Violet Ray

The Angelic Colour Rays

So… you know how being human can be a bit… um… challenging? (I'm laughing right now 'cause… geez what a trip being human is)

And… you know how we can have these issues and situations that feel sticky, as though we're constantly trying to climb a mountain made of quicksand, without a map?


Guess what?!

Your Higher Self, your angelic support system, and pure Source energy, have ALL the solutions!

Like literally… for every single part of your life… your Higher Self and divine team, can transmit healing energy and complete solutions to you. WHILE upgrading you to your next level of expansion.

YOU (your human self) don't have to figure it out on your own… you can download it from your BIG self!

HOWEVER… in order to be able to truly access these solutions and healing frequencies, you need to ask for help. And most of the time - you also need to be devoted to your communion with these divine energies. Devotion doesn't have to mean that you're meditating for 2 hours a day.

It means that you're prioritizing your relationship with your Higher Self and your team of angels and spirit guides, in your day to day life.

Just like our human relationships flourish when we show up for them… calling our friends, having get-togethers, being present with each other, and listening to each other's hearts…

Our relationships with divine beings who can support us enormously in our lives flourish, when we show up for those relationships.

Now, the thing is, most people don't know how to show up for those relationships. What does that actually mean? In practice?

While I've shared many different practices to choose from, when it comes to connecting with our Higher Self and angels in the past, today, I'd like to share the practice of working with the angelic realms, through colour and light.

When we call forth a certain colour of light to fill our bodies with, we also call forth, the angels (and masters of light) who work on that ray.

So, if we're experiencing resistance, a ‘block’ or challenge, and we'd really like angelic healing around it…

We can actually select a colour of light to fill our cells, chakras, and aura with - and this will bring communion with, and the deep healing and guidance of, the angels of that colour.

I suggest bathing in this light, with presence and breath, for 2-10 minutes at a time.

Here are some colour rays you can fill yourself with, and their properties:

  • Sapphire Blue Ray: Filling yourself with a sapphire blue light, will invoke Archangel Michael, and many other beings of light, if your Higher Self allows them through to work with you, such as the Sirian Masters of Blue Light, and the whales and dolphins (dolphins are actually more-so on the turquoise ray, but they'll come with blue, as turquoise is a ‘child’ of blue). This energy is of divine will, it aligns you with your soul's mission, transmutes what's not in alignment with divine will, and activates a sense of courage to move forward on your life's path. Work with this ray when you want to feel fully aligned with your soul's mission, and to clear out any clutter that's holding you back.

  • Emerald Green Ray: This ray will invoke Archangel Raphael, as well as the consciousness and abundance of Gaia. It will strengthen your nervous system, nourish your heart, and bring in healing energy for your physical body. It will also teach you about abundance, and align you with the natural abundance of your soul. Work with this ray, when you want your body to feel open and relaxed to health, abundance and the consciousness of Gaia.

  • Violet Ray: This ray will invoke Archangel Zadkiel, along with many other angels who work on the violet ray. It's a frequency of transmutation, forgiveness, and deep unwavering compassion. It's also a colour of mystics and psychics. Many people have heard about the violet flame, and choose to visualize it to transmute dense or distorted energy. Work with this ray when you want to transmute a dense or stuck energy, or when you want to open your psychic gifts.

  • Rose Quartz Pink Ray: This is such a beautiful frequency. You'll be invoking the Divine Mother, Archangels Chamuel and Charity, and many angels of love with this colour of light. This is a very gentle frequency, it's wonderful to work with to increase your self-love, a feeling of safety and peace, and your connection with the Divine Mother. It will open your heart, and help you to be more open and receptive to all the good and abundance that life wants to bring to you.

  • Gold Ray: Gold is the frequency of all angels, because all angels work on the golden ray. It's more of Source frequency, that births all the other rays. It also resonates with your Higher Self, your Christed Self, and solar energy. This is a ray you can fill yourself with every single day, to embody more and more of your Higher Self, and your connection with the angelic realms. You can add in gold, to any other ray you're working with, and it may feel even more expansive.

I just shared a YouTube video, that goes through this process, of how to work with angels and colour, in more depth. Check it out below!

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Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

How to receive a message from Archangel Michael

Angels are real. That is now a fact in my life, and has been for some time! If you're with me on this, or you're still unsure but are willing to try to connect with them, because... like I used to say... "What could it hurt?" ... then let's go on an adventure! An adventure in how to receive a message from an angel.

For this reading, let's invoke Archangel Michael, who is a badass angel who already knows you intimately, whether you've been working with him or not!


Steps on how to Receive a Message from Archangel Michael

*These are not definitive, everyone connects to Archangel Michael in different ways, but this is one process you can use that will get you started in our really foundational way


Step 1  ~ Clear.

Clear out sugar, processed or heavy foods before you go in to ask for a message, they can interfere... much like static on a radio. Drink enough water. Honour your body temple ~ she's the conduit, the transmitter. Clear out distractions, and go somewhere you can be alone.

Step 2 ~ Ground.

Put your bare feet on Mother Earth while you breathe into your feet, exercise in a way you love, or visualize tree roots growing down into the Earth from your belly.

Step 3 ~ Breathe deeply, and enter into a meditative state,

with deep belly breathes and maybe some nice music to guide you.

Step 4 ~ Ask.

"Archangel Michael, please come to me now. I choose to work with you. What would you have me hear? I ask for a message from you." See Blue Violet Light pouring all around you. Into your cells and into your aura. Ask again. Breathe more Blue Violet light in. Stay here as long as you want.

Step 5 ~ Release.

Let go. Don't try to 'get' a message. Completely relax, and release. I've heard this be called the "Do Nothing Method" ~ the more pressure you put on yourself to receive a message, the more you push it away. {Kind of like dating ;) } Notice what you get. An image, a feeling, a thought. Anything that makes you feel good and just feels right, is your message from AA Michael.

Step 6 ~ Chill.

If you didn't receive anything specific, or you're unsure ~ don't worry. Ask Archangel Michael to keep giving you the message until you get it. Take note of your dreams, passages you read in books that give you chills, lyrics in songs that make you come alert, or really beautiful guidance a friend gives you... angels communicate in MANY ways, through MANY mediums.


Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Learn to work with Archangel Michael more deeply , in this free 4 day mini-course!

In this journey, you'll dive deep into meditation with Archangel Michael, to align with your soul’s mission, and receive guidance on how to confidently step forward on your path.

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple