Swimming with the wild dolphins of Africa...

A few weeks ago, I left South Africa for my next adventure ~ to the country northeast, of Mozambique.

It's here I came, with the sole intention of swimming with the wild dolphins, who live off the coast of Mozambique's most southern shores.

I've been hearing the call for many moons now… to go in the direction of the dolphins and whales.

To claim my essence as a dolphin being, and to also honour that my business is called to go in a new direction, and focus more strongly on transmitting dolphin consciousness.

So, of course it made sense to me, to go and mentor with the dolphins, physically. To be in the water with them, and then to meditate with them on land, as I learned more about this purpose unfolding.

Yesterday, I went for my 5th swim with the dolphins. We never know what's going to happen when we go out on the boat ~ as they are wild animals. We may see them, we may not, they may be in the mood to interact with us and play, or they may not.

After we left the shore, and began searching for the local pods who live here, we quickly found a large pod swimming, not so far from the little village we launched from.

We stopped the boat, and slipped into the water with our snorkel gear on ~ and that day ~ the dolphins did indeed want to play with us!

Being in the water with many wild dolphins, coming very very close to you, and looking you in the eyes ~ is a pretty surreal experience. It's one I'm very honoured to be able to have.

Yet all the stories I've heard, of people swimming with the dolphins ~ are shared from a place of feeling euphoric and blissed out while with them.

For me, I've definitely felt some of those feelings, but also ~ keep in mind these are master healers, and embodiments of Christ Consciousness.

Just like with any energy of pure and powerful light ~ as humans, it will bring stuff up and out, to be purified.

So as I was swimming yesterday, I was having trouble with my snorkel gear. I kept getting water in my mouth and the whole thing just felt super uncomfortable. I was getting frustrated, and in that moment, I silently said to the dolphins… “Please help me.”

It wasn't just that moment that I wanted help with. I was asking for help with simply being human. As you know ~ it's not the easiest experience to have ~ and I was feeling the density being brought up.

A few seconds after I asked for help, one dolphin came to swim straight at me. It swam basically in a line up to my face, all the while vocalizing and emitting it's sonar frequencies right into my head. It swam about a foot away from me, and then veered to my right.

About a minute later, it came back and did the exact same thing.

I had the strong feeling it heard my request for help, and was offering it's healing, reading exactly what I needed.




Yesterday, I definitely felt the emotional connection with the dolphins, in a new way. I felt they genuinely care about people and love us so much, and are here to listen and help.

We can connect with the dolphins physically ~ like I did yesterday, and that's truly an amazing experience ~ but we can also connect with the dolphins etherically, which actually can be just as powerful.

Dolphins are multi-dimensional beings, of a very high frequency. We can call upon the collective consciousness of these beings for help, guidance, and healing ~ similarly to how we would ask an Ascended Master or Angel for help. The same goes for whales as well.

There is so much to share, and I'm so grateful to be stepping on to this path and claiming my role as an emissary for the dolphins, as I support the transmission of their messages and frequencies on to land.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple is a flourishing online women’s circle, and we’d love to have you!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! I post a lot more magic on IG, and I would love to connect with you there! Find me at @the.dolphin.rose.temple

How to connect with dolphins

Dolphins carry the frequency of Christ Consciousness, which very powerfully emanates from their hearts.

It may seem like the best way to connect with the dolphins is to be at the ocean, and see them, or even swim with them.

While this is powerful, it’s important to understand that dolphins are multi-dimensional beings - and can be very easily connected with - no matter where you are.

You can search for dolphin sounds on YouTube - play them… (an optional step)

Then ask ‘Dolphins of divine light, I call upon you. I ask to connect with your consciousness now. Please make your teachings available to me.

Help me live in embodied joy, like you do. Thank you. 🐬🙏’

Now close your eyes, and just breathe. Focus on your heart and relax. Trust that the dolphins are with you and are guiding you.

Like many of us work with ascended masters and angels, we can work with the dolphins.

They are here to support our awakening and ascension, and hold a field of unconditional love.

Do you love dolphins? Let me know in the comments below!

Want to connect more deeply with the dolphins?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

The golden lion energies of South Africa

Today I wanted to chat with you about what I felt in South Africa ~ in terms of the significance of South Africa, for the planet.

