
Women Who Inspire // Ashley Dawn of Thirsty Soul

I'm very fortunate to say I know a lot of inspiring women. Some of them I've forged relationships with online, yet many of them I've met in person, through experiencing the local arts + conscious communities in many different places.

I met Ashley, a holistic health coach and founder of Thirsty Soul, through my amazing community in Calgary - and at the time, she had just opened up a raw + organic juice bar with a  girlfriend in a downtown yoga studio. Despite my relocation to Vancouver Island, we have kept in touch, and I have enjoyed following her journey both online and off!

A few months ago, Ashley invited me to teach at her upcoming Revive & Thrive Retreat in Bali. After consulting with my inner guide (as I had been also asked to teach at a retreat in California around that time as well) - it was clear that this was the right move for me!

Read on to learn more about Ashley, gain some insight from her, and learn more about the retreat in Bali this January! You are invited to join us (it will be my first time there, woohoo!), and you can find out all about it here!



I know your career has taken a very holistic + unique approach - tell me a little bit about what you do!


Yes! In the last 6 years I definitely realized that being healthy is not just about eating a clean diet. To feel empowered in life - emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual elements need to be harmonious with one another. But, I do believe self - transformation begins with eating a joyful and conscious diet. 


How did you get into it? Tell me about your story.


I use to eat a poor malnourished diet, and I suffered from migraines, being overweight, and not having any dreams or goals in my life. I realized that I was responsible for my health and wellbeing, and if I wanted things to change, then I needed to be the one to do it. So, I began educating myself on nutrition, studied, and began experimenting with different diets and ways of eating to learn what was best for me. Through my change in diet, I didn’t suffer from migraines any more. I had more energy, and I actually began to make goals and intentions for my life. By shifting what I consumed physically and mentally, it shifted the way I felt about myself, and I began living a beautiful life. I started to actually see and feel the beauty that life has to offer. Magic began to happen. I want people to experience the magic.


What would your advice be for a woman who is interested in becoming a nutritionist or healer, but doesn't know where to start? 


If I could offer some guidance I would say: The best teachers and healers are the ones who have experienced what they are teaching. Personally, I can connect with healers and teachers wholeheartedly when they can empathize with you - So go back through your life story, and explore an event in your life that really shook you up, or created a significant shift in your life, and feel into it to see if there is any passion to share that story with others, to help others, and be of service. 


What are your top 3 detoxifying foods?


The 3 most detoxifying foods that I am using right now: (these foods are always changing depending on what I am experiencing)

  • Grape Seed Extract
  • Baking Soda
  • Apple Cider Vinegar


Photo by Third Eye Arts

What's something a woman can do right now, to add more energy to her life?

There are so many options. Right Take a deep INHALE , fill up your lungs as far as they can expand, and exhale through your nose.  Repeat 3 times - and as you breathe in say something you are grateful for 

And finally! Tell us more about the retreat in Bali, which I am so excited to be a part of!



Yes! REVIVE & THRIVE RETREAT… Check it out here It is being held in Ubud, Bali on Jan 9th – 18th 2015. Bali is a vibrant, creative, and inspiring environment. The perfect place for this 10 day retreat that focuses on empowering you to heal your body through nutritional coaching, sound healing, breath work, juice cleansing/detoxing, meditation, and of course dancing.

The retreat will be held at the stunning Villa Gaia

The retreat will be held at the stunning Villa Gaia

It just feels so good to celebrate the joy of life. We will probably sneak some extra goodies in for you as well. My co-facilitator Ashera Hart will be including sound healing imaging scans - we can take pictures of your energy field so you can see how you can improve and balance your energy. 

You can learn more + sign up for a skype consult to see if the retreat is right for you here.



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