A New Moon in Virgo Meditation

Hey babes!

It's the New Moon in Virgo AND a solar eclipse. This is a powerful time, and we have a great opportunity to connect in right now, and receive some guidance. Virgo is all about the earth, details, and using our physical energy to create harmony, and bring about our goals. 

In this video, I share with you more about this New Moon, and talk about what exactly a solar eclipse brings us.

We'll also be meditating to receive guidance from our Spirit Guides + Angels. What action steps can we take to manifest our goals? What would Spirit have us do right now?

Watch the video to meditate with me, and receive some answers to those questions. :)


On Saturday we have a New Moon in Virgo AND a solar eclipse! Watch to learn what this means, as well as to meditate to receive guidance and clarity at this time. To join my private Facebook group I mentioned in the video, please go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1025805754110514/


Much love sisters!

xo Beth