
Inside my Bedroom + 5 Tips to Create Your Own Sacred Space

I've always loved creating sacred spaces.

I remember being a girl of 9 or 10, after my family had moved into a new home, and I had a new room. A fresh space where any of my ideas could come to life. After my parents gave me the go ahead to paint my room whatever colour I liked (oh the freedom!) - I excitedly decided on a light turquoise. I still remember the paint colour name - Robin's Egg Blue. My inspiration was the ocean, and the rest of the elements, from the furniture to the sacred objects, brought in the elements of sand, on an airy beach day. 

Fast forward to the present day, and I am still obsessed with creating spaces people feel good in. Over the last few years, I've had quite a few different bedrooms + houses, having moved from Lethbridge to Calgary to Tofino. Along the way, I've learned some key principles when it comes to creating a space you feel amazing in. Here are my top tips to create a sacred space, as well as some snapshots from my own room to help get you inspired!

An eagle feather hangs beside a DIY lamp - twinkling lights wrapped around a long piece of wood!

An eagle feather hangs beside a DIY lamp - twinkling lights wrapped around a long piece of wood!

Sage smudge rests in an abalone shell, atop a block of cedar

Sage smudge rests in an abalone shell, atop a block of cedar

1. Start with an intention of how you'd like to feel 

When I moved into a new place a few years back, while I was still in University, I remember getting so excited about the decorating process. I spent the entire summer tracking down the perfect furniture, painting it, creating canvases, and going on multiple Ikea shopping trips to get everything just right. What I didn't keep in mind, though, while I was creating, is that some of my core desired feelings are to feel safe, warm, and cozy. I was selecting greys, purples, and whites as my main colour scheme - colours I love, granted - but also colours that tend to evoke a cooler, dreamier state of mind. 

This time around, upon moving into a new spot in Tofino, I knew I needed to live in a red space. Red is of the root chakra - grounding, sensual, and cozy - the perfect hue for creating that 'Aaaah, I'm home', atmosphere. 

Upon tailoring your space to your needs, ask yourself, 'How do I want to feel?' - and select colours and themes that will cater to that desire. Perhaps you'd like to feel airy and expansive, in which case blues + whites might be nice. Maybe you'd like to feel cheery and welcome, so you choose to work will yellows... You get the idea!


2. Keep it clutter free 

Clutter has an insane impact on the psyche, whether we notice it or not. When there are miscellaneous items strewn around the space all the time, it creates an environment that's less welcoming, and more likely to remind you of all the cleaning you need to do. A good way to decrease clutter is to a) Just get rid of what you don't need and use all the time and b) Work with systems.

Ex. You know you never hang up your clothes when you take them off right away? All good, just have something like a wicker basket in your closet that you can throw them into until you're ready to get your clean on. (This is what I do!)


3. Create Altars 

Altars are little power places in your room, full of heart based intentions and what you hold dear. They are collections of sacred items and energies that help to reorient your mind to what's important, and help open your connection to the Divine.

My altar is on my windowsill, and features golden spirit animals, cedar, my business cards, himalayan salt candle holders, pictures of my visions, crystals, and more. Have fun with it! 


4. Ensure that each element you bring into the space has a purpose

Books that you have been meaning to read, but haven't touched in years, stacks of unopened mail, clothes that you don't really like anymore - all these things add weight to a space. Make sure that when you introduce an element to a room, it elicits a loving response in your being.

Look around your room - how does each and every article make you feel? We have memories + attachments to our possessions. Make sure you're surrounded by good ones!


5. Clear your space energetically 

Finally, make sure to clear the energy in your room. I do this daily with juniper incense, smudging with sage, and asking Archangel Michael or Jophiel to clear the space. Letting air flow in by opening the windows is a great idea, as is having plants that can circulate air and love from the fairy kingdom your way :) 


Happy visioning!

xo Beth

I wrapped twinkling lights around branches and cedar, and paired it with a salt lamp, for warm reading lights

I wrapped twinkling lights around branches and cedar, and paired it with a salt lamp, for warm reading lights

The symbols for the root, heart, and third eye chakras add power to the space

The symbols for the root, heart, and third eye chakras add power to the space

A few sacred items from my altar - My business cards + a clear quartz I wear almost everyday on a block of cedar, a golden statue of one of my main Spirit animals, crystals, a feather, and more

A few sacred items from my altar - My business cards + a clear quartz I wear almost everyday on a block of cedar, a golden statue of one of my main Spirit animals, crystals, a feather, and more

A tree of life tapestry hangs over a too-bright-on-it's-own-light, creating a warm + soft, red glow

A tree of life tapestry hangs over a too-bright-on-it's-own-light, creating a warm + soft, red glow

My slumbering kitty lounges on my bed. I sleep under cedar branches to connect with her spirit + her protection

My slumbering kitty lounges on my bed. I sleep under cedar branches to connect with her spirit + her protection

A deer antler hangs between my closet and altar

A deer antler hangs between my closet and altar

I feel blessed to have this as my view

I feel blessed to have this as my view

Aloe Vera brings fresh energy, and is also great to use as a face toner!

Aloe Vera brings fresh energy, and is also great to use as a face toner!

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