
Are the mountains of Mo'orea calling you?

The mountains of Mo’orea have been calling me for a long time - on this heart shaped island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. 🐋🌴🌋

 I first read about Mo'orea in a Doreen Virtue book close to the beginning of my spiritual awakening, and the MOMENT I read about this place I felt a pull. A tug. A knowing. 


It took me a long time to be ready, I suppose, finally after more than a decade after that initial pull, I arrived.


When I got here - I didn’t realize my Airbnb was on the base of what was likely, the most sacred mountain of Mo'orea to the Tahitian ancestors. (Though my soul certainly did + arranged that!)


And she is a FORCE! Woah. And very quickly she showed me that she has soooo much more light and frequency to blast the world with… a very Lemurian frequency in nature.


But she can’t. Not yet. Not until people are ready. Otherwise it would be too much, it would fry the systems that just aren’t ready for that much voltage. ⚡️


So what does she need?


She needs awakening souls to receive her light, and ground it into the grids of the Earth from the lands they are on. 🌴🌺 This will distribute the light and prepare humanity for the next upgrade of this Lemurian light, which is waiting to be sent out.


Do you feel like you’re on this team of souls she is calling? 

If so, you can read this invocation out loud:



I intend to connect now, to the French Polynesian island of Mo'orea, and her sacred consciousness. 


I invite in the Lemurian light and Goddess energy that indwells there, and open my heart to this field of unlimited possibility, 


I choose now to be a beacon for this light, knowing it serves unconditional love, and brings only goodness to all it touches, 


I acknowledge that the sacred consciousness of Mo'orea is now touching me, softening me into receiving my own Lemurian Goddess nature.


I ask my cells to receive this light infusion, and I now ground into Mama Gaia, 


Letting this sacred light of Crystalline Lemuria, enter into my consciousness now, as it dives deeply into the crystalline grids, and down into the Earth's Crystalline Core. 


May I continue to stay open to this healing light of Mo'orea, as I honour my role as a wayshower, and bringer of the New Dawn. 


And so it is.




In Mermaids of the Rose, we’re working with Mama Mo’orea as I call her, and the Lemurian Starmothers, to anchor this light into the gridlines more deeply. 


This is just one of the amazing journeys we’re going through, with Lemuria, Sirius and Venus. 🌴🌺


Let’s activate our Lemurian DNA, receive Mama Mo’orea, and reclaim our mermaid codes - while we serve the awakening of humanity! In Mermaids of the Rose



It would be an honour to swim in these waters of remembrance with you!

Who are the Mer?

I begin today's blog with a question…. 

Who are the mer? The mermaids, mermen, and oceanic ones?


The definition I was given is this: 

The mer are those who consider the ocean their mother, on a soul level.


Interestingly enough, as I spend time here in this Lemurian vortex of French Polynesia, where French is the main language spoken, (as well as Tahitian and it's dialects), I reflect on “mer” in this language.


The ‘sea’ and ‘mother’ are the same word in french… with a different spelling. Mer and Mère.


When you say “Une femme de la mer” out loud - it could either translate to “A women of the sea”, or "A woman of the mother.”


And of course, we, the mer, are both. It is the same for us. We are of the sea. And of the mother. Mother ocean. And the greater Divine Mother who birthed us all.


As we dive into our mer-lineage, and soul’s oceanic essence, we begin to activate and weave the lemurian, mermaid, crystalline grids of light through our hearts and cells.


This allows our very real soul’s songs, our siren songs, to emanate, and grow in momentum as they join our oceanic family’s songs in harmony. Including the whales and the dolphins.


From there, this great wave of higher vibrational sound and light, this profound song and symphony, inaudible to physical human ears, but heard in the subtle bodies and atoms - will allow humanity to wake up. Activating the purification process of their water bodies and emotional centers, and allowing for a great and vast awakening to unfold. 


We, as the mer - truly do hold incredible keys for planetary healing.


But we mustn't sleep on it. We can’t give this part of ourselves 2% of our attention. It's no longer enough to just know we're connected to the ocean - it's time to dive into it, and listen to what Mother Ocean has been telling us - reminding us of - all along.


It’s time to honour who we are. And when we do this, it will inform our soul’s mission, DEEPLY! We’ll remember our purpose here, in greater and greater ways.


I’m so happy to give an opportunity to my mermaid sisters, to come together and dive deep into our oceanic codes, through this offering: Mermaids of the Rose.


In this initiation, we’ll journey with those who can awaken our mermaid inheritance deeply: Lemuria, Sirius, and Venus.


It would be an honour to swim in these waters of remembrance with you!