Diving Feminine in Business

Who Am I To Teach This Work?

I've been in Crete, a sacred Goddess island in Greece for the last week, and everything is finally slowing down in my life. After being in perpetual summer for the last 8 months, through Costa Rica, Mexico, NYC, and the Greek Islands ~ Fall is here, Samhain is just days away, and I have the space to really feel into those niggling feelings, that were easier to ignore, while I was constantly moving around from place to place.

As I prepare to launch my new journey The New Earth Entrepreneur, I've noticed I've been stalling.

Ideally, by now, I would have opened the energetic space with ceremony, and I'd have been working on the invitation page, to invite people into the experience.

But not a whole lot has gotten done.

Today I felt into the resistance.

I heard this voice come up from my lower chakras ~ which I've been hearing for days now say ~ who am I to hold space for The New Earth Entrepreneur? The true template of the New Earth Entrepreneur has fully plugged in to Source for all their needs. They recognize they ARE Source, and live courageously and confidently from that place of Source light. They're no longer plugged into 3D patriarchal business models ~ of seeking validation from social media likes, and of seeking feelings of safety from the numbers in their bank account. They're a pure conduit for Source Light, and so is their business.

I know ~ while I can feel this template within my being ~ I still have so much unlearning and untangling to do, before I'm an embodiment of that being.

So “WHYYY”, this aching feeling inside of me said ~ “Am I the one whose being asked to hold space for this work?! How can I possibly hold a whole program around this, if I'm not fully there yet?”

So I put on my ‘Sensual Slow Dance’ playlist and I just let my body move. I let her speak. I let her express the pain of that question, and the resistance of where I am on my journey. And after just a few minutes, a clear voice spoke to me.

It was my soul.

She said "BETH ~ Do you think Kaia fully activated her crystalline genome, before she started teaching about it, and how to turn it on?

Well… no.

Do you think Alize fully healed her womb, before she started holding space for other women to go on their womb healing journeys?

Hmmm… no.

Do you think Tori healed every ancestral wound, before she started teaching others how to heal their ancestral traumas?

Ummm… no.

“Well there you go."

I realized that the teachers who I've learned so much from ~ I haven't transformed from their teachings because they are embodiments of the FULL AND TOTAL HEALING of that thing they teach about.

I learn from them because they are authentically devoted to being a student of that line of work, their Higher Self has guided them to.

I recognize that I've been DEVOTED to unlearning 3D business programming, and a new paradigm in business, money, and healing, for YEARS. I've transformed SO much, from this path, and I've helped hundreds of other souls along the way.

As I swayed my hips, and felt my soul's assuredness still pulsating within me ~ I recognized that I was the ideal person to be teaching this work.

Not because I'm the living embodiment of what it means to have entirely activated The New Earth Entrepreneur codes.

But because I'm authentically devoted to the path.

Because I've been walking the path for years.

And because these are the codes my Higher Self is downloading through my body.

My Higher Self holds this template, and I'm here receiving it on this planet.

Bit by bit, I become more activated in this new way of being ~ in business, and in life.

I share this, in case you've had similar moments. Of questioning ~ Should I really be teaching this? Am I a fraud? Is my work legitimate?

Angel ~ If you are devoted to walking the path you teach from ~ authentically ~ and you've already experienced transformation from that lineage of healing… then yes. You are legitimate in your teaching of it. You are safe in receiving for it. For as long as you continue to walk that path with authenticity and devotion ~ YOU are who SHOULD be teaching it!

Thank you for receiving me!

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