
  1. Commit to Wealth consciousness work… I would suggest for about 20-30 min a day, 4 times a week at least. 20 min everyday would be amazing!

  2. Right now I gave you beauties a 3 major ways to work on Wealth Consciousness, that you can do in those sessions.

     Writing down the limiting belief around money, that you're feeling. Write... 'Is this true? Why or why not?" ... and then the "New +True Belief" - thanks Amanda Frances for that exercise:

     Writing these new and true beliefs on an affirmation sheet, you do to your liking (pretty if you want!) hehe... And putting this affirmation sheet in your office, on your altar, or by your bed ... anywhere you're going to see it a lot. You can read it every morning as a part of your spiritual practice and really FEEL the energy of abundance coming to you and through you with your words. Presence. 

    Connecting with your finances... Activating the sacred masculine energy checking your income, your expenses, what you're spending your expenses on, your debt. ~~~ Get your pen and paper out. Or on the digital. Record things, write down the actual number and know them. Get to know what's going on in your bank account. ~~~ Basically just getting jiggy with all the financial parts and pieces, and getting clear where your money is going! This was actually really big work for me when I got started because I was quite scared to look at my finances. 

    The prayer and guided meditations below… I’ve included some guided meditations and a powerful wealth consciousness prayer below, to support you on your journey!

    ~ There will be more Wealth Consciousness resources coming ~ which you can add to your wealth consciousness toolkit, which we're building.

    If you have your own wealth consciousness practices to add into the toolkit, like a Lakshmi mantra, or creatively visualizing, please add those in too, and you can practice those too on your wealth consciousness journey!


PRAYer to connect with our own inner abundance


Higher Self,

I call upon you now,

Thank you for bestowing the inner light of my own radiance on me,

And within me.

Ignite my inner lionness,

The part of me that’s always shining

Guide me to know, I can do it

I am enough!

Goddess, I choose to honour your abundance

That everyday you give me

Through gifts like my breathe, my lungs, my life,

Thank you.

Guide me to heal my relationship with money

Guide me to know there’s always enough

Guide me to remember in my soul

that there’s always MORE than enough,
if I choose to tap into it.

I am ready to learn, I am ready to grow,

Please show me the way


Wealth Consciousness Resources

Below, find a list of resources you can add to your wealth consciousness toolkit! This list will keep growing until the end of our WC module :)


I love listening to the following affirmations - both when I’m cleaning, getting ready, etc - and also when I’m sitting down to meditate and really FEEL the affirmations in a deeper way.

This tool is really awesome for your toolkit, as you can be cooking your kids dinner, in the car, or just generally out and about without too much time to spare —- and you can still listen to these!

I recommend listening to affirmations about 3-5 times a week.

If you don’t resonate with these affirmations, or this guy’s voice - you can search for “Wealth Affirmations” on YouTube and find one you like!

Clearing Session with Christie Marie Sheldon

Christie has been instrumental on my wealth consciousness journey! The following talk of hers introduces you to key concepts to unwind, in order to let prosperity in.

I highly recommend you listen to this video! It’s called - How to Attract Abundance with Energy Clearing