4 Rockstar Women I Follow for Spirituality + Business



I want to thank some women for being

the pillars of knowledge and wisdom

for me that they are.


I’d also love to share these women with you so you can benefit from them too! These next 4 women are ones who have taught me a lot about how to be true a light worker AND a business maven. They show me how to fuse my authenticity and deep desire to be of service in the world, with a mindset of action + strategy, that supports me financially, physically, and emotionally.


Basically, these women Have helped me

to understand how I can fuse

my spirituality with my business,

in a really big way.


And have them become one. Which is important for me, because I don’t necessarily see barriers in my life, like work/play/purpose/relationships. All are one at the end of the day.  

I personally follow each of these women for different reasons. Here they are, with a note about why I follow each of them, and some resources for you to follow up on as well!

Read on my lovely stardust mermaid beings of love! ;)

1. Gabby Bernstein

Of course. Who else. This woman is more than a woman (As we all are). She is an amazing being who has come to this planet entirely to give healing and wake people up to the truth of their happiness.

I remember when I discovered Gabby - I was still in University at the time and at a Chapters bookstore. Her bright blue hard-covered book was sitting on the shelf. It was called ‘Spirit Junkie’. Here was a beautiful young woman who was rocking it in the world of spirituality and spiritual teaching! Here was deep inspiration. I remember thinking that it wasn’t just types like Wayne Dyer who could ‘make it’ in that world. You didn’t have to have tons of life experience and be older, to know you had wisdom to give.

Something opened in me that day, and I quickly dived into Gabby’s world via the internet over the next few weeks. I downloaded her meditation albums at that time as well - and have listened to one of Gabby’s Meditations almost every day for 4 years. She is with me constantly! And taught me so much just through being a leader and a guide into my own inner worlds and inner power. 

Gabby has recently (OK well not too recently) started teaching directly to budding coaches, healers, and teachers. She runs a weekend long Spirit Junkie Masterclass on how to rock it as a spiritual teacher, but you can find her free 90 minute-long videos on the topic, here and here.

2. Erika Sheffer

Erika is fairly new to me (I found her a couple of months ago), yet she has quickly ignited a fire in my world that has already produced some serious ripples! Erika is a business coach. She talks marketing. Social Media. New Ideas. How to make money. But she does it all in a way that’s super inspiring, super easy to relate to, super easy to understand - but also very specific. I took Marie Forleo’s B-School and honestly I feel like I’ve learned more through Erika HAHA. Not because Marie is not amazing (because she IS) - but purely because I relate to Erika’s style of teaching more. Her quirky personality and fierce feline demeanour is also pretty dope too. ;) She makes me feel like I CAN DO IT!

Erika will gets my business fires going. She teaches + shares most often through Periscope (you can catch up with her videos here), or on her private Facebook group. When you connect with her, you’ll hear from her pretty much everyday, which is really cool. She is always coming out with new content. 

3. Nisha Moodley

Ohhh hey Nisha Moodley!!! What a goddess. OK, for those of you who don’t know her, Nisha is a coach for ambitious female entrepreneurs. She was a health coach previous to that. But the thing about Nisha, is she doesn’t really talk specific business much of the time. She’s deepened into her message. She’s actually very focused on our lifestyles, and how we approach our lives. She’s also a big proponent of sisterhood, and is actively involved in co-creating a global movement of young empowered women who love one another. 

Nisha has developed into her woman, her fullness, her juiciness. It feels luxurious to walk the journey with her. :)

Nisha sends e-mails often, blog posts, poems, and more, which you can sign up for here. You can also creep her Instagram and see what I’m talking about for yourself. Swoon. ;) :D

4. Doreen Virtue

Ahhh. The angel goddess herself. The one who is in almost all of your houses, I’m sure! (Oracle cards anyone?) 

Doreen is the go-to for angels (in my opinion anyway) and is such a beautiful soul. You can tell that even though she has millions of followers and has reached such a high level of “success” - she really just sees us all as her equals and knows that we all came here to do important work. She shows us how to do that important work even better.

I love seeing Doreen’s angel card readings pull up on my Instagram feed. I love her books that have taught me so much about angels. I love reading her cards and applying them to my business, my work, my purpose, and all areas of my life! I love HER! She reminds me to always come back to what it’s all about. True healing, and reminding others of how amazing they are. 

Much love my sisters! If you have any women (or men for that matter) that you LOVE and find inspire you in both areas of business and spirituality, post them below!  I’d love to hear!

xo Beth