Heart Based Entrepreneurship

How to get people to actually read / watch your content…


I often see videos, blog posts, and emails from amazing people sharing really great information...

With really boring titles.

The title is THE thing that will get someone that you can serve, to click on that piece of content.

If you're sharing your heart + soul work online, through FB lives, through e-mails, through blog posts, through anything with a title...

Take a moment to craft that title. Make us want to read it, or watch it.

Titles like:

~ The power of compassion

~ Self-love is important

~ I like to start my day with yoga

...Are boring.

Sorry not sorry. They just are.

People know compassion has power, people know self-love is important, people know that you can start your day with yoga. There is nothing new, exciting, intriguing, or curiosity-inducing about any of that.

Here are some ideas of how you can spice up your titles, so the people you can serve actually click:


Ie. "A common 'mistake' most yogis make in practice..." - or "I never knew about this, but when I figured it out my confidence soared!" --- You see how we are instantly all like... "OooOO... what are they talking about?!" and we'll want to click to get the goods.


….and allude to it in the title. You can also bring the curiosity piece in here. ---- Ie. "The surprising thing that happened the night I broke up with my boyfriend..." or "Last week I cried for 2 hours straight, here's why..." - Also, people love personal stories. They make us feeling connected to you. They should be a key in your messaging - however personal and vulnerable you get is up to you.


People love numbers. They just do. ---- Ie. "5 ways to feel sexier." or "10 tips to heal anxiety."

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You can ask yourself, once you have an idea for a post... "Would this make me want to click on this? Would I feel intrigued?" - If not, go back to the drawing board.

Also - don't get too in your head or perfectionist about this.
I like to take a deep breath as Im creating a title, connect with my heart, and ask my angels what a good header would be. I choose what feels best as it comes through. I don't agonize. If you're spending more than a few minutes creating a post title, you're too in your head. Just pick what feels right, and go create or do something else magical with your time.

So there you have it, a few ways to spice up your titles, so the people you can serve actually CLICK on your work, and here what you have to say!

Also, be sure to read my piece about being too general with your posts, which ties into this guidance, here.

The #1 Key for Creating Abundance as a Priestess


In the first 3 or 4 years of running my business, I struggled to make ends meet.

Yes, I was full-time with my work, and yes, I was absolutely loving what I was doing - but I felt this low-grade anxiety moving through my system about money all - the - time.

There were many, many times, where I didn't know how I would make my rent that month. There was also a time I remember when I needed to forage for berries just to eat fruit, because I literally had $0 in my bank account. (And I fucking love my fruit so I guess foraging for blackberries ain't so bad, BUT, it would have been nice to forage WHILE having money in the bank to eat, am I right?) 

Fast forward to 2 years later, and here I am - at a café in Greece eating a veggie burger, writing this letter to you, and looking forward to my flight to Egypt on Monday. I have an amazing hotel room with an awe-inspiring view here in Delphi... not the cheapest hostel bed I could find. I haven't had to touch my savings on this trip, because my monthly payments from my clients cover all of my expenses while traveling. I work on the road, and I feel deeply purposeful with what I do. It totally lights me up, beyond words are able to describe.

So... What the fuck changed? 

What changed was my understanding of how abundance comes to us, and undertaking a commitment to follow through on that new understanding, in my daily life. And I want to share this powerful shift in understanding today, with you. 

In this new video, I describe exactly how I create abundance in my life now. Watch it below + let's deepen into this journey of claiming abundance so we can actually do what the fuck we want to do in life... Shall we?