Yellow Ray

The Yellow Ray of Archangel Jophiel

Today I sat down to work with the yellow ray, and the Archangel of that ray - Archangel Jophiel.

Woah baby! It’s so important to sit with the rays that we don’t necessarily feel an initial strong affinity for.

Yellow has never been one of my favourite colours, and my soul isn’t a frequency keeper for this ray. I’m a blue, white, turquoise, and blue-violet ray holder.

So I’m quite strong in the qualities of the blue ray.

But as I sit with the yellow ray, I feel there is SUCH medicine for me in this energy. For me, there’s one word that comes up with this colour. Unapologetic.

It invites me to shine unapologetically, as the sun of my soul. The sun shines like a glorious gift to all. The sun never hides it’s power. (And thank God it doesn’t!) The sun says I AM A BLESSING. YOU’RE WELCOME!

It doesn’t try to pretend it’s not f*cking epic.

As I sat with this ray today, what was detoxing - what’s not in alignment with it - were the places I make other people’s opinions and feelings about me, more important than my own opinion and feelings of me, and how beautiful I am.

I could feel such an activation, and know that it’s important for me to sit with this ray, that I’m not naturally a keeper for.

This balances me as a person. My soul may be a keeper for certain colour rays, but my Oversoul is rainbow, my Source-self is ALL the colours, ALL the qualities of God, and it’s important that I activate them to honour my full potential in this lifetime.