
Full Moon in Gemini Meditation

Happy Full Moon in Gemini!

I adore full moons and I super adore connecting with their energy to receive insight, guidance, and healing. If this is new to you (or if it's not and you simply love to connect like I do) - then please watch this video to learn more about this time, and meditate with me.

We'll connect with Archangel Michael + Archangel Haniel + more... 


Much love my unicorns!!

xo Beth



{Pinspiration} Faerie + Witch Magic

Some pinspiration for your day... :) 

The themes, in this, for me are:

  • Dark Goddess

  • Magic

  • Kali

  • Inner Power

  • Self-Love

You can click on each picture for the full image. Enjoy! 
Ps. Thanks to all the artists, you are all incredible!


To see more inspiration,

visit my Pinterest!




Love love!

xo Beth 

Feel Like You're Not Really Human? Me Too...

Neptune went direct today. Neptune is the planet of the ethereal. For our human minds, Neptune can influence in foggy, cloudy, or confusing ways, because we need to be fairly out of touch with density in order to flow with it. Neptune is the planet of dreams, of the unconscious, of the other realms. 

When a planet goes direct, it means it’s coming out of retrograde. Most of us are familiar with Mercury retrograde. Well, every planet retrogrades (meaning it appears to be going backwards in the sky, bringing up old memories, issues, or subconscious things to be addressed) - and Neptune is no exception. 

When a planet comes out of retrograde, and goes direct, there is extra energy being given to the realms that that planet oversees. 

As I mentioned above, Neptune is the dreamy planet, and it’s got extra energy around it now. 

When planetary changes happen, I love to pay attention. I pay attention to my dreams, to what’s going on that day, to the moods of others, to global events. You can learn a lot this way. For instance, the Paris + Beirut + Kenya attacks all transpired during the week of the New Moon in Scorpio. Scorpio is about power, raw, primal energy, that can have a sting. When directed with consciousness, Scorpio is pure, feminine, sensual, deliciously dark magic. When directed with fear, Scorpio can create a lot of trauma. We saw that last week. 

But for today, I want you to focus on Neptune. I want you to focus on your dreams. And I want to get you to understand just how affected by planetary cycles we are, if you truly pay attention. 




This morning, I was dreaming. I was in some sort of ship, but this ship was not on top of the ocean, but in it. At least 30-40m below the sea level, me and my boat mates looked up to see turquoise deliciousness. Sunlight penetrated the water from above, and I was mesmerized.

A feeling of joy came from my belly, and an old friend sat next to me, not looking up at the water, but into my eyes. “Your eyes!” he exclaimed, “So beautiful!” I didn’t know what he meant of course, as I couldn’t see my eyes. I imagined they must have been full of turquoise shimmer, as what I was witnessing above was pure bliss. 

Pictured: Hannah Mermaid

Pictured: Hannah Mermaid

Eventually I had to look away and move around the ship. “I need more oxygen!” I told the crew. I could feel the oxygen levels dropping and felt we were somehow in danger. In my quest for oxygen, I ended up above the ocean level, and to my dismay, never returned to the oceanic depths that captivated my soul.

Waking up, I felt sad. My belly, which had been feeling the throws of ecstasy, was now feeling deflated.

Waking up in the human world. Same house. Same books. Same legs. I would not be mermaiding today. I would not be surrounded by turquoise water today. The greyness of the day, and the rustling of tree branches reminded me of that. 

“I don’t feel like being human today.” I grumbled aloud to myself, and rolled over, covering myself with a fuzzy brown blanket. 

Eventually I pulled myself out of bed. I put on a fluffy turquoise skirt, and sat down to write thisblog post. Because I know why I had that dream. I know what Neptune is reminding me of. 



Do you ever feel out of place being human?

I’ve had that feeling, on and off, for my whole life. And only since I “woke up” would I be able to tell you why. I’m a new human. As are many of you. In fact, I’m not really human, in terms of my soul DNA. I come from the sea. I’ve lived many lives as whales. I’ve been a mermaid. The sea is my home. I came through it via portals in the deep ocean. I believe I came from Sirius, the blue star. I believe the entire ocean came from Sirius. And since all life sprang from the ocean, I believe we are all deeply connected to this blue star, to this blue energy. 

I didn’t remember any of this before waking up. And yes if I read this about 7 years ago, I would have in fact deemed the writer (in this case, me) - crazy. 

But here I am. Unapologetic about what I know now. Truth, my friends, is truly stranger than fiction. 

I’ve had many dreams where I swim among the whales, where I am a whale, where I am a mermaid. The whales communicate with me, and tell me things.

Pictured: Hannah Mermaid shot by Bob Armstrong

Pictured: Hannah Mermaid shot by Bob Armstrong

I believe our souls have many incarnations, but that we have a “home base” sort of energy. We incarnate many times as a whale, for example, and in this way, our soul’s “DNA” rings with this energy. We have whale energy. We incarnate as a human, but since we’ve lived many many many lives as a whale, or near the whales, and so few as human, we still resonate deeply with what our “home base” is. We long for our home base our whole human lives, but many don’t realize what this longing is for. We cover it up with drugs, or relationships, or shopping, or food addictions. 

It’s really important to get to the root of this longing. What we long for. Where we are from. Because that longing leads us to our purpose. Before we go back, we have a mission to accomplish.

My purpose is to help the animals and beings of the ocean to thrive once again. The ocean is so polluted at present times. It is now dangerous for whales, dolphins, and other beings to swim around. Boat sonar, whaling ships, commercial fishing nets that kill everything they catch, ocean bottom trawlers that look for shrimp but completely wipe out the ocean’s floor (much like deforestation on our level) - it needs help. 

I remember coming here to help. I knew I could do more on land, with a human voice, than I could where I was.

Humans don’t tend to communicate with other beings, these days. They used to. Those days have passed. There are very few who recognize that the sentient beings of the ocean have the potential not just to receive your messages, but to respond in kind. 

And so, this morning I dreamed. Neptune brought me to places that humans have a hard time understanding, or coping with. But Neptune reminded me of why I am here. It opened up my longing in a deeper way. It reminded me that I have great work to do, while I’m here. My happiness in this life is directly correlated to how I am helping the ocean and the creatures of the sea. 

Currently, I am working on the levels of human consciousness. I realized years ago that the best way to help Gaia was to go the root of her ailment - human consciousness. Awakened beings don’t destroy the planet they live on. Unconscious ones do, apparently. 



I write this to you, my dear friends, in hopes to awaken you, to your own soul’s DNA. Your blueprint. Why you are here. 

Lightworkers are the ones who read my ‘work’. And so, you, like me, are here with a strong purpose. Your happiness, like mine, depends on you honouring your reason for coming here. 

And with Neptune going direct, your dreams, your thoughts, and your daydreams, will have potent clues to unravel your soul’s DNA.

I pray you remember why you came. And if you have, I give you all the energy and love you need on your mission. For at our core, yours and mine are one and the same. We are here to spread the love, be the change, and spark a revolution. 

In love and light,

xo Beth


Ps. Did you love this article? Please share it with a friend you feel like would benefit.

A New Moon in Virgo Meditation

Hey babes!

It's the New Moon in Virgo AND a solar eclipse. This is a powerful time, and we have a great opportunity to connect in right now, and receive some guidance. Virgo is all about the earth, details, and using our physical energy to create harmony, and bring about our goals. 

In this video, I share with you more about this New Moon, and talk about what exactly a solar eclipse brings us.

We'll also be meditating to receive guidance from our Spirit Guides + Angels. What action steps can we take to manifest our goals? What would Spirit have us do right now?

Watch the video to meditate with me, and receive some answers to those questions. :)


On Saturday we have a New Moon in Virgo AND a solar eclipse! Watch to learn what this means, as well as to meditate to receive guidance and clarity at this time. To join my private Facebook group I mentioned in the video, please go to:


Much love sisters!

xo Beth

The Sacred Truth - What is a Witch?

I remember being mildly fascinated, and also mildly terrified, of witches as a child.

Often, as a girl of 4 or 5, I would feel strange spirits in my closet - they frightened me - and I would regularly tell my mother about the witches in my bedroom. The only song I remember writing as a child, when I was also around that same age, went like this: “Witches, witches, 1 2 3, witches witches, come for me”. 

The interesting thing about this, is by 4 or 5 I had already bought into the mainstream way of viewing witches - as evil vixens, sometimes hags, complete with green skin, warts, and weird bubbling cauldrons they were concocting in order to ensnare innocents wandering around their lair. 


The truth about witches is that, yes they were, and are, very real.

But the magic they use is misunderstood. Rather than relying on some crafted mechanism such as wands or cauldrons for power, they rely on the power of their thoughts, their feelings, sometimes their tools, but most importantly, their consciousness and their alignment with Source energy.

They have an intimate understanding of the natural ways, and are innately drawn to the offerings of the earth and the stars. Each are born with intrinsic gifts, that when watered with time, perseverance, and mentorship, can lead to astounding pursuits. 

Witches have a unique connection to the Otherworld that guides them to commune with spirit guides, angels, ancestors, plants, and the forces of nature. They are eagerly interested in herbal medicine, the dreamtime, the healing arts, ritual, astrology, and the effect that the mind can have on any given situation.

They’re connected to the darkness, and understand that the terms ‘dark’ and ‘negative’ are not, in fact, synonymous - it is simply a collective fear of the unknown that has sparked such a comparison. They’ve discovered that through the simplicity of the Law of Attraction, they can work with the Universe to affect great change.


And, maybe most importantly, they are keenly and unabashedly loyal to the Divine Feminine. 

This type of power (that of the Goddess) was feared by the patriarchal society that sprung up thousands of years ago, and lead to the demise and belittling of the sacred witch - the medicine woman, the healer, the priestess, the wild woman. During the witch hunts of 1450-1800, an estimated 100 000 women were killed. 

Today we would call these women herbalists, healers, storytellers, and astrologists, but still, the indwelling magic of something greater than that exists. We, as the women who are innately drawn to these realms, still belong to the ancient coven of witches. 

And many of us are undeniably bat-shit fearful of it.

Some of us have past life memories, whether we consciously remember them or not, of being pursued and killed for our involvement with the otherworld. Churches, of many faiths, have repeatedly condemned any path that strays from connecting solely with one masculine God for our truths. (We know, as witches, that the One, a Source, really does exist, yet we honour that said force has many ways of expressing itself

It is no gimmick, and no small thing, the path of the witch.

For many of us, these subconscious memories spark pain, causing us to shy away from what we know we are sublimely talented at, and reach for more mundane, less risky choices. Powerful healers + teachers everywhere are working 9-5s they feel bland in, too afraid to step out of the mainstream and rekindle their connection with the wild woman.

If you are one of these women, bless you, and know that it is not so scary as you may think to step back out again and pick up where you left off. The rush of being on the leading edge of creation, working with our guides and shifting energy to allow the wild woman back in, is a journey far greater and more exciting than the fear that is holding you back.


Simply say a prayer to the divine feminine that runs through us all:


‘Please guide me to release any and all fears I am holding on to, that are blocking me from embodying my wild woman. I am consciously choosing to open back up to my natural gifts. Please show me the way.’


Say this prayer a few times, perhaps even for a few days, aloud, and with vigor. She hears you. She will answer. Just be patient, and observant, while the forces within work their mysteries. 

As women, and yes, as witches, we have the opportunity, and the challenge, to rise above our current paradigm. 

We have the opportunity, and the challenge, to choose our fullness and radiate acceptance, while we rekindle our sacred gifts. 

And we have the opportunity to be together while doing it.

We belong to our sisters. 


And if, by now, you are still left wondering ‘Well.. Am I a witch?’ Here’s a clue...

If you want to be a witch. You are one. 

Much love + magical mysteries, 

See you on the other side. 

xo Beth

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Soul Thoughts on a Full Moon

Full Moon Blessings. I adore Cancer. She's my Sun. What I was born into in order to come to my fullest potential, in a way I never have before. She's ruled by the moon, has watery depths, yet there's a warm nurturing quality to her, that can sometimes be too soft. Bending to other people's will to make sure everyone feels like they have what they need. Opening up to the gifts of this tendency, so I can find solace on the other side. 

Soul thoughts on a Full Moon.

After a naked cedar sauna with new friends, an ecstatic dance in the Heart's Garden. And a short walk underneath the moon in all her glory. 

Why does she affect us so?

And what is it about Cancer, that makes me fall so deeply, softly, fully + en ravenously in love?

I love you moon. I love you Cancer. Thank you for being good friends.

xo Beth

Keep Up With Astrology

Image: Soul Nebula

Image: Soul Nebula

Ever since I started keeping up with astrology, I don't feel quite so alone.

Often we ladies, especially those with our moons / suns in water signs, can feel intensely, think profoundly, and contemplate muchly, without necessarily feeling like anyone else is doing the same. 

Tapping into astrology is a bit like tapping in to the collective consciousness. The different aspects, retrogrades, directs, moons in signs, and much more, affect us all in different ways, but often, have a common theme. When we reach out to understand these common themes, we realize we're all in this together. We're all experiencing the same things, the same human dramas, the same feelings of love and lightness, the same feelings of heaviness and darkness.

It is my belief that, wherever you're at, astrology can have something for you.

To tune into the ever changing tides of the cosmos, I often find myself on Mystic Mamma. This week, she shares well known Astrologer Kaypacha's report:


“We’re all diving down into the underworld of our unfelt feelings these next couple weeks. Let it up and let it out and don’t make it too real. This period can best be described as ‘weird’ so don’t get too ‘weirded out!’ I suggest it is all about ‘enlarging your space’….. we all need to give ourselves a bit more room to move, feel, react, and release….. take some time to yourself, for yourself and let others have their space, too…. Self knowledge sometimes costs but is well worth the price in the end.”


For the rest of Kaypacha's widsom, head this way!


Happy Cosmic Learning!

xo Beth