
Introducing: A Series of Women's Circles in Tofino, BC!

You're invited to join myself + a host of other beautiful ladies this Summer! 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me here!

The stunning artwork on the poster is by Danielle Noel.

Today, I was Helped by the Angels

I often refer to my time in Tofino as 'Event School' -  the reason being that I've actively wanted to get involved in events, but up until now, have only dabbled a bit here and there. 

So upon moving to Tofino a few months ago, I knew I had an opportunity to get my hands dirty and just give 'er. Tofino, though a small town, is a hotbed of young, social souls (due to it's status as 'Canada's Surf Capital') and a mecca for tourism. It offers a constant flow of new people who are looking to connect and engage with the local culture - the perfect scenario for those interested in creating events.  


Hence, why I've dubbed it 'Event School', as with a little willingness + the spirit of a self-starter, one can learn the ins and outs of event planning + execution. The opportunities are here!

My first event? A fundraiser for an organization I'm an ambassador with - Women for Whales. It's a night of inspirational speakers (including Roxy sponsored surfer Catherine Bruhwiler and Morgan Callison, the founder of the only health food store in Tofino - Green Soul Organics), Raffle Prizes from amazing local companies, AND a epic local DJ to end the night with dancing + good vibes.

As I'm new to throwing events, I wasn't fully up on all the components of the evening. I'm learning things like, what to bring with you when you're dropping off tickets to vendors, the best ways to approach a store for raffle prizes, etc. I'm also learning that when things go wrong, the angels totally have my back. 

A few hours ago I found out that the PA system I was counting on (in essence: the sound equipment) - wasn't available, and I didn't know anyone else in town who had what I needed. In a town of 2000 people, where the closest city is a 2 hour drive away, this is semi-worrisome, as there isn't a big box store, or a list of businesses you can go to when in a pinch.

Imagining a night, that was supposed to be full of dancing and good music, without a stereo system, left a mild panic in my being. 

But with Marie Forleo's voice in my head saying 'Everything is figure-outeable', and lots of prayers to the angels sent in, I was confident I could make it work. 

Heading to the internet, and Tofino's local Facebook group (we're tight like that :D) - I put out a semi desperate plea - 'Help! I need a PA system for tomorrow night!' - After I posted the comment, I scrolled down to see that someone had just posted a picture of the most extensive PA system I'd ever seen, saying it was available. I'd never seen a PA system on the group before, and this one had only very recently been posted. How magical is that?

To keep the story simple, 15 minutes later, I had not 1, but 2 PA systems lined up, just in case the first one fell through. 

And I am so full of gratitude for both the people + the synchronicites of Spirit, for allowing what could have been a major meltdown to turn into an incredible opportunity to honour - we are truly taken care of. I know without a doubt my angels were working with me big time on this one.

Now I'm going to enjoy a cup of tea, a little Oprah, and settle in to the night before my first official party! How exciting is that!

Much love to you beautiful people,

And say it with me! "I am truly taken care of."


xo Beth



5 Ways to Start Your Morning Off Right

I know a lot of spiritual teachers recommend that we start our mornings off with the same routine everyday, whether that be 5 minutes of meditation, or a certain ritual. I like the idea, but I've never been one for routines. For example, what if I had a solid routine that involved 10 minutes of gratitude journaling, but when I woke my eyes, I just couldn't wait to get out of bed and go for a beach run? Am I going to simmer myself down with the gratitude write, just because I'm 'supposed to'. Heck no. I'm off running. But that's just me. 

So my 'routine' in the morning is simply to honour + acknowledge the new day in some way. Much of the time, when I open my eyes, I simply say 'Hi Spirit!'. But I've also discovered a host of different ways I can start the morning off right, and while, again, I'm not one to repeat the same morning ritual over and over, I'll always do something that reminds me that everyday is sacred - there's nothing quite like the moment when you open your eyes to a new one. 

Here are some of my favourite ways to honour the morning:

1. Prayer

This one is a constant for me. From a simple, yet powerful prayer from A Course in Miracles that goes: "Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say? And to whom?" to a prayer specific for your day like "Angels, thank you for guiding me through my interview, and ensuring that I speak from the heart, and connect with the people around me", prayer can alter your mood and the course of your day significantly.

Sometimes I like to spend a good 15-20 minutes in constant prayer before I get out of bed. I love when I do this, it has a tangible, magical, and undeniably peaceful effect on my whole being. 


2. Green Juice

Green Juice has become a bit of a trend these days, but for good reason. If you've ever experienced a good, organic green juice on an empty stomach, you'll know what I'm talking about! Green Juice alkalizes the body, delivering key nutrition to your cells instantly, without asking your body to output energy to digest. The buzz from a green juice first thing has a profound effect on your mood + energy levels. It is a GREAT way to get going. 

Eating before consuming a green juice isn't a good idea, as it might cause stomach cramping and kind of negates the positive effects of green juice in the first place. This is because your body is already working to digest the food in your stomach, and the digestive enzymes are flowing. Green juice doesn't have fibre, so it doesn't need to be digested. Again, drink it on an empty stomach, and it's like a shot of chlorphyll directly to your blood stream. No work needed. Just benefits to be had.

If you don't have a juicer, no worries. This is what I do: Simply throw your greens (kale, spinach, etc) with a citrus fruit (orange, lemon) into a blender, pour at least 2 cups of water over it. Blend. Strain through a strainer, cheesecloth, or a nut mylk bag. 


3. Movement

Your body has been snoozing all night. When I take the time to do a bit of yoga or dance first thing in the morning, it's amazing at all the little crackles that my spine emits as it comes back into alignment and openness. I usually just do something like 5 sun salutations, and have a few minute dance party - nothing too crazy. :) Just enough to get my spine and muscles woken up, so the energy is flowing, and I have more focus for my day!


4. Wake Up Slow

When you don't have to rush off to work (which I never do... big gratitude to entrepreneurship!) it can be nice to simply lie in bed, and wake up slow - especially after you've just woken up from some nice feeling dreams. Daze off back to sleep, meditate, enjoy being cozy. It feels so good. If when you do this, you feel guilt (as I once did) - it's a sign that you're not letting yourself relax, and it's a good idea to breathe through it, and ask for help from your angels. You might also be picking up on the hectic energy of the world around you, so shield yourself with some nice pink or bright blue light (through visualization) - and see if that helps.


5. Dream Journal

One of the absolute best ways to recall your dreams is to get into the practice of dream journalling - but this isn't the only bonus. Often, when we write down our dreams, we have a much easier time deciphering what they're trying to tell us.

When you write them down, pay attention to the specific wording you use, and the details you chose to jot down. Reread what you wrote, asking your dream guides for help in interpreting the messages accurately. Do this at least a few times, and you'll be amazed at the information that can be accessed through the dreamtime. The lessons you learn will likely affect your waking life profoundly.

Keep Up With Astrology

Image: Soul Nebula

Image: Soul Nebula

Ever since I started keeping up with astrology, I don't feel quite so alone.

Often we ladies, especially those with our moons / suns in water signs, can feel intensely, think profoundly, and contemplate muchly, without necessarily feeling like anyone else is doing the same. 

Tapping into astrology is a bit like tapping in to the collective consciousness. The different aspects, retrogrades, directs, moons in signs, and much more, affect us all in different ways, but often, have a common theme. When we reach out to understand these common themes, we realize we're all in this together. We're all experiencing the same things, the same human dramas, the same feelings of love and lightness, the same feelings of heaviness and darkness.

It is my belief that, wherever you're at, astrology can have something for you.

To tune into the ever changing tides of the cosmos, I often find myself on Mystic Mamma. This week, she shares well known Astrologer Kaypacha's report:


“We’re all diving down into the underworld of our unfelt feelings these next couple weeks. Let it up and let it out and don’t make it too real. This period can best be described as ‘weird’ so don’t get too ‘weirded out!’ I suggest it is all about ‘enlarging your space’….. we all need to give ourselves a bit more room to move, feel, react, and release….. take some time to yourself, for yourself and let others have their space, too…. Self knowledge sometimes costs but is well worth the price in the end.”


For the rest of Kaypacha's widsom, head this way!


Happy Cosmic Learning!

xo Beth

Pinspiration // Earth Goddess Home

I'm obsessed with creating spaces that feel eclectic, happy, warm, sacred and liveable! Although I don't (yet, muahaha) have a cedar cabin or treehouse, which will create the ULTIMATE base for design, I do what I can, with what I have! Currently, my room is my favourite place ever to be. Here is some of what inspires me when I create, I hope it sparks your creative flame!

xo Beth

5 Ways to Instantly Up Your Mood

1. Take Vitamin D - Winter can be a beautiful time of coziness, inward expression, and warm times indoors. However all this indoor time usually results in less exposure to sunlight, and therefore, less exposure to the 'Happy Vitamin' - Vitamin D! We can circumvent this by supplementing. When I started on the Vitamin D about 3 weeks ago, I noticed an instant improvement in my mood.

Keep in mind, it's important to be taking a high quality source, as some forms of Vitamin D don't readily absorb into our system. To learn about your best options (like Cod Liver Oil + Liquid Drops), check out this post by Harmonic Arts. You'll also find out lots more (+ totally herbalist) information, on how to stay happy and healthy in the winter!


2. Put On Your Favourite Classical Music, Lie Down, and Breathe - Mine is the soundtrack from the movie Ever After, composed by George Fenton (who also created the music for Planet Earth). Classical music has an incredibly soothing and inspirational effect on our systems. Plenty of scientific research backs this up. The trick to this tip, however, is to lie down, while you're doing this, and breathe deeply in your belly. This will ease tension you've gathered in and around your Second Chakra, making it easier to relax and find joy in the simple things.


3. Spend at least 2 Hours Outside - Yes I said 2 hours. ;) :D Most of us are keenly aware of the magic that happens when we spend time outdoors, but often, especially in winter, our forays out into nature tend to be short lived. Challenge yourself by organizing an activity, either solo or with friends, that will motivate you to be outdoors for that long. Whether it's skiing, skating, garbage collecting on your favourite beach, or simply going for a hike, get your body and lungs breathing in that gorgeous air. You'll feel amazing!


4. Learn about Something You're Really, Really Interested In - When we spend time learning about what we love, something happens. Perhaps it connects us to past lives, our life missions, or even to a fond childhood memory. Either way, it's a pretty awesome feeling to get engrossed in new subject matter. My super love right now is learning about herbalism. I'm currently reading this book, loving it, and learning so much. I feel more purposeful, more powerful, when I sit down to engage my mind in what I love.

What about you? Does history tickle your fancy? Perhaps you'd like to learn about Ancient Egypt, the costumes, and the culture? Maybe it's nutrition. Or the lymphatic system. Or how waves are created in the ocean. It could be anything! Just get learning, it'll brighten your spirits!


5. Laugh - Simple? Yes. Obvious. Yes? How often to we make a point of it? Uhhhh.. Good Point. :)

Laughter is the best medicine ever. It instantly uplifts the spirits. But how we can laugh on cue? What can be funny when we're not feeling that great? Well dear, dear friends... I introduce you to the wonders of YouTube. There are some hilarious people on that beautiful website. My go to for laughter is Ellen, the girls gets me. I'm also a big fan of Kid President. Go searching. Find something hilarious. Spend an hour laughing. Your life will be WAY better, I promise! ;) :D


Pinspiration // A Crystal Love Affair

In the last few years, I've developed a beautiful passion for crystals. Feeling them, looking at them, touching them, wearing them, creating spaces with them. There's just something about stones that creates this mystical, otherworldly connection. I know many of you agree.

I read in one of Doreen Virtue's books that those who wear crystals do so because they have past lives in Atlantis. They wear stones so that others who were also there will recognize them.  ... It's so we can find each other. 

Whether that's true or not, it tickles something inside of me. Crystals are a sea unto themselves, whose mysteries I am perfectly OK with not ever fully grasping.

Lots of love,

xo Beth