I could share so many things with you, in general, in these emails - but for some reason, I felt really guided to share what I'm about to… It's been on my mind for months actually to do so!

All that I'm about to say is from my intuition, mixed with some knowledge I learned from Linda Tucker, Credo Mutwa, and Dean Liprini. If it resonates as truth for you, perfect, if not, that's OK - I'm not claiming it as perfect truth - just as something I felt deeply upon my return to Africa…

So… Many years ago I arrived in South Africa for my first time.

I was 19 years old, and taking a semester off from University to work for a non-profit there.

This was to be the place that woke me up. After my emotionally intense 3.5 months there… I came back to Canada, and subsequently began to meditate, and learn about spirituality. My awakening journey began to very quickly unfold from there.

Fast forward many years later, and I'm in an Ayahuasca ceremony in the Amazonian jungle of Peru.

Ayahuasca shows me that I have 2 lions - a male and a female, lion and lioness - always with me. She then goes on to tell me… “Go to Africa - go get your lions."

I wasn't exactly sure what that meant, and to be honest, I still don't know all the details of it at all… but from these experiences I knew 2 things:

~South Africa is a spiritually activating place


~Africa, and South Africa specifically, is very connected to Lion energies.

Upon arriving this time in South Africa, in November of last year… I had big emotions. After I got to my hotel in Cape Town for the night, exhausted ~ I looked out the window in awe, as I saw Table Mountain looming before me.

And there - in the mountain - was the perfect outline of a lion's head. The way the sun was hitting the rocks, had created an unmistakeable lion ~ so clear that I'm sure anyone who I could have pointed it out to, would have seen it ~ it wasn't abstract at all. (I never saw this face again mind you - it was seen from the perfect vantage point, at the perfect time of day, with the perfect placement of clouds - that had created it.)

And at that moment, I began BAWLING!

It was a beautiful crying session, filled with so much coming up and out of me.

I then drifted into a meditation before falling asleep for the night, and I heard the word “Ubuntu” - being spoken from underneath Table Mountain, directed at my consciousness.

I looked it up later - and it turns out - Ubuntu means unity consciousness - in an old African dialect.

As I continued on with my time in Africa, I had this download come into my awareness, regarding the lions… and I wanted to share it with you.

South Africa is the golden lion portal for this planet. You could also say the golden lion vortex.

The golden lion energy resonates with Christ Consciousness, with untamed golden Source power - and is even associated with Jesus / Yeshua - who was called the Lion of Judah.

Of course - the lions roam South Africa, so physically they are present there as well.

This golden lion vortex is where the lion energies of the Universe can most strongly come into Planet Earth. Lion beings are found on Sirius, in Lyra, and in many other star systems throughout the Universe.

From this golden lion energy centre - a golden line of energy moves it's way from Cape Town, at the very Southern tip of Africa, turning towards eastern South Africa, and then shifting North to make it's way through Zimbabwe and up through the whole of Eastern Africa, until it meets the Nile, many ancient Egyptian temples and sites, and moves underneath the Great Pyramid and Sphynx plateau.

I believe that South Africa fed the golden lion consciousness through Africa, and up to Ancient Egypt. As you may know ~ lions held a strong significance and importance to the Ancient Egyptians.

It is my belief that from there, the golden lion energies, which have shifted and changed slightly as they move through different power points and lands, then spill through the Mediterranean basin ~ and were received and helped support the Temples of the Ancient Mediterranean world ~ including the Temples of Ancient Greece, and the Priestess Temples found all throughout Southern Europe.

I believe that these golden lion codes hold a key foundational piece in the lineages that sprung forth from these regions ~ including the Lineages of Isis + the Magdalene.

If you resonate, perhaps you are called to meditate on the golden lion frequency of South Africa, or even to track the movement of these energies through Egypt and beyond.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Do you have a soul contract with Archangel Michael?

I believe we come into this life as part of A TEAM! We've made agreements with certain Ascended Masters or Archangels who we have a strong connection to, as we serve the Divine Plan and the liberation of all beings.

I believe, this is one of the reasons we're seeing such a rise in women speaking about Mary Magdalene, and offering journeys with her... In my view, many of these beings have an agreement with her, and are on her team. They work together, multi-dimensionally.

My strongest agreement, or soul contract, feels like it's with Archangel Michael. I feel like I work for him. Not in the hierarchal sense, but I work for the mission of Archangel Michael, and I believe there is an aspect of Michael that lives inside of me.

Do you have an agreement with Archangel Michael too? Or perhaps other beings? Watch this video to find out!

Ps. Learn more about Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray here! An initiation into the Blue Ray and working with Archangel Michael.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Learn to work with Archangel Michael more deeply , in this free 4 day mini-course!

In this journey, you'll dive deep into meditation with Archangel Michael, to align with your soul’s mission, and receive guidance on how to confidently step forward on your path.

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Traits of a Blue Ray Soul

In my inner journeying, over the years, i have remembered myself to be a Blue Ray Being. What does that mean? Well, upon feeling intuitively into this energy, these are some traits, I consider, Blue Ray beings to have…

  • Souls who are deeply devoted to their soul’s mission, even if they’re not quite sure what that entails yet.

  • Those who carry the energy of the ‘transmuter’ - these beings can transmute shadow into light with the very frequencies they hold, and are therefore drawn into situations or career paths in which they feel they can hold space for this transmutational process to occur.

  • Sensitive souls who are able to tune in and feel subtle frequencies, which can often feel like both a blessing and a curse. Sensitive to energies, chemicals, noise and electricity.

  • Initiators and activators - these beings might find they trigger people through their very laser like energy, their ability to read situations deeply, or through their very presence. The Blue Violet Ray that they carry goes deep into people and will activate them into their light automatically - which brings up that person’s shadows to be purified.

  • Those with strong intuitive or oracular abilities. These beings are very intuitive naturally, and find they can read situations and people very easily. Blue Rays have x-ray vision, they can see through BS. This ability may lay dormant until a Blue Ray being has awakened. These deep intuitive gifts will grow stronger with time, as a Blue Ray meditates, takes care of their body, and removes synthetic chemicals from their diet and self-care routine.

  • Beings who feel they need to be alone frequently. This is because they are highly sensitive, and often transmuting dense energies through their light (often without even knowing it). They need to be alone with their souls and have the opportunity to release outside frequencies so they can really feel themselves, and so they can ground appropriately.

  • Those with a connection to sound + music. The Blue Rays are wisdom keepers who carry the keys of sacred geometry as sound. Sound and sacred geometry are the same thing, but from different perspectives. Therefore, Blue Rays bring in activated codes of sacred geometry through sound, and most of them will gravitate to using sound in intentional ways. Whether that’s singing, teaching through speaking and bringing vibrational tones through the voice, crystal bowl healing, creating music in any way, etc.

  • Souls who gravitate towards teaching, healing, writing, or sound medicine. The blue ray is one of the communicator, and the violet ray is one of highly spiritually refined gifts. Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray, will therefore often feel a need to communicate, or teach, as a part of their role on the planet - especially on spiritual subjects. This can be done in many ways, including more untraditional pathways. Blue Rays who have shut down their gifts may actually feel a resistance to communicating however, until the trauma they carry has been integrated and healed.

  • Souls who are deeply connected to Archangel Michael, and Sirius. Once Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray wake up, they may feel increasingly drawn to the star system Sirius, Isis of Ancient Egypt, Hathor, Whales, Dolphins, Sirian Lion Beings, and Archangel Michael. The Pleiades + Venus are also connected to the Blue Ray,.

Do you feel you’re a blue ray?

Consider joining us for a deep dive

+ activation into this energy in

Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

The Sirian Masters of Light Are Calling You

Right now, you've probably felt - the earth is going through some MAJOR upgrades. There is a lot of light being anchored on this planet, and with that - alot of shifts, purifications, cleansings, and activations. If life feels extra potent this year - it's not just you - it's the whole planet.

Ok, now for story-time about these lion beings...

Earlier today, I was digging my heels in. I had resistance in my body - and I felt it most noticeably in my womb. So I went up to meditate and watch the sunset at this amazing spot I found here in Greece - and that's when the waterworks came.

I spent a good 10 minutes crying as my womb opened up and let me know she was so sick of being suppressed.

Then I felt 2 white lion beings from Sirius behind me, who shared with me powerful urges to communicate what I will be sharing...

Let's backtrack...

I was asked on the 8/8/18 Lion's Gate Portal to offer Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray again.

The 8/8 portal is when the star Sirius returns from it's underworld journey, and is visible once more.

My understating is, it was also the Ancient Egyptian New Year and coincides with the flooding of the Nile. Sirius was a very important star for the Ancient Egyptians. This was (and is) - the star of Isis. It is a star system where Lion Beings come from, who are very powerful and benevolent. Lions played a key role in Ancient Egyptian society - even beyond recorded times - both in the physical and in the etheric. Also - Sirius looks blue from Earth. It is known as the blue dog star.

So you can see how Sirius connects to Lions, Blue, and Isis, in a (very quick) nutshell.

As I was standing in a lake, at dark, on the 8/8 portal, swaying with the water - it became very clear to me that I was to offer this Medicine Keepers journey again. This is primarily an experience with Archangel Michael, who works with the Blue Ray - but so much more has been revealed to me since then.

One of the reasons I am being asked to facilitate this 4 month experience is because the Sirian Lion Beings and elders have frequency to anchor onto this planet - and they need our help. As those who are called step forth, and work deeply with Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray deeply, our fields will begin to be embodied with blue light. They will be activated sufficiently, and this blue light will be grounded into the earth - so much so that the Sirian Lion Beings + Masters of Light can come and anchor in the frequencies and codes that are needed for this planet's ascension through us.

If you are feeling really resonant with these words + images, maybe you even have goosebumps, or chills, or perhaps just a feeling of deep intrigue - you might be being called into Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray. Either that, or you are being called to reach out on your own directly to the Sirian Lion Beings and ask for further instruction.

Remember earlier today, when my womb was all like... "Yo I AM SICK OF BEING SUPPRESSED." - This is partially what she was talking about.

My work is multi-dimensional. It is not so that you can have little shifts in your life, in an energy where you are in your small self - and just want more money, just want a nice relationship, and just want a nice, tidy, life. That is not what Im here for. And my womb was like - 'Can you not try to meet people in that place, that would be great, k thanks.'

My work flows through me to activate people very, very deeply- and it is very esoteric in nature.

You are here to shift the planet with your DEEP power - I see it, I know it. You're a cosmic rockstar.

This offering and all of my offerings are intended to light you up from the inside out so you are so fierce about that.

And YES we work with multi-dimensional beings, and YES we work with the gridlines of the planets, and YES we go DEEP.

My womb would also like me to stop trying to downplay or tidy up the work with multi-dimensional beings that I do - fearing it will be too much for people (Oh hi ancient persecution wounds, nice to see you again!).

So there you have it. The lion beings of Sirius are reaching out to you. They are telling me, that you wouldn't have opened up this e-mail if they weren't specifically trying to reach YOU. Whether or not they are asking you to be apart of our activation crew known as the Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray - is only something your Higher Self can tell you, in communication with them and Archangel Michael, who works closely with them.

So if you feel inclined, and magical, and brave, and badass, ANSWER their call - ask them what it is they want:

"Sirian Lion Beings, I am open to your guidance and your activations now. What is it that you want from me? Why are you reaching out? Can I do something for you? Please come to me in my dreamtime to let me know, and through my coming days."

Ok, if you read this far - you rock. And if you really want to feel this energy as a transmission, please watch the following video:

I am a being of the Blue Ray

I am a being of the blue ray.

Electric blue fire runs in my soul.

I resonate with Sirius, Dolphin, Whale + Lion Consciousness, and Archangel Michael.

I’m an activator, and an initiator.

I can be intense,

And when you sit in front of me and ask for a transmission,

I will demand nothing less than soul alignment,

Because the blue ray’s medicine is Divine Will, and the warrior courage to be in full alignment with the soul’s truth.


When I started offering transmissions from this place,

Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray,

And Dolphin Consciousness,

I couldn’t believe how many people signed up.

They came because I was finally transmitting the codes of my essence,

The frequency was magnetic, because it was in alignment.


You my dear, are also a badass, with some equally incredible medicine to share.

And I’m inviting you into the halls of your own soul, so you can remember even more deeply who you are, and why you’re here.

What frequency or ray are you a medicine keeper for?

And can you offer that frequency in an offering in your business, from a place of essence?

