey? Sirius. Archangel Michael. Water. Isis. Hathor. Whales & Dolphins. Lions.

You also have the option to add on a private Blue Ray activation and Angelic reading with me!


Do you have a soul contract with Archangel Michael?

I believe we come into this life as part of A TEAM! We've made agreements with certain Ascended Masters or Archangels who we have a strong connection to, as we serve the Divine Plan and the liberation of all beings.

I believe, this is one of the reasons we're seeing such a rise in women speaking about Mary Magdalene, and offering journeys with her... In my view, many of these beings have an agreement with her, and are on her team. They work together, multi-dimensionally.

My strongest agreement, or soul contract, feels like it's with Archangel Michael. I feel like I work for him. Not in the hierarchal sense, but I work for the mission of Archangel Michael, and I believe there is an aspect of Michael that lives inside of me.

Do you have an agreement with Archangel Michael too? Or perhaps other beings? Watch this video to find out!

Ps. Learn more about Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray here! An initiation into the Blue Ray and working with Archangel Michael.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Learn to work with Archangel Michael more deeply , in this free 4 day mini-course!

In this journey, you'll dive deep into meditation with Archangel Michael, to align with your soul’s mission, and receive guidance on how to confidently step forward on your path.

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

The Sirian Masters of Light Are Calling You

Right now, you've probably felt - the earth is going through some MAJOR upgrades. There is a lot of light being anchored on this planet, and with that - alot of shifts, purifications, cleansings, and activations. If life feels extra potent this year - it's not just you - it's the whole planet.

Ok, now for story-time about these lion beings...

Earlier today, I was digging my heels in. I had resistance in my body - and I felt it most noticeably in my womb. So I went up to meditate and watch the sunset at this amazing spot I found here in Greece - and that's when the waterworks came.

I spent a good 10 minutes crying as my womb opened up and let me know she was so sick of being suppressed.

Then I felt 2 white lion beings from Sirius behind me, who shared with me powerful urges to communicate what I will be sharing...

Let's backtrack...

I was asked on the 8/8/18 Lion's Gate Portal to offer Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray again.

The 8/8 portal is when the star Sirius returns from it's underworld journey, and is visible once more.

My understating is, it was also the Ancient Egyptian New Year and coincides with the flooding of the Nile. Sirius was a very important star for the Ancient Egyptians. This was (and is) - the star of Isis. It is a star system where Lion Beings come from, who are very powerful and benevolent. Lions played a key role in Ancient Egyptian society - even beyond recorded times - both in the physical and in the etheric. Also - Sirius looks blue from Earth. It is known as the blue dog star.

So you can see how Sirius connects to Lions, Blue, and Isis, in a (very quick) nutshell.

As I was standing in a lake, at dark, on the 8/8 portal, swaying with the water - it became very clear to me that I was to offer this Medicine Keepers journey again. This is primarily an experience with Archangel Michael, who works with the Blue Ray - but so much more has been revealed to me since then.

One of the reasons I am being asked to facilitate this 4 month experience is because the Sirian Lion Beings and elders have frequency to anchor onto this planet - and they need our help. As those who are called step forth, and work deeply with Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray deeply, our fields will begin to be embodied with blue light. They will be activated sufficiently, and this blue light will be grounded into the earth - so much so that the Sirian Lion Beings + Masters of Light can come and anchor in the frequencies and codes that are needed for this planet's ascension through us.

If you are feeling really resonant with these words + images, maybe you even have goosebumps, or chills, or perhaps just a feeling of deep intrigue - you might be being called into Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray. Either that, or you are being called to reach out on your own directly to the Sirian Lion Beings and ask for further instruction.

Remember earlier today, when my womb was all like... "Yo I AM SICK OF BEING SUPPRESSED." - This is partially what she was talking about.

My work is multi-dimensional. It is not so that you can have little shifts in your life, in an energy where you are in your small self - and just want more money, just want a nice relationship, and just want a nice, tidy, life. That is not what Im here for. And my womb was like - 'Can you not try to meet people in that place, that would be great, k thanks.'

My work flows through me to activate people very, very deeply- and it is very esoteric in nature.

You are here to shift the planet with your DEEP power - I see it, I know it. You're a cosmic rockstar.

This offering and all of my offerings are intended to light you up from the inside out so you are so fierce about that.

And YES we work with multi-dimensional beings, and YES we work with the gridlines of the planets, and YES we go DEEP.

My womb would also like me to stop trying to downplay or tidy up the work with multi-dimensional beings that I do - fearing it will be too much for people (Oh hi ancient persecution wounds, nice to see you again!).

So there you have it. The lion beings of Sirius are reaching out to you. They are telling me, that you wouldn't have opened up this e-mail if they weren't specifically trying to reach YOU. Whether or not they are asking you to be apart of our activation crew known as the Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray - is only something your Higher Self can tell you, in communication with them and Archangel Michael, who works closely with them.

So if you feel inclined, and magical, and brave, and badass, ANSWER their call - ask them what it is they want:

"Sirian Lion Beings, I am open to your guidance and your activations now. What is it that you want from me? Why are you reaching out? Can I do something for you? Please come to me in my dreamtime to let me know, and through my coming days."

Ok, if you read this far - you rock. And if you really want to feel this energy as a transmission, please watch the following video:

I am a being of the Blue Ray

I am a being of the blue ray.

Electric blue fire runs in my soul.

I resonate with Sirius, Dolphin, Whale + Lion Consciousness, and Archangel Michael.

I’m an activator, and an initiator.

I can be intense,

And when you sit in front of me and ask for a transmission,

I will demand nothing less than soul alignment,

Because the blue ray’s medicine is Divine Will, and the warrior courage to be in full alignment with the soul’s truth.


When I started offering transmissions from this place,

Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray,

And Dolphin Consciousness,

I couldn’t believe how many people signed up.

They came because I was finally transmitting the codes of my essence,

The frequency was magnetic, because it was in alignment.


You my dear, are also a badass, with some equally incredible medicine to share.

And I’m inviting you into the halls of your own soul, so you can remember even more deeply who you are, and why you’re here.

What frequency or ray are you a medicine keeper for?

And can you offer that frequency in an offering in your business, from a place of essence?

Because that’s when it will all start to make sense.

That’s where soul success + financial success start to speak the same language.


The Angelic Colour Rays

So… you know how being human can be a bit… um… challenging? (I'm laughing right now 'cause… geez what a trip being human is)

And… you know how we can have these issues and situations that feel sticky, as though we're constantly trying to climb a mountain made of quicksand, without a map?


Guess what?!

Your Higher Self, your angelic support system, and pure Source energy, have ALL the solutions!

Like literally… for every single part of your life… your Higher Self and divine team, can transmit healing energy and complete solutions to you. WHILE upgrading you to your next level of expansion.

YOU (your human self) don't have to figure it out on your own… you can download it from your BIG self!

HOWEVER… in order to be able to truly access these solutions and healing frequencies, you need to ask for help. And most of the time - you also need to be devoted to your communion with these divine energies. Devotion doesn't have to mean that you're meditating for 2 hours a day.

It means that you're prioritizing your relationship with your Higher Self and your team of angels and spirit guides, in your day to day life.

Just like our human relationships flourish when we show up for them… calling our friends, having get-togethers, being present with each other, and listening to each other's hearts…

Our relationships with divine beings who can support us enormously in our lives flourish, when we show up for those relationships.

Now, the thing is, most people don't know how to show up for those relationships. What does that actually mean? In practice?

While I've shared many different practices to choose from, when it comes to connecting with our Higher Self and angels in the past, today, I'd like to share the practice of working with the angelic realms, through colour and light.

When we call forth a certain colour of light to fill our bodies with, we also call forth, the angels (and masters of light) who work on that ray.

So, if we're experiencing resistance, a ‘block’ or challenge, and we'd really like angelic healing around it…

We can actually select a colour of light to fill our cells, chakras, and aura with - and this will bring communion with, and the deep healing and guidance of, the angels of that colour.

