Wealth Consciousness... Learning to be a clear channel for money amidst unexpected bills

Wealth Consciousness

Wealth Consciousness... You know when something unexpected happens that costs you money, and you have that feeling of... oh mannn? I have less now. {The obvious logical thought...}

Well today, I had to go to an airport 45 min away from the airport I was in, because of an aircraft mechanic strike. The guy who drove me... well turns out to not be so honest, as he charged me $265 to get to the 2nd airport, and I was in such a hustle to catch my flight, it didnt really hit me until I left him.

A part of me felt like... fuck, I am so stoked on saving money right now, and that's just out the window.

But then something else kicked in. Well, 2 other things:

1) Kali-Ma, the Hindu Goddess of creation + destruction, had visit me. Asking me... in order to attract all the things you need and desire... you need to let go of them. Can I let go of my grip on money? My attachment to it's physical presence? If I can be released and let it go, I become a clear channel, which infinite abundance can flow through.

2) Thank you money. Guess what? I had the money to pay for the cab, the money was right there, ready to support me. And if I think about it, money is ALWAYS right there, ready to support me... I can buy food, pay rent, buy clothes, nice wine, gifts for friends. Imagine Im in a relationship with money (which I am...) -- and I said.. 'Fuck! Money you are not enough!' when in reality, money is always here for me, there when I need it. I must treat money with respect, and thank it for supporting me. Thank you money!

Next time you have an unexpected bill come up, but you DO actually have the money to pay it... can you try thanking money? "Ah, thank you for being here for me!" ---- This energetically, will create a much healthier relationship with money {it's energy too! and it will feel supported and loved by you... making you a good home for it... you see?} --- and in turn, you'll actually see a lot more money come your way.

So you see.. that $265 is not a loss, it's a lesson, it's a flow. Money comes and goes. But I can release it, without attachment, as Kali Ma teaches me, and thank it, for being here for me, constantly supporting me.

And so, it is in this way, that I can expand to ever increasing levels of prosperity --- by being a grateful, clear conduit for wealth.


Want to join a deeper conversation with like-minded sisters? I'd love for you to join us in our private FB group - Sisterhood of the Mermaid Moon, here!

The sting of Shadow Sisterhood


She strikes at me

With her knife

Hot with the sting

Of shadow sisterhood


I thank her for the initiation

Feeling disgust ripple up

Knowing I must soften

The journey is to find compassion


You, who offer me hatred

Become, ironically

One of my biggest teachers

Of forgiveness

Alchemizing the Shadow Masculine into Sacred Masculine




In my pot of alchemy

Theres lives the shadow masculine

Afraid of him

I've been


Yet I stir the pot

With my purple spoon

Of transmutation

And root deep into my love



And through golden light

Emerges the sacred masculine

The one who I've been longing for

He's so lovely


And he's here

In my own being

In my own little pot

Of alchemy

Are you overwhelmed by the idea of creating your spiritual business?

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed if you've never been an entrepreneur before... you don't know how to share your work, connect with potential clients... so you keep your dream in the future and hope someday it will come true. Here's what you need to know! Watch below:

What if the Darkness was Sacred?

How often do we hear the term "Darkness" being used synonomously with pain, turmoil, or even... evil? But what if, the darkness was the path of the Feminine... and in order to control the population, long ago, the "powers at be" raped us of our feminine connection, so we only valued the light, masculine aspect of ourselves?

Watch this video to radically shift your perspective of the darkness, and come to claim your sovereign, sexy self! In order to be fully embodied, we need to claim both our light AND our dark.


To join the conversation in a deeper way, please join our private FB group, Sisterhood of the Mermaid Moon, here. 

Mary Magdalane + Our Sacred Sexuality...

Who is Mary Magdalene? ... Was she a prostitute, who simply followed Jesus + the Apostles... or perhaps... was she the Tantric lover of Jesus, a High Initiate in the Isis Mystery School Lineage, and a profound Spiritual Teacher in her own right? Watch below to learn more:


To keep the conversation flowing, join our Private FB Group, Sisterhood of the Mermaid Moon, here. 

Why we should stop comparing ourselves to people on the internet...

...And my thoughts on how Patriarchy + the standard of shiny + glossy --- is still a big player in the Women's Empowerment 'Industry'. Watch to learn more:


To join our private FB group, Sisterhood of the Mermaid Moon - go here. 

On judging my sisters...

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I’m in the South of France right now, and have been calling on Mary Magdalene’s energy a lot. Her energy is strong here, as these are the lands she landed on after fleeing her Middle Eastern homelands, after the death of her Beloved, Jesus.

When I was in the bath the other night, I called on her presence and felt her energy with me. She asked me to open up to my sisters even more, to have less judgement for them, and to go deeper into healing the wounds of separation between us.

For a mili-second, I wanted another message, as I do love receiving guidance that’s, well.. not pointing out things I need to work on. But then I got over it and realized, she was very right, and in that moment I chose to come into my next level of opening.

You see… I’m too harsh with my sisters, I’ll admit it, mostly online. This shows up when I see fellow coaches, I’ll come up with reasons why their work isn’t as authentic as mine, or I’ll point out energy I can feel in their field that isn’t as resonant with love as it could be. 

But guess what. That’s me, and that’s my own insecurities talking. Big time. Underneath the judgement lies that sneaky little fear that says I’m not good enough. And sometimes when other people shine, that part of me feels threatened. That fear likes to come up in a big haughty voice, overcompensating - and declaring she’s ‘better’ than other people, more authentic, more real…. Funny how that works. Believe me I’m cringing a bit as I write this. My truth knows a much different story, but I’m being honest. These are the things that still play out inside of me.

So right here, right now, I declare to step it up. 

I choose to open to my sisters more deeply, and in the last few days, I’ve been catching myself when I veer into judgment. Most of the time, I find I’m in judgement when someone is actually really badass and doing great things. So I’ve been practicing going into the energy of celebrating. Celebrating that sister for what’s she’s putting out there, and her energy. And I can tell you, it feels ALOT better, a lot lighter. When I judge, I create a problem inside of myself.. friction. The moment I veer into celebration instead, that ‘problem’ goes away, and all is well. 

This is the path. I won’t be perfect at this, but everyday I’ll do better. Because the truth is that every woman, and even every man and child, is a badass, amazing soul. And it’s my job to see that. Each and every day.