
Mining for Gold: An Interview with Nisha Moodley

As many of you know, I've recently transitioned my web zone over from +, to one happy, centered, and aligned space - (wootwoot!). This means though, that the blog posts I wrote previous to November of this year (and theres a lot of them!) are getting left behind. 

Well, that won't do! ;) :D

So I've decided to mine some of that work, looking for the gold - looking for what I want to highlight. The thoughts and words that still have as much relevance now as they did then (and maybe even more!).

This post was originally shared on February 26th, 2013 - it's an interview with Nisha Moodley, one of my ultimate sheroes. Nisha is a) A total genius, b) A total babe and c) A total cheerleader for all things woman.


She's a life coach for ambitious entrepreneurs and next generation thought leaders, who need help refining their message, rocking it in business, while having lots of play and down time to keep things balanced + luxurious. 


Her ultimate message is that the world will be set free by women who are free.

Check out her website at and make sure to sign up for her emails! They're that good. 


What would your advice be to a young woman who is still in her "old life", yet wants to transition to a lifestyle that feels more authentic to her?

Photo of Nisha: Abi Q Photography

Your freedom is in the journey, not the destination. Instead of being frustrated at where you are, notice where you want to go and really, really savour all the little steps. There can be deep pleasure in the moment, if you're open to it.

Also, have amazing girlfriends that you give your full trust to. 

Share the things you think and feel about yourself that you're ashamed or embarrassed about; you'll find that you're more connected than you think, and these women will serve as your cheerleaders, tear-driers and mirrors throughout your journey. Women thrive in sisterhood.


What was one of your biggest life changing experiences over the last few years?

Divorce. It was the worst thing I've endured in my adult life so far, and it definitely showed me that I'm stronger and more resilient than I gave myself credit for. It also showed me things about myself that I didn't want to acknowledge were there. Shadow and light. I was faced with it all, and thank goodness I had amazing friends to help see me through.


What is the secret to a sustainable business?

Having sustainable human beings running it, and a focus on being of service.

When we're not sustainable as individuals (healthy body, mind, bank account and relationships), we can easily fall into a what-can-I-get mindset.

When we're tending to ourselves as individuals - making sure that we're healthy and sustainable - we can really show up in service of others.


Who are your sheroes? (Women role models, girl crushes)

Moms (including mine) who know how to take care of themselves and their families. My clients -- I am totally awe-struck by the stand they're taking in the world, and their dedication to giving and growing. Every single one of my amazing girlfriends.


I have a 'toolbox' that helps me to feel grounded when I get off center - Meditation, Green Juice/Smoothies, Singing, Nature, etc. What's in your toolbox?

Sex. A glass of wine with a girlfriend. A shower. A long walk with some great music in my ears.


What is your future vision for your career? Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

In 5 years, I'll still be sharing my message of the importance of women's freedom, helping women thought leaders unblock the things in their life that keep them from living in full alignment with their vision and mission. The primary mediums for my work will be books, retreats and my mastermind.

I'll also have some mini humans to care for, and we'll trek around the world with them.