The patriarchal underbelly of the spiritual coaching industry

I think when we’re marketing online, it’s important to ask ourselves, “How do I want to make people feel?”

I know, I know…

This goes against the whole “I’m empowered, I don’t care what people think, it doesn’t matter how I make people feel, it matters I speak my truth!” kind of vibe.

But here’s where I’m coming from…

I want to help people to feel like they’re already good enough. Right here right now. I want to help people ADORE themselves, and the Source light within them.

The thing is: I see a lot of people posting from a shadow place... That shadow WANTS to feel good enough, so the ego overemphasizes what it thinks makes it loveable ~ and ends up making people feel diminished when they post ~ ego speaking to ego.

For example… this vibe is really in right now…

“OMG I made $20k this month!! Look at my amazing life right now! Oh my god don’t you kind of wish you were me living this life??? No problem just sign up for my course!”

Now… the person sharing in this vibe may deep down want to serve people, and support people. And I’m not saying that all people who share their wins + amazing numbers are coming from this place.

However… a lot of them are, if we’re being real.

When we look at how this energy might make people feel, the answer may be…

It will likely make people feel like they haven’t accomplished enough, and they need to make some moves to be anywhere other than where they are. Where they are isn’t good enough. They need to change their life.

I believe that it’s this subconscious, and not so subconscious message that’s been at the foundation of patriarchal marketing.

“You’re not where you should be ~ buy this and that will change.”

So it’s not surprising these deeply ingrained templates are carrying into the spiritual coaching realm.

That’s why I said… I think it’s important we pause and ask,”How would I like people to feel in my presence?”

Is our marketing coming from a place of true empowerment ~ to likewise activate a place of true empowerment in our audience?

Or is it ego speaking to ego?

I’m not saying we need to diminish ourselves, or not share our wins. I’m saying… how can we communicate in a way that also respects that the person is just as gorgeous and beautiful and powerful as we are, in this now moment?

How can we speak in a way that highlights our unity, our power, and our shared inherent abundance?

Personally I’m really interested in conversations that uplift all beings. I’m ready to see the fall of hierarchal based programming and marketing.

What do you think?

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