Why that coach's teachings don't work for you

Has this ever happened to you?

You’re inspired by someone online, who’s offering either a free training, or a paid program?

You see them living an amazing life - tons of money, they seem powerful and like they’ve manifested amazing things for themselves. 

Yet when you sign up… 

And you go through the practices and trainings they offer…

Something doesn’t feel quite right. 

There’s this niggling feeling deep down, that this isn’t the right path for you. 

Your ego might fight it and say: “That’s just your resistance! Look at the life their living! This obviously works! You’re just not devoted enough!”

You may even seen many other people in the program thrive with amazing, results, and you wonder… “What gives?”

Maybe you experienced some shifts, maybe you got inspired from some of the content, but ultimately… the shifts didn’t last. And you feel like you arrive in the same place as when you started?

So… what’s going on?

Ok - so for me to explain this, we need to talk about Divine Templates. 

Every soul has a Divine Template, our a Soul Blueprint. Think of this as the sacred geometry and etheric grids, of how that soul’s energy is designed to optimally function and emanate. 

The Divine Template of your soul is also encoded with your soul gifts, your soul’s destiny, and much more. 

Now imagine, that there’s a divine template for EVERY area of your life. This is designed by your Higher Self and your I AM Presence. 

There’s a divine template for your soul’s mission for this incarnation, a divine template for your perfect financial reality, and divine template for your perfect partnership, and so on and so forth. 

Now… imagine that someone has activated their divine templates, or at least certain aspects of them. 

As an example, say this person is here to embody the templates of the Divine Masculine, and best manifests their Heaven on Earth through intense focus. Journaling, visualizing, and working towards a goal, all feel really good to them - because their soul templates are resonating with that Divine Masculine focus. 

Now imagine… they say… “I’ve cracked it” - They begin to manifest abundance, money, and amazing opporunities. 

Victorisouly, they say “I’m going to teach this, I know what works!”

So they offer this amazing program full of how they did it. 

A 5 step process for journaling your dream reality into fruition, a meditation to visualize your perfect outcome, accompanied with lots of Divine Masculine energy that says “Go go! You can do it! Let’s crush this!”

The program works for many people who also are here to seed a Divine Masculine template. 

But let’s say there’s a soul who’s here to seed Divine Feminine templates. They haven’t had many lives on this planet, and they’re very Pleiadian in nature. Their divine templates for manifesting heaven on earth include lots of time in nature, breathing in the emerald ray of abundance, and trusting Source with all their being. They manifest through presence and an open heart, with lots of surrender to the Divine Mother. 

But…. This soul hasn’t fully owned that yet. Society doesn’t really encourage these templates yet. 

So they sign up for the program I just explained… and feel deflated after spending thousands on something that simply gave them anxiety. 



And what the coaching industry hasn’t quite figured out yet, is you can’t just teach someone else your own divine template, and expect it to work for them. 

That’s why the most transformative experiences I’ve had, in my investments, have been in journeys that activate MY truth, MY soul light, and don’t get me to follow another person’s step by step program. 

Yes, my most incredible transformations have happened when I’ve invested in Priestess journeys and spiritual mentorship - that’s main focus is to activate me to ME. To unveil my own divine templates, and get me to trust them. 

That’s why I’m so excited about The Rainbow Ray School of the Angels

In this journey, we’ll be working with the colour rays and flames, and the Archangels - to activate your Divine Templates. 

We’ll primarily be activating the Divine Template of your Soul, which is one thing the angels specialize in. We’ll also be working with the following colours to activate other divine templates that your Higher Self has designed for you. 

The result? You TRUSTING your own way forward. You are here to seed new realities from your Higher Self. Only communion with your Higher Self, and the embodiment of your Divine Templates, is going to bring that about in it’s full potential.