New Paradigm Marketing

How to get people to actually read / watch your content…


I often see videos, blog posts, and emails from amazing people sharing really great information...

With really boring titles.

The title is THE thing that will get someone that you can serve, to click on that piece of content.

If you're sharing your heart + soul work online, through FB lives, through e-mails, through blog posts, through anything with a title...

Take a moment to craft that title. Make us want to read it, or watch it.

Titles like:

~ The power of compassion

~ Self-love is important

~ I like to start my day with yoga

...Are boring.

Sorry not sorry. They just are.

People know compassion has power, people know self-love is important, people know that you can start your day with yoga. There is nothing new, exciting, intriguing, or curiosity-inducing about any of that.

Here are some ideas of how you can spice up your titles, so the people you can serve actually click:


Ie. "A common 'mistake' most yogis make in practice..." - or "I never knew about this, but when I figured it out my confidence soared!" --- You see how we are instantly all like... "OooOO... what are they talking about?!" and we'll want to click to get the goods.


….and allude to it in the title. You can also bring the curiosity piece in here. ---- Ie. "The surprising thing that happened the night I broke up with my boyfriend..." or "Last week I cried for 2 hours straight, here's why..." - Also, people love personal stories. They make us feeling connected to you. They should be a key in your messaging - however personal and vulnerable you get is up to you.


People love numbers. They just do. ---- Ie. "5 ways to feel sexier." or "10 tips to heal anxiety."

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You can ask yourself, once you have an idea for a post... "Would this make me want to click on this? Would I feel intrigued?" - If not, go back to the drawing board.

Also - don't get too in your head or perfectionist about this.
I like to take a deep breath as Im creating a title, connect with my heart, and ask my angels what a good header would be. I choose what feels best as it comes through. I don't agonize. If you're spending more than a few minutes creating a post title, you're too in your head. Just pick what feels right, and go create or do something else magical with your time.

So there you have it, a few ways to spice up your titles, so the people you can serve actually CLICK on your work, and here what you have to say!

Also, be sure to read my piece about being too general with your posts, which ties into this guidance, here.

A common 'mistake' soul-centred entrepreneurs make...


A common pattern for healers + lightworkers when they first start to share their offerings and wisdom is this:

Being general as fuck.

Hahaha. But seriously. Yes you can help alot of people. Yes you can help pretty much anyone with the tools you have.

But that's not going to throttle your business and work forward.

Because when we talk to EVERYONE, not wanting to leave anyone out and thereby making the topics of our videos and posts very general... no one knows were talking to them. And they dont feel a connection.

Examples of being general:

♥ How to find deeper self love
♥ The benefits of meditating
♥ How to shift your self talk

These examples have great info in them, life changing information.

But they could apply to an 18 year old girl fresh out of high school, a single mom of 35, a man who works a corporate job in his 50s, all with completely different goals and unique challenges.

You might get some clicks, but you wont have that experience with someone where they are thinking 'Wow I feel like they're talking directly to me'.

It's that feeling right there: 'I feel like they're talking directly to me' that makes people want to reach out, work with you, and buy from you.

So what to do?

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Decide who you're talking to. This is called your niche. Your niche is your group of ideal clients, who you tailor your work towards.

Choosing a niche confuses a lot of people.

It shouldn't.

Your niche is very very likely- you, 3 or 4 years ago.

Where were you at 3 or 4 years ago (or even 1 year ago or 8 years ago depending on your life)?

That person is very likely your ideal client.

What were your goals? Your challenges then? What did you need to hear?

Speak to that person. That's your ideal client 99% of the time.

So those general posts from above might become:

♥ How to find self love when you're going through a painful breakup
♥ Why I wish I started meditating in my 20s
♥ How I went from insecure to confident girl boss by shifting my self talk

The content in the articles will be very similar, but the focus is now tailored to an ideal client in these examples.

The new examples above would likely all speak to a woman in her 20s on a (probably new) spiritual path who desires to feel confident, get over a breakup, and have an epic career.

Does this make sense to you?

So - your steps here, if you've been caught in the cycle of being too general are:

♥ Identify where you were at a few years ago
♥ What does that person dream of, have challenges with, and need to hear?
♥ Tailor your blogs and articles to that person

And if you're scared of losing people who you could help, I'll leave you with this quote:

"Speak to many, attract no one. Speak to one, attract many.'

People outside of your ideal client will likely still come to you and benefit from your work, because they love your vibe and still get wisdom from your work.

But you'll actually be able to create a successful business from this work now, now that you know who you're talking to.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple



A Guided Meditation to Attract Soul-Mate Clients

Attracting clients is an energetic first and foremost, and a matter of strategy, second. In this guided meditation, you’ll attract soul mate clients through your heart space, with your angels to help you!

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To get this meditation as an mp3, as well as get the entire free Step Into Wealth Consciousness Course, go here.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

What we can learn from aliens...


If some loving 'aliens' were looking at this planet right now, and they could see all the energetics before them...

Well... they might be inclined to first comment, "Well, this is a hot mess." 😝

...And theeeen, if someone asked them the question, "Hey - you see what's happening here? What do you think this planet needs? What would be of the highest value right now, that humans could offer each other?"

They would say: "Well, anything that helps these souls remember who they are, would be of very high value. If a human could offer another human a healing of the heart, a clearing of cellular memory - anything that helps them remember that we are all one, and that love is their true nature - well, that would be of very high value - the highest value."

And now... let's take it down, right onto the surface of the earth.

Let's witness hundreds of thousands, if not - millions, of souls who offer that very same energy. Healers, at heart, who help others remember who they truly are.

And most of these beings are running the story - "This work is not valuable. People wouldn't value it deeply, and therefore wouldn't pay me.'

That's right - the ones who are offering the MOST valuable energetic exchange right now on this planet...

Those who are offering healing + activation, through coaching, teaching, energy work, nutritional support, art, music, etc...

The ones with possibly the MOST NEEDED energy at this time...

Are walking around with the complex of "This is not an actual offering. This is not tangible. This is too etheric. This isn't what people would really want to pay for (ie value)."

What a crazy world we live in.


So, my dear, my magickal, fierce, powerful friend...

If this is you...

If you've been walking around subconsciously or consciously undermining your gifts, feeling fear or doubt around their value, and playing it small because you just keep doubting the power that is YOU...


Will you, right here, right now, DECLARE, that you are a carrier of the most valuable energy on the planet right now? The energy of awakening and love?

Will you decide it's worthy? Worthy of your time, your focus, and worthy of MONEY? Yes I said it. Money. The stuff that when someone gives you, really they're just saying "I value what you offer."

Will you honour that you are holding the GOLDEN GOODS, the hottest thing out there right now?


Because when you do, you will feel:

  • Confident

  • Like the bad-ass you are

  • Rich AF 'cause you've got the golden goods

  • Excited to share

  • Connected to your soul star essence

Comment below with an "I AM" - if you're willing to proclaim: "I GOT THE GOLDEN GOODS!" and walk around here like your spiritual gifts are of HIGH SERVICE and HIGH VALUE on this planet right now.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple