Are you being called by the dolphins & Whales?

In Lemuria and Atlantis, the sea and the land were integrated.

Humans were fully aware of the societies underwater - in fact, those underwater communites were just as apart of Lemuria or Atlantis as the land-based ones. Shapeshifting between forms to fully enjoy both the land world, and the underwater one, was at one point - normal.

In the Golden Ages of these civilizations, the Divine Mother was honoured, and it was the dolphins, whales, mermaids, and mermen who strongly carried the codes of the Divine Mother, as their home was the very waters of Her womb.

But then - consciousness shifted, and destruction reigned - ‘separating’ the land and the sea worlds. Though the merbeings forever carried the knowingness that humanity was their family in their hearts - humanity forgot. They fell asleep = turning their back on their ocean family, and beginning instead to simply see the waters as filled with resources for the taking.

And so, the world has gotten completely out of balance. As a forgetting of the oceans’ sacred consciousness, is a forgetting of the Divine Mother. The ocean is Sophia God, embodied.

In this great time of remembering, the whales, dolphins, and mer-realms are calling for their family to awaken. First the ones of us who ARE of the mer, and as we remember and reclaim our water codes, learning once more how to be conduits between the land and sea - we strengthen the grids of Divine Mother Water Consciousness so strongly that the rest of the globe will wake up too.

Wake up to water. Wake up to Mother. Wake up to our family in the sea.

Unity Consciousness.

Are you a part of the mer-family, sent on a mission to awaken the humanity to the Divine Mother and ocean family within the waters?

If you feel a resonance, then quite simply - yes - you are.

I’ve yearned deeply for the sea.

I’ve awoken from dreams of breathing easily under turquoise waters, feeling such bliss and peace - that it was agony to wake up to cold grey skies, in a human body indoors.

And so I’ve gone on a search for the sea.

I’ve followed the whispers of the whales and dolphins, living and traveling around the globe to be close to them, to swim with them in the wild, and to commune with Mother Ocean.

And I’ve come to realize that it’s no cruel mistake I’m in a human body, today. I am here to bring the sea to land. To awaken my mer-family to who they really are. To restore the Dolphin Divine Union templates, and so much more.

I - just like you - have a sacred purpose for being human in this life.

And so - I’ve learned how to access my mermaid aspects so that I can feel them in my body. Everyday I activate more of my mermaid templates and dolphin codes.

I no longer ache for the sea like I once did, because I've learned how to access her within me.

After all, our bodes are molecularly over 99% water. Our cerebral spinal fluid is just one molecule away from sea water .

We are the sea on land. I would love to show you how to access your mermaid, dolphin, whale and ocean codes, so you can fall in love with your human life and your purpose here, as you integrate your deep mermaid wisdom to harmonize once more with the gifts that Divine Mother brings - abundance, love, and freedom.

the flow of our Journey

1: Your Divine Template - with the Humpback Whales

Expansion, Spaciousness, your Divine Templates

Humpback whales are experts in expansion. Spaciousness. So many of us are living tightly wound, traumas have closed us off to being a full YES to life. We don’t LIVE and feel as much as we would like to. Let’s allow the humpback whales to mentor us in spaciousness, as we unhook from 3D templates of scarcity and fear, and instead activate our divine templates. We are the living prayer of love.

2: Meet your Lemurian Self

Access your Lemurian Gifts

In this eternal now moment, you’re living in Lemuria. And this Lemurian aspect of yours has so many codes, and profound wisdom that will bless your life today with more purpose, abundance, joy, and heart connection. Let’s meet this Lemurian you, and bring them on as a spirit guide in your own life. And yes - you may have several Lemurian yous that come forward!

3: Mother Ocean - Sophia Within the Waters

Ocean as the Divine Mother

The ocean is an embodiment of Sophia, the Divine Mother. When we swim in the sea, we are swimming in the body of Sophia. When we realize we are living in a body made of water, we know we are part of Her body too. In this communion with the Divine Mother, we also remember where our abundance truly comes from. Let’s restore our ability to feel Her, and receive from Her.

4: Crystalline DNA Recalibration - with the Dolphins 

Recoding with Soul Star Family

Dolphins hold the templates of our perfected crystalline DNA. Allow them to support you in upgrading your DNA to harmonize with the God-light of your soul. In addition, they will do some ancestral healing work, bringing in your soul star family to stabilize you into the remembrance of what Higher Realm family really is - thereby allowing you to call more true soul family into your life.

5: Lemurian Manifestation Part One - Heart Consciousness

Mermaid Heart Consciousness

The Blue Whales have the most massive hearts on this planet. They, along with the Ascended Mermaid Collective, will be mentoring us in heart consciousness, which is the foundation of Lemurian manifesting. Popular manifestation teachings today actually look alot different than to how Lemurians did things. Let’s remember together - that it’s actually Unity Consciousness within the heart that connects us into all we need and desire.

6: Lemurian Manifestation Part Two - The River of Mother Father God

Allowing the Waters of Life + Your Lemurian Wealth Codes

The river of Mother Father God is always flowing to you, and through you. And yet, many of us eschew this reality, feeling that we are fully responsible for manifesting everything we desire in our lives. Let’s surrender into the remembrance that the river of Mother Father God is already bringing to us all we need and desire. In this Lemurian wisdom, we remember that life is already holding us. Our job is to let it in.

7: The Black Womb of the Mother - with the Orcas

Sacred Sensuality + the Black Depths of the Sea

The orcas hold the codes of the black womb of the Mother, the black depths of the sea, sensuality, sacred sexuality, and transmutation. The black rose codes. If we only embody the white of the crystalline sparkles on the shores of the sea, we cut ourselves off from our full power, the fullness that is accessed when we embrace the black depths of the deep ocean.

8: The Dolphin Codes of Atlantis

Restoring the Purity of Atlantis

Golden Atlantis was heaven on earth. And yet, it fell… lodging trauma into our subconscious, and guiding us to resist beauty and abundance, for fear of having it destroyed. We are invited into a massive purification process - a deep forgiveness and reconciliation with the heavier frequencies of Atlantis, so we can walk with the golden codes of Atlantis as we co-create New Earth, and integrate our lessons with love.

9: Activate your Mermaid Templates - with the Ascended Mermaid Collective

Restoring Sacred Sexual Innocence and Mermaid Divine Feminine Sensuality

Let’s recode the planetary grids with divine feminine mermaid sensuality codes, as the Ascneded Mermaid Collective works within our wombs to restore the mermaid templates that live within them. All women, not just those with other lifetimes as mermaids, have mermaid templates within their wombs. We are all born from the waters of Mother.

10: Your Water Body of Light - with the White Whales

Synchronizing with the Angelic Seraphim Whales

Facilitate the dawning of heaven on Earth as you work with the white whales, holy seraphim angels who with support us in activating our water bodies, as we align with the Central Sun, Gaia, and our own hearts.

Bonus Class: Lemurian Water Alchemy

Water Priestessing

A pre-recorded class to learn how to structure and code your water using light, colour, sound, movement, and sacred geometry. Allow your creativity to guide you as you remember how to affect the subtle energies within water, and make magical drinking elixirs out of water, crystals, herbs, and more. It’s so fun!

* Please Note: Ceremony themes may be subject to change if the dolphins, whales,

and mermaids bring something new in they wish to share.

This Journey Includes:

🐬 10 live ceremonies*, via Zoom. Bi-weekly, and around 1.5 hours.

🐬 20+ guided meditations, as downloadable mp3s.

🐬 1 bonus pre-recorded module: Lemurian Water Alchemy.

🐬 A private Facebook group.

🐬 Q+A during the live ceremonies, and in our facebook group.

🐬 All of this over 5 months.

*Ceremonies will be recorded, and ceremony times will likely alternate between 12pm PST and 3pm PST.

I’ll poll the group to see what works best for everyone.

in Dolphin Consciousness you’lL…

🐬 Communicate with and be mentored by dolphins, whales and mermaids in the quantum, receiving healings and guidance from the cetaceans. Enjoy this communion with your family and how it helps you to feel more excited about your life, knowing your ocean soul family is always with you.

