Divine Feminine

Who are the Mer?

I begin today's blog with a question…. 

Who are the mer? The mermaids, mermen, and oceanic ones?


The definition I was given is this: 

The mer are those who consider the ocean their mother, on a soul level.


Interestingly enough, as I spend time here in this Lemurian vortex of French Polynesia, where French is the main language spoken, (as well as Tahitian and it's dialects), I reflect on “mer” in this language.


The ‘sea’ and ‘mother’ are the same word in french… with a different spelling. Mer and Mère.


When you say “Une femme de la mer” out loud - it could either translate to “A women of the sea”, or "A woman of the mother.”


And of course, we, the mer, are both. It is the same for us. We are of the sea. And of the mother. Mother ocean. And the greater Divine Mother who birthed us all.


As we dive into our mer-lineage, and soul’s oceanic essence, we begin to activate and weave the lemurian, mermaid, crystalline grids of light through our hearts and cells.


This allows our very real soul’s songs, our siren songs, to emanate, and grow in momentum as they join our oceanic family’s songs in harmony. Including the whales and the dolphins.


From there, this great wave of higher vibrational sound and light, this profound song and symphony, inaudible to physical human ears, but heard in the subtle bodies and atoms - will allow humanity to wake up. Activating the purification process of their water bodies and emotional centers, and allowing for a great and vast awakening to unfold. 


We, as the mer - truly do hold incredible keys for planetary healing.


But we mustn't sleep on it. We can’t give this part of ourselves 2% of our attention. It's no longer enough to just know we're connected to the ocean - it's time to dive into it, and listen to what Mother Ocean has been telling us - reminding us of - all along.


It’s time to honour who we are. And when we do this, it will inform our soul’s mission, DEEPLY! We’ll remember our purpose here, in greater and greater ways.


I’m so happy to give an opportunity to my mermaid sisters, to come together and dive deep into our oceanic codes, through this offering: Mermaids of the Rose.


In this initiation, we’ll journey with those who can awaken our mermaid inheritance deeply: Lemuria, Sirius, and Venus.


It would be an honour to swim in these waters of remembrance with you!

Mermaids of the Rose

There is a lineage of light, that I call the Mermaids of the Rose.

These souls are mer-beings. Souls who resonate deeply with the water, and the Divine Mother.

🐚 While they come from all over the multi-verse, they travelled to Sirius (or have their origin point there), and many incarnated as water beings within Sirius B. 

🐚 With these oceanic frequencies strongly within them, they voyaged to Venus.

On Venus, they became initiated more deeply into Divine Mother frequencies, through the Mystery Schools of Love.

They further activated their rose templates there, and embodied and emanated codes of Divine Union.

The water ones of Venus resonate with the pearl, and many serve in the lineage of Aphrodite.

🐚 Venus prepared them for their missions on Gaia, where they incarnated into Lemuria. Many came as dolphins, whales, mermaids, water priestesses, and fae.

This lineage of light, the water ones who travelled from Sirius to Venus to Lemuria, are, who I call: the Mermaids of the Rose.



Are you a Mermaid of the Rose?

Mermaids + photographer unknown, please comment below if you know!


If so, I invite you into a journey for the Mermaids of the Rose.


As a lineage, we’re now being asked to awaken our mermaid codes, and activate the Dolphin Divine Union energies we hold within our sacral chakras, and entire beings.


Though these Divine Union templates were brutally attacked during the fall of Atlantis, we still very much hold them.


We are being called to purify these ancient traumas, and become the integrated beings of sovereign light that we are. Lemurian Venusian Priestesses who have come to unite the Oceanic Divine Feminine, and the Oceanic Divine Masculine, once more.

🐚 Is this resonating with you? 🐚

The Blue Rose of Lemuria

“The Blue Rose is the symbol of Lemuria.” - David Bower

When I hear rose sisters speak of the blue rose, they usually reference it as representing the Divine Masculine. 💎 While I’m not suggesting this isn’t true - we all have different and valid lensings - my sense of the blue rose, shares something different with me.

For me, it is the rose of the whales and dolphins. Of music, water, and Lemuria. Of Mother Mary.

So when I came across a video by a man named David Bower, who spoke of an ancient high council of Lemuria long ago designating the blue rose as it’s symbol, I felt so much resonance.

The rose lineage is vast. It encompasses all the colours and dimensions of the rose, and all her frequencies. The rose is another word, and a symbol - for the heart of the Divine Mother.

And so often, we only hear about the red rose when we embark on the path of the rose… 🌹(I mean, it is so juicy so I’m not mad at that lol)

But this lineage is a rainbow, and I believe each sister and brother of the rose, holds different rose codes as their unique medicine.

If you resonate as a blue rose code keeper (yes you can hold more than one colour of rose within your soul’s essence)- or if you’re simply feeling resonant with Lemuria and the waters right now…

…Then I invite you to our free gathering on the feast day of Mary Magdalene: a Lemurian Sisterhood of the Rose ceremony.

This event is apart of our monthly Dolphin Healing Collective gatherings, and you can join here: https://www.bethkatherine.com/the-dolphin-healing-collective

I’m so excited to share so many of the downloads that have come through these past months of journeying through Lemurian heartlands and waters!

If you’re seeing this post after when we gathered, please go to my YouTube channel for the replay!

My Issues with how Manifestation is taught

For many years, I struggled with manifestation.

Now… I actually manifested some pretty epic experiences and things, but what I mean is, the process of manifestation that’s taught. 

Mostly what’s taught is:

~Decide SPECIFICALLY what you want, get very detailed

~Imagine it’s already yours, through visualizing, journaling and affirmation

~Focus on this every single day

~Feel the feelings, affirm it’s here


What I found when I really focused on manifestation like this:

~Yes, it works


~It felt off. I felt like I was constantly placing myself in somewhere other than this moment. Like I was constantly focusing on what wasn’t here, and almost dissociating from the present moment, and I didn’t like it. 

~It felt very masculine in nature, very goal oriented - and to my divine-feminine-oriented self, that didn’t feel good

~I often felt like I was treading water, trying to keep myself afloat in the vibration I was supposed to be embodying. More positive thoughts! More affirmations! More visualization! More journal work! HUSTLE let’s go let’s manifest. 

Not my vibe. 

And yet… it’s basically what’s exclusively taught by most spiritual teachers and coaches. 

I’d like to offer you an alternative, if you can relate to me… 

Along my journey with Mother Father God, the Archangels, and working with the rainbow rays and sacred flames… 

I was being mentored in connecting with my I AM Presence. (The I AM Presence is your God-Self) 

And I’ve been learning how to manifest through the I AM Presence. 

And the funny thing is- it’s not even really about manifesting. It’s just about embodying who I AM. 

Here’s an example now of how I’d go ahead to manifest abundance, but not just that, how I spiritually grow and expand, in the present moment.

First I connect with my Higher Self, and let the light of my Higher Self fill every cell of my body. I say “Higher Self and I AM Presence, thank you for merging with me now.”

And then I might declare out loud, with passion:

“I AM the abundance, the abundance I AM” - and focus on the green ray of abundance filling every cell of my body. I say this over and over again with power, FEELING my I AM Presence merging with me.

Or, I might work with the golden flame of resurrection, which resurrects all the Divine Templates of your life, and say:

“I AM the resurrection and the life of wealth energetics.” - over and over, as I fill with golden flames, and focus on how amazing the energy of limitless wealth feels. 

I bring all that I AM, into this NOW. 

I DON’T leave my body to get lost in a future reality I want to create, and feel dissociated with my body when I come back.

I honour that I AM all I need, I AM all I want, in this NOW. 


And the shifts my energy field to attract all that is a reflection of my divine I AM. 

Full Moon in Cancer Ritual

As a Cancer mermaid baby myself, I am feeeeeling this moon! It's not always that I do a Full Moon ritual, but today I felt super connected to the moon, and did so.

So I'm going to share with you my ritual today, so you can get inspired on how to create your own intentional ceremonies, whether they're on the Full Moon, or at some other time!

But first, before we dive into the ceremony, I want to touch base about this Full Moon.

This moon, as you may know, is water, she's emotion, she's depth. What I want you to understand however, is this moon's connection with the Divine Mother.

Cancer is Mother. She is the ocean, and she's ruled by the moon. Sirius is also in the constellation of Cancer, which is where the whales and dolphins live as their homebase in our galaxy. Today, we have a strong watery transmission from the Divine Mother, emanating through the Moon.

That means that your Mother wounds around not feeling safe, not feeling loved, loveable, not feeling innocent, or anything else connected to the Divine Mother ~ will likely come up at some point ~ whether that was in the past few days, or the next 1 or 2.

Our relationship with the Divine Mother is at the core of every aspect of our lives.

From money (milk and honey money from the Mother, the Mother of all Life! Do you let in her sustenance?), to our relationships (feeling worthy of being loved and seen in our essence) - this Divine Mother connection is at the core of it all.

So please know, that anything you're experiencing right now in terms of your emotions or your feelings of safety or lack thereof - is about more than just this moment.

The Divine Mother transmitting through, and as, the Full Moon in Cancer, is showing you something deep within you, that wants to be held and loved. Seen. Expressed. The trigger is only the trigger. The wound is ancient - the belief you are separate from the Divine Mother, or that she abandoned you. And our work today, and always, is to ask for Divine Mother's love to fill us, so that we can remember the truth. We're held. Always. Loved. Infinitely. One with all of creation. A jewel in the Divine's eye. Eternal.

Now, let's dive into this ritual I created today. Full Moons are typically a time to let go, and as we're working with water when we're in Cancer, letting go also seems appropriate because water wants to flow unobstructed. Letting go of density helps the light-water that's all around us and in us, to flow. Being in divine flow = a life of love and abundance.

Here's the Full Moon ritual I created today:

1. I opened Sacred Space. I called in Mother Father God, the Ascended Masters and Angels I work with, and Gaia. I asked my Higher Self to fill my cells. I welcomed in the Dolphins and Whales.

2. I wrote down all the things I wanted to release, on a nice turquoise paper that reminded me of water (any paper will do though). I stated at the top, ON THE FULL MOON IN CANCER, THIS IS WHAT I'M RELEASING. I authentically wrote all the places I felt stuck and out of alignment and confused and angry, and all of it, and then I wrote, I RELEASE IT.

3. I got out a pot that can handle fire, and went outside. I invoked all the elements, and lastly invoked fire, as I lit a candle. I then invoked the Sapphire Blue Flames and the Violet Flame in to burn through me and around me as I spoke all I was releasing out loud (These flames transmute dense energy, if I speak out things I want to release, I want to do it intentionally, so that the clear direction is to release them, not manifest them) I read what I was releasing, and burned the paper, throwing it into the pot as it burned. I felt the discordant energies being burned up inside of me, in the fire.

4. I then put on my water playlist on Soundcloud, and danced. I breathed into my body deeply, feeling my breath moving around my body, releasing all that's been stuck. I imagined water flowing through my breathe and flowing through me, releasing the stagnation.

I then closed the ceremony.

Ps. *MOON WATER* While I was doing all of this, I was drinking moon water I'd prepared the night before - I put out filtered water in a glass jar, with a small moonstone in it. Then I gathered it in the morning and blessed the water. Voila! High vibrational crystalline moon water!

Honestly none of this felt rigid. It just felt like normal flow. It wasn't overly formal, it was just a natural movement of one thing to the next. Your ceremonies don't have to feel like you are 'getting it right'. If you don't have time to do the full ritual above, but you like it, just pull out one or two elements and know it's enough!

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

An AHA moment from self-pleasure

This morning I had such a powerful self-pleasure / healing session. Is talking about masturbation taboo? Yes. But it shouldn’t be. Because self-pleasuring, when done consciously, has been one of the most deeply healing practices of my life. It’s helped me unlock so much trauma, and understand myself so much more.

This morning, during that self-pleasure session, an awakening that has been building for a while, came into full focus.

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I recognized that as a child, I was constantly suppressed creatively. Really, I just wanted to dance around, sing, and play on the earth. What I ended up doing was waking up to sit in a cold, hard desk, for 8 hours, 5 days a week, and told to shut up, and sit still, essentially. This is likely your story as well.

Over the past few days, I’ve had some AHA moments, about how this societal lifestyle deeply affected me. My inner child’s creativity has been so suppressed.

And today, in that self-pleasure session, I was able to clearly see:


leads to


The question has been… after all this inner work within myself, and so much self-love, why haven’t I been able to find a sexy + GOOD f*kn man, who can meet me where I’m at, and meet me sexually in the pure + real spaces I operate in.

Oh… this.


Because my inner child was shut down and told not to play - my adult self, in turn, now shuts down her sexuality and tells herself not to play.

The energy fields have been contracted, and semi-closed off. I’ve been telling the Universe, “No, I don’t want to play. I can’t. It’s not safe. I’ll get in trouble."

Templates of suppression have been running the show, rather than templates of self-expression, creativity, and expressed sexuality.

This goes so deep. The average person looking at me + my life, would laugh if I told them I’ve just realized how much my inner child is creatively repressed. They’d look at my home, how I dress, how much I create, how much I sing, and dance, no matter who’s watching and say… “You’re one of the most creative people I know, you are definitely not suppressed.”

But here’s the thing. Many of us are naturally WILDLY creative. Like off the charts. I’m one of those people.

And I’m so excited at all the codes and understandings, this is unraveling within me:

⚡ Inner child = creativity

⚡ The inner child holds the keys to sacred sexuality

⚡ Once the inner child is anchored and expressed in creativity and play, this creates the foundation for powerful sacred sexuality to be expressed as an adult

⚡ This sacred sexuality resonates with purity, primal energy, and full power

⚡ Inner child creativity + Sacred sexuality being allowed to flow free, allows the body to be healthy and energized

Yes… the issues I’ve been having with my body, I can now fully see are tied into creativity + sexuality!

And really, this makes so much sense. (Isis has been telling me this for months, but I needed a full bodied EXPERIENCE to really get this)

SO…. Here’s what I know:

🔥 Creativity + Sexuality are KEY building blocks of a powerful, happy life.

No wonder so many people are depressed and anxious.

🔥 Creativity + Sexuality are KEY building blocks for an abundant, wealthy life.

No wonder so many people struggle with money, and lack consciousness.

🔥 Creativity + Sexuality are KEY building blocks for fulfilling our soul’s missions.

No wonder so many people feel lost.


Where do I go from here, you ask?

Prayer and breathwork.

Asking for the next steps from my Higher Self.

And breathwork sessions to unlock the power in my pelvic bowl.

(And lots of dance parties)

We’ll see what happens after that!


Do you resonate? 🔥 Let me know what’s coming up for you, in the comments below!

Why I let myself be happy, when the world is suffering...

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We are conditioned to have shame if we experience happiness, joy, wealth, and health, when we know others are suffering.

We feel maybe it's not right... we should wait to feel happy, wealthy and healthy, when EVERYONE can! Until then... we show solidarity by suffering with them.



⭐️My belief:

We are naturally happy, healthy, and wealthy in our true states.

We are living in a world where certain energies have waged energetic wars to confuse us, and cut us from our natural abundance. This has gone on for thousands of years. (Much of this happens behind the scenes, most humans have no idea what is really going on.)

When we choose that it's not safe to be happy and wealthy while others suffer, we affirm the slavery matrix grid. We choose it. 
We actually use our energy to *keep* others in struggle, by affirming struggle.

When we access our abundance and joy, we affirm the field of LOVE, the crystalline + Christ Consciousness grids. We make them stronger. This therefore supports ALL beings to access their truths. Untangling the cords of slavery that have been here for far too long.
We are *not* asked to turn away from that which is not 'high vibe', as if it will ruin our energy.

Instead, we can look at what is, feel it in our hearts - and then look deeper to the TRUTH. All suffering is impermanent.

I believe love is the all-encompassing reality in this Universe, the energy that stays when all other energies are transient - they rise, and they fall.

We can hold space for suffering, but not let it drown us, knowing that all things return to Source, and are renewed.
This takes a deep faith in love. A deep connection to our hearts. Embodied experiences of divine connection.
And so...

When we use the power of true sight to SEE others THRIVING, even while they suffer... We can honour that suffering, make space for it - and simultaneously hold their brilliance in our hearts.

In doing this, we help them to anchor into whatever their soul is wanting for them.

In short...
We see the truth of who they are.
While holding space for the experience they are having (Without trying to fix it or change it.)



I refuse to believe that playing small, and being sad + angry about the state of the world all of the time, is what it takes to be grounded, real, and of service.

I will feel my feelings as they arise, I will have my good days, and bad, I will feel rage and pain... but my compass always points to LOVE.

And I will keep coming back to love, again, and again... as my deepest service to this planet.


So you will see me talk about abundance, sacred business, money, happiness, travel, freedom... and all the rest of it too - on my off days or tough times.

I do so, not out of disconnect, but out of devotion to the ULTIMATE connection.

Connection to Source.
To truth.

And so...

For the liberation of all beings,I Rise.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple