How to Start Your Own Healing Business

The First Step in Starting Your Healing Business!

When we think of becoming the healers + teachers we want to be ~ it can seem a little overwhelming. Where does one start? How does one have a 'career' as a healer? 

We start organically, 1 step at a time. In this video I share with you the FIRST STEP I would highly recommend for you to take, in order to start that healing business, and get your messages out there!

Find out what this step is, and why it is so important by watching the video:

Much love chicas!

May you be well, 

xo Beth

Beth Katherine // How She Started Her Healing Business

This post is the final post in the 'How She Started Her Healing Business' series, where 7 inspiring young entrepreneurs share the story of how they created their holistic careers - giving you inspiration, advice, and a window into how you can do it too!

Today's post comes from... Me, Beth Katherine! I'm an intuitive coach for spiritual young women who desire to give their gifts to the world. I work with Spirit Guides + Angels in my sessions, as well as blog, create coaching videos, and deliver workshops to serve my really incredible audience.

When I started this blog tour, I had one thing in mind - there are so many resources out there for people who have already started their own businesses. This marketing expert, and that social media consultant - but what about the information for those who haven't started, at all?


Where is the inspiration and guidance for those of you who get freaked out by the business mumbo jumbo - and just want to start a healing career in an organic way? 


So I created this blog tour, entitled, How She Started Her Healing Business, for just that reason. There are too many women out there with the most profound gifts, that aren't using them like they could be. You are all meant for big things, bold things, powerful things. But how can you unleash them into the world? Getting inspired by others who have already done it is a great first step!

I chose to write my own post, the last post in the Blog Tour, in an interview format style. Many of you have read different versions of the story of how I started (Check out this blog post, and this page, if you haven't) - So I thought it would be fun to answer specific questions about my journey. 

I hope you enjoy this post, and more importantly, I hope that this Blog Tour has inspired you to realize that everyone's journey is different, everyone's gifts are different, and it's not about the destination - it's simply about the choice to follow the calling of your soul!




How did you get started in full-time entrepreneurship? Did you start with a job and then transition?


I started planning my business when I was in my last semester of University (studying for a Finance degree). At that point, it was a non-profit that I was planning, that focused on hosting events and getting different speakers to come talk about various spiritual topics, while also selling products like crystal necklaces, and the like. (I totally forget how the non-profit part of it came into play, sorry haha.) I submitted my plan to a Business Plan competition that my school ran, and I received feedback that my idea was not really feasible as there were already spiritual mentors like Wayne Dyer speaking on PBS, so why would people want to come out to events? Also, making a website was very expensive, where was I going to get the money?

It was at that point that I realized - 'Ok, I've got to leave this mainstream way of thinking! These people don't get me, or my project!' (Enter teenage angst - I am so mizaundastood!!!) - and I realized if I was really going to do this, I was just going to have to leave other people's voices of doubt behind, and jump in. 

I created my own website virtually for free (more on that in a bit), changed my plan around to better suit my skills + desires, and upon graduating University, asked my Grandfather for a $5000 loan so I could focus on starting up my business without having to work another job, at least for the first few months.


I didn't really intend to be full-time right away, but that's just what happened.


Even though I applied for several jobs a few months after starting my business, I didn't get any of them (which was weird since I'd gotten every job I'd ever applied for minus 1 before that!) - but you know what, I think I was just subconsciously sending out the message - don't hire me! I don't actually want to take orders anymore! I want to be my own boss and do this healing thang!

So somehow I did it. I created crystal necklaces, and did a bit of meditation coaching - I usually made enough to just get by, and I had a fantastic time doing it. I didn't feel like I was missing out because I wasn't making as much as my friends, I was so satisfied and thrilled by my 'work', I just kept going and going!


What were the first products + services you offered? How did you decide on them?


Oh my goodness. This is a funny question. At the start, I honestly just threw out anything and everything. I had so many ideas, I didn't know how to filter them, or what to focus on. Some of them came to me in meditation, and some of them I just said - 'Oh this would be cool, maybe I'll try this!'

Here is the list of ever product or service that I offered when I started:

  • Crystal necklaces
  • Custom crystal necklaces
  • Meditation coaching
  • Business consulting
  • Meditation space creating (interior design for your sacred space)

And there are probably more that I now forget. I had no takers for the business consulting or the meditation space creating. I had 2 clients sign up for meditation coaching (1 of whom is still a regular client - how cool!) - yet I had lots of people want crystal necklaces, once I started selling them at markets, and putting pictures of my creations on Facebook. Interestingly enough, Krista, who is also featured in this series, was the first person ever to sign up for a custom crystal necklace - something that later became the backbone of my business. 



How did you create your website? 


Firstly - let me just say that I started using Photoshop and teaching myself HTML coding when I was around 14, because I was a really cool person and was a part of a Hilary Duff forum online, and had a lot of internet friends and loved to spend my time online with them! I taught myself photoshop and started creating 'signatures' for other people to use, using photos they gave me and making them into pretty looking things for the end of their posts and comments. 

So I did have some computer coding experience, and a background in photoshop. 

Then in University, I created my first blog called Samsara (check it out here), and taught myself more in terms of how to create nice looking webpages. So when I was ready to create my own website, I already had some confidence in the computer department. 

I used an online software called Wix, which I would recommend, along with the platform I now use called Squarespace. I hired out the logo and header design to my friend Kai, and started taking some fun pictures in my basement with my friend Katie. Once I had the pictures and the logo, I plugged it all into Wix. (I've included a picture of one of the first drafts of my website below) Wix allows you to create a website from scratch or from a template, and honestly, you don't really need much computer experience at all to get the hang of it. It's very intuitive. It's just my background with computer work helped me to be more confident and play more. 

After that, you just need to pay for it to be hosted (about $10-$20 a month) - and you're off!



Did you ever plan an event or host a workshop that was a total flop?


Yes and no. I've hosted events that had attendance rates much lower than I expected - yes - but I have a fairly strong commitment to just serving people, so in my opinion, a flop would be an event where I was not in the mindset of service.


What is your North Star? Meaning - when life gets crazy and disorganized - what keeps you focused?


Ohh so many things - they mostly all revolve around feeling the deep pain that the much of the world and the animals I love so dearly are in - and then finding the motivation and knowingness that I can be a part of changing it. 


Everything that I've done started out when I became intensely interested in environmentalism, while still in University.


Through my research, I discovered so many things going on in this world, to the animals, and the plant kingdom that drove a spear through my heart. (ie. factory farming, animal testing, deforestation, ocean dead zones, etc)

Shortly after this time, I realized that the solution to theses issues was not to be found in addressing all of these problems individually - rather the root of the issue lies in human consciousness. And so, I got to work in addressing how we can all be more loving, more intuitive, and more aligned with our truths. Young women were specifically the people I gravitated to spreading this message to, as I felt I could relate the most to them.

I do what I do, to create a more beautiful, more natural, more loving earth for all beings, now, and in the future. I envision lots of self-sufficient intentional communities, places with cob homes and treehouses in nature, where best friends live side by side, grow food together, raise children together, and have a deep connection with Mama Gaia.

That is my motivation in the grand sense. And myself, along with thousands, maybe even millions of other lightworkers, are helping to usher that, or a similar change in! 



Is there any advice you would give to a young woman whose in the beginning stages of starting her healing business?


Yes, lots! And I have a free video training series coming out in a few weeks with a step-by-step process on how to start. The first step in the series, as well as the step I'd like to mention now - is get in touch with the why.


What is your greater motivation?


I know that you, like me, have probably woken up to the change you'd like to see on this planet. So now that you've got your eyes open - what would you like to create, both for yourself, and for the world?



Have a clear understanding of why you're starting, and why it's important. Get really deep with it (as you read above, mine has stemmed from my love of the environment) - and let that guide you. 

The entrepreneurial process is intense. It's awesome - like really awesome - but it comes with it's challenges and it's roadblocks. If you have a deep, intrinsic motivation, you'll be able to bust through them just fine.

If you're interested in experiencing this free video training series (4 short videos, that give you instructions, 1 practical step at a time, on how you can go from nothing at all - to a webpage with products and services offered) - please sign up with your name and email below! I'll send them to you within the next few weeks!


Sign up for Free Videos on How to Start Your Healing Business:


About the Author:

Beth Katherine is a young mystic, author, and teacher, living off the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada.


She conveys the message that we are lightworkers, and have come to give help, love, and light to this planet. Through intuitive coaching, blogs, v-logs, and free online trainings, she helps young women who are on a spiritual path to get their healing gifts out into the world.

Beth is also a passionate lover of the environment, and serves as an ambassador for the global organization, Women for Whales.

Allison Braun, The Business Joylogist // How She Started Her Healing Business

This post is the fourth in the 'How She Started Her Healing Business' series, where 7 inspiring young entrepreneurs share the story of how they created their holistic careers - giving you inspiration, advice, and a window into how you can do it too!

Today’s post comes to us from Allison Braun - The Business Joyologist. Allison helps women find clarity in their business, so they can bring all their gifts together in a sustainable, joyful way!


Why I love Allison:

Allison is refreshing. She marches to the beat of her own drum, and she seems at home  in so many settings - somewhat corporate environments, all night dance parties, talking about sex + pleasure (in her first business, she was known as The Bedroom Joyologist!), meditative settings, and more. There is a nurturing quality to her, a spunky mama bear like energy, and you get the feeling she truly does care for all her clients, and all those she engages with on a day-to-day basis. 


Why I love this article:

Firstly, it’s an interview post, rather than a story, which I love. With this format, we really can get right to it. Allison shares openly and honestly many of the practical steps that it took to get her business running. Out of all the posts in the series, it’s probably the one you can study the most, to get a tangible example of how you can get started as well. 



I know that, although you're a business coach now, you started out as a sexuality coach! How did you know you wanted to get into that line of work?


It didn't hit me until others started reflecting/telling me.  I had been trying hard to figure out my "niche," what I'd be best at and it wasn't until I stopped trying to figure it out and just started being myself that a mastermind group of women that I was in & my coach started calling me the "fully self-expressed bedroom joyologist."  As soon as that sunk it, it felt like I huge "ah ha! How did I not see this!?" moment.  Relief and excitement sunk it and off I went.  I had previously been making $9/hr at a education focused sex shop for women and couples so the idea of doing my own thing in this area & actually making money felt like a dream come true.  



Were you scared by the opinions of others, as what you were choosing to do was so different, and potentially taboo?


Honestly, not that much.  By the time it all sunk it I felt so much relief, excitement and certainty that it was what I was meant to do that I stopped worrying about what others might think.  Anyone that I thought might not be enthusiastic about it, I just didn't really talk about it with.  


How did you transition from a job to full time entrepreneurship? Did you save up, and do it slowly, or did you just make a quick jump?


I transitioned over a period of a little less than a year I think.  I started off working full time and building my business during any free moment I had (including at work sometimes), about 6 months in when I started getting a few clients I transitioned to part time at my job until I was consistently making the same amount in my business as I was at my job.  Once I had secured income for the next 6 months I gave my notice at my job and offered to stay on as "on call" because I actually liked being around the people there and had lots of free time (considering I made the same amount in my business working about 20 hours a month instead of 40 hours a week).  


Tell me what getting your first client was like. How did she find you? What were the feelings that came up for you then?


It was super exciting and felt like my business was finally "real" - all of this online marketing stuff I had learned about was really paying off! She found me through my blog while doing a search I believe, and followed through with applying to work with me.  One of the coolest things for me in that first year was seeing people apply from around the world that I did not know.  


What were the main fears that came up for you, during that transitionary period for you? How did you work through them?


The main fears I had were that I wouldn't do a good enough job (for my clients) and that at some point I might not have a steady stream of clients.  I consistently set myself up for success as best I could to limit those fears, which meant making sure I took on clients that I really enjoyed working with and genuinely felt like I could support.  I did my best to trust that it was my job to show up and support in the ways I knew how and my clients job to take responsibility for asking for what they needed and doing their part.  In regards to fearing that I might not have clients at some point - I just reminded myself that a) I am a resourceful person and worst case scenario I could always find ways to make money and b) I had been able to do it (get clients) thus far, and I should only get better at it over time!  


What's the biggest piece of advice you'd give a woman who wants to become an entrepreneur, but is still in a 9-5 (or similar) position? 


Imperfect action is the greatest thing you can do.  Keep moving, even if you're unclear or don't feel totally confident - it's the action that will bring clarity and confidence.  And, make sure the action you're taking is a joyful as possible.  Following that joy will ensure that you build a business that's expansive and supportive instead of something that feels like another job. 


What's the best part of being a holistic entrepreneur? 


For me it's feeling like I get to bring all of me to the table.  Natural health, energy work, coaching, marketing, inner work, practical action steps, sharing stories, sexual energy, pleasure and more - none of me and my gifts need to be left out just because it's "business" or because I'm a "business" coach.  Bringing it all together baby!



About the Author:


Allison Braun, The Business Joyologist, is here to help freedom and purpose driven women gain clarity on how to bring all their gifts together in a business that allows them to help those they are meant to in a sustainable, joyful way. 

She’s been making waves in the entrepreneurial community as a business strategist (and former sexual expression coach) while serving hundreds of women from over 10 countries – one appreciative client described her as “the go-to business mentor for any woman wanting to bring her whole self to the table to share with the world.”

When she’s not helping purpose-driven women discover & express ALL their gifts in a thriving business they l-o-v-e you can find her swimming in the nearest (hopefully warm) ocean, having deep conversations with strangers at a coffee shop (with whipped cream on her mocha) or cuddling up with her man. 

Start making your own dream business a reality all over at



Want to read the next story?

It's free! Sign up with your name + email below! A new story from an inspiring young lady comes out every day from Oct 16 - Oct 23. 


Krista of Chalice Grove // How She Started Her Healing Business

This post is the third in the 'How She Started Her Healing Business' series, where 7 inspiring young entrepreneurs share the story of how they created their holistic careers - giving you inspiration, advice, and a window into how you can do it too!

Krista is the founder of Chalice Grove, a mala creation & coaching company. She is a writer, teacher, and creatress, who ripples with a cellular desire to bring deep healing into the world.


Why I love Krista:

Well apart from the fact that she is one of my best friends (so of course I think she's great!) - she is a fiery inspiration for anyone who meets her to go deeper. Conversations with Krista are never mundane. She's a deep diver, and while hanging out with her, you might find yourself soul gazing (staring into eachother's eyes for minutes at a time with no speaking and no looking away) , talking about the nature of forgiveness, or learning about her recent intricate revelations about life and love. She walks her talk and is constantly pushing herself to be more authentic and an even bigger container for Universal healing. 


Why I love this article:

Reading this article, you'll learn that Krista's understanding of success was shifted when she met some local entrepreneurs. This, too, was how this path of creating my own healing business came to me. You'll read that being sparked by other people, and learning of new belief systems + ideas, were the catalysts for her growth - and now she is doing that very same sparking for others. Very cool. Also I learned a new word while reading this. It is 'edify'. Fantastic! Read on lovers! :D 



I am Krista, a Womanpreneur born and raised in British Columbia, Canada.  

I spent the first six years of my twenties doing what everyone told me to do, getting a good education that would eventually lead to a successful career.  Well I got the good education, in fact I got two majors because I loved academia so much. Because I excelled in post-secondary, I really did think that school was the answer and a job was the goal.  There was no doubt in my mind that I would become successful. 