🐬 Awaken to your Lemurian wealth codes, through mermaid heart consciousness and the cetacean vibration. Experience the crystalline abundance of Gaia in new and profound ways.

🐬 Restore your mermaid templates, and luxuriate in this specific frequency of the feminine sensual body, while you heal others and the planet, through this sacred embodiment

🐬 Call back memories and codes from your lifetimes as a dolphin, whale, mermaid, Lemurian, Atlantean, or other aquatic being. Bring more of you here, so your body and life feel more exciting and whole. Transmit your mer-codes from within your human body temple.

🐬 Get clearer on your life purpose, and how you’re meant to serve Mother Ocean and the Divine Mother in this incarnation.

🐬 Experience more trust and surrender that everything you need is on it’s way to you. Open your receiving channels to the Divine Mother, as you allow her to provide for you. The divine waters in the river of life, always nourish the children of God.

🐬 Enjoy the specific messages that the whales, dolphins, mermaids and Mother Ocean - and our whole team of light - will share with you, receiving invaluable guidance from your mer-family.

This journey with Beth and other members of our pod was the first time, perhaps ever in my life, that I felt perfectly at home, like with family that actually gets me, and in my element as a water creature on land.

It's nothing short of miraculous.

I now have brothers and sisters in these oceanic realms in a deeper, clearer way and I feel a capacity to tune into them individually now that I wasn't aware of before.

Working with the orcas, and their divine mother energy was palpable and reminded me of who I am.

And you know that sense you get in almost any other situation or group journey of little hints of comparison or judgement (even of self)? These were markedly absent in this group. I guess it just has no place when what you’re doing is connecting with the most conscious, loving, joyful, playful beings on the planet. And as a bonus you realize you’re related and that you all have these capacities. How does it get any better?! I highly recommend this journey if you are called to flow in.

~ 🐬 Tara Alisbah | Mexico

I used to feel this sense of longing to be by the ocean all the time (I mean not that I don’t anymore haha) but it feels like it’s not so “far away” in that same sense, and that the energies of the dolphins and whales too are much more vibrant and close!

My main hesitation for joining Dolphin Consciousness was financial, but after going through the program, the reality is that Beth’s programs and courses deliver on value way beyond any other online program I’ve done.

I love everything about the program, but the live ceremonies are definitely my favorite. They are always so potent and tangible and the meditation journeys were so vivid. Of course I would recommend Dolphin Consciousness!

~ 🐬 Alexxis Carpentier | Sedona, Arizona

I would definitely recommend Dolphin Consciousness! If you have a strong and deep connection to the ocean and their inhabitants, I highly recommend this course for your own development on your soul path. 

The meditations and ceremonies that Beth led were life changing, and still today my heart is so full of gratitude for her work. If I feel into the emotions, I don’t have further words, because what I received cannot be described.

If you’re hesitating in working with Beth, there are no reasons for not doing it, its just your own mind, who wants to protect you from your own development in expansion and to receive so many gifts and healing!

-🐬 Ute G | Germany

This journey was one of the most intense and beautiful journeys I’ve gone through, and it brought me to a completely different level of being connected to myself as a multidimensional being.

My connection and sensitivity with the dolphins, whales and ocean became much stronger! In general I have the feeling that I’m able to go deeper into my inner world. New worlds opened up for me and I’m able to hold more light and to connect more strongly with the Pleiades.

I definitely recommend Dolphin Consciousness to fellow ocean lovers. 

-🐬 Nayumi Kitamura | Germany

Because of this course, I can now feel the dolphins and whales consciously in my field. The connection continues even after the course ends, I feel like the conscious connection with them is for life.

I would definitely recommend Dolphin Consciousness! Not just for ocean lovers but also for people who never had much contact with oceans and ocean life. They would never see, feel and think of ocean life in the same way. The connection created by doing this course is powerful, loving and joyful!

-🐬 Nuno Avo | Portugal

Doors are now closed and will re-open as a self study journey in July 2024.

The next live pod journey will open for enrollment in early 2025.