Because that’s when it will all start to make sense.

That’s where soul success + financial success start to speak the same language.


The Angelic Colour Rays

So… you know how being human can be a bit… um… challenging? (I'm laughing right now 'cause… geez what a trip being human is)

And… you know how we can have these issues and situations that feel sticky, as though we're constantly trying to climb a mountain made of quicksand, without a map?


Guess what?!

Your Higher Self, your angelic support system, and pure Source energy, have ALL the solutions!

Like literally… for every single part of your life… your Higher Self and divine team, can transmit healing energy and complete solutions to you. WHILE upgrading you to your next level of expansion.

YOU (your human self) don't have to figure it out on your own… you can download it from your BIG self!

HOWEVER… in order to be able to truly access these solutions and healing frequencies, you need to ask for help. And most of the time - you also need to be devoted to your communion with these divine energies. Devotion doesn't have to mean that you're meditating for 2 hours a day.

It means that you're prioritizing your relationship with your Higher Self and your team of angels and spirit guides, in your day to day life.

Just like our human relationships flourish when we show up for them… calling our friends, having get-togethers, being present with each other, and listening to each other's hearts…

Our relationships with divine beings who can support us enormously in our lives flourish, when we show up for those relationships.

Now, the thing is, most people don't know how to show up for those relationships. What does that actually mean? In practice?

While I've shared many different practices to choose from, when it comes to connecting with our Higher Self and angels in the past, today, I'd like to share the practice of working with the angelic realms, through colour and light.

When we call forth a certain colour of light to fill our bodies with, we also call forth, the angels (and masters of light) who work on that ray.

So, if we're experiencing resistance, a ‘block’ or challenge, and we'd really like angelic healing around it…

We can actually select a colour of light to fill our cells, chakras, and aura with - and this will bring communion with, and the deep healing and guidance of, the angels of that colour.

I suggest bathing in this light, with presence and breath, for 2-10 minutes at a time.

Here are some colour rays you can fill yourself with, and their properties:

  • Sapphire Blue Ray: Filling yourself with a sapphire blue light, will invoke Archangel Michael, and many other beings of light, if your Higher Self allows them through to work with you, such as the Sirian Masters of Blue Light, and the whales and dolphins (dolphins are actually more-so on the turquoise ray, but they'll come with blue, as turquoise is a ‘child’ of blue). This energy is of divine will, it aligns you with your soul's mission, transmutes what's not in alignment with divine will, and activates a sense of courage to move forward on your life's path. Work with this ray when you want to feel fully aligned with your soul's mission, and to clear out any clutter that's holding you back.

  • Emerald Green Ray: This ray will invoke Archangel Raphael, as well as the consciousness and abundance of Gaia. It will strengthen your nervous system, nourish your heart, and bring in healing energy for your physical body. It will also teach you about abundance, and align you with the natural abundance of your soul. Work with this ray, when you want your body to feel open and relaxed to health, abundance and the consciousness of Gaia.

  • Violet Ray: This ray will invoke Archangel Zadkiel, along with many other angels who work on the violet ray. It's a frequency of transmutation, forgiveness, and deep unwavering compassion. It's also a colour of mystics and psychics. Many people have heard about the violet flame, and choose to visualize it to transmute dense or distorted energy. Work with this ray when you want to transmute a dense or stuck energy, or when you want to open your psychic gifts.

  • Rose Quartz Pink Ray: This is such a beautiful frequency. You'll be invoking the Divine Mother, Archangels Chamuel and Charity, and many angels of love with this colour of light. This is a very gentle frequency, it's wonderful to work with to increase your self-love, a feeling of safety and peace, and your connection with the Divine Mother. It will open your heart, and help you to be more open and receptive to all the good and abundance that life wants to bring to you.

  • Gold Ray: Gold is the frequency of all angels, because all angels work on the golden ray. It's more of Source frequency, that births all the other rays. It also resonates with your Higher Self, your Christed Self, and solar energy. This is a ray you can fill yourself with every single day, to embody more and more of your Higher Self, and your connection with the angelic realms. You can add in gold, to any other ray you're working with, and it may feel even more expansive.

I just shared a YouTube video, that goes through this process, of how to work with angels and colour, in more depth. Check it out below!

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple