Higher Self AND SourcE

Take command of my business

May I be a channel for you, Source

May my business be a conduit for you, Source

And in this consecration of my life and business to you,

May my business become a living bridge

From 3D to The New Earth

And so it is.

New Earth Entrepreneurs, I see you

I offer you a journey of sacred business and life transformation,

To expand your business + align with your mission,

Through deep ceremony, higher self clearings + activations, and strategic action,

As you connect with The New Earth Entrepreneur Grid,

And help build out the new reality for business and money,

Which resonates with the Goddess,

And honour for all life.

What if you could work with

to unleash your medicine, gain confidence and clarity in your gifts,

and enter into the field of abundance?

What if you could receive healing from your

to clear outdated 3D patriarchal templates,

and create a business based on 5D New Earth frequencies?

What would it be like to activate the

to live life on your own terms? Choosing your own schedule,

and having the freedom to travel, and the resources to fulfill your inner needs, with ease?


be the power to unleash your business growth, in alignment with divine will,

as you serve the liberation of all beings,

and live a life of freedom and fulfillment.

The New Earth Entrepreneur grid

is currently being built. 

There’s been a very dominant, very low vibrational grid in and around this planet, that we can call the Old Business + Money Grid, for a very long time.

We’ve all grown up being infiltrated by this grid, and thus, our views about business and money have been co-opted by forces that have no honour and respect for Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, and the innocent sweetness of life. 

There have been certain souls contracted to help transmute the old business grid, while simultaneously building the new one.

What I’m calling The New Earth Entrepreneur Grid resonates with abundance, bliss, and love, for all. 

The templates for the grid have been laid, but it needs certain souls + embodied humans to anchor the New Earth Entrepreneur codes through their bodies and high-vibrational businesses, in order to be filled out and completed. 

In order to enter The New Earth Entrepreneur grid, and contribute to it’s evolution, and eventual completion (although it will continue to upgraded, until one day, it is no longer needed, as the idea of business + money will have served their purpose and shift out completely) ~ one must have activated and be sufficiently embodied in their soul codes ~ their innate gifts. 

And so, I invite you into a journey where we will:

  1. More deeply activate your soul codes, your unique soul signature through channeled activations, and deep and transformative work with your Higher Self.

  2. Allow your medicine and essence to become more deeply anchored within your body through intentional breathwork, vocal invocations, kundalini yoga, and dance.

  3. Transmit your healing frequencies through your business, setting up the structures for the medicine to flow out into the world. This will anchor you into The New Earth Entrepreneur Grid, sending it life force, and helping it o fill out.

  4. Receive The New Earth Entrepreneur Codes from the higher dimensions and channel them through our bodies, as we build out the grid, thereby simultaneously receiving abundance codes, courage, wisdom, and crystalline clear activations for our soul missions and purposes. 

A revolution in business and money is happening ~ and it’s both a multi-dimensional one, and a deeply embodied experience. 

You’re cordially invited to build this grid out with me, as I act as a facilitator so your heart has guidance on how you’re uniquely meant to serve this mission.

This is not a business course. 

This is a revolution. 

We’re doing what’s never been done before. 

…TO this crystalline 6 month journey…

This 6 month group journey will be a blend of live ceremony, live coaching, and pre-recorded transmissions to go deep. It also includes a business library filled with foundational strategic teachings for your soul-guided business success:

9 Pre-Recorded Modules:

~Great Mother: Surrender to the Great Mother as your safety and source of nourishment.

~Divine Innocence: Remember your innate divine innocence and how worthy you are of being taken care of. You are loved and wanted.

~Attracting Clients Energetically: Code your subconscious to expect and magnetize soul-mate clients into your reality.

~Collaborating with the Spirit of Money: Learn an entirely new way of seeing money, as we work with it’s spirit to radically transform your experience of your finances.

~Sacred Sexuality: Untangle distortion in your sexual energy centers, to allow creativity, and power to come through unfiltered.

~Divine Masculine: Heal wounds with the Divine Masculine, and activate the potency of the action taker within you.

~Divine Feminine: Heal sisterhood and competition wounds that leave you feeling your work isn’t enough. Activate the magnetic Shakti Kundalini.

~Ancestral Healing: Transmute wounds of scarcity and fear within your lineage, so you can expand into your true self.

~Quantum Creating: Learn to work with the Quantum Field to jump into abundant timelines that delight your heart, soul, and finances deeply!

7 Live Ceremonies:

These once-a-month live ceremonies will be potent opportunities for us to be in circle, to set sacred space, and to work with our theme which will help us to commune with our Source Self, and tap into the expansion and abundance that lives within us and AS us. (~60-90 minutes, on Zoom)

💎 Consecration of our Businesses to Our Higher Selves + Source (God, Divine, etc): In our opening ceremony, we’ll declare that our businesses are conduits for Source, Unconditional Love, and the will of our Higher Selves. We’ll align our work with our soul’s reason for incarnating on this planet.

💎 The Crystalline Lightbody, Crystalline DNA + a Crystalline Diet: Learn how activating our crystalline DNA can support the expansion in our businesses, and lives, and how to support this activation through conscious diet + water choices.

💎 The Angelic Business Template: Learn about your 5th dimensional business plan, and how to download it, so your business decisions and frequency are based off this higher perspective and way of being

💎 Our Soul Star Family with the Whales and Dolphins: I’ll bring in my own soul star family (and maybe yours too!), the whales and dolphins, to support you in calling and communing with your soul star family. They will help to inform you of who you really are and why you’re really here, and how your business plays a huge role in your soul’s mission.

💎 Activate Your Soul Codes: You have a unique language of your soul, codes and frequencies that are literal medicine for this planet and people. Your soul’s mission requires you to channel your soul codes through, for the benefit of the collective. We can do this in many ways, including through our free and paid-for offers in our business. In this ceremony, we’ll remember more of what our soul codes are.

💎 Kundalini Yoga, Breathwork and Crystal Singing Bowl Healing with Guest Teacher Shehera: We’ll unclog our bodies of old residue that doesn’t resonate with Christ Consciousness and abundance, as we breathe in our Higher Selves and expand into all that we are.

💎 Closing Ceremony: To seal the container and integrate what has just occurred over the last 6 months.

6 Live Q+A Coaching Calls:

Receive 1 on 1 coaching in a group setting, once a month. You’ll receive about 10 minutes of personalized coaching each month, in our live group coaching calls. If you can’t make it live, you can submit questions before hand for me to tune in to. (~60-90 minutes, on Zoom)

One 30 Minute Private Coaching Call

Book your own private session with me, anytime throughout the 6 months that serves you, for a big activation and intuitive guidance on your business + soul’s mission

A Business Library (Divine Masculine Portal)

These transmissions are pre-recorded and will always be available. Some of the include:

~How to use social media intentionally to share healing + expand your sacred business

~Your Sacred Business Temple, and how marketing and Priestessing can actually go hand in hand.

~How to nourish + grow your audience authentically

~How to create an offering based on your unique soul codes + soul medicine

~How to write and record powerful posts that resonate with your audience, and invite followers to turn into soulmate clients

~How to create a sales page infused with your unique medicine

A Ceremony Library (Divine Feminine Portal)

These transmissions are pre-recorded and will always be available:

💎 Ceremonial Kundalini Yoga focused on clearing business, financial + empowerment blocks, and opening to Source abundance.

💎 Ceremonial Breathwork focused on clearing business, financial + empowerment blocks, and opening to Source abundance.

💎 Ceremony with Mother Earth to channel her energy into the liberation of your soul codes + business success.

💎 We’ll work with your Higher Self, Source, Archangels, and Ascended Masters during our ceremonies

Sacred Pauses for Integration

We’ll be doing quite a lot of energy work, which will mean we’ll need pauses for integration, as well as pauses that will allow you to catch up on any modules that you haven’t worked through yet. I’m currently planning for 3 sacred pauses over the 6 months, weeks when no content goes out. If intuitively I feel we need more, I’ll add more.

A community Facebook group

Our Facebook group will be a place you can share your celebrations, be witnessed in what you’re going through, deepen sisterhood connections, and ask me questions.

This journey is 80% energy work,

and 20% sacred business strategy

~Wounds of “not enoughness” that prevent you from taking confident, aligned action

~Feelings that there’s something deficient in you, and you don’t deserve success until you’ve healed

~Imprints of the Old Business + Money Grid which resonate with 3D Patriarchal values and frequencies

~Scarcity wounds that leave you feeling separate from abundance

~Past life persecution wounds, often called the “witch wound”, that leave you in hiding, or watering down your message

~Codes of slavery + scarcity imprinted from multi-dimensional races (such as Reptilians), which have infiltrated the DNA and been passed down through the lineages

~The place that says: “I just don’t know what to do to move my business forward!”

~An unfolding remembrance of your soul’s mission, and what your next steps are

~An ongoing communion with your Source Self, so you can remember it all already exists inside of you

~Reflections in the outer world of your shining inner light, in the forms of abundance, money, opportunities, travel, freedom, and beauty

~An awareness of what your unique soul codes and medicine are

~Confidence to share your gifts and message with the world, and become visible

~ A commitment to building out the New Earth Entrepreneur Grid through your authentic devotion to God channeling through your business

~Sacred business success that serves all beings, and supports your ideal lifestyle


A foundational part of our journey will include working with Ceremony to facilitate great transformation in your subconscious, and therefore your business.

We need our soul codes IN our body, and we need the stagnation + old templates, to be moved OUT of our body, so we’ll do so with:

💎 Kundalini Yoga

💎 Breathwork

💎 Dance

💎 Guided Visualization Journeys

💎 Crystalline DNA Activations

💎 Clearings from your Higher Self

💎 Vocal Invocations

💎 Angelic Activations

And much more!

How would it feel to expand your business, abundance, + level of impact in this world, using a language your soul deeply understands… ceremony?

Shehera Mocellin

Kundalini Yoga ~ Breathwork ~ Crystal Bowl Sound Healing

Shehera is an intuitive healing artist helping others activate their own inner healer.

Using a heart centered integrative approach, combining mystical arts of energy healing, pranayama, kundalini yoga, sacred meditations, herbs and sound healing, she masterfully ignites the full magic and spark that exists within each person.  

Shehera has further studied various forms of bodywork, nutrition and healing arts since 2012 which she skillfully integrates into her classes. She holds a 500 hour Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Training Certificate, Reiki Master Certificate as well as a certificate of practice in all levels of Pranic Healing system.

Her classes are full of light, wisdom, inspiration, humanology, scientific research, and a call for living our most optimal lives through the support of a daily spiritual practice.

Beth is an amazing priestess, space holder and sacred business mentor. Working with her shifted how I see myself, my soul codes and my business. The journey with her was so magical, powerful and empowering. She is sooo good at seeing people's blind spots and holding that initiator sword with so much unconditional love and compassion to help you step over the threshold, and rise in alignment with your soul mission. And being in the container that Beth holds with other amazing sisters was the cherry on top. Such an intimate and life changing experience of Sacred Sisterhood. Forever grateful for this beautiful soul

-Dorra Azizi - Mystical Queen, Priestess and Oracle - www.dorraazizi.com

This year was the second time that I've worked with Beth. This time around I was feeling disconnected from my body, business had slowed down and I was really in my head. She helped me to reconnect to my soul and my inner guidance by slowing down and going inward. Within a couple months my business picked up and I had a $7500 cash month. She helped me find my flow and I'm forever grateful for her intuitive guidance.

-Essence Turner - Spiritual Life Coach + Self-Love Mentor - www.essenceturner.com

I totally loved working with Beth in a longer program. It helped me to embody the codes of my soul purpose and the energy around it on a deeper level. I love how thorough all her material was, and the energy frequency Beth holds is high and helps us come back to ourselves again and again. Definitely an inspiring and supportive container for creating my offerings, and taking my work to the next level. I love the space Beth holds, and her authenticity. 

- Lalitah SunRa: Transformational healer & Activator for New Earth Leaders, Founder of Central Sun Mystery School

When I first saw Beth’s offering I was magnetically drawn to her. It was like my soul sang “Yes! Follow her where she’s going.” So I did… and it lead me straight out of Purgatory consciousness and into the rising awareness of how perfect and beautiful my life is and has always been. When I began working with her my world was filled with blessings that were invisible to me and I was stuck in the mud of repeating cycles. Cycles that were created by un integrated trauma that I did not know how to heal. Working with Beth in her containers was like being lead to doorways out of all that. Her meditations, and codes lead me to these spaces within, and higher self always knew what to do once “I” got there. I was able to step through these gateways and into the paradise of my own light.

Also- She is an incredible coach, her insights are spot on, and I have experienced leaps in consciousness after working with her guidance. (Bc she basically channeled my higher self and tells me what I already knew but was ignoring or needed affirmation to do) I love her coaching style and have seen her with other beings in container offering pure nurturing presence and support perfect for the individual’s needs. I witnessed many kinds of space holding come through her. She’s awesome at it. My favourite is her playful child self that pops out here and there. One minute it feels like I’m viewing Isis incarnate and the next I’m giggling at something silly she said. (This helped me work through my fear of ceremony with others.) All I can say is that if you feel a curiosity or drawn to her containers, look into it. I’m so glad I did not allow fear to talk me out of it! Bc it tried lol!

-Kristine Beia

For the Priestesses, the Mermaids, the Mystics, the Healers, the Snake Priestesses, the Sisterhood of the Rose, the Priestesses of Isis, the Womb Healers, the Lemurians, the Earth lovers, and the Elementals.


This journey is also for you if:

~You have a deep desire to be of service to the world, and serve the awakening and liberation of all beings

~You want to feel like your business is purposeful, fun, and in full alignment with your soul’s mission.

~You want to do things YOUR HIGHER SELF’S WAY, and clear the noise of ‘what you’re supposed to being doing’.

~You feel you have a role in changing how business is experienced in our bodies and on this planet


You are in one of these three stages:

~You’re just starting your business

~You’ve started your business, and have run it for months or years, but don’t feel you’ve experienced the level of abundance and impact that your heart is craving. There may be a feeling of stagnation or confusion on how to really expand.

~You’ve started your business and HAVE experienced financial success, however, you’ve been overtaken by the hustle + strategy, and need to realign with your soul’s mission and feminine codes.

Higher Self,

am I meant to be apart of this mission?

If your guidance is saying ‘YES’, wahoo! Let’s begin! There are 5 different payment plan options offered.

Join for as little as $188 USD a month, depending on which payment plan you choose!

Doors close on Saturday December 4th at Midnight PST.

Please select a payment plan below!

💎 Join with a full payment of $2222

💎 Join with two payments of $1111

💎 Join with six payments of $371 / month

Extended plans:

💎 Join with eight payments of $280 / month

💎 Join with twelve payments of $188 / month

Prices are in USD

Please note! If you are a woman of colour, or single mother ~ who is struggling financially, you qualify for a partial scholarship. Please see details below!

Trouble signing up? If you run into any issues signing up, please email Beth at lemurianhearttemplate@gmail.com

If you are a woman of colour, or a single mother ~ who does not have the resources to purchase this offering at it’s full price, then please apply for a scholarship!

Scholarships are partial, and significantly reduce the investment. The new price for you would be $888. 1-10 month payment plans are available.

Higher Self AND SourcE

Take command of my business

May I be a channel for you, Source

May my business be a conduit for you, Source

And in this consecration of my life and business to you,

May my business become a living bridge

From 3D to The New Earth

And so it is.