
Are you unclear about what you want to offer the world? Read this!

Do you feel unclear about what you want to offer the world? Like you don’t know exactly where your gifts lie… so you’re going to wait for them to show, or invest in more training, before creating offers to give to the world?

Here’s the thing… when I started my business, then called Waves of Fire… I wasn’t offering angel readings, or spiritual business coaching.

I had really no idea that my work would evolve into that. I simply knew I was called to be of service.

And one day - I had an idea to offer crystal necklaces to spiritually-minded women, as a starting point.

Now, it’s not like I was insanely passionate about creating jewelry, and knew it was my calling - in fact, I’d never made a crystal necklace in my life. But I loved crystals, and I knew that it was a product that would be aligned with what I really wanted to be doing - spiritual teaching.

So I started creating the necklaces, and created a website - in which I shared many blog posts and videos - aimed at waking other young women up, and guiding them to listen to their inner voice + learn more about the spiritual path, in fun, and relatable ways.

After many months of offering these necklaces, and having conversations with many female clients - I realized I was starting to get messages from the angelic realms, that I was asked to pass on. Within a few months of offering channeled guidance - on a casual + free basis for my crystal clients - I realized that I could start offering stand-along channeling sessions.

Once I started offering angel readings, something fell into place.

I had this feeling, after the readings, that I’d never had before - like I was meant to be doing this work. Like I was really and truly helping people. It was like a click.

I’d never really had that feeling with crystal necklaces, even though I loved them. So I said goodbye to offering them, and walked into the role of a full-time coach - something that would have surprised me a year earlier.

Since then, I’ve been coaching, teaching, and now - helping other women create their own spiritually-based businesses.

I’m sharing this with you, because I realize that you may still feel unclear about what you have to offer.

You feel called to go deeper with your spiritual work - you feel like you could really help people with your personal stories, or maybe through healing potions, giving bodywork, or teaching yoga - but how it all comes together still may feel fuzzy.

Where do your gifts truly lie? What should you be offering as a product or service? What if you’re no good at it? What if you’re OK at it but someone else is better?

Well sister - I encourage you to chill out, and just start somewhere - because the way will unfold as you start walking.

No I was not über passionate about creating jewelry. No I did not feel like it was my ultimate calling in life. BUT I was curious. And I followed my curiosity, as Elizabeth Gilbert says. And when I did so, it eventually DID lead me to the click. (And by the way, there were many more ‘clicks’ to follow - it’s not just one thing in specific we’re meant to be doing - but more on that later). The point is - I started. I didn’t have the perfect roadmap, I didn’t know how it would all work. But I started. And that made all the difference.

If I waited around for my life purpose to fall into my lap, rather than just going out and doing what I could, with what I had - I wouldn't be sitting here writing this to you. Haha - I would probably still be waiting.

But that’s not my style - and, correct me if I’m wrong - but, I don’t think that’s your style either.

You’re a fire starter, a change maker - someone who came to this earth to give massive healing + love, any way you could.

Archangel Jophiel Meditation

Hey Ladies! :D Beth here! xoxo

I'm really excited to give you this

Archangel Jophiel Meditation 

...because Archangel Jophiel ~ the Goddess-like angel of beauty + beautiful perceptions ~ is so magical, and so devoted to your healing. 




Please PRESS PLAY on the video BELOW to listen to a free guided meditation with Archangel Jophiel + have your own experience:

If you're digging this and want to connect + receive complimentary angel coaching, please join my private Facebook group, Angel Coaching with Beth Katherine.


Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Free Guided Archangel Michael Meditation

Archangel Michael is the angel I work with most closely, and I can personally attest to his ability to not only heal and give you clarity, but to also re-work things in the physical world  ~~~ so that life is easier for you. 

Angels always respect our free-will choice however, and so, you really do need to invite him into your life to fully receive those healing powers!


Here is a free Archangel Michael guided meditation you can do, to invite Archangel Michael into your life today


Also a great meditation to practice, even if you already work with him. :)

Lots of love!

I hope you enjoy the free meditation :) May Archangel Michael guide you, 

xo Beth

New Moon in Capricorn Meditation

Hi loves!

Happy New Moon in Capricorn!


I’m having such a Capricorn day right now… painting some trimming and doors in my house, re-potting plants, and getting organized ~ Capricorn is all about those one-step-at-a-time moves that help to ground us + build a strong foundation!

What a beautiful way to ring in the New Year. This moon will affect us all differently though, which is why it is so fabulous to meditate and connect in, so you can receive guidance that is PERSONALLY right for you!

So… you know it! I have a meditation video for you. In it, we’ll:

  • Connect with the New Moon in Capricorn + our spirit guides and angels to see what this moon is all about
  • Pull an angel tarot card and talk about the current energy
  • Get fired up about rocking our life purposes, one step at a time

If you want to join the Angel Meditation Challenge I talk about in the video, click here!

Lots of love!

xo Beth

A Video That Moved Me To Tears...

I woke up today feeling a bit funky.

My root chakra was hurting (and still is), and admittedly, it took me a while to get out of bed ~ I was just not feeling the motivation to greet the day. 

But as you would have it, Spirit responded, and intuitively guided me to a speech of Gabby Bernstein's that I'd never seen before. While watching this hour long talk of hers at Wanderlust Squaw Valley last year, I was moved to tears. 

Gabby is an incredible teacher, hands down. In this lecture, she shares emotional moments of her journey, and really gets vulnerable. I just couldn't not share this video with you, because it really reminded me of the light today. 

Yes I can feel funky, and yes I will. (The teachings of the Dark Goddess remind us that, that is totally OK and part of the process) But the Light is our source, and that's where we always want to return to.  That's where we always will return to. 

This video reminded me of how much Spirit loves me, and how great the work we are here to do is. I ask that you take an hour out of your day today to watch it, and connect with the wisdom that comes through this fierce woman.

I'm so excited to see her speak for my first time live, this Monday in Victoria, BC. If you're on the coast, I invite you to join me ~ she's also speaking in Vancouver. Get details here. 

Lots of love to you all! May you be well,

xo Beth

Full Moon in Gemini Meditation

Happy Full Moon in Gemini!

I adore full moons and I super adore connecting with their energy to receive insight, guidance, and healing. If this is new to you (or if it's not and you simply love to connect like I do) - then please watch this video to learn more about this time, and meditate with me.

We'll connect with Archangel Michael + Archangel Haniel + more... 


Much love my unicorns!!

xo Beth



A New Moon in Virgo Meditation

Hey babes!

It's the New Moon in Virgo AND a solar eclipse. This is a powerful time, and we have a great opportunity to connect in right now, and receive some guidance. Virgo is all about the earth, details, and using our physical energy to create harmony, and bring about our goals. 

In this video, I share with you more about this New Moon, and talk about what exactly a solar eclipse brings us.

We'll also be meditating to receive guidance from our Spirit Guides + Angels. What action steps can we take to manifest our goals? What would Spirit have us do right now?

Watch the video to meditate with me, and receive some answers to those questions. :)


On Saturday we have a New Moon in Virgo AND a solar eclipse! Watch to learn what this means, as well as to meditate to receive guidance and clarity at this time. To join my private Facebook group I mentioned in the video, please go to:


Much love sisters!

xo Beth

3 Steps to Becoming the Healer You Are

In my work, I constantly am connecting with young women who just want to be of service. Us young, awakened women are rather intelligent, and emotionally and spiritually in tune.

We know better than to chase what the rest of the world seems to be enthralled by. Yes, lots of money would be nice. A flawless complexion, yeah that could be pretty cool, but not necessary. Looking good in the eyes of your peers? Fleeting. 


Us awakened women are looking for more. Much more.


We are looking for the reason why we are here. On planet earth. And though we can get caught up with the rest of the world, ultimately, we always come back to that place - How can I be of service? Why am I here? How can I give my gifts to the world?

But much of the time, we are a little bit perplexed on how to give what we’ve got to the world. We can either lack confidence, or even direction. Many of my clients really want to feel like they are on the right path, but they have no idea what that path is. 