The year I graduated I met a couple of local entrepreneurs in the Calgary area who capsized everything I knew about success. 


With their mentorship, my goals began to shift as I began to see the bigger picture. Entrepreneurship is a privilege and because Canada and the USA were built on a free enterprise system people can get into business for themselves.  Many other countries do not have this right, and the more I learned about it, the more I felt responsible to step into this role as a way to honour this right and our freedom of choice.

I have always deeply loved people, but along the way I forgot to deeply love myself and so there were times when my actions hurt people, out of a deep inner pain that I was unwilling to acknowledge.  The more I began to dive into the unsettled waters of my actions and the storm of my emotional landscape, the more I began to learn about my role as a co-creator of my experiences.  And so I got to work.  I began reading Louise Hay, Rumi, Anne Harrington, James Redfield, and Elizabeth Gilbert. 

This provided the framework in which I would rebuild my life - a life where I was speaking kindly to myself and others, fostering self-care and love, and nurturing myself out of the darkness and into the light. 



We all want to become the best versions of ourselves, and all that is required of us is a willingness to change and a continuity of authentic presence. 


Through this practice I began to see my entire life transform, it didn't happen instantaneously but it did happen. 


People started showing up in my life with the same beliefs, values, energy and spiritual practice.  As if by magic, our numbers increased and we grew into a soul family.  

Many people in this soul tribe were already in business for themselves, and this risk taking, freedom fighting, trail blazing energy was what I needed to be inspired further. 


I was already creating but at this point it wasn't for resale, it was for my own personal blossoming. 


It was my friend Beth who took the time to edify my creative spirit and support my role as an entrepreneur out there in the world.  At first, like most people, I recall being hesitant - that I had my head in the clouds and that it couldn't work - however, a deep knowing said, say YES! 

During this time I went through heartbreak that has forever changed me, but instead of letting that derail my desires, I began to embrace the sorrow in a way that allowed for my deepest spiritual healing to occur.  With a website and a completed application to get my work out there, Chalice Grove was birthed and a platform for true transformation created.  Both the break-up and the business forced me into vulnerability and from this divine feminine energy a myriad of magical insights took flight - and I listened.  I began to design and create malas {sacred prayer jewelry} with the support of the Universe at my side, whispering into my dreams and guiding me to people, places, and things.  Currently, I am stepping into the role of a spiritual empowerment coach, helping people identify their deepest wounds, learn to love themselves holistically, and take responsibility as a co-creator of their experiences.


My message is simple: forgiveness, love and inner peace. 


We need to forgive if we are to embody love.  If we embody love, we will have inner peace.  We only live in this reality for such a short period of time and it is with this gift that I commit to being the best version of myself.  I know my journey, as confusing and hard as it is at times, has been given to me so that I may use my experiences to transform my consciousness, continuously evolve and hopefully inspire others along the way.  Don't be afraid to start, "everything you want is on the other side of fear." 



About the Author:


Krista Reierson is an artist of the soul; her life's work is to guide people to their inner guru and unlock their potential. 


Everything she creates is aligned with the frequency of forgiveness, love, and inner peace.  She is a super-food loving, organic supporting, person growth diving + creativity blossoming alchemist who believes life is about ceremony and service.  She loves deep and meaningful conversations that unravel the ego and expose our greatest strength - our vulnerability.  Her respect for the healing magic of crystals guided her dreams to a place that glittered with gems and far away lands.  She became a mala designer because she knows they act as a key to the door of ones divinity. You can find Krista in the forest, wild-crafting through Alberta's forestial landscapes, connecting to her truth, her creativity, her roots, and the divinity found in us all.



Want to read the next story?

It's free! Sign up with your name + email below! A new story from an inspiring young lady comes out every day from Oct 16 - Oct 23. 


