
How to have a Violet Flame Shower or Bath

As you get into the shower, call forth the angels of the violet flame: Archangel Zadkiel, Archeia Amethyst, and all the angels of the Violet Flame, I call you now to fill this water with the cleansing violet flame. 

Imagine this water filled with violet fire, and penetrating deeply into your body, and through your aura, as it removes all impurities and anything less than unconditional love.

You may wish to have an amethyst in the shower with you, to support holding the frequencies, or you can also use it like soap, and run it over your body, imagining the amethyst is scrubbing away anything less than your purest love and abundance. 

If there are any specific issues you wish to address, you can invoke a healing around them. For example, “Violet Flame, transmute anywhere I feel less than worthy to receive love.”


“Violet Flame, blaze through and consume all fear around money, and restore the patterns of perfection of true limitless wealth within me now.” 

You can also do this in the bath. If you do, adding a few drops of lavender essential oil, and having amethyst in the bath water while you pray over it, can be very supportive. 

Are you going to try this? Let me know in the comments below!

Full Moon in Cancer Ritual

As a Cancer mermaid baby myself, I am feeeeeling this moon! It's not always that I do a Full Moon ritual, but today I felt super connected to the moon, and did so.

So I'm going to share with you my ritual today, so you can get inspired on how to create your own intentional ceremonies, whether they're on the Full Moon, or at some other time!

But first, before we dive into the ceremony, I want to touch base about this Full Moon.

This moon, as you may know, is water, she's emotion, she's depth. What I want you to understand however, is this moon's connection with the Divine Mother.

Cancer is Mother. She is the ocean, and she's ruled by the moon. Sirius is also in the constellation of Cancer, which is where the whales and dolphins live as their homebase in our galaxy. Today, we have a strong watery transmission from the Divine Mother, emanating through the Moon.

That means that your Mother wounds around not feeling safe, not feeling loved, loveable, not feeling innocent, or anything else connected to the Divine Mother ~ will likely come up at some point ~ whether that was in the past few days, or the next 1 or 2.

Our relationship with the Divine Mother is at the core of every aspect of our lives.

From money (milk and honey money from the Mother, the Mother of all Life! Do you let in her sustenance?), to our relationships (feeling worthy of being loved and seen in our essence) - this Divine Mother connection is at the core of it all.

So please know, that anything you're experiencing right now in terms of your emotions or your feelings of safety or lack thereof - is about more than just this moment.

The Divine Mother transmitting through, and as, the Full Moon in Cancer, is showing you something deep within you, that wants to be held and loved. Seen. Expressed. The trigger is only the trigger. The wound is ancient - the belief you are separate from the Divine Mother, or that she abandoned you. And our work today, and always, is to ask for Divine Mother's love to fill us, so that we can remember the truth. We're held. Always. Loved. Infinitely. One with all of creation. A jewel in the Divine's eye. Eternal.

Now, let's dive into this ritual I created today. Full Moons are typically a time to let go, and as we're working with water when we're in Cancer, letting go also seems appropriate because water wants to flow unobstructed. Letting go of density helps the light-water that's all around us and in us, to flow. Being in divine flow = a life of love and abundance.

Here's the Full Moon ritual I created today:

1. I opened Sacred Space. I called in Mother Father God, the Ascended Masters and Angels I work with, and Gaia. I asked my Higher Self to fill my cells. I welcomed in the Dolphins and Whales.

2. I wrote down all the things I wanted to release, on a nice turquoise paper that reminded me of water (any paper will do though). I stated at the top, ON THE FULL MOON IN CANCER, THIS IS WHAT I'M RELEASING. I authentically wrote all the places I felt stuck and out of alignment and confused and angry, and all of it, and then I wrote, I RELEASE IT.

3. I got out a pot that can handle fire, and went outside. I invoked all the elements, and lastly invoked fire, as I lit a candle. I then invoked the Sapphire Blue Flames and the Violet Flame in to burn through me and around me as I spoke all I was releasing out loud (These flames transmute dense energy, if I speak out things I want to release, I want to do it intentionally, so that the clear direction is to release them, not manifest them) I read what I was releasing, and burned the paper, throwing it into the pot as it burned. I felt the discordant energies being burned up inside of me, in the fire.

4. I then put on my water playlist on Soundcloud, and danced. I breathed into my body deeply, feeling my breath moving around my body, releasing all that's been stuck. I imagined water flowing through my breathe and flowing through me, releasing the stagnation.

I then closed the ceremony.

