The golden lion energies of South Africa

Today I wanted to chat with you about what I felt in South Africa ~ in terms of the significance of South Africa, for the planet.

I could share so many things with you, in general, in these emails - but for some reason, I felt really guided to share what I'm about to… It's been on my mind for months actually to do so!

All that I'm about to say is from my intuition, mixed with some knowledge I learned from Linda Tucker, Credo Mutwa, and Dean Liprini. If it resonates as truth for you, perfect, if not, that's OK - I'm not claiming it as perfect truth - just as something I felt deeply upon my return to Africa…

So… Many years ago I arrived in South Africa for my first time.

I was 19 years old, and taking a semester off from University to work for a non-profit there.

This was to be the place that woke me up. After my emotionally intense 3.5 months there… I came back to Canada, and subsequently began to meditate, and learn about spirituality. My awakening journey began to very quickly unfold from there.

Fast forward many years later, and I'm in an Ayahuasca ceremony in the Amazonian jungle of Peru.

Ayahuasca shows me that I have 2 lions - a male and a female, lion and lioness - always with me. She then goes on to tell me… “Go to Africa - go get your lions."

I wasn't exactly sure what that meant, and to be honest, I still don't know all the details of it at all… but from these experiences I knew 2 things:

~South Africa is a spiritually activating place


~Africa, and South Africa specifically, is very connected to Lion energies.

Upon arriving this time in South Africa, in November of last year… I had big emotions. After I got to my hotel in Cape Town for the night, exhausted ~ I looked out the window in awe, as I saw Table Mountain looming before me.

And there - in the mountain - was the perfect outline of a lion's head. The way the sun was hitting the rocks, had created an unmistakeable lion ~ so clear that I'm sure anyone who I could have pointed it out to, would have seen it ~ it wasn't abstract at all. (I never saw this face again mind you - it was seen from the perfect vantage point, at the perfect time of day, with the perfect placement of clouds - that had created it.)

And at that moment, I began BAWLING!

It was a beautiful crying session, filled with so much coming up and out of me.

I then drifted into a meditation before falling asleep for the night, and I heard the word “Ubuntu” - being spoken from underneath Table Mountain, directed at my consciousness.

I looked it up later - and it turns out - Ubuntu means unity consciousness - in an old African dialect.

As I continued on with my time in Africa, I had this download come into my awareness, regarding the lions… and I wanted to share it with you.

South Africa is the golden lion portal for this planet. You could also say the golden lion vortex.

The golden lion energy resonates with Christ Consciousness, with untamed golden Source power - and is even associated with Jesus / Yeshua - who was called the Lion of Judah.

Of course - the lions roam South Africa, so physically they are present there as well.

This golden lion vortex is where the lion energies of the Universe can most strongly come into Planet Earth. Lion beings are found on Sirius, in Lyra, and in many other star systems throughout the Universe.

From this golden lion energy centre - a golden line of energy moves it's way from Cape Town, at the very Southern tip of Africa, turning towards eastern South Africa, and then shifting North to make it's way through Zimbabwe and up through the whole of Eastern Africa, until it meets the Nile, many ancient Egyptian temples and sites, and moves underneath the Great Pyramid and Sphynx plateau.

I believe that South Africa fed the golden lion consciousness through Africa, and up to Ancient Egypt. As you may know ~ lions held a strong significance and importance to the Ancient Egyptians.

It is my belief that from there, the golden lion energies, which have shifted and changed slightly as they move through different power points and lands, then spill through the Mediterranean basin ~ and were received and helped support the Temples of the Ancient Mediterranean world ~ including the Temples of Ancient Greece, and the Priestess Temples found all throughout Southern Europe.

I believe that these golden lion codes hold a key foundational piece in the lineages that sprung forth from these regions ~ including the Lineages of Isis + the Magdalene.

If you resonate, perhaps you are called to meditate on the golden lion frequency of South Africa, or even to track the movement of these energies through Egypt and beyond.

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