I suggest bathing in this light, with presence and breath, for 2-10 minutes at a time.

Here are some colour rays you can fill yourself with, and their properties:

  • Sapphire Blue Ray: Filling yourself with a sapphire blue light, will invoke Archangel Michael, and many other beings of light, if your Higher Self allows them through to work with you, such as the Sirian Masters of Blue Light, and the whales and dolphins (dolphins are actually more-so on the turquoise ray, but they'll come with blue, as turquoise is a ‘child’ of blue). This energy is of divine will, it aligns you with your soul's mission, transmutes what's not in alignment with divine will, and activates a sense of courage to move forward on your life's path. Work with this ray when you want to feel fully aligned with your soul's mission, and to clear out any clutter that's holding you back.

  • Emerald Green Ray: This ray will invoke Archangel Raphael, as well as the consciousness and abundance of Gaia. It will strengthen your nervous system, nourish your heart, and bring in healing energy for your physical body. It will also teach you about abundance, and align you with the natural abundance of your soul. Work with this ray, when you want your body to feel open and relaxed to health, abundance and the consciousness of Gaia.

  • Violet Ray: This ray will invoke Archangel Zadkiel, along with many other angels who work on the violet ray. It's a frequency of transmutation, forgiveness, and deep unwavering compassion. It's also a colour of mystics and psychics. Many people have heard about the violet flame, and choose to visualize it to transmute dense or distorted energy. Work with this ray when you want to transmute a dense or stuck energy, or when you want to open your psychic gifts.

  • Rose Quartz Pink Ray: This is such a beautiful frequency. You'll be invoking the Divine Mother, Archangels Chamuel and Charity, and many angels of love with this colour of light. This is a very gentle frequency, it's wonderful to work with to increase your self-love, a feeling of safety and peace, and your connection with the Divine Mother. It will open your heart, and help you to be more open and receptive to all the good and abundance that life wants to bring to you.

  • Gold Ray: Gold is the frequency of all angels, because all angels work on the golden ray. It's more of Source frequency, that births all the other rays. It also resonates with your Higher Self, your Christed Self, and solar energy. This is a ray you can fill yourself with every single day, to embody more and more of your Higher Self, and your connection with the angelic realms. You can add in gold, to any other ray you're working with, and it may feel even more expansive.

I just shared a YouTube video, that goes through this process, of how to work with angels and colour, in more depth. Check it out below!

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Before we incarnated...

This feels like my story... is it yours too?

You are floating in your light body, brilliant as can be. You are getting ready for you next incarnation on Earth. There are many with you - they are your soul family - and in front of you, is Archangel Michael.

He's sending you waves of energy for your mission, reminding you what it's all about.

You know you'll forget this. The amnesia when coming into a human body in the time period you're going into - is intense.

You know you might even scoff at the idea that angels exist, for a time, once you're in a body and start to grow up. You know you'll see things that as some points of your journey, that will make your human self question the existence of an all loving creator force, at all.

It's an intense journey. Only the bravest were chosen. And then - we were prepared.

Our final moments are here - as we prepare for our descent into time and space.

You hold powerful crystalline angelic frequency. You know a huge part of your mission is to re-awaken to it, once you get into the matrix. And as you activate the crystalline energy of your DNA, you'll be doing it for all beings.

Archangel Michael will always be with you - that's a guarantee. But he won't be able to truly step in and support you in the ways you've agreed to - until you've woken up and begun to actively work with him again.

You know there are different soul groupings and soul missions. Though all light beings connect with Archangel Michael in some way - this is his legion.

His loving angelic army, if you will. And you're apart of it.

All of the souls you're with have specific agreements with Archangel Michael. We will be opening to specific frequencies and disseminating angelic blue light, at the appointed times. We will be working with the star system Sirius, and the masters of light there, too.

Some will forget their mission entirely, but you are determined not to. You love Archangel Michael so deeply, you love the Earth so profoundly, you desire to see all beings free so powerfully - that you are determined to remember, to rise, and to work with the Blue Ray that you hold in your essence.

If this resonates...
You may be being called...
Into a journey called Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray.

This 4 month deep dive journey is for those who've made agreements with Archangel Michael, to disseminate his angelic frequencies on this planet, while in human form.

If this feels like it could be you, check out the journey here. If you are called, you will know, when you visit the page, get quiet, and breathe into Archangel Michael's frequencies.

I am a being of the blue ray...


I am a being of the blue ray. I resonate with mermaids, dolphins, whales, music, vibration, and sacred geometry. My soul works closely with beings from Sirius, with Archangel Michael and Isis- who work within the blue ray as well.

I am here to activate the blue in people's energy fields, and especially my fellow blue rays. We are activators and awakeners. When we align with violet and vibrate with the blue violet ray, all bullshit is cut through, and transmuted. We are like Kali.

It is important that we awaken to our true multi-dimensional natures, for it is only then that our life missions can truly unfold. Blue ray beings are meant to work with their spiritual support system in the other realms.

I can show you how to work with the blue ray, especially the blue violet ray, and Archangel Michael to transform your life, wake up out of illusion, over and over again, and to step into the leadership roles you know you are here to take on. Your soul mission and meaningful achievements you wish to co-create will not come through striving. They will come through being an activated being who identifies with the light of your highest truth. You will magnetize all you need towards you with this activated energy field. Including soul family, money, and opportunities for leadership. Guidance will come to you easily with your clear energy, which has been activated and upgraded with the blue violet ray.

Join me for a free course on learning to work with Archangel Michael and the Blue Violet Ray here.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple



How to receive a message from Archangel Michael

Angels are real. That is now a fact in my life, and has been for some time! If you're with me on this, or you're still unsure but are willing to try to connect with them, because... like I used to say... "What could it hurt?" ... then let's go on an adventure! An adventure in how to receive a message from an angel.

For this reading, let's invoke Archangel Michael, who is a badass angel who already knows you intimately, whether you've been working with him or not!


Steps on how to Receive a Message from Archangel Michael

*These are not definitive, everyone connects to Archangel Michael in different ways, but this is one process you can use that will get you started in our really foundational way


Step 1  ~ Clear.

Clear out sugar, processed or heavy foods before you go in to ask for a message, they can interfere... much like static on a radio. Drink enough water. Honour your body temple ~ she's the conduit, the transmitter. Clear out distractions, and go somewhere you can be alone.

Step 2 ~ Ground.

Put your bare feet on Mother Earth while you breathe into your feet, exercise in a way you love, or visualize tree roots growing down into the Earth from your belly.

Step 3 ~ Breathe deeply, and enter into a meditative state,

with deep belly breathes and maybe some nice music to guide you.

Step 4 ~ Ask.

"Archangel Michael, please come to me now. I choose to work with you. What would you have me hear? I ask for a message from you." See Blue Violet Light pouring all around you. Into your cells and into your aura. Ask again. Breathe more Blue Violet light in. Stay here as long as you want.

Step 5 ~ Release.

Let go. Don't try to 'get' a message. Completely relax, and release. I've heard this be called the "Do Nothing Method" ~ the more pressure you put on yourself to receive a message, the more you push it away. {Kind of like dating ;) } Notice what you get. An image, a feeling, a thought. Anything that makes you feel good and just feels right, is your message from AA Michael.

Step 6 ~ Chill.

If you didn't receive anything specific, or you're unsure ~ don't worry. Ask Archangel Michael to keep giving you the message until you get it. Take note of your dreams, passages you read in books that give you chills, lyrics in songs that make you come alert, or really beautiful guidance a friend gives you... angels communicate in MANY ways, through MANY mediums.


Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Learn to work with Archangel Michael more deeply , in this free 4 day mini-course!

In this journey, you'll dive deep into meditation with Archangel Michael, to align with your soul’s mission, and receive guidance on how to confidently step forward on your path.

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple