
Are the mountains of Mo'orea calling you?

The mountains of Mo’orea have been calling me for a long time - on this heart shaped island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 🐋🌴🌋

 I first read about Mo'orea in a Doreen Virtue book close to the beginning of my spiritual awakening, and the MOMENT I read about this place I felt a pull. A tug. A knowing. 


It took me a long time to be ready, I suppose, finally after more than a decade after that initial pull, I arrived.


When I got here - I didn’t realize my Airbnb was on the base of what was likely, the most sacred mountain of Mo'orea to the Tahitian ancestors. (Though my soul certainly did + arranged that!)


And she is a FORCE! Woah. And very quickly she showed me that she has soooo much more light and frequency to blast the world with… a very Lemurian frequency in nature.


But she can’t. Not yet. Not until people are ready. Otherwise it would be too much, it would fry the systems that just aren’t ready for that much voltage. ⚡️


So what does she need?


She needs awakening souls to receive her light, and ground it into the grids of the Earth from the lands they are on. 🌴🌺 This will distribute the light and prepare humanity for the next upgrade of this Lemurian light, which is waiting to be sent out.


Do you feel like you’re on this team of souls she is calling? 

If so, you can read this invocation out loud:



I intend to connect now, to the French Polynesian island of Mo'orea, and her sacred consciousness. 


I invite in the Lemurian light and Goddess energy that indwells there, and open my heart to this field of unlimited possibility, 


I choose now to be a beacon for this light, knowing it serves unconditional love, and brings only goodness to all it touches, 


I acknowledge that the sacred consciousness of Mo'orea is now touching me, softening me into receiving my own Lemurian Goddess nature.


I ask my cells to receive this light infusion, and I now ground into Mama Gaia, 


Letting this sacred light of Crystalline Lemuria, enter into my consciousness now, as it dives deeply into the crystalline grids, and down into the Earth's Crystalline Core. 


May I continue to stay open to this healing light of Mo'orea, as I honour my role as a wayshower, and bringer of the New Dawn. 


And so it is.




In Mermaids of the Rose, we’re working with Mama Mo’orea as I call her, and the Lemurian Starmothers, to anchor this light into the gridlines more deeply. 


This is just one of the amazing journeys we’re going through, with Lemuria, Sirius and Venus. 🌴🌺


Let’s activate our Lemurian DNA, receive Mama Mo’orea, and reclaim our mermaid codes - while we serve the awakening of humanity! In Mermaids of the Rose



It would be an honour to swim in these waters of remembrance with you!

Who are the Mer?

I begin today's blog with a question…. 

Who are the mer? The mermaids, mermen, and oceanic ones?


The definition I was given is this: 

The mer are those who consider the ocean their mother, on a soul level.


Interestingly enough, as I spend time here in this Lemurian vortex of French Polynesia, where French is the main language spoken, (as well as Tahitian and it's dialects), I reflect on “mer” in this language.


The ‘sea’ and ‘mother’ are the same word in french… with a different spelling. Mer and Mère.


When you say “Une femme de la mer” out loud - it could either translate to “A women of the sea”, or "A woman of the mother.”


And of course, we, the mer, are both. It is the same for us. We are of the sea. And of the mother. Mother ocean. And the greater Divine Mother who birthed us all.


As we dive into our mer-lineage, and soul’s oceanic essence, we begin to activate and weave the lemurian, mermaid, crystalline grids of light through our hearts and cells.


This allows our very real soul’s songs, our siren songs, to emanate, and grow in momentum as they join our oceanic family’s songs in harmony. Including the whales and the dolphins.


From there, this great wave of higher vibrational sound and light, this profound song and symphony, inaudible to physical human ears, but heard in the subtle bodies and atoms - will allow humanity to wake up. Activating the purification process of their water bodies and emotional centers, and allowing for a great and vast awakening to unfold. 


We, as the mer - truly do hold incredible keys for planetary healing.


But we mustn't sleep on it. We can’t give this part of ourselves 2% of our attention. It's no longer enough to just know we're connected to the ocean - it's time to dive into it, and listen to what Mother Ocean has been telling us - reminding us of - all along.


It’s time to honour who we are. And when we do this, it will inform our soul’s mission, DEEPLY! We’ll remember our purpose here, in greater and greater ways.


I’m so happy to give an opportunity to my mermaid sisters, to come together and dive deep into our oceanic codes, through this offering: Mermaids of the Rose.


In this initiation, we’ll journey with those who can awaken our mermaid inheritance deeply: Lemuria, Sirius, and Venus.


It would be an honour to swim in these waters of remembrance with you!

The core crystal of the Earth

There is a star at the centre of Earth. We often call this the core crystal of Gaia.

But in another perspective, it’ a literal star!

Not only do we connect deeply and potently with the living consciousness of Gaia, when we send our roots down deep here. 

But we also connect to any of the star frequencies that we need. 

Because this star is a portal. 

And channels many star nations and galactic emanations through. 

Gaia knows that many of our souls are not really from here. That we feel more at home in other star nations. 

She wants you to feel at home here. With her, living on her lands. 

So she channels, in cooperation with your star family and galactic self, the star codes you need, to feel grounded and safe, 

Along with her own Gaianic codes of light. 

So please ground into Gaia everyday!

Not just for a quick moment, but spend a few minutes letting your roots dive deep into her core. 

Breathe up all the love and light she’s sending you. 

Because there’s so much contained within it. 

And so it is!

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple is a flourishing online women’s circle, and we’d love to have you!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! I post a lot more magic on IG, and I would love to connect with you there! Find me at @the.dolphin.rose.temple

The golden lion energies of South Africa

Today I wanted to chat with you about what I felt in South Africa ~ in terms of the significance of South Africa, for the planet.

I could share so many things with you, in general, in these emails - but for some reason, I felt really guided to share what I'm about to… It's been on my mind for months actually to do so!

All that I'm about to say is from my intuition, mixed with some knowledge I learned from Linda Tucker, Credo Mutwa, and Dean Liprini. If it resonates as truth for you, perfect, if not, that's OK - I'm not claiming it as perfect truth - just as something I felt deeply upon my return to Africa…

So… Many years ago I arrived in South Africa for my first time.

I was 19 years old, and taking a semester off from University to work for a non-profit there.

This was to be the place that woke me up. After my emotionally intense 3.5 months there… I came back to Canada, and subsequently began to meditate, and learn about spirituality. My awakening journey began to very quickly unfold from there.

Fast forward many years later, and I'm in an Ayahuasca ceremony in the Amazonian jungle of Peru.

Ayahuasca shows me that I have 2 lions - a male and a female, lion and lioness - always with me. She then goes on to tell me… “Go to Africa - go get your lions."

I wasn't exactly sure what that meant, and to be honest, I still don't know all the details of it at all… but from these experiences I knew 2 things:

~South Africa is a spiritually activating place


~Africa, and South Africa specifically, is very connected to Lion energies.

Upon arriving this time in South Africa, in November of last year… I had big emotions. After I got to my hotel in Cape Town for the night, exhausted ~ I looked out the window in awe, as I saw Table Mountain looming before me.

And there - in the mountain - was the perfect outline of a lion's head. The way the sun was hitting the rocks, had created an unmistakeable lion ~ so clear that I'm sure anyone who I could have pointed it out to, would have seen it ~ it wasn't abstract at all. (I never saw this face again mind you - it was seen from the perfect vantage point, at the perfect time of day, with the perfect placement of clouds - that had created it.)

And at that moment, I began BAWLING!

It was a beautiful crying session, filled with so much coming up and out of me.

I then drifted into a meditation before falling asleep for the night, and I heard the word “Ubuntu” - being spoken from underneath Table Mountain, directed at my consciousness.

I looked it up later - and it turns out - Ubuntu means unity consciousness - in an old African dialect.

As I continued on with my time in Africa, I had this download come into my awareness, regarding the lions… and I wanted to share it with you.

South Africa is the golden lion portal for this planet. You could also say the golden lion vortex.

The golden lion energy resonates with Christ Consciousness, with untamed golden Source power - and is even associated with Jesus / Yeshua - who was called the Lion of Judah.

Of course - the lions roam South Africa, so physically they are present there as well.

This golden lion vortex is where the lion energies of the Universe can most strongly come into Planet Earth. Lion beings are found on Sirius, in Lyra, and in many other star systems throughout the Universe.

From this golden lion energy centre - a golden line of energy moves it's way from Cape Town, at the very Southern tip of Africa, turning towards eastern South Africa, and then shifting North to make it's way through Zimbabwe and up through the whole of Eastern Africa, until it meets the Nile, many ancient Egyptian temples and sites, and moves underneath the Great Pyramid and Sphynx plateau.

I believe that South Africa fed the golden lion consciousness through Africa, and up to Ancient Egypt. As you may know ~ lions held a strong significance and importance to the Ancient Egyptians.

It is my belief that from there, the golden lion energies, which have shifted and changed slightly as they move through different power points and lands, then spill through the Mediterranean basin ~ and were received and helped support the Temples of the Ancient Mediterranean world ~ including the Temples of Ancient Greece, and the Priestess Temples found all throughout Southern Europe.

I believe that these golden lion codes hold a key foundational piece in the lineages that sprung forth from these regions ~ including the Lineages of Isis + the Magdalene.

If you resonate, perhaps you are called to meditate on the golden lion frequency of South Africa, or even to track the movement of these energies through Egypt and beyond.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

A meditation to receive guidance from Mother Earth

Whenever I feel stuck, I go to my meditation pillow, and ask for guidance. This has been such a powerful practice for me - I wish that everyone was taught how to meditate and ask for guidance! Unfortunately, it’s not common place, YET, to teach your kids how to unlock guidance through the meditation pillow. That’s why I love guided meditations, as they walk you through the process of receiving guidance, step by step. The guided mediations I create for people, are always magical, and keep you engaged in the meditation, supporting you to go deep, receive clarity, and ground yourself.

In this free guided meditation, we work with Mother Earth, to receive the next steps, for your soul’s mission! It’s one you can do again and again!

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

From Carbon-Based DNA to Crystalline DNA


We are moving from Carbon-based DNA to Crystalline DNA. 💎

Long ago, our DNA was tampered with. We were meant to be, as humans, a phenomenal species, capable of deep emotional processing, multi-dimensional awareness, and many creative gifts.

But in the multi-dimensional realms, some beings used their gift of free will to enslave the human race. These beings have been behind the scenes, invisible to most eyes, calling many shots on how this planet is being run.

And this is able to happen, because of the Carbon-based DNA. In this DNA, there are patterns and programs of war, famine, lack, rape, and slavery. All the nasty things that aren't really our truths. Carbon-based DNA also stores our ancestor's traumas and beliefs that aren't of service to the One Heart.

Our Crystalline DNA 💎 - is our true Divine template of how humans were meant to function, in freedom, peace, love, and epic creation.

You know who has their Crystalline DNA super activated? Dolphins and Whales.

Dolphins and Whales' DNA is actually not so different from our own, they tell me - they just happen to have their Crystalline DNA LIT up, and anchored - while most humans are still operating from Carbon-based DNA.

So - the question becomes of course, how do we activate our Crystalline DNA? 💎

Some steps:

❤️ Self-love: The dolphins + whales tell me self-love is the most important piece of DNA activation. In order for Crystalline DNA to unfurl, it must be in an environment of love. That environment is your body, and your energy field. The more genuine love you offer yourself, no matter what - the more your Crystalline DNA will activate.

❤️ Food and water: Factory-farmed animal products such as meat and dairy anchor Carbon-based DNA. (Notice I specified factory farmed, I believe there are ways of eating meat that are not harmful to us, such as hunting with love and respect) Chemicals and processed food also support Carbon-based DNA. Instead, eating fresh whole foods, with life force energy, organic if possible - and drinking water that has been blessed and charged up by crystals, the sun, reiki, and/or lemon juice, is helpful. Spring water is amazing if you can get it.

❤️ Out loud decrees: Actually commanding your Crystalline DNA to activate, out loud, from your heart space. "Higher Self, thank you for activating my Crystalline DNA now"

❤️ Working with the Dolphins + Whales: Simply listening to dolphin and whale sounds that you can find on YouTube will activate your Crystalline DNA. If you actually meditate with them, connect with their guidance, and follow through on it - now that is some next level Crystalline DNA activation right there.

And so - that's one of the reasons Dolphin Consciousness (a 5 week online journey with the Dolphins + Whales) - will be so powerful.

We'll be working closely with these beings, through ceremony, meditation, listening to their sounds, up-leveling our diets, and working with crystals.

The result will be a purification, and an unraveling of our innocence. 💎 A DNA activation, that will keep on going, long after the journey, because of the continued mentorship you'll receive from these beings.


Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Releasing the idea of $10k+ months as ultimate success





AS the marker





...As humans, our root chakras have been traumatized REPEATEDLY.

We have thousands of years of ancestral trauma that's stored in the root chakra.
We grew up in a patriarchal society that is SO disconnected from the Earth. We don't know how to listen to the land, read the wind for weather changes, etc.

Our root chakras are struggling to function optimally.

But our root chakras are our SAFETY CENTRES. An open, grounded root chakra, causes us to feel SAFE in our bodies.

Most of us (including myself) have root chakras that are still holding on to trauma... so what happens?

💎 We cling for safety in the material world.

💎 We don't even know we're doing it.

💎We focus on productivity and making money as our huge goals...


In an unconscious attempt to feel safe.

To feel OK with being here on earth.

When really, we are CRAVING the EARTH, the medicine of PLANTS AND ELEMENTS, and for our own soul to be grounded in our bodies.

This tendency is everywhere, especially in the spiritual entrepreneur community.

It's still all about making a certain amount of money, as a sign of your success.

When really, we simply have a lot of traumatized humans trying to feel safe, who are trying to recover from their ancestors imprints ... WHILE going through massive collective changes and purging...

And we have their egos going... "I know! I'll just make more money! Yeah! That's what I need! That will make me feel safe and feel better! That's the climax that I'm desiring! More money! More success! Woohoo!"

But the cycle of MORE, I NEED MORE, never ends...


But it's a WHOLE different experience when you plug into the Great Mother as your Source and safety, and money is just MAGNETIZED to you, because you're reconnecting to the OG system of the cosmos and the earth.

💎 The system that has HARDWIRED within it, that we are taken care of.

I am VERY mindful of this difference (grasping for safety, vs grounded in the Great Mother), both in myself, and in clients.

I often work with clients, who just want to make that money!! More money!! Yes please!!!

And I remind them... money doesn't fix your wounds. Money doesn't solve anxiety from a disconnected root chakra.

(I've made a lot of money and still felt deeply unsafe)

As a community of spiritual entrepreneurs, let's focus on REAL HEALING!

Let's reconnect with the EARTH!

Let's make the highest goal INTEGRATION, and EMBODIMENT of our SOULS, rather than $10k months.

💎 Let's watch that money FLOW IN, as a natural symptom of Higher Self alignment. (Woohoo, let's still be making bank! Just grounded bank!)

WOOHOO! Who's with me?

Comment below!

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Why I let myself be happy, when the world is suffering...

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We are conditioned to have shame if we experience happiness, joy, wealth, and health, when we know others are suffering.

We feel maybe it's not right... we should wait to feel happy, wealthy and healthy, when EVERYONE can! Until then... we show solidarity by suffering with them.



⭐️My belief:

We are naturally happy, healthy, and wealthy in our true states.

We are living in a world where certain energies have waged energetic wars to confuse us, and cut us from our natural abundance. This has gone on for thousands of years. (Much of this happens behind the scenes, most humans have no idea what is really going on.)

When we choose that it's not safe to be happy and wealthy while others suffer, we affirm the slavery matrix grid. We choose it. 
We actually use our energy to *keep* others in struggle, by affirming struggle.

When we access our abundance and joy, we affirm the field of LOVE, the crystalline + Christ Consciousness grids. We make them stronger. This therefore supports ALL beings to access their truths. Untangling the cords of slavery that have been here for far too long.
We are *not* asked to turn away from that which is not 'high vibe', as if it will ruin our energy.

Instead, we can look at what is, feel it in our hearts - and then look deeper to the TRUTH. All suffering is impermanent.

I believe love is the all-encompassing reality in this Universe, the energy that stays when all other energies are transient - they rise, and they fall.

We can hold space for suffering, but not let it drown us, knowing that all things return to Source, and are renewed.
This takes a deep faith in love. A deep connection to our hearts. Embodied experiences of divine connection.
And so...

When we use the power of true sight to SEE others THRIVING, even while they suffer... We can honour that suffering, make space for it - and simultaneously hold their brilliance in our hearts.

In doing this, we help them to anchor into whatever their soul is wanting for them.

In short...
We see the truth of who they are.
While holding space for the experience they are having (Without trying to fix it or change it.)



I refuse to believe that playing small, and being sad + angry about the state of the world all of the time, is what it takes to be grounded, real, and of service.

I will feel my feelings as they arise, I will have my good days, and bad, I will feel rage and pain... but my compass always points to LOVE.

And I will keep coming back to love, again, and again... as my deepest service to this planet.


So you will see me talk about abundance, sacred business, money, happiness, travel, freedom... and all the rest of it too - on my off days or tough times.

I do so, not out of disconnect, but out of devotion to the ULTIMATE connection.

Connection to Source.
To truth.

And so...

For the liberation of all beings,I Rise.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple