Spiritual Business

Feeling not enough?

“Thank you Higher Self for transmuting the places I feel like I’m not enough, and where I feel like I’m not doing enough.”

…I was just having a moment of comparing myself to someone
, and that unsettling feel of ‘not enoughness’ came up.

The moment I became aware of it, I said the prayer above. Multiple times.

This is my flow now. When I encounter difficult feelings or patterns - rather than stew in them, or try to devise an elaborate way out of them - I just ask my Higher Self to clear them.

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Being human is a crazy enough ride as it is. I’m not going to add to that by spending an hour on every difficult emotion or pattern that comes up, trying to figure out the root of it and how to heal it. If I did that I would spend my whole life engulfed in old patterns + masterminding how to heal them.

That is not my human self’s responsibility.

That is the job of my divinity.

Guess what - Your Higher Self is here to do the heavy lifting for you. 🦋

You don’t have to know what the root of every issue you have is. You just need to ask your Higher Self to heal it - and spend time communing with your Higher Self daily. If you need to know anything about an issue’s roots or take certain action steps to heal it - your Higher Self will tell you in communion. Other than that - ask for help, let it go, and love yourself. 💕

Watch the next time you encounter a yucky feeling or pattern - what do you usually do about it?

Next time this happens - I invite you to take a deep breath, feel into it first, honour it with love - and then ask, out loud, for your Higher Self to transmute it. Ask as many times as you want, in as many ways as you want. When I’m in a sticky place I’ll spend many many minutes praying for help out loud. 🙏

(Please note, there ARE many occasions where you truly need to FEEL the pain and breathe, before you’re ready to get into full-prayer mode. Your Higher Self will still guide you to know when it’s time for what)

Let me know if you’re going to take me up on this invitation in the comments below! 🧜🏽‍♀️

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Having a Successful Launch Without Following "The Rules"

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So... I recently had a launch that went really well, where I didn't follow most of the basic "rules" for marketing, or for selling an online course.

I'd like to share why what I offered (a journey on connecting with Dolphins + Whales) - was successful, despite going in the face of standard practices.

First... what are these standard practices?

Well.. you start with a "pain point". You feel into what your ideal client is struggling with, and then - you give a solution.

You basically promise or share that you can get them to where they want to go - their goal - and away from their pain point.

While I'm not against this way of doing things per se.. what I often offer tends to be deeply energetic, and doesn't necessarily offer a concrete goal, or solve a specific pain point.

(When I share my programs for growing your spiritually-based business, it actually makes sense for me to follow this model. My clients know they are meant to share their soul gifts with the world, and want to make money doing what they feel like they're here to do - but are overwhelmed / not sure of the way forth. I actually DO help them to reach their goal of having a successful, spiritually-based business.)


But for my other programs - like Dolphin Consciousness - this isn't the case.

We are in a program right now, where we literally meditate with Dolphins + Whales for 5 weeks.

While I personally KNOW working with these beings can bring big effects in people's lives - I cannot and am not interested in promising people what those effects are, specifically.

I'm not going to tell you working with dolphins + whales will make you 6 figures, help you land your soulmate, or any other popular goal.

So how the heck do I market a program with Dolphins + Whales?
With no pain point to speak to? With no catchy goal to help people achieve?

Simple... Through FREQUENCY!

Here's the thing... Dolphin Consciousness is not something I liked the sound of. It's in my soul. It is the frequency of my spirit, in many ways. It took me years of deepening into my spiritual path to realize this.

And so... the Dolphins + my Higher Self actually told me to launch this journey. That it was needed.

My job was to embody the frequency, share about it, emanate it, and trust that the Dolphins would call resonant people in.

We had 33 women sign up for the journey - because I was able to embody a soul signature frequency that I carry - and there were women who FELT that, and knew that they carried that within them TOO. Their soul stirred as they connected with it.

So, my marketing was simply sharing frequency
, and telling people, if they resonated with that frequency, that they were invited to dive deeper.

This would not have worked if I chose to launch a program that I liked the sounds of.

For example... some people are meant to be ancestral healers. It rings in their bones. I practice ancestral healing, but it's not a part of my soul signature to offer that kind of primal healing on a deep, collective level.

If I offered a course on ancestral healing, it would not have been NEAR as magnetizing, as Dolphin Consciousness was.

The magnetism is in your soul signature frequencies.


My point with this is...

If you want to offer something that breaks the rules, to offer a program that doesn't have a definitive goal you help people with... you must know what frequencies your soul carries.

This is a deep work. It doesn't happen overnight.

But I promise.. if you find what your soul resonates with (for me, that's shown up as Dolphin Consciousness, the Blue Violet Ray - connected with Sirius, and Angelic Energies) --- and you really DIVE into those frequencies --- you let yourself be YOU --- and when it's time, you offer a journey to help others to connect with that frequency - it will be successful.

A huge part of having a successful, spiritually based business, is knowing yourself, knowing your own soul, and doing the deep dive work into your own heart, to know what the codes you carry, really are.

And when you offer your unique codes, value yourself, and your work - you will have success on multiple levels.

Despite any and all models that say - that's not how it works.

If you want to dive deeper into your own unique soul codes, check out my free e-book: Activate the Codes of Sacred Success, here: https://www.bethkatherine.com/activate-the-codes-of-sacred-success

On being a HOT MESS + also SUCCESSFUL!


I remember a client asking me once, if I ever went into fear when I launched something. I said... "DUH" 😜 and told her some stories.

Her reaction was hilarious, to me. She was shocked. She had this perspective, that - if I ran a successful business and had such strong intuition - my life must be pretty streamlined. Basically, she thought I had it all together.


This is hilarious. While I AM laser clear on my purpose, and feel pretty damn stoked about where I'm at in life... I can also be a hot mess.

I'm writing this is in a messy room (I wanted to clean, then I didn't. Then I wanted to clean again... and... didn't 😃)

I stopped my alarm at 8:30 this morning, and ended up sleeping until 10:30 - the latest I've woken up in a while. I went down the internet rabbit hole lastnight, rather than singing mantras like I'd planned, and went to bed really late.

I could go on and on about my hot mess tendencies. There's a lot of them.

But here's the thing... I LOVE and ACCEPT myself, in ALL of my colours + moods, and I choose to not believe things like "When I *BLANK*, then I will be successful."

No, I get to be successful now. So I am. ✨

And because the Universe agrees with the beliefs I hold - as it honours me as a powerful co-creator - my beliefs create my reality.

And so - I get to be a hot mess some days, and still be a bad ass business lady.


Now... your turn!! :D

Are there any stipulations you're putting on yourself, before you're "successful"?

Maybe you need to eat a certain way, do yoga every morning, lose 10 pounds, or be another version of yourself - before you receive what you desire?

Instead - Are you willing to love and accept yourself, right here, right now?

Are you willing to claim - you get to receive what you desire AS YOU ARE - while simultaneously expanding, changing and growing in healthy ways?





I know sometimes this can be tricky, because our egos hijack us, telling us that if we accept and love ourselves as we are - then we'll stay there. And we want to grow.

But actually... if we love and accept ourselves as we are - we instantly dissolve shame and lower level emotions like guilt --- the very emotions that guide us to do things that don't serve our highest good. The very emotions that keep us in ruts.

When we judge ourselves for "not measuring up" - we keep ourselves in a loop of shame - making it more likely that we'll choose what doesn't serve us.

Loving and accepting ourselves, and knowing we're worthy right here, right now - is a radical path of ALIVENESS.


Are you willing to do that? Are you willing to embrace yourself as you are, and believe that you get to be successful, AS YOU ARE?! If so, let me know in the comments below, you radical being, you!!

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Marketing is not what you think it is...


Marketing is not telling someone about your product.

Marketing is building relationships!

When new entrepreneurs have an offering, they tend to jump on social media to tell everyone about it.

Ex. A woman is offering angel card readings. She shares an IG post saying: "I'm offering angel card readings for $X!" with a photo of angel cards.

It's not a surprise when these posts fall flat, and no one books.


Because, believe it or not, there's no marketing in that.

What would a post look like, with actual marketing?

That woman, might post something like this:

"Last fall, I lost my job. I hardly had any savings, and just 1 week after receiving the news, my landlord informed me I wouldn't be able to renew my lease, as she was selling the house.

I was shocked. Upset. Afraid. Angry. All of it. In a particularly low moment one afternoon, my angel cards caught my eye, they were on my desk, shimmering in the sun.

I felt a moment of hope, walked over, lit a candle, and gave myself a reading.

In that reading, Archangel Michael clearly showed up, and reminded me that my soul wasn't happy in the city I was living in. I'd been trying to suppress that. The clear guidance from the cards, was to use this time as an opportunity to move. It was a leap of faith, I had to put several expenses on my credit card - but it worked out. I landed an awesome job in my new city, and found an amazing apartment within 2 weeks of deciding to make the shift.

Angel oracle cards reminded me of my soul path. I'd love to offer you a reading, to help you discern what YOUR soul is saying. *Insert details about the readings.*"

THAT is a post with marketing! It's a post that allowed the reader to develop a relationship with the author and her story, WHILE provoking interest in her service.

So you see... Marketing is first and foremost, about building relationships!

Releasing the idea of $10k+ months as ultimate success





AS the marker





...As humans, our root chakras have been traumatized REPEATEDLY.

We have thousands of years of ancestral trauma that's stored in the root chakra.
We grew up in a patriarchal society that is SO disconnected from the Earth. We don't know how to listen to the land, read the wind for weather changes, etc.

Our root chakras are struggling to function optimally.

But our root chakras are our SAFETY CENTRES. An open, grounded root chakra, causes us to feel SAFE in our bodies.

Most of us (including myself) have root chakras that are still holding on to trauma... so what happens?

💎 We cling for safety in the material world.

💎 We don't even know we're doing it.

💎We focus on productivity and making money as our huge goals...


In an unconscious attempt to feel safe.

To feel OK with being here on earth.

When really, we are CRAVING the EARTH, the medicine of PLANTS AND ELEMENTS, and for our own soul to be grounded in our bodies.

This tendency is everywhere, especially in the spiritual entrepreneur community.

It's still all about making a certain amount of money, as a sign of your success.

When really, we simply have a lot of traumatized humans trying to feel safe, who are trying to recover from their ancestors imprints ... WHILE going through massive collective changes and purging...

And we have their egos going... "I know! I'll just make more money! Yeah! That's what I need! That will make me feel safe and feel better! That's the climax that I'm desiring! More money! More success! Woohoo!"

But the cycle of MORE, I NEED MORE, never ends...


But it's a WHOLE different experience when you plug into the Great Mother as your Source and safety, and money is just MAGNETIZED to you, because you're reconnecting to the OG system of the cosmos and the earth.

💎 The system that has HARDWIRED within it, that we are taken care of.

I am VERY mindful of this difference (grasping for safety, vs grounded in the Great Mother), both in myself, and in clients.

I often work with clients, who just want to make that money!! More money!! Yes please!!!

And I remind them... money doesn't fix your wounds. Money doesn't solve anxiety from a disconnected root chakra.

(I've made a lot of money and still felt deeply unsafe)

As a community of spiritual entrepreneurs, let's focus on REAL HEALING!

Let's reconnect with the EARTH!

Let's make the highest goal INTEGRATION, and EMBODIMENT of our SOULS, rather than $10k months.

💎 Let's watch that money FLOW IN, as a natural symptom of Higher Self alignment. (Woohoo, let's still be making bank! Just grounded bank!)

WOOHOO! Who's with me?

Comment below!

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Everyone does it differently


🌻 Recently I read a post from a business coach, sharing that she makes her money through her call calendar... meaning, the free calls she gives out to potential paying clients. She relies on those calls to make her money.

🌻 I know another (multi-millionaire) coach, that *never* offers free calls, and hasn't for years. Her offers sell like hotcakes.

This is just one of SoOOooO many examples, that highlight: everyone does it differently.

🌻 Some swear by FB ads.

🌻 Some use YouTube.

🌻 Some write guest posts for online publications.

🌻 Some work Instagram, and learn how to use it effectively.

When we're paying attention to 10 different coaches, who grow their business in 10 different ways, it can get overwhelming.

But here's the thing... the strategy part of growing your business is not the most important part. 

Your energetics are. 🦄

Once you embody energetics that are open to receive, open to money, open to clients, and open to divine inspiration... The right strategy for YOU, comes through.

That's why most of my work with clients is working on their energy field.

You can try all the damn strategies in the world, but if your energy field says "I'm not worthy, I don't really believe that this will work." then... Poop. 💩

So, I suggest:

💎 Spend time shifting your wealth consciousness (I have a free course for that, join it here)

💎Ask your Higher Self to fill your cells and chakras, daily, so you can vibrate with divine energy + prosperity

💎 Say "God, USE ME!" often, and meditate, to vibe out on how the Divine wants you to serve

From there... You'll be more connected to your inner guidance, so you'll know. Ohh.. IG feels fun to me! Or.. FB groups feel ideal! Etc.

And from there, the energetics of your field will be what magnetizes clients to you. The strategy is the inspired action that came through, once you got aligned. 💓

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

3 Keys to Making a Living as a Healer


What does it really take to make a living as a healer? What does it really take, to have a business whose number one goal is to serve the planet - while welcoming in support + abundance of all kinds to help you with that mission?

A massive list of followers? Stellar photography? Luck?

No, no, and no.

Over the past 6.5 years, I’ve been a full-time spiritually-based entrepreneur, and let me tell you, the road has not always been easy. But it’s been worth it.

I used to have a vision. I would travel the world while supporting women on their spiritual paths. And 6 years ago, I held this vision, but I was not living it. I was living close to downtown, in a city (Im a nature girl through and through so this was not my ideal) - not even able to join my friends for a dinner out, because I couldn’t afford it. I managed to get by on around $1000 a month.

I could have gone out and gotten a corporate job, with my fresh university degree in Finance.

But that wasn’t even on the table, in my mind. I had awoken to my calling, and there was no stopping it.

I had to hold the vision for years before it became a reality. I now am able to travel like I always knew I would, all the time, while holding space for incredible women who are here to change this planet, just like I am.

But how did this happen? From the vision, to the realization of that vision, what were the keys?

Here are 3 of my non-negotiables when anchoring your vision of a soul-based business into reality:

1) Perseverance

I have failed. And I picked myself up, and tried again. Many, many times. I have launched a group program I spent weeks preparing, to have 2 people sign up. I have worked on a a crystal jewelry line and shared artistic photography + graphics from that line, working tirelessly to bring the vision to life, to hear crickets on social media. I have said the wrong thing publicly, and had to deal with the effects of my own poorly-worded statements. I have felt enormous amounts of fear while launching an offering, and had to pause and integrate past-life fears coming up, in order to continue.

And I kept going. There has only been 1 time on this journey that I seriously considered quitting. But even then I didn’t. Because if you ask any successful entrepreneur what it takes to ‘make it’, they’ll echo me - Perseverance. I’ve seen too many women go for it, and then, when some fear comes up, or the outcome they wanted didn’t happen, they quit.

You are not a quitter! You are a fierce badass meant to change the frequency of this planet. And you will. So what if you fail a time, or two, or even ten? That just makes you wiser, and more courageous for the next time. Eventually, something will click. And you’ll be glad you kept going.

2) Wealth Consciousness

Potentially, the most important piece to receiving for your work is to anchor in wealth consciousness. In your subconscious, you have hundreds of beliefs that tell you things like “Money is hard to come by”, “Intuitives and creatives can’t make good money” and maybe even “Rich people are bad.” In order to unravel years of negative conditioning around money, we need to focus on changing these beliefs.

How? Through journaling, meditation, affirmations, prayer, ritual, reading books about money, taking care of our finances, and more. I will go into this in much greater detail in our free 6 day course on the Divine Feminine in Business.

3) Self-Worth

I’ve seen women with grainy photography, and lacklustre websites, bring in the big bucks. I’ve seen women with huge audiences struggle to pay their rent. Part of this is what I’ve outlined above - wealth consciousness - but if we take wealth consciousness a step-deeper, it’s all about self-worth. Do you see value in your very being? Do you see value in your work? Do you love yourself no matter what, no matter who signs up or how much money is in the bank? When we value ourselves, when we know our light, and our worth, people can feel that. Our energy becomes magnetic.

This is why these women with smaller followings can create wealth in their lives… their energy is magnetic, because they truly value themselves, their lives and their work. This is an ongoing process… But when you are feeling insecure about yourself and your work, and you have a choice to post on Social Media, or go into the forest to meditate… go to the forest. Reconnect with your brilliance before you share your message. It will change the frequency of your work + invite in people who see your value too.

To go deeper with me on this, I invite you to join a free 6 day course, all about the Divine Feminine in Business - how to receive for your work, while you stay in your integrity. Sign up here.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Uniting the Inner Queen and Inner Knight


Today I want to share the story of the Inner Queen + the Inner Knight with you...

—- Inside of you, you have an Inner Queen. She's super badass, majestic, and connected. She is completely in her feminine, and therefore one of her skills is to deeply listen and receive. She communes with the Divine, and receives a clear vision for her Queendom, directly from Source.

—- Inside of you, you also have an Inner Knight. He is strong, willful, and vibrant. He's deeply embodied in his masculine, and loves to take action, to build things, and is a master at following-through.

The Inner Queen and Inner Knight are a perfect match, and if they are working together in a healthy way, this is what happens:

It all begins with the Queen. We live in a reality where it starts from the feminine, we are birthed from the womb, the feminine is our first gateway onto Planet Earth.

So... the Queen begins by downloading the vision for her Queendom. She tells the Knight what her visions are, and he goes out and makes them a reality. He uses his physical prowess, direction, and organizational skills, to build the vision.

When this duo is in harmony, the Divine's visions come to life, through their union.

However, what happens when only one of the duo, is active?

<3 Well, if the Queen is doing her thing, but the Knight is not... She has an amazing vision. She sees what she wants, in her imagination. Yet... nothing external happens. The vision is there... The action steps to bring it about... Not so much.

<3 And if the Knight is active, but not the Queen, he has no Divinely directed vision to work with. In his nature, he will act, act, act + do, do, do, but ends up spinning his wheels, and with no Divine vision - his action ends up being destructive, rather than constructive.

You probably know where I'm going with this...

Where are you on this scale? Is you Inner Queen running the show? Do you have visions for your life, that never seem to materialize? Are you often on the meditation pillow, day-dreaming, and vision-boarding... but have no follow through?

Or is your Inner Knight the one taking full charge... Are you a doer, always busy, working on something, but you end up burnt out, and feel like your actions aren't propelling you towards your dreams. With every tick of the to-do list, 5 more appear... and it's a never ending game of DO!

Or maybe, you're somewhere in between!

<3 I believe that in order to create a life of flow, freedom, and purpose, we need to have both our Inner Queens and Inner Knights activated. Sometimes we have cycles in our lives where the Queen needs more attention, and sometimes, the Knight does, but ideally they are always working together, talking, and respecting one another. <3

This is the foundation of what Divine Feminine in Business means to me. This is how I'm able to have a successful business, serving women, serving the Earth, while also feeling connected to the Divine - Inner Union. (And to be clear - I'm ALWAYS working on this!)

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple