Archangel Zadkiel

How to have a Violet Flame Shower or Bath

As you get into the shower, call forth the angels of the violet flame: Archangel Zadkiel, Archeia Amethyst, and all the angels of the Violet Flame, I call you now to fill this water with the cleansing violet flame. 

Imagine this water filled with violet fire, and penetrating deeply into your body, and through your aura, as it removes all impurities and anything less than unconditional love.

You may wish to have an amethyst in the shower with you, to support holding the frequencies, or you can also use it like soap, and run it over your body, imagining the amethyst is scrubbing away anything less than your purest love and abundance. 

If there are any specific issues you wish to address, you can invoke a healing around them. For example, “Violet Flame, transmute anywhere I feel less than worthy to receive love.”


“Violet Flame, blaze through and consume all fear around money, and restore the patterns of perfection of true limitless wealth within me now.” 

You can also do this in the bath. If you do, adding a few drops of lavender essential oil, and having amethyst in the bath water while you pray over it, can be very supportive. 

Are you going to try this? Let me know in the comments below!