New Moon

New Moon in Pisces Meditation

Hey ladies!

What a day! A total solar eclipse, a supermoon, a new moon AND international women's day. I had such an incredible day connecting with women both locally and globally, and I am feeling the change of energy that this New Moon is bringing us!

Meditate with me to receive guidance that is perfect for you by watching the video below!

So much love to you!

To join the group I mention at the video, Angel Coaching with Beth Katherine, head here!


☽ New Moon in Aquarius Meditation ☾

Hey babes!

Happy New Moon in Aquarius!

This moon is all about listening to those points of truth in your life, that just can't be ignored. In a really good way! Truths that, when revealed... have the potential to skyrocket our happiness and leave us feeling all the good feelings, if we're willing to listen. That whole inner guidance thing!!! The energy is moving forward, and we're invited to hop along with it! It's also the Chinese New Year (Year of the Monkey! That sounds fun :D) 

Monday's New Moon goes exact at 6:39am PST, and will be followed by a void-of-course moon. This adds a wild card element to this New Moon, and really ~ anything could happen! That's always the truth, but I have a feeling this moon could bring some interesting new aspects to the mix, or even some surprises ;) :D

Now, let's get into it! In this meditation video, you'll learn lots more + we'll meditate to receive DIRECT guidance from the New Moon itself ~~~ the ultimate way of getting hooked up with the answers if I do say so myself. #moonlove :D

To join the group I mention in the video, Angel Coaching with Beth Katherine, click here!

Lots of love! xo

Ps. Music I'm digging right meow...

Sofia Karlberg - Let it Go


New Moon in Capricorn Meditation

Hi loves!

Happy New Moon in Capricorn!


I’m having such a Capricorn day right now… painting some trimming and doors in my house, re-potting plants, and getting organized ~ Capricorn is all about those one-step-at-a-time moves that help to ground us + build a strong foundation!

What a beautiful way to ring in the New Year. This moon will affect us all differently though, which is why it is so fabulous to meditate and connect in, so you can receive guidance that is PERSONALLY right for you!

So… you know it! I have a meditation video for you. In it, we’ll:

  • Connect with the New Moon in Capricorn + our spirit guides and angels to see what this moon is all about
  • Pull an angel tarot card and talk about the current energy
  • Get fired up about rocking our life purposes, one step at a time

If you want to join the Angel Meditation Challenge I talk about in the video, click here!

Lots of love!

xo Beth

A New Moon in Virgo Meditation

Hey babes!

It's the New Moon in Virgo AND a solar eclipse. This is a powerful time, and we have a great opportunity to connect in right now, and receive some guidance. Virgo is all about the earth, details, and using our physical energy to create harmony, and bring about our goals. 

In this video, I share with you more about this New Moon, and talk about what exactly a solar eclipse brings us.

We'll also be meditating to receive guidance from our Spirit Guides + Angels. What action steps can we take to manifest our goals? What would Spirit have us do right now?

Watch the video to meditate with me, and receive some answers to those questions. :)


On Saturday we have a New Moon in Virgo AND a solar eclipse! Watch to learn what this means, as well as to meditate to receive guidance and clarity at this time. To join my private Facebook group I mentioned in the video, please go to:


Much love sisters!

xo Beth

Why I Started Partying Again!

{ Your Moon Day Oracle for June 2 - 8 }

Hi loves!

This month we have big energy. The atmosphere in the cosmos is supporting our major changes, and our happy growth, but for many of us, that can still be confusing. 

What are our missions? Why are we here? What should we be creating?

If you need some help with those questions, this week's Moon Day Oracle is for you! In it, we highlight the importance of following our joy, in order to activate our true life's purpose - being lightworkers!

I also share a personal story on where my own joy lead me - and it might not be what you expect!

Tune in with me below!


Make sure you focus on your joy this week! And if you need help, remember your lightworker tools! (Prayer, Meditation + Whatever else you love!)

Lots of love,

xo Beth