Blue Ray

From 3D to 5D, with the Blue Ray

I went to go sit with one of my favourite trees today, in the park a few minutes walk from my house, here in South Africa.

As I sat with the tree, I focused my energy on the crystalline ley lines of Gaia. The 5D high vibrational, loving web of light, that's inside this planet, and encompasses it.

Most of our gazes are encouraged to look towards the 3D matrix. This is a false matrix that resonates with limitation and separation.

I choose to remember. I choose to remember myself as a crystalline being of light, and so, I went to sit with this tree to tune into the true reality. As I breathed up crystalline energy from the earth, the tree showed me a vision of what the land around me actually looked like from a higher perspective. All the trees were connected and lit up with diamond crystalline sparkles of light ~ it was a network of love and connection. Kind of like a tree festival, where everyone's invited! They really do live in their own 5D-and-above world!

I breathed these frequencies up from the earth, into my root and sacral - the places within me that have the most resistance to letting go of trauma and stored tension - and intended that my meridians would open up to receive this light.

I felt myself open as I received the Divine Mother and her crystalline energy, and I started to relax. I felt myself expansive, and free ~ as me. These are the times I feel most connected… and then from there, I take what I've learned and seen, and bring it to the world, with the intention to activate more people to be able to see and feel the true reality.

So… Let's break it down for a moment, because I know you're on this mission with me… 3D + 5D, this is currently what they mean to me:


A false matrix imposed around the Earth, and into our minds - which is programmed with the main belief of: I am separate. ‘I am separate from Source. I am separate from health. I am separate from abundance. I must work towards those things and chase them, as no one is taking care of me.’ The law of attraction still very much works here, but the collective consciousness and webs of ley lines have long been infiltrated, so that people belief in lack and separation, and therefore, they create, and see more of it.


Unity consciousness. We can see + feel the true love reality from here. All beings understand: “I am one with Source.” It's not a place. It's a vibration. A vibration of full and total abundance, peace, health, and unconditional love for all. Earth is already in 5D. (Although the vast majority of humans are not) From what I currently understand, she actually never left 5D. 3D was imposed on her, so that 3D and 5D exist simultaneously. That explains why when we go into nature, and totally disconnect from technology, we feel so much better, more free, and we can breathe more deeply. We're connecting with her true 5D-and-above frequencies.*

*(These are my current words for these dimensions, please only take whats resonates)

We are the rainbow bridges to bring the collective from 3D into 5D. And of course, we start with ourselves.

What then - is one of the most effective tools we can work with to slice through the illusions of 3D, and unveil the truth of 5D?

Well… for me… that's the Blue Ray.

I've worked with the colour rays for many years. Rose Quartz, Emerald, Diamond White, Ruby Red, the list goes on…

And from my personal experience, what I'll share is that the Blue Ray is the lightning sword of the rays. It's the one that most powerfully cuts through illusion - with incredible clarity and diamond precision.

There's a reason Archangel Michael is depicted with a sword. Michael/a is the Archangel of the Blue Ray (among many other blue ray angels). And so the sword is a symbol for the power of the Blue Ray of Source and what it can do.

It can clear illusion and fear, return it to unconditional love - and guide our eyes to see the truth again.

And so… working with the Blue Ray, is a powerful force in our quest to vibrate with 5th dimensional frequencies.

But… how do we work with the Blue Ray? Are there any other helpers, other than Archangel Michael, who assist us in our work with the Blue Ray?

Learn all about the Blue Ray, in this free Blue Ray Activation session:

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

I am a being of the blue ray...


I am a being of the blue ray. I resonate with mermaids, dolphins, whales, music, vibration, and sacred geometry. My soul works closely with beings from Sirius, with Archangel Michael and Isis- who work within the blue ray as well.

I am here to activate the blue in people's energy fields, and especially my fellow blue rays. We are activators and awakeners. When we align with violet and vibrate with the blue violet ray, all bullshit is cut through, and transmuted. We are like Kali.

It is important that we awaken to our true multi-dimensional natures, for it is only then that our life missions can truly unfold. Blue ray beings are meant to work with their spiritual support system in the other realms.

I can show you how to work with the blue ray, especially the blue violet ray, and Archangel Michael to transform your life, wake up out of illusion, over and over again, and to step into the leadership roles you know you are here to take on. Your soul mission and meaningful achievements you wish to co-create will not come through striving. They will come through being an activated being who identifies with the light of your highest truth. You will magnetize all you need towards you with this activated energy field. Including soul family, money, and opportunities for leadership. Guidance will come to you easily with your clear energy, which has been activated and upgraded with the blue violet ray.

Join me for a free course on learning to work with Archangel Michael and the Blue Violet Ray here.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

