Full Moon

Full Moon in Cancer Ritual

As a Cancer mermaid baby myself, I am feeeeeling this moon! It's not always that I do a Full Moon ritual, but today I felt super connected to the moon, and did so.

So I'm going to share with you my ritual today, so you can get inspired on how to create your own intentional ceremonies, whether they're on the Full Moon, or at some other time!

But first, before we dive into the ceremony, I want to touch base about this Full Moon.

This moon, as you may know, is water, she's emotion, she's depth. What I want you to understand however, is this moon's connection with the Divine Mother.

Cancer is Mother. She is the ocean, and she's ruled by the moon. Sirius is also in the constellation of Cancer, which is where the whales and dolphins live as their homebase in our galaxy. Today, we have a strong watery transmission from the Divine Mother, emanating through the Moon.

That means that your Mother wounds around not feeling safe, not feeling loved, loveable, not feeling innocent, or anything else connected to the Divine Mother ~ will likely come up at some point ~ whether that was in the past few days, or the next 1 or 2.

Our relationship with the Divine Mother is at the core of every aspect of our lives.

From money (milk and honey money from the Mother, the Mother of all Life! Do you let in her sustenance?), to our relationships (feeling worthy of being loved and seen in our essence) - this Divine Mother connection is at the core of it all.

So please know, that anything you're experiencing right now in terms of your emotions or your feelings of safety or lack thereof - is about more than just this moment.

The Divine Mother transmitting through, and as, the Full Moon in Cancer, is showing you something deep within you, that wants to be held and loved. Seen. Expressed. The trigger is only the trigger. The wound is ancient - the belief you are separate from the Divine Mother, or that she abandoned you. And our work today, and always, is to ask for Divine Mother's love to fill us, so that we can remember the truth. We're held. Always. Loved. Infinitely. One with all of creation. A jewel in the Divine's eye. Eternal.

Now, let's dive into this ritual I created today. Full Moons are typically a time to let go, and as we're working with water when we're in Cancer, letting go also seems appropriate because water wants to flow unobstructed. Letting go of density helps the light-water that's all around us and in us, to flow. Being in divine flow = a life of love and abundance.

Here's the Full Moon ritual I created today:

1. I opened Sacred Space. I called in Mother Father God, the Ascended Masters and Angels I work with, and Gaia. I asked my Higher Self to fill my cells. I welcomed in the Dolphins and Whales.

2. I wrote down all the things I wanted to release, on a nice turquoise paper that reminded me of water (any paper will do though). I stated at the top, ON THE FULL MOON IN CANCER, THIS IS WHAT I'M RELEASING. I authentically wrote all the places I felt stuck and out of alignment and confused and angry, and all of it, and then I wrote, I RELEASE IT.

3. I got out a pot that can handle fire, and went outside. I invoked all the elements, and lastly invoked fire, as I lit a candle. I then invoked the Sapphire Blue Flames and the Violet Flame in to burn through me and around me as I spoke all I was releasing out loud (These flames transmute dense energy, if I speak out things I want to release, I want to do it intentionally, so that the clear direction is to release them, not manifest them) I read what I was releasing, and burned the paper, throwing it into the pot as it burned. I felt the discordant energies being burned up inside of me, in the fire.

4. I then put on my water playlist on Soundcloud, and danced. I breathed into my body deeply, feeling my breath moving around my body, releasing all that's been stuck. I imagined water flowing through my breathe and flowing through me, releasing the stagnation.

I then closed the ceremony.

Ps. *MOON WATER* While I was doing all of this, I was drinking moon water I'd prepared the night before - I put out filtered water in a glass jar, with a small moonstone in it. Then I gathered it in the morning and blessed the water. Voila! High vibrational crystalline moon water!

Honestly none of this felt rigid. It just felt like normal flow. It wasn't overly formal, it was just a natural movement of one thing to the next. Your ceremonies don't have to feel like you are 'getting it right'. If you don't have time to do the full ritual above, but you like it, just pull out one or two elements and know it's enough!

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Medicine of the Snake - Full Moon in Scorpio Guided Meditation with Kali-Ma

🌹Happy Full Moon in Scorpio! What is Scorpio all about? 

In most traditions, even New Age ones, we honour White & Gold, cleanliness, the Divine from ABOVE, and Masculine energy (productive, direct, logical) --- above all else. Think of this as the white & gold snake.

While that aspect of us is rad, it is only half of the story... We are lovingly urged to honour the BLACK & RED energies coming from BELOW & WITHIN us. The FEMININE is rising, and Kali-Ma calls on us to embrace the black womb space from which we all originate. Sex, death, and transformation ya'll. 🌹Think of this as the black & red snake.

In order to step into sovereignty as we are destined to, we need to honour Spirit AND Soul, Light AND Dark, Masculine AND Feminine --- white AND black snakes!

Watch the video above to learn more and meditate with Kali-Ma and the Snake <3

Full Moon in Leo Meditation

Hey ladies!

Happy Full Moon! This Full Moon is in Leo + is loaded with power, due to the naturally potent essence of Leo, coupled with occurring in the last few days of Mercury Retrograde. 

In this video, I explain a little bit more about this time, and then lead you in a guided meditation, so you can connect in and receive guidance at this time :)

Lots of love!

xo Beth

Full Moon in Gemini Meditation

Happy Full Moon in Gemini!

I adore full moons and I super adore connecting with their energy to receive insight, guidance, and healing. If this is new to you (or if it's not and you simply love to connect like I do) - then please watch this video to learn more about this time, and meditate with me.

We'll connect with Archangel Michael + Archangel Haniel + more... 


Much love my unicorns!!

xo Beth



Why I Started Partying Again!

{ Your Moon Day Oracle for June 2 - 8 }

Hi loves!

This month we have big energy. The atmosphere in the cosmos is supporting our major changes, and our happy growth, but for many of us, that can still be confusing. 

What are our missions? Why are we here? What should we be creating?

If you need some help with those questions, this week's Moon Day Oracle is for you! In it, we highlight the importance of following our joy, in order to activate our true life's purpose - being lightworkers!

I also share a personal story on where my own joy lead me - and it might not be what you expect!

Tune in with me below!


Make sure you focus on your joy this week! And if you need help, remember your lightworker tools! (Prayer, Meditation + Whatever else you love!)

Lots of love,

xo Beth

Soul Thoughts on a Full Moon

Full Moon Blessings. I adore Cancer. She's my Sun. What I was born into in order to come to my fullest potential, in a way I never have before. She's ruled by the moon, has watery depths, yet there's a warm nurturing quality to her, that can sometimes be too soft. Bending to other people's will to make sure everyone feels like they have what they need. Opening up to the gifts of this tendency, so I can find solace on the other side. 

Soul thoughts on a Full Moon.

After a naked cedar sauna with new friends, an ecstatic dance in the Heart's Garden. And a short walk underneath the moon in all her glory. 

Why does she affect us so?

And what is it about Cancer, that makes me fall so deeply, softly, fully + en ravenously in love?

I love you moon. I love you Cancer. Thank you for being good friends.

xo Beth