Ps. *MOON WATER* While I was doing all of this, I was drinking moon water I'd prepared the night before - I put out filtered water in a glass jar, with a small moonstone in it. Then I gathered it in the morning and blessed the water. Voila! High vibrational crystalline moon water!

Honestly none of this felt rigid. It just felt like normal flow. It wasn't overly formal, it was just a natural movement of one thing to the next. Your ceremonies don't have to feel like you are 'getting it right'. If you don't have time to do the full ritual above, but you like it, just pull out one or two elements and know it's enough!

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

From Carbon-Based DNA to Crystalline DNA


We are moving from Carbon-based DNA to Crystalline DNA. 💎

Long ago, our DNA was tampered with. We were meant to be, as humans, a phenomenal species, capable of deep emotional processing, multi-dimensional awareness, and many creative gifts.

But in the multi-dimensional realms, some beings used their gift of free will to enslave the human race. These beings have been behind the scenes, invisible to most eyes, calling many shots on how this planet is being run.

And this is able to happen, because of the Carbon-based DNA. In this DNA, there are patterns and programs of war, famine, lack, rape, and slavery. All the nasty things that aren't really our truths. Carbon-based DNA also stores our ancestor's traumas and beliefs that aren't of service to the One Heart.

Our Crystalline DNA 💎 - is our true Divine template of how humans were meant to function, in freedom, peace, love, and epic creation.

You know who has their Crystalline DNA super activated? Dolphins and Whales.

Dolphins and Whales' DNA is actually not so different from our own, they tell me - they just happen to have their Crystalline DNA LIT up, and anchored - while most humans are still operating from Carbon-based DNA.

So - the question becomes of course, how do we activate our Crystalline DNA? 💎

Some steps:

❤️ Self-love: The dolphins + whales tell me self-love is the most important piece of DNA activation. In order for Crystalline DNA to unfurl, it must be in an environment of love. That environment is your body, and your energy field. The more genuine love you offer yourself, no matter what - the more your Crystalline DNA will activate.

❤️ Food and water: Factory-farmed animal products such as meat and dairy anchor Carbon-based DNA. (Notice I specified factory farmed, I believe there are ways of eating meat that are not harmful to us, such as hunting with love and respect) Chemicals and processed food also support Carbon-based DNA. Instead, eating fresh whole foods, with life force energy, organic if possible - and drinking water that has been blessed and charged up by crystals, the sun, reiki, and/or lemon juice, is helpful. Spring water is amazing if you can get it.

❤️ Out loud decrees: Actually commanding your Crystalline DNA to activate, out loud, from your heart space. "Higher Self, thank you for activating my Crystalline DNA now"

❤️ Working with the Dolphins + Whales: Simply listening to dolphin and whale sounds that you can find on YouTube will activate your Crystalline DNA. If you actually meditate with them, connect with their guidance, and follow through on it - now that is some next level Crystalline DNA activation right there.

And so - that's one of the reasons Dolphin Consciousness (a 5 week online journey with the Dolphins + Whales) - will be so powerful.

We'll be working closely with these beings, through ceremony, meditation, listening to their sounds, up-leveling our diets, and working with crystals.

The result will be a purification, and an unraveling of our innocence. 💎 A DNA activation, that will keep on going, long after the journey, because of the continued mentorship you'll receive from these beings.


Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

To give a f*ck about a pretty Instagram feed, or not... That is the question!


For years, I've gone back and forth on creating a beautiful and coordinated instagram feed - and brand - overall.

Sometimes I have so much fun creating imagery - using colours and symbols that just make my inner child go... Yayyyyyyy 😄

Other times, I go all rebellious and 'fuck the system-y' and say: "Whatevz, I have a message to say and this dark, grainy, selfie can go along with it 'cause I don't need to be a perfect, glossy, primed Priestess."

Well... Let me tell you a magical story that might have solved my conundrum once and for all.

I was meditating on the 12-12 portal, when Archangel Metatron came through. After telling me many a thing, 'he' turned his focus to my business, and imagery.

He said, when I share the imagery, colours, and the essence of my soul vibration - that is how I magnetize soul-mate clients to me. Because they are of a similar soul resonance, and feel themselves in my work.

I've known for a long time, lilac and turquoise are my JAM! Any time I see those colours, I go cray. Never mind when I see them TOGETHER! 🤩 I'm also deeply connected to mermaids, whales, dolphins, the ocean, and crystals.

So I was shown, when I share imagery that contains these frequencies, not only am I making my soul vair vair happy, I'm also making it clear to my soul family, and soul-mate clients, when they land on my feed or website... "This is for you! This IS you!" 🐬

So... rather than get all in your head about how to present yourself online... What if you took Archangel Metatron's advice?

What colours and symbols does your soul resonate with? What if you used those as the primary frequencies in your branding?

Would that feel authentic and fun? Would you LOVE seeing your feed, not because it was perfect according to some marketing guru's standards... but because it was in fact, perfect for your soul, and your soul-mate clients?

Wahoo! 🐬🤩

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Prosperity and Abundance for All Beings - Guided Meditation

Meditate into the frequencies of the New Earth and the 5th dimensional grid - opening up to what it feels like as all beings are free, prosperous, loved, and successful.

If you want to skip right to the meditation, it starts at 3:45.

amethyst smaller.jpg

For the free wealth consciousness course, go here!

Visiting Atlantis Guided Meditation

Hey loves! I recorded this guided meditation to visit Atlantis and receive guidance for our deeper circle, Walking as Priestess... but I love it so much, I wanted to share it with you for free. Atlantis is an ancient society that resonated with crystals, dolphins, whales, turquoise water, white and gold. Many of lived there in past lives and gained great mastery as healers + Priestesses... 


You can download this meditation as an mp3 by signing up below...

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Today, I Sat in Ritual

Hi my loves! 

I've had such an intense last week or so. There were a couple factors involved, however the trigger points did not seem to warrant HOW DEEPLY I felt grief, devastation, and anxiety overtake me. 

Can you relate?

You know when, yes, something happened in your life that you weren't stoked on, but the reaction seems to be a bit more intense than seems warranted?

This was me this week. I could not (and still can't to be honest with you) - figure out why I was so affected by a personal situation. (And I'll give you a hint... it has to do with a man... :D)

What I know this far on my spiritual path, is that there are so many things we don't understand.

Perhaps this situation triggered a painful past life memory, perhaps it simply got me in touch with the deeper sadness of the collective consciousness. Perhaps these feelings have been carried through my blood line, and I am clearing them for my ancestors. I don't know. All I know is I felt it, deep. 

So today I sat in ritual, and gave it away. What I'm about to share with you is an exercise I do fairly often. I'd like you to put it in your "toolkit", for when you are feeling off, and need major support. Or even for when you are feeling great, and want to get even more in touch with the flow!

Today I sat in ritual.

First, I did my dishes, cleaned my space, and made my bed. I lit my bundle of cedar to smudge my home. 


I gathered all of my crystals, and collected flowers from outside, to invite the fairies in. 

I got out my pen, paper, and a lighter.


Spirit Medicine. Artist unknown.

Spirit Medicine. Artist unknown.

And then I made a circle. I made a circle of crystals, and I sat in it. I invited my Spirit Guides, my angels, my Spirit Animals, and all the light bearers who work with me to be with me and guide me. 

I spoke what I felt. I talked to the Universe, and told it I was confused, and needed a healing. I asked for clarity, for closure, and to feel really good about the situation. 

I wrote my prayers down on a piece of paper, and I burned them.

I watched the words turn into ash, and then into smoke. I knew that these prayers were being heard, as I meditated to receive any guidance that wanted to come in.

And when I felt complete, I pulled a few angel tarot cards, said thank you, and crawled out of my fairy ring. (The fairy ring... that's the circle I made with my crystals)

When I do this - that is, sit in ritual - I feel enormously connected to the Universe.

And today was next level. I felt my trust in the Universe deepen immensely, and it was really beautiful - just what I needed. 

I also have an easier time releasing any given situation when I sit in ritual. Since I use my physical energy and physical tools to communicate with Spirit, my more logical mind has an easier time understanding that I AM HEARD, and guidance + creative solutions are on their way to me now. 

I encourage all of you to create your own rituals when you need assistance. 

You can do them in any way - rituals are meant to be created from your intuition. You can have a bath, and sing your prayers out loud. You can go into the forest, write your prayers down, and give them to the roots of a tree that calls you. You can bathe underneath the full moon and light a candle for your intentions. You can be as fancy or as relaxed as you'd like - as long as you're communicating what you need to with the Universe - you will feel great about it. 

Have fun with it!

In love, in light, in truth, and in magic,

xo Beth

Introducing: A Series of Women's Circles in Tofino, BC!

You're invited to join myself + a host of other beautiful ladies this Summer! 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me here!

The stunning artwork on the poster is by Danielle Noel.