What is the Blue Violet Ray?

Woah baby! I feel called to share about the Blue Violet Ray with you, as I've just been in conversation with Archangel Michael, and some galactic forces who emanate the blue ray.

They're saying humanity is very much ready for the frequency of the Blue Ray, and Blue Violet Ray.

So let's get started on the foundational question:

What is the Blue Violet Ray?

This ray is - as the name suggests - a combination of Blue Light, and Violet Light. I would say about 82% blue, and 18% violet, if I'm being really specific.

Every light ray of Source has different properties - for example, a Ruby Red Ray has a very grounding effect, resonates with the Great Mother, and can offer feelings of safety, and security, when worked with in someone who is deficient in the Red Ray frequencies.

Now - let's explore what Blue and Violet do on their own:

The Blue Ray - the Blue Ray has many rays that emanate from it, including turquoise, and midnight blue, but from my perspective, the home temple of the Blue Ray is sapphire blue. This sapphire blue colour, is the colour of truth. It supports people to communicate directly with their souls, opening the dialogue between one's true self, and human self. The true self, shares the truth with the help of the Blue Ray as a bridge to the person's human consciousness, and allowing the soul consciousness + human self to merge more deeply together. Blue is many things - but for now - let's keep it simple, and say that sapphire blue is Truth.

The Violet Ray - this is a ray of transmutation. It takes lower level frequencies and purifies them through the potentized power of forgiveness and compassion - resulting in a more refined frequency of the light - a return to Source consciousness. Again - Violet is many things - but for now, for simplicity - let's say that Violet is Transmutation.

So what happens when you put Truth & Transmutation together?

Well - the Blue enables you to see, feel, hear, and know the truth, through your Higher Self's lensing.

And the Violet transmutes the fear that may get in the way of you fully receiving, and following through on that truth.

So they are a powerful combination, indeed.

Example, blue reveals the truth: that your Higher Self sees your job is not serving you, and wants you to fully commit to your spiritual business. But there is fear around money + safety. The violet clears the fear around this, so you're more free to follow your soul's guidance with confidence.

Now, I'd like to speak about a process in which you can work with the Blue Violet ray, that the Blue Ray Masters of Light, have shared with me.

Blue Violet Medicine for Clearing Density & Ancestral Issues in the Lower Chakras

Resulting in Lower Chakras filled with more light, and allowing you to follow through in this now, on your soul's mission, dreams, soul's goals, and callings.

  1. Close your eyes and connect with your breath, taking a few moments to allow yourself to feel centered and grounded. Let the breathe help you release what you've been thinking about moments earlier. Be in the present moment.

  2. Call upon Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light for assistance. “Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Thank you for brining the Blue Violet Ray into my lower chakras. I am ready to change and open up to the Divinity within me, that is me.

  3. Visualize the Blue Violet Ray penetrating your lower body: sacral + root chakras, legs, feet, earth star chakra below your feet, and in the aura surrounding them.

  4. Allow the Blue Violet Ray to penetrate this area for no less than 3 minutes for a full transformation. 3 minutes is good, do more if you're called. The Blue Violet ray is powerful and work quickly.

  5. While you see the Blue Violet Ray doing it's thing, you may repeat the simple mantra “Archangel Michael, I receive your light" over and over again, to keep your thoughts centered on the process.

  6. When you feel complete, thank Archangel Michael, and send a grounding cord or tree roots, into the soil, and down into the crystalline core of Gaia. You may also wish to bathe yourself in golden light from the Great Central Sun, and allow it to permeate your cells, to support full body integration of this upgrade and healing.

And there you have it!

This process is powerful - but can you imagine what it would be like, to access an entire course of Blue Violet Ray medicine?

Woah baby! I'm talking 15 hours of video content, 14 guided meditations, and 4 PDFs of channeled invocations, devoted to your activation with Blue and Blue Violet.

That's a total transformation - right there! Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray - is now available as a self-paced journey.

Inside this journey? Sirius. Archangel Michael. Water. Isis. Hathor. Whales & Dolphins. Lions.

You also have the option to add on a private Blue Ray activation and Angelic reading with me!