Releasing the idea of $10k+ months as ultimate success





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...As humans, our root chakras have been traumatized REPEATEDLY.

We have thousands of years of ancestral trauma that's stored in the root chakra.
We grew up in a patriarchal society that is SO disconnected from the Earth. We don't know how to listen to the land, read the wind for weather changes, etc.

Our root chakras are struggling to function optimally.

But our root chakras are our SAFETY CENTRES. An open, grounded root chakra, causes us to feel SAFE in our bodies.

Most of us (including myself) have root chakras that are still holding on to trauma... so what happens?

πŸ’Ž We cling for safety in the material world.

πŸ’Ž We don't even know we're doing it.

πŸ’ŽWe focus on productivity and making money as our huge goals...


In an unconscious attempt to feel safe.

To feel OK with being here on earth.

When really, we are CRAVING the EARTH, the medicine of PLANTS AND ELEMENTS, and for our own soul to be grounded in our bodies.

This tendency is everywhere, especially in the spiritual entrepreneur community.

It's still all about making a certain amount of money, as a sign of your success.

When really, we simply have a lot of traumatized humans trying to feel safe, who are trying to recover from their ancestors imprints ... WHILE going through massive collective changes and purging...

And we have their egos going... "I know! I'll just make more money! Yeah! That's what I need! That will make me feel safe and feel better! That's the climax that I'm desiring! More money! More success! Woohoo!"

But the cycle of MORE, I NEED MORE, never ends...


But it's a WHOLE different experience when you plug into the Great Mother as your Source and safety, and money is just MAGNETIZED to you, because you're reconnecting to the OG system of the cosmos and the earth.

πŸ’Ž The system that has HARDWIRED within it, that we are taken care of.

I am VERY mindful of this difference (grasping for safety, vs grounded in the Great Mother), both in myself, and in clients.

I often work with clients, who just want to make that money!! More money!! Yes please!!!

And I remind them... money doesn't fix your wounds. Money doesn't solve anxiety from a disconnected root chakra.

(I've made a lot of money and still felt deeply unsafe)

As a community of spiritual entrepreneurs, let's focus on REAL HEALING!

Let's reconnect with the EARTH!

Let's make the highest goal INTEGRATION, and EMBODIMENT of our SOULS, rather than $10k months.

πŸ’Ž Let's watch that money FLOW IN, as a natural symptom of Higher Self alignment. (Woohoo, let's still be making bank! Just grounded bank!)

WOOHOO! Who's with me?

Comment below!

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