And so I will break it down for you, easy peasy, by giving you 3 steps to bring your life purpose into your life in a very significant way. It is very possible to live life in a way that you know you are doing what you came here to do. Here’s how to access that feeling:


1. Ask for Clear Guidance 

Of course. You knew it was coming. Ask for help ya’ll! If you’re confused about what your gifts are, and how you can be of most service, then ASK! Ask Spirit, your angels, the faeries, Kali, Buddha, Jesus, whoever you vibe with most - for help! This can be done as easily as saying something like “Angels, I need your help. Please guide me to understand what my gifts are and how I can best use them. Please answer me clearly, in a way I can easily understand! Thank you!”

The trick with this is to ask everyday, many times a day, if you can. For whatever reason, amping up how often you ask, usually amps up the results you get back.

So make it your practice to ask for clear guidance every single day. This is something I do about 30-50 times a day. I ask my body what it wants to eat, I ask the angels what they want me to do, I ask like a crazy person. (Because I am a crazy person. And I like it :D)


2. Listen

These steps are super simple, yes I am aware. But you wouldn’t believe how many people come to me for guidance that are simply not taking the time to listen to their own inner selves! Many many. And I love you all. But please my sweet ones, carve out some time to meditate or to be in nature all on your own. You will discover an entire world of knowledge and wisdom before you. 

Once you have asked, your signs can come in many ways. Through people, through songs, through synchronicities. So please listen to what happens in your daily life. Pay attention. To the small things, you may have missed before. 

When you make time to get quiet, listen to a guided meditation, hug a tree, or whatever else embodies the energy of listening for you - you are going to get answers. 

These answers may not strike you in the exact moment. Meaning, you might not receive your answer through shouting EUREKA deep in the forest as your exact life purpose comes to you in a shiny sparkly vision. (Or you may, who knows)

The answers might come to you later, after meditation. When we’re in meditation we’re allowing Source to enter deep into our subconscious mind, and sometimes we don’t actually receive the transmission until it comes out organically later on that day or week. 

With this step, consistency is important as well. I suggest meditating at least 3x a week. I personally meditate every day, at least once. Download some guided meditations. They’ll help a lot and make it more fun. I love Gabby Bernstein's. I’m also coming out with my own meditation album within the next few weeks. FINALLY! I’ll let you know when it’s coming out if you sign up with your e-mail below. When you do that, I'll also send you a few meditations to get your started. 


3. Act on the Guidance You Receive

OK OK I know. These steps are just so simple. And you’ve probably heard them before. But that’s because they work! I promise if you follow the guidance of ASKING, LISTENING, and ACTING, you will be in the experience of being the healer, the teacher, or the creator that you want to be, sooner than you could have imagined.

This step involves you acting on the inner guidance that came when you listened. Now to be clear, the guidance may not be something you can see will help your dreams come true. Act on it anyway. 

Ex. You may want to be an energy healer, and your inner guidance tells you to sign up for an ecstatic dance workshop. Or to go to your local cafe that morning. Or to call a friend you haven’t heard from in a while. 

All of these bits are parts of your path, parts of your process. You could completely open up your heart chakra in that workshop, and be a more powerful healer because of it. You could see a poster at that cafe for a women’s circle that will be a game changer for you. That friend might be in need of an energy boost, which you can offer to her as a gift, while getting practice for your expression of healing. 

You never know! Just follow the guidance, and see what happens! If you need help understanding what your inner guidance is saying, follow these 2 rules of thumb: 1) Inner guidance feels good, no matter what. 2) Inner guidance is repetitive, so if you miss a sign, don't worry, it will come back!

As with the ones above, this step needs consistency. If you ask, listen, and act on your inner guidance every day for a week, your life will be changed. Every day for 3 months, and you will have expanded deeply. Every day for a year and you will be a powerful healer and guide for those who you wish to touch.


If you want to go further with this, please request to join my private Facebook group - Angel Coaching with Beth Katherine.

In the group, you get to request specific guidance for your journey, as well as have access to videos + stories I don’t share with anyone else. I’d love to connect with you further! Request access here.

Lots of love!

xo Beth