Kelsey Grant of Radical Self Love // How She Started Her Healing Business

This post is the first in the 'How She Started Her Healing Business' series, where 7 inspiring young entrepreneurs share the story of how they created their holistic careers - giving you inspiration, advice, and a window into how you can do it too!

This post comes to us from Kelsey Grant, the founder of Radical Self Love. She's a self-love coach, author, speaker, and musician, whose positive energy is infectious. 


Why I love Kelsey:

Kelsey is a living breathing inspiration that a constant state of bubbling happiness CAN exist. Ok, I'm sure she's got her bad days, and she shares about those too, but overall, you can feel her positivity and love for the life brimming through every blog post, every picture, and every facebook update. She's like an energizer bunny of luuurve!


Why I love this article:

The story of how Kelsey got to where she is really shows the process. It is not overnight that we uncover what it is we truly want to do, nor is it overnight that we become 'successful' at it (whatever that means to you). I love that we're able to see the twists and turns. The A-ha moments. The first company, the growth period, and the evolution. There are always adjustments we make as entrepreneurs to our creative process, and to our business. It's always a work in progress. Through reading this story, you'll get an idea of how this work is a journey, and not a destination.



Entrepreneurship wasn’t ever really on my radar.



I didn’t grow up dreaming of running my own business or doing anything close to what I am doing now. In my earlier years, my dream was music. I had it that I was going to make music, write music, produce music and perform.

Then something within me shifted. I presume it was an accumulation of all the knowledge from my undergraduate degree, paired with living out this pursuit of music and being in a relationship where I felt that something major was missing.

A year before my relationship came to its completion I had a reading with a psychic medium. In this reading, my entire paradigm was shaken up. He told me I would not be pursuing music but rather a more spiritual path. A path that would lead me to being in front of massive crowds in stadiums but instead of music I was speaking. At this point the whole world of personal development, spirituality and public speaking was completely out of my scope of reality.

In fact I refused to accept the vision he offered. My stubbornness kicked in and I went back to my relationship convinced I could make it work. A year later the relationship was complete. I had left the band, left my studio and embarked on a wild journey of self development which ultimately lead me to where I am today.

My path was kicked off with a trip abroad. I knew I needed to learn more about myself and begin to relate to myself as someone who was strong enough to be independent.


I had become so reliant on my relationship and my identity of a musician, I wanted to actually get to know who I really was underneath it all.


Little did I know at the time every choice following my breakup was a foundational brick of what I now teach– Radical Self Love.

I took myself on a trip across the world. I travelled solo to South Africa, the UK, Spain and Portugal. This trip had me face one of my biggest fears– being alone. I did meet up with friends along the way, but there was a lot of time rocking solo where I learned how to rely on myself, my intuition and my power of positive belief. Even before I entered the world of spirituality and self growth I unconsciously knew that expecting a positive result would yield one.

This trip was one of the most terrifying things I have ever done and one of the more freeing and fulfilling ones. After that trip, I knew I was here to do something significant I just didn’t know what. I had felt a pull to move away from the city I grew up in and start a fresh new chapter in a new city where I didn’t know anyone.

After returning from my trip abroad, I knew there was something within me that required some healing and attention. I didn’t know how to uncover it myself so I enrolled in a personal development program called Landmark Education. After the first two courses I had repaired my relationship with my parents, come to a peaceful resolution and completion with my former partner and I was ready to take the big leap into this unknown chapter of my life.

Two months after the second course I moved. I packed my car and drove to the coast. I had no plan, no job and zero clue what I was going to do next– I just knew I had to be there. Once arriving I enrolled in the final course in the Landmark Curriculum For Life. In this final course, I was to build a community project that inspired my soul and left a positive impact on the community.

This project set the stage for everything that was to come in the next five years. The program had me get out into the community, meet new people and create connections that to this day are still active in my life.


The project activated a dormant passion within me– the journey of relationships, self expression and the human capacity for connection. 






The Conversation That Changed Everything


In one of my final coaching calls with my coach in the program, she asked me something that would forever change the course and direction of my life. She asked me if I had ever considered being a coach– as a profession. 

I said no and asked her why she said that. Her response was another question. She asked me if people often came to me seeking advice or counsel.

I responded yes. To this she asked another question. She said “and when they ask for your advice do they take action upon this advice and create positive results for themselves?”

I thought about it and realized yes that was exactly what would happen– especially when it came to advice on relationships. I could see things that were unseen, interpret situations and navigate circumstances to come out with a win-win for both people. When I said this all to my coach she said “Consider you are already a coach and that doing this professionally would be of great service to so many people”.


That conversation was the tipping point for me. It changed the way I looked at myself.


It sent a surge of inspiration through my soul. I felt incredibly aligned.

Upon coming to this realization, I knew my path was to become a professional life coach. I signed up to coach the program I had just completed to gain some major insight, practice and direction. It was also at this point in time I co-founded my first company. I paired up with a friend of mine to create All In Coaching. To this day I still have fond memories of this creative process and the passion it ignited in both of us. 

Starting this company was exciting, it felt like for the first time I was doing what I was really here to do.


I was in flow. Meeting the exact people who held the answers to my questions. Attracting circumstances to practice my craft. Aligning with my soul family who would support the unfolding of this entire process. Everything began to align and it felt like magic. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before. While it was exhilarating it was also terrifying. My mind was not yet at the level to hold the wisdom my soul knew.

The Path of Soulful Entrepreneurship

I did not have the mindsets and the heartsets to fully embrace trusting the universe, cultivating abundance and allowing my divine guidance to lead the way. At this point, my ego mind was still predominantly running the show and so it was at this point that my journey inward began. I like to think of it as my soul path initiation phase.

This was a five year phase that tested me to the max. It filled me with divine inspiration. I was lead to the most magical of places. I had the honour of meeting incredible humans who helped me remember the innate good that exists in everyone. I also had to come face to face with the depths of my shadow. Come into acceptance of my beliefs of lack and limitation in order to transcend them.

In this five year phase I cleansed my mind, body and soul. I tested different types of coaching in my practice to see what worked for me. I learned that a predominantly logical, rational and left brain approach was far too restrictive for me and lacked inspiration and excitement. I also learned by swinging to the opposite end that a purely metaphysical, spiritual and esoteric practice lacked the grounding and practical application that had me feel clear and stable. So after 4 years of serious learning, growing and healing I came to realize my role here is to be the bridge between the two worlds. I have a gift of interpreting the omens of the Universe, reading the signs of the spirit and communicating them in a way that makes sense in this physical dimension. In the simplest terms I help people bridge the gap between spiritual wisdom and the practical application of this wisdom. My calling is to teach love. To support people in having harmonious relationships with others by first having a kick ass relationship with themselves. Coming to this realization has been a journey.

The thing about the process of entrepreneurship is that it is a journey of the soul.


A time when you will be challenged, tested and brought to your edge. There will be so many days where you want to give up, where there doesn’t seem like a solution will ever present itself. It is in those times your soul is waiting in anticipation for you to keep choosing your divine path. Each time you surrender to your higher path you instantly become present to the miracles around you. In those dark nights of the soul you are at a metaphorical crossroads. You are being given the chance to choose what is safe, familiar and will cause the least amount of discomfort OR you can choose the path of the unknown, the path of the soul, the path of infinite bliss, abundance and grace. 


Most people want the end result of entrepreneurship without having to go through the inner and outer transformation it requires.


To be the type of person who can hold the expansiveness of your souls vision, takes some serious egoic purging. All of your beliefs will be challenged, all of the things you think you know will be turned upside down, all of your relationships will be re-examined and all for your highest good. To live the life of your soul path means some things and some people must be left behind. Not because you don’t love them simply because you have grown to a place where they have served their divine purpose for you and you for them. 

Letting go is a HUGE aspect of following your dreams. You will learn to let go of lack, limitation, fear, obsession, jealousy, judgement, reaction and attachment and exchange these for abundance, unlimited potential, love, intention, acceptance, compassion, response, flexibility and free flowing, detached awareness.

To embrace our brilliance we must cleanse out all that weighs us down, all that holds us back and everything that we have unconsciously accepted as truth without challenging the thought form that brought it into our minds.

Everything we manifest on the outside is a direct reflection to our inner world. To have the clarity of thought, vision and become a direct line for inspiration to flow through you all of the lower level shit has to go. We have to completely re-learn how to look at life, relearn how to see beauty, relearn how to believe in things working out, relearn how to have faith, relearn to see others as their greatness.

While the path of following you dreams and answering the call of your soul will not be easy it will be the most incredible, fulfilling and magical process you have ever had the courage of embracing. There is something within you the world needs that only you can provide.


A Couple Gems To Help Along The Way


1.  Ask for help. The answers are always there if you have the courage to ask.
2. Surround yourself with people doing what you want to be doing. Learn from other entrepreneurs in similar fields. These people will be a huge factor in keeping the faith when you most need it, they will also encourage you to keep following your calling because they understand the journey.
3. Everything that happens is the perfect thing to happen. Learn from the contrast. Extract the lesson and keep moving.
4. Your gift is precious and it will emerge as you create the internal conditions for it to thrive. Taking care of your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing is essential during this journey.
5. Your mindset is EVERYTHING. Your attitude about the unfolding of your path will be the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.
5. Be open to things turning out way better than you could have ever imagined.


If anyone had told me five years ago my life would have included:

1. Starting a coaching company.
2. Learning subconscious reprogramming technology and basing this technology as the foundation for company #2.
3. Getting onto national television with company #2.
4. Studying numerology and being contracted as a numerologist for a year.
5. Starting up my third company with three other women teaching Goddess Spirituality workshops for a year.
6. Becoming an event coordinator for one of the most sought out personal growth/game changers event in the world which would give me the tools, insight and network to run an online business platform.
7. Open another coaching company where I solely worked with high level leaders in the corporate world.
8. Launching a year long music project where I would learn a new chord, write an original song with the new chord and put it on Youtube- which would lead to the most amazing and unforeseen gigs.
9. Co-hosting a year long Youtube show which used humor as the vehicle for spiritual transformation.
10. Closing down my coaching company for 6 months.  
11. Re-opening my coaching company after a 6 month hiatus with a complete re-branding into Radical Self Love, completing a 365 Radical Self Love blogging project, writing and facilitating a course on Forgiveness and another on Numerology and Relationships, releasing a 30 Day Radical Self Love info product and writing a book…

I never would have believed it. But it is how it has all unfolded. It looks nothing like how I imagined it. My life has turned into a magical paradise filled with the most interesting characters, incredible opportunities, deep soul growth and an inner peace that I completely attribute to having arrived at my soul path. It took five years of exploring and I’m certain the path ahead holds more unknown twists and turns– and knowing this I still wouldn’t trade it for anything.

If you feel an urging in your soul to follow a different path, honour this calling, go at a pace that serves you and no matter what tune into that gorgeous heart of yours because it will lead you to the most magical and enchanting places. You got this gorgeous!

Radical Self Love to the MAX!!! 


About the Author:

Kelsey Grant is a Radical Self Love coach, speaker, author and musician.


She is fiercely passionate about teaching people how to love themselves more. She is greatly inspired by the possibility of a world full of people who are fulfilled, on purpose and resonating in the beauty of love filled, harmonious relationships. 

Kelsey offers Radical Self Love, Relationship and Love Alchemy coaching one to one or with couples. Her first published book "Sabotaged Love: The 12 Archetypes Keeping You From The Love You Want" has just hit the Amazon book shelf. This book is a precursor to the launch of her flagship program "The Alchemy Of Love" which is set to launch early 2015. 


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