Angels + Spirit Guides

3 Angel Books That Changed My Life

Hi babes!

I get asked a lot for recommendations for resources to learn more about angels. Today I thought I’d sit down and share with you 3 books that totally transformed my life, by bringing me in closer contact with my angels.

My work with angels started when I read one of the books I talk about below - Ask Your Guides. It was through this book that I began to invoke the presence and help of Archangel Michael - a process that has deeply changed the course of my life.

I am so grateful to these authors and messengers for sharing their work, so we may all benefit by becoming more conscious of the great light beings that constantly surround us. 

1. Ask Your Guides by Sonia Choquette

As I mention above, this book was the one that started it all. I was captivated by what I was reading, and I remember devouring the book in the back of my Financial Institutions & Markets class while I was in University studying Finance. (I told you the angels changed the course of my life! ;) haha)  In it, Sonia, a gifted healer and psychic, introduces you to the various Spirit Guides & Angels you have available to you, at any given time. She also shares how you can begin working with them, all in a very easy to understand way. I highly recommend this one! (OK I highly recommend them all… :D)


2. Angel Medicine by Doreen Virtue

This book is like turquoise water lapping up on the shores of your soul. It’s a personal account of Doreen’s life, while she was traveling through Greece and connecting to a group of angels called the Angels of Atlantis. There is some incredible information in this book - in it I learned that sunsets soothe and nourish our lower chakras, grounding us and preparing us for sleep. I learned that those who lived lives in Atlantis wear crystals - our way of recognizing each other. I learned about all the different colours of healing, and how we can invoke each one for different purposes. It’s so good! I gave my copy to my best friend and she is currently eating it up. 


3. Angels in My Hair by Lorna Byrne

Oh my goodness, I can’t even begin to express how deeply this book affected my life. Lorna is an Irish mystic, who grew up in fairly difficult conditions, and get this - she’s been seeing angels with her physical eyes for her entire life. It took her a while to even understand that other people could not see them, and other people thought she had mental disabilities because she would constantly be staring at what other’s could not see - enraptured in a world that was only visible to her. This book will amp up your faith enormously, as Lorna’s kind hearted and honest accounts of the angels presence in all of our lives is like nothing else I’ve ever heard. It is an autobiography, so it reads kind of like a fiction novel. A captivating read!

I hope that if one of these titles speaks to you, that you go to the bookstore and pick yourself up a copy! It’s kind of incredible how one book can affect your life so intensely.

If you are ready to connect more deeply with your angels right away, I invite you to book a complimentary 30 minute session with me. It is with great purpose and intention that I share the messages I receive with you from the angelic realm, so you can more effectively be the healers and teachers that you came here to be. (And so you can learn to love yourselves more!)

Much love, many blessings, and may you be open to the angelic guidance that is flowing your way!

xo Beth

3 Steps to Becoming the Healer You Are

In my work, I constantly am connecting with young women who just want to be of service. Us young, awakened women are rather intelligent, and emotionally and spiritually in tune.

We know better than to chase what the rest of the world seems to be enthralled by. Yes, lots of money would be nice. A flawless complexion, yeah that could be pretty cool, but not necessary. Looking good in the eyes of your peers? Fleeting. 


Us awakened women are looking for more. Much more.


We are looking for the reason why we are here. On planet earth. And though we can get caught up with the rest of the world, ultimately, we always come back to that place - How can I be of service? Why am I here? How can I give my gifts to the world?

But much of the time, we are a little bit perplexed on how to give what we’ve got to the world. We can either lack confidence, or even direction. Many of my clients really want to feel like they are on the right path, but they have no idea what that path is. 

And so I will break it down for you, easy peasy, by giving you 3 steps to bring your life purpose into your life in a very significant way. It is very possible to live life in a way that you know you are doing what you came here to do. Here’s how to access that feeling:


1. Ask for Clear Guidance 

Of course. You knew it was coming. Ask for help ya’ll! If you’re confused about what your gifts are, and how you can be of most service, then ASK! Ask Spirit, your angels, the faeries, Kali, Buddha, Jesus, whoever you vibe with most - for help! This can be done as easily as saying something like “Angels, I need your help. Please guide me to understand what my gifts are and how I can best use them. Please answer me clearly, in a way I can easily understand! Thank you!”

The trick with this is to ask everyday, many times a day, if you can. For whatever reason, amping up how often you ask, usually amps up the results you get back.

So make it your practice to ask for clear guidance every single day. This is something I do about 30-50 times a day. I ask my body what it wants to eat, I ask the angels what they want me to do, I ask like a crazy person. (Because I am a crazy person. And I like it :D)


2. Listen

These steps are super simple, yes I am aware. But you wouldn’t believe how many people come to me for guidance that are simply not taking the time to listen to their own inner selves! Many many. And I love you all. But please my sweet ones, carve out some time to meditate or to be in nature all on your own. You will discover an entire world of knowledge and wisdom before you. 

Once you have asked, your signs can come in many ways. Through people, through songs, through synchronicities. So please listen to what happens in your daily life. Pay attention. To the small things, you may have missed before. 

When you make time to get quiet, listen to a guided meditation, hug a tree, or whatever else embodies the energy of listening for you - you are going to get answers. 

These answers may not strike you in the exact moment. Meaning, you might not receive your answer through shouting EUREKA deep in the forest as your exact life purpose comes to you in a shiny sparkly vision. (Or you may, who knows)

The answers might come to you later, after meditation. When we’re in meditation we’re allowing Source to enter deep into our subconscious mind, and sometimes we don’t actually receive the transmission until it comes out organically later on that day or week. 

With this step, consistency is important as well. I suggest meditating at least 3x a week. I personally meditate every day, at least once. Download some guided meditations. They’ll help a lot and make it more fun. I love Gabby Bernstein's. I’m also coming out with my own meditation album within the next few weeks. FINALLY! I’ll let you know when it’s coming out if you sign up with your e-mail below. When you do that, I'll also send you a few meditations to get your started. 


3. Act on the Guidance You Receive

OK OK I know. These steps are just so simple. And you’ve probably heard them before. But that’s because they work! I promise if you follow the guidance of ASKING, LISTENING, and ACTING, you will be in the experience of being the healer, the teacher, or the creator that you want to be, sooner than you could have imagined.

This step involves you acting on the inner guidance that came when you listened. Now to be clear, the guidance may not be something you can see will help your dreams come true. Act on it anyway. 

Ex. You may want to be an energy healer, and your inner guidance tells you to sign up for an ecstatic dance workshop. Or to go to your local cafe that morning. Or to call a friend you haven’t heard from in a while. 

All of these bits are parts of your path, parts of your process. You could completely open up your heart chakra in that workshop, and be a more powerful healer because of it. You could see a poster at that cafe for a women’s circle that will be a game changer for you. That friend might be in need of an energy boost, which you can offer to her as a gift, while getting practice for your expression of healing. 

You never know! Just follow the guidance, and see what happens! If you need help understanding what your inner guidance is saying, follow these 2 rules of thumb: 1) Inner guidance feels good, no matter what. 2) Inner guidance is repetitive, so if you miss a sign, don't worry, it will come back!

As with the ones above, this step needs consistency. If you ask, listen, and act on your inner guidance every day for a week, your life will be changed. Every day for 3 months, and you will have expanded deeply. Every day for a year and you will be a powerful healer and guide for those who you wish to touch.


If you want to go further with this, please request to join my private Facebook group - Angel Coaching with Beth Katherine.

In the group, you get to request specific guidance for your journey, as well as have access to videos + stories I don’t share with anyone else. I’d love to connect with you further! Request access here.

Lots of love!

xo Beth


Today, I Sat in Ritual

Hi my loves! 

I've had such an intense last week or so. There were a couple factors involved, however the trigger points did not seem to warrant HOW DEEPLY I felt grief, devastation, and anxiety overtake me. 

Can you relate?

You know when, yes, something happened in your life that you weren't stoked on, but the reaction seems to be a bit more intense than seems warranted?

This was me this week. I could not (and still can't to be honest with you) - figure out why I was so affected by a personal situation. (And I'll give you a hint... it has to do with a man... :D)

What I know this far on my spiritual path, is that there are so many things we don't understand.

Perhaps this situation triggered a painful past life memory, perhaps it simply got me in touch with the deeper sadness of the collective consciousness. Perhaps these feelings have been carried through my blood line, and I am clearing them for my ancestors. I don't know. All I know is I felt it, deep. 

So today I sat in ritual, and gave it away. What I'm about to share with you is an exercise I do fairly often. I'd like you to put it in your "toolkit", for when you are feeling off, and need major support. Or even for when you are feeling great, and want to get even more in touch with the flow!

Today I sat in ritual.

First, I did my dishes, cleaned my space, and made my bed. I lit my bundle of cedar to smudge my home. 


I gathered all of my crystals, and collected flowers from outside, to invite the fairies in. 

I got out my pen, paper, and a lighter.


Spirit Medicine. Artist unknown.

Spirit Medicine. Artist unknown.

And then I made a circle. I made a circle of crystals, and I sat in it. I invited my Spirit Guides, my angels, my Spirit Animals, and all the light bearers who work with me to be with me and guide me. 

I spoke what I felt. I talked to the Universe, and told it I was confused, and needed a healing. I asked for clarity, for closure, and to feel really good about the situation. 

I wrote my prayers down on a piece of paper, and I burned them.

I watched the words turn into ash, and then into smoke. I knew that these prayers were being heard, as I meditated to receive any guidance that wanted to come in.

And when I felt complete, I pulled a few angel tarot cards, said thank you, and crawled out of my fairy ring. (The fairy ring... that's the circle I made with my crystals)

When I do this - that is, sit in ritual - I feel enormously connected to the Universe.

And today was next level. I felt my trust in the Universe deepen immensely, and it was really beautiful - just what I needed. 

I also have an easier time releasing any given situation when I sit in ritual. Since I use my physical energy and physical tools to communicate with Spirit, my more logical mind has an easier time understanding that I AM HEARD, and guidance + creative solutions are on their way to me now. 

I encourage all of you to create your own rituals when you need assistance. 

You can do them in any way - rituals are meant to be created from your intuition. You can have a bath, and sing your prayers out loud. You can go into the forest, write your prayers down, and give them to the roots of a tree that calls you. You can bathe underneath the full moon and light a candle for your intentions. You can be as fancy or as relaxed as you'd like - as long as you're communicating what you need to with the Universe - you will feel great about it. 

Have fun with it!

In love, in light, in truth, and in magic,

xo Beth

Introducing: A Series of Women's Circles in Tofino, BC!

You're invited to join myself + a host of other beautiful ladies this Summer! 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me here!

The stunning artwork on the poster is by Danielle Noel.

You're Invited to a Free Angel Workshop!

Imagine being able to receive accurate advice, powerful healing, and incredible clarity - to any of your questions - without having to hire a healer or intuitive!


Imagine being able to apply your newfound knowledge to your blossoming healing practice. Be a better yoga teacher, friend, masseuse, or coach. That is the work of connecting with your spirit guides and angels... 

I've been wanting to do a global version of last year's in person workshop, for quite a while! I'm excited to announce - that time has arrived! And anyone in the world can join us!


How to Communicate with your Spirit Guides + Angels will be an hour long, over-the-phone workshop, held on the first day of Spring! March 21st at 7pm PST. 


A shot from last year's in person workshop, of the same title.

A shot from last year's in person workshop, of the same title.

I'll be teaching the main principles and practices that I use while connecting with my own guides and angels. Up until a few years ago, I didn't even believe in the spirit world. Now I run a successful business based upon connecting women with their intuition, their spirit guides, and their angels! That's how powerful my experience with this work is. 

I truly believe anyone in the world can communicate with their divine support system. All you need is a little willingness + follow through, and you'll be well on your way to feeling more at peace, and in tune with your divine support system!


During the workshop, we'll go over:

  • Who are your angels + spirit guides?
  • How clearing your auric field will help you communicate (And how to do It!)
  • Why your heart is actually your most important psychic center (not the third eye!)
  • The various forms of communication (Free writing, dreamtime, channeling, and more!)
  • And more!


We'll also be meditating together to welcome the arrival of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere!

You can register for the workshop below, and don't worry if you can't make the live time! I'll be sending you all recordings of the event! <3 

xo Beth

The shared energy of women connecting in unison is always something to behold - and the beautiful thing is we don't have to be in person with each other to feel it!

The shared energy of women connecting in unison is always something to behold - and the beautiful thing is we don't have to be in person with each other to feel it!

You're invited....

You're invited....

How I Started Working With Angels

Last night, a friend of mine asked me how I got started in meditation and working with angels.

It’s a fun question, but not one I can answer in only a sentence or so. There was also never a specific moment that it just happened - you know, like an AHA moment that you I can trace everything back to. Regardless, it’s an important question, especially important to answer on my blog, and for the countless other ladies interested in starting their own journey with their angels and spirit guides. 

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You could say my journey with the spirit world started as a child. My mother regularly saw spirits, apparitions, energy, whatever you want to call it, and although she was very shy, and even a bit fearful of this gift, she openly shared her experiences with us, her children. So from a young age, I was keenly aware that there was something more to life, something ‘beyond the veil’, per say.

Regardless, I still had trouble believing.

Although I trusted my mother fully, it’s hard to believe in something you don’t have direct experience with. 

As I grew up, my mother had several awakenings, and though the rest of our family was still on the conservative, left brain side of things, she delved into reiki, yoga, and different alternative modalities of healing. Eventually, she started to get more open about it, and would often tell me to ask my guardian angels to help me with my school exams, and in any social situations I felt pressure in. She also regularly mentioned Archangel Michael, and the violet/blue light he carried, as a tool for healing and protection.

Even though I was on the fence for whether any of this ‘stuff’ was real, I found myself calling upon my angels, and invoking the violet flame anyway. It couldn’t hurt, I thought, and besides, I liked doing it. 

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My views about the eccentric work my mother was doing shifted however, upon a trip to France in the 8th grade. During our travels, I came down with strep throat, which happened often for me, and usually resulted in copious amounts of antibiotics, some puking, and a lot of down time in order to recover. Being only a 2 week trip, I really wasn’t looking forward to spending the vacation seriously ill, so I let my mother do reiki on me. I remember when it happened, we were in a car, the backseat, and she worked her magic. The next day I was better. No antibiotics. No doctor. No puking. This had never happened. And from there, I was a little more willing to believe in the mysteries she was bringing into my life. 

I took my first Reiki course when I was 16, and though I was more open than I had been in previous years, I still found it hard to digest.

I distinctly remember the other women in the class (who were about 3 times my age) discussing the ‘white light’ they were seeing in their meditations, and the feeling of peace that was with them after a group meditation. I thought they were out to lunch, but I went along with it, and when it came to my turn to share my experience of the class, I repeated what the others had said. “Yeah, white light! Peaceful. Definitely. That was me.” It would still be a while before I truly embraced the world of energy and subtle vibrations.

Fast forward a few years. I’m 19, and I’ve just returned from a life changing trip to South Africa. Whether it was the energy of the land, the culture, the climate, or the people I spent my time with, it was what I needed. That summer, I woke up. 

Diving head first into environmentalism, adopting a vegetarian diet, and starting a meditation practice were all markers of the initial stages of my journey.

It would be a year yet, until I would discover angels, and bring their wisdom and healing into my life. When I finally did discover the angelic realm, it was pure magic. By that time I had made my way through the Wayne Dyer + Eckhart Tolle, type of philosophies. Presence, breathing, forgiveness, trust in Source. All of these concepts were key, they were meaningful, and they had created great shifts in my life. 

But me, being me, was looking for something more fun. I didn’t even really know it at the time, but looking back, I know I longed for a path I could dig into, that really resonated with me. Something a bit more distinct. More feminine even. 

And that’s when I came across the book “Ask Your Guides” by Sonia Choquette. It was exactly what I needed. Step by step, page by page, it described how to work with your spirit guides and angels. Who they were. Why they were. And how to connect with them. 

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I remember sitting in University - in my Financial Markets and Institutions class - tucked away in the back, pouring over the literature. ‘This is what I should be studying’, I thought. And so I did. I spent my days in my Finance courses, and my nights tucked away at home, reading esoteric literature with my kitty snuggled close by. I started calling upon Archangel Michael on the regular, and practicing different exercises from the books I was reading. I was so in love with my newfound connection to angels and the spirit world, that I just kept going. 

I kept going and going and going and going, until I find myself here today, typing these words as a full time entrepreneur whose primary service is to channel spirit guides and angels for the young women I coach. 

Although there is, of course, much more to the story (isn’t there always?) - that’s the gist of it my loves. We all have our own journeys, and that, in a few words, has been mine.


Much love, my powerful chicas!

xo Beth




A Meditation with Archangel Michael to Clear Your Energy Field

Here is a short meditation / prayer that you can use anytime you feel like your energy field is bogged down.

Often, we end up absorbing frequencies from other people that may not be serving us. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s just that our fields aren’t designed to process other people’s ‘stuff’. This meditation will help you to release your field of it, and keep you nice and clear :)

Photo: Penabraca

If you’ve never worked with Archangel Michael before, a few words:

Michael is an energy.

He is not really a he, he’s an it, but we tend to use the name and the masculine article to be able to relate to him more. Nor does he necessarily look like a human with wings. Again, that’s simply a human projection in an attempt to understand a very metaphysical and powerful energy. Which, mind you, is totally fine. You can’t go wrong with the angels. They are unconditional beings of love, they just want you to call upon them. How you see or understand them is up to you, and unique to you on your journey. 


Say this aloud, while following the prompts of visualization in brackets:

Archangel Michael, I ask you to come to me now. 

(See Archangel Michael coming to you, whether as a ball of bright blue/indigo light, as an angel with wings, or any other form you’d like. I usually just see ‘him’ as bright blue light)

I ask that you please clear and cleanse me of any and all energy that is not serving my highest good now. My intention is to be a pure channel for love and light in this world, and I need your help to make sure my energy body is as open as it can be to Source energy. 

Thank you for clearing away all attachments to fear or drama that may be surrounding me now. I ask that your bright blue light infiltrate my energy field. I am open to your healing, now, and in all past, present, and future situations.

(Now see the crown of your head open up to a pillar of radiant gold or white light)

I am fully and completely connected to the divine now. All is one. Nothing can hurt me. 

(See this white or gold light completely cover your body, inside and out)

We are one. I am one. Our interconnectedness keeps us alive. 

Thank you. 

To do a short form of this meditation when you’re out and about, simply say (This is what I do several times a day) :

“Archangel Michael, thank you for clearing and cleansing me of any and all energy that does not serve my highest and best” - While visualizing bright blue light around you!


Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple