Higher Self

Feeling not enough?

“Thank you Higher Self for transmuting the places I feel like I’m not enough, and where I feel like I’m not doing enough.”

…I was just having a moment of comparing myself to someone
, and that unsettling feel of ‘not enoughness’ came up.

The moment I became aware of it, I said the prayer above. Multiple times.

This is my flow now. When I encounter difficult feelings or patterns - rather than stew in them, or try to devise an elaborate way out of them - I just ask my Higher Self to clear them.

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Being human is a crazy enough ride as it is. I’m not going to add to that by spending an hour on every difficult emotion or pattern that comes up, trying to figure out the root of it and how to heal it. If I did that I would spend my whole life engulfed in old patterns + masterminding how to heal them.

That is not my human self’s responsibility.

That is the job of my divinity.

Guess what - Your Higher Self is here to do the heavy lifting for you. 🦋

You don’t have to know what the root of every issue you have is. You just need to ask your Higher Self to heal it - and spend time communing with your Higher Self daily. If you need to know anything about an issue’s roots or take certain action steps to heal it - your Higher Self will tell you in communion. Other than that - ask for help, let it go, and love yourself. 💕

Watch the next time you encounter a yucky feeling or pattern - what do you usually do about it?

Next time this happens - I invite you to take a deep breath, feel into it first, honour it with love - and then ask, out loud, for your Higher Self to transmute it. Ask as many times as you want, in as many ways as you want. When I’m in a sticky place I’ll spend many many minutes praying for help out loud. 🙏

(Please note, there ARE many occasions where you truly need to FEEL the pain and breathe, before you’re ready to get into full-prayer mode. Your Higher Self will still guide you to know when it’s time for what)

Let me know if you’re going to take me up on this invitation in the comments below! 🧜🏽‍♀️

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