Healing Biz

Your Business Success + Mother Earth are Intertwined


After working for a couple of hours today + dealing with some semi-stressful situations, I was feeling a bit off.... So I closed the computer, and took off to a secret beach, tucked away past a forest path close to my house.

There, I stripped my clothes, jumped naked into the frigid ocean, and then laid in the sun on the sand - meditating and releasing the energetic debris from earlier on in the day.

Feeling Mother Earth under me, I felt reconnected.

Now, here's the thing... Sometimes it can feel like Mother Earth is separate from our work lives, our businesses, and our relationship with finances.

But that's not the case at all.

And I truly feel - it's when we make the connection between Mother Earth, our work in the world, and our finances, that so much magic can ensue.

You see, when I was still in the phase of struggling with my business, I was of the mindset that I had to work for money, I was all-by-myself doing this work, and it was my blood, sweat, and tears, that would bring in the abundance I needed every month to live a comfortable life.

But when I joined a deep-dive Priestess program, that all changed.

We started working with the Great Mother, one of her embodiments being Mother Earth.

And that's when it clicked.

As I surrendered to her, I remembered. We are infinitely supported and held by the Great Mother. You know that feeling I was talking about before, when we're in nature and we just feel so peaceful and held? That's her.

Well... She is always with us, holding us, but most of us disconnect with her when it comes to our day-to-day lives.

The shift for me happened when I honoured that the Great Mother was holding me through it all... giving me what I needed to thrive, if only I surrendered to her, and let it in.

It was no longer me, me, me running the show and trying to get everything done.

But more about releasing and relaxing into her, and trusting that I was being supported, deeply, as I drank in her essence.

From there, I actually did experience a big shift in my business + finances. When I let myself remember the infinite support available to me, I could start to let it in.

I'm still soOoOo on this path... everyday reminding myself of how I'm taken care of. One of my favourite ways to do so, again, is to just sit with the earth, and let her hold me.

Photo by Marnie Recker <3

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Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

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Uniting the Inner Queen and Inner Knight


Today I want to share the story of the Inner Queen + the Inner Knight with you...

—- Inside of you, you have an Inner Queen. She's super badass, majestic, and connected. She is completely in her feminine, and therefore one of her skills is to deeply listen and receive. She communes with the Divine, and receives a clear vision for her Queendom, directly from Source.

—- Inside of you, you also have an Inner Knight. He is strong, willful, and vibrant. He's deeply embodied in his masculine, and loves to take action, to build things, and is a master at following-through.

The Inner Queen and Inner Knight are a perfect match, and if they are working together in a healthy way, this is what happens:

It all begins with the Queen. We live in a reality where it starts from the feminine, we are birthed from the womb, the feminine is our first gateway onto Planet Earth.

So... the Queen begins by downloading the vision for her Queendom. She tells the Knight what her visions are, and he goes out and makes them a reality. He uses his physical prowess, direction, and organizational skills, to build the vision.

When this duo is in harmony, the Divine's visions come to life, through their union.

However, what happens when only one of the duo, is active?

<3 Well, if the Queen is doing her thing, but the Knight is not... She has an amazing vision. She sees what she wants, in her imagination. Yet... nothing external happens. The vision is there... The action steps to bring it about... Not so much.

<3 And if the Knight is active, but not the Queen, he has no Divinely directed vision to work with. In his nature, he will act, act, act + do, do, do, but ends up spinning his wheels, and with no Divine vision - his action ends up being destructive, rather than constructive.

You probably know where I'm going with this...

Where are you on this scale? Is you Inner Queen running the show? Do you have visions for your life, that never seem to materialize? Are you often on the meditation pillow, day-dreaming, and vision-boarding... but have no follow through?

Or is your Inner Knight the one taking full charge... Are you a doer, always busy, working on something, but you end up burnt out, and feel like your actions aren't propelling you towards your dreams. With every tick of the to-do list, 5 more appear... and it's a never ending game of DO!

Or maybe, you're somewhere in between!

<3 I believe that in order to create a life of flow, freedom, and purpose, we need to have both our Inner Queens and Inner Knights activated. Sometimes we have cycles in our lives where the Queen needs more attention, and sometimes, the Knight does, but ideally they are always working together, talking, and respecting one another. <3

This is the foundation of what Divine Feminine in Business means to me. This is how I'm able to have a successful business, serving women, serving the Earth, while also feeling connected to the Divine - Inner Union. (And to be clear - I'm ALWAYS working on this!)

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Manifesting clients when it feels hard + sticky...

How to manifest clients + abundance when it feels hard.. When you want money + clients to show up... but don't want to be in Patriarchy while doing so...  Watch the video to learn all about how I manifest clients without the stickiness:


To join our private FB group, Sisterhood of the Mermaid Moon, click here and request to join!


Wealth Consciousness... Learning to be a clear channel for money amidst unexpected bills

Wealth Consciousness

Wealth Consciousness... You know when something unexpected happens that costs you money, and you have that feeling of... oh mannn? I have less now. {The obvious logical thought...}

Well today, I had to go to an airport 45 min away from the airport I was in, because of an aircraft mechanic strike. The guy who drove me... well turns out to not be so honest, as he charged me $265 to get to the 2nd airport, and I was in such a hustle to catch my flight, it didnt really hit me until I left him.

A part of me felt like... fuck, I am so stoked on saving money right now, and that's just out the window.

But then something else kicked in. Well, 2 other things:

1) Kali-Ma, the Hindu Goddess of creation + destruction, had visit me. Asking me... in order to attract all the things you need and desire... you need to let go of them. Can I let go of my grip on money? My attachment to it's physical presence? If I can be released and let it go, I become a clear channel, which infinite abundance can flow through.

2) Thank you money. Guess what? I had the money to pay for the cab, the money was right there, ready to support me. And if I think about it, money is ALWAYS right there, ready to support me... I can buy food, pay rent, buy clothes, nice wine, gifts for friends. Imagine Im in a relationship with money (which I am...) -- and I said.. 'Fuck! Money you are not enough!' when in reality, money is always here for me, there when I need it. I must treat money with respect, and thank it for supporting me. Thank you money!

Next time you have an unexpected bill come up, but you DO actually have the money to pay it... can you try thanking money? "Ah, thank you for being here for me!" ---- This energetically, will create a much healthier relationship with money {it's energy too! and it will feel supported and loved by you... making you a good home for it... you see?} --- and in turn, you'll actually see a lot more money come your way.

So you see.. that $265 is not a loss, it's a lesson, it's a flow. Money comes and goes. But I can release it, without attachment, as Kali Ma teaches me, and thank it, for being here for me, constantly supporting me.

And so, it is in this way, that I can expand to ever increasing levels of prosperity --- by being a grateful, clear conduit for wealth.


Want to join a deeper conversation with like-minded sisters? I'd love for you to join us in our private FB group - Sisterhood of the Mermaid Moon, here!

Are you overwhelmed by the idea of creating your spiritual business?

It can be easy to feel overwhelmed if you've never been an entrepreneur before... you don't know how to share your work, connect with potential clients... so you keep your dream in the future and hope someday it will come true. Here's what you need to know! Watch below:

Why we should stop comparing ourselves to people on the internet...

...And my thoughts on how Patriarchy + the standard of shiny + glossy --- is still a big player in the Women's Empowerment 'Industry'. Watch to learn more:


To join our private FB group, Sisterhood of the Mermaid Moon - go here. 

How I Opened to Making Money From Spiritually-Based Work


Money used to be the stickiest part of my life.

For many years, I would constantly walk around with low-grade anxiety around money, which tied into my safety and security. As an entrepreneur, I didn’t have a paycheque, and I mostly just went month to month, winging it, often unsure of where my rent would come from. Sometimes rent would be due in just a couple days, and I didn’t have more than $150 in my bank account. I remember a time where I had to forage for blackberries because I literally didn’t have money for any fresh food. Another time {there were a couple of these…} I felt like I couldn't afford toilet paper, so I used leaves from my backyard. For weeks.

So yes… to say that I didn’t always have a good relationship with money would be an understatement. 

The last time I was using leaves as toilet paper was just a couple of years ago. Today I write this from a medieval home in the South of France, having been traveling through California, Spain, Greece, Egypt, and Israel for the last 4 months. It’s safe to say that now, I can definitely afford toilet paper. 

I had to go through a lot of perspective shifts to get here. And I’m very much STILL going through perspective shifts as I continue to expand into the vibration of abundance, that was mine all along. 

Today I wanted to share 5 key switches I had to make, in order to leave the victim mentality around money, and get into a more high-vibrational state with abundance, which allowed me to create a solid income doing the spiritual work I love. 


1. The AHA of Wealth Consciousness

Most of the world is stuck in poverty consciousness. I once had this sort of consciousness explained to me this way - it’s the energy of when you get to a restaurant and look at the menu, your eyes instantly look for the cheapest thing on the menu. Our world has primed us for poverty consciousness. We’ve been raised on it. I’m 27 - so that means when I do wealth consciousness work - that is meditations, affirmations, healings, and journalling around changing my beliefs around money + wealth - I’m counteracting 27 years of negative conditioning around money. My big AHA was that 10 minutes of affirmations a week, was not enough to counteract that amount of conditioning. If I was serious about changing my story, I needed to commit to HOURS a week, of working with the wealth consciousness. 


2. Valuing my work


I used to see what I offered as a luxury that wasn’t all that necessary in a person’s life. Although, if I’m being honest, a part of me still does see it this way - I understand now that the energy of the Divine Feminine that infuses everything I do, is IMPERATIVE for the transformation of our world. The energy of what I offer, is directly related to animals being respected, the earth being taken care of, peace being in people’s hearts, and for union and balance on this planet. In other words - it’s a big fucking deal. When I value my work, other people value it too. When I stand in it’s importance, I can magnetize paying clients to me who also see it’s importance.

3. Identifying key beliefs that were holding me back

This is a part of wealth consciousness. One of the first pesky beliefs I found when I started getting serious about this work, was that “Creative, artsy people don’t make good money. It’s not a real career. Traditional masculine roles like doctors, lawyers, and engineers make money.” I had to do some clearing work around this belief. Now I know that creative, intuitive people like me, can make some serious coin. I’m watching my colleagues make anywhere from 5k - 150k a month. From spiritual work. It’s real, it’s available, money is everywhere. 

4. Releasing the idea that money is wrong, especially when tied to spirituality

This leads me into the next point. How many of you got uncomfortable when I started talking about how much myself and other sisters are making a month for spiritual work? Even I got a bit uncomfortable! This means I have more work to do… When we see money as evil, wrong, or connected to the ego and only the ego, we push it away. But money is simply an aspect of the abundant field of consciousness we all truly live in. It’s our birthright to have more than enough! We are truly abundant beings, and though money for me is never the number one goal at the end of the day, opening up to the truth of my abundance on all levels, certainly is. When I live a good, prosperous life, I resonate in a way that - just through vibration, I can change the world. 

5. Celebrating the abundance I see everywhere

How many leaves are on just ONE tree? How many droplets of rain fall from the sky during ONE storm? WOW! The world is FULL of abundance we can’t even comprehend. As I go around my day appreciating the beauty I see all around me, I’m tapping into that abundant stream of consciousness that is my truth. And as I do that, money is magnetized to me. It just happens. Everyday, I allow myself to feel true wealth in all sorts of ways - the deliciousness of the french toast I just ate, the beauty of hand-crafted artisanal creations from the South of France, the incredible colour of the autumn leaves, etc etc. 

The #1 Key for Creating Abundance as a Priestess


In the first 3 or 4 years of running my business, I struggled to make ends meet.

Yes, I was full-time with my work, and yes, I was absolutely loving what I was doing - but I felt this low-grade anxiety moving through my system about money all - the - time.

There were many, many times, where I didn't know how I would make my rent that month. There was also a time I remember when I needed to forage for berries just to eat fruit, because I literally had $0 in my bank account. (And I fucking love my fruit so I guess foraging for blackberries ain't so bad, BUT, it would have been nice to forage WHILE having money in the bank to eat, am I right?) 

Fast forward to 2 years later, and here I am - at a café in Greece eating a veggie burger, writing this letter to you, and looking forward to my flight to Egypt on Monday. I have an amazing hotel room with an awe-inspiring view here in Delphi... not the cheapest hostel bed I could find. I haven't had to touch my savings on this trip, because my monthly payments from my clients cover all of my expenses while traveling. I work on the road, and I feel deeply purposeful with what I do. It totally lights me up, beyond words are able to describe.

So... What the fuck changed? 

What changed was my understanding of how abundance comes to us, and undertaking a commitment to follow through on that new understanding, in my daily life. And I want to share this powerful shift in understanding today, with you. 

In this new video, I describe exactly how I create abundance in my life now. Watch it below + let's deepen into this journey of claiming abundance so we can actually do what the fuck we want to do in life... Shall we?