My Issues with how Manifestation is taught

For many years, I struggled with manifestation.

Now… I actually manifested some pretty epic experiences and things, but what I mean is, the process of manifestation that’s taught. 

Mostly what’s taught is:

~Decide SPECIFICALLY what you want, get very detailed

~Imagine it’s already yours, through visualizing, journaling and affirmation

~Focus on this every single day

~Feel the feelings, affirm it’s here


What I found when I really focused on manifestation like this:

~Yes, it works


~It felt off. I felt like I was constantly placing myself in somewhere other than this moment. Like I was constantly focusing on what wasn’t here, and almost dissociating from the present moment, and I didn’t like it. 

~It felt very masculine in nature, very goal oriented - and to my divine-feminine-oriented self, that didn’t feel good

~I often felt like I was treading water, trying to keep myself afloat in the vibration I was supposed to be embodying. More positive thoughts! More affirmations! More visualization! More journal work! HUSTLE let’s go let’s manifest. 

Not my vibe. 

And yet… it’s basically what’s exclusively taught by most spiritual teachers and coaches. 

I’d like to offer you an alternative, if you can relate to me… 

Along my journey with Mother Father God, the Archangels, and working with the rainbow rays and sacred flames… 

I was being mentored in connecting with my I AM Presence. (The I AM Presence is your God-Self) 

And I’ve been learning how to manifest through the I AM Presence. 

And the funny thing is- it’s not even really about manifesting. It’s just about embodying who I AM. 

Here’s an example now of how I’d go ahead to manifest abundance, but not just that, how I spiritually grow and expand, in the present moment.

First I connect with my Higher Self, and let the light of my Higher Self fill every cell of my body. I say “Higher Self and I AM Presence, thank you for merging with me now.”

And then I might declare out loud, with passion:

“I AM the abundance, the abundance I AM” - and focus on the green ray of abundance filling every cell of my body. I say this over and over again with power, FEELING my I AM Presence merging with me.

Or, I might work with the golden flame of resurrection, which resurrects all the Divine Templates of your life, and say:

“I AM the resurrection and the life of wealth energetics.” - over and over, as I fill with golden flames, and focus on how amazing the energy of limitless wealth feels. 

I bring all that I AM, into this NOW. 

I DON’T leave my body to get lost in a future reality I want to create, and feel dissociated with my body when I come back.

I honour that I AM all I need, I AM all I want, in this NOW. 


And the shifts my energy field to attract all that is a reflection of my divine I AM. 

How to have a Violet Flame Shower or Bath

As you get into the shower, call forth the angels of the violet flame: Archangel Zadkiel, Archeia Amethyst, and all the angels of the Violet Flame, I call you now to fill this water with the cleansing violet flame. 

Imagine this water filled with violet fire, and penetrating deeply into your body, and through your aura, as it removes all impurities and anything less than unconditional love.

You may wish to have an amethyst in the shower with you, to support holding the frequencies, or you can also use it like soap, and run it over your body, imagining the amethyst is scrubbing away anything less than your purest love and abundance. 

If there are any specific issues you wish to address, you can invoke a healing around them. For example, “Violet Flame, transmute anywhere I feel less than worthy to receive love.”


“Violet Flame, blaze through and consume all fear around money, and restore the patterns of perfection of true limitless wealth within me now.” 

You can also do this in the bath. If you do, adding a few drops of lavender essential oil, and having amethyst in the bath water while you pray over it, can be very supportive. 

Are you going to try this? Let me know in the comments below!

The light is the answer

I’ve just finishing soaking up the light in meditation. 

I sat in front of the sun, and brought the light of my Higher Self into each of my chakras. 

And this light had a message for my community. 

And for the world!

Many beings of light are coming forth through me now, with this message,

It goes something like this…

Many of you are making the fulfillment of your heart’s desires overly complicated. 

We see you watching video after video, signing up for classes, courses, and reading books - with complicated processes on how to achieve your dreams. Whether it’s learning more strategy, suppressing your natural intuition and tendencies for another’s ideal way of living, or simply distracting yourself with more to learn, when the answer is right in front of you…

In fact, the answer IS you!

The answer is the light. 

The light contains all you need. 

Your Higher Self is light. 

This light is:







And so much more. 

The attributes of the light of the Source you are, are endless, much like the limitless nature of your beings. 

Many of you disregard the power of filling with your own light each day. 

In favour of more complicated process, or - for simply worrying and allowing the fear gremlins to override your mind, when they could be surrounding to the light that is you. 

And so - we say this. 

Fill yourself with light each day. 

The light of your Higher Self. 

The light of the Sun. 

The light of the Angels. 

The light of pure Source Consciousness. 

It is all One Light, it is all One Source. It matters not which light is your preferance, as long as it’s light. 

As you fill each cell of your body with light each day, your light quotient will increase, which is the percentage of light your 4 body system is able to hold. 

The more light you hold, the more abundance you experience. (True abundance)

The more light you carry, the more love you feel. 

The more light your radiate, the more love you attract. 

The more light you embody, the more worthy you feel of receiving all your heart’s desires. 

Dear ones, light - really, is the key. 

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple is a flourishing online women’s circle, and we’d love to have you!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! I post a lot more magic on IG, and I would love to connect with you there! Find me at @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Why that coach's teachings don't work for you

Has this ever happened to you?

You’re inspired by someone online, who’s offering either a free training, or a paid program?

You see them living an amazing life - tons of money, they seem powerful and like they’ve manifested amazing things for themselves. 

Yet when you sign up… 

And you go through the practices and trainings they offer…

Something doesn’t feel quite right. 

There’s this niggling feeling deep down, that this isn’t the right path for you. 

Your ego might fight it and say: “That’s just your resistance! Look at the life their living! This obviously works! You’re just not devoted enough!”

You may even seen many other people in the program thrive with amazing, results, and you wonder… “What gives?”

Maybe you experienced some shifts, maybe you got inspired from some of the content, but ultimately… the shifts didn’t last. And you feel like you arrive in the same place as when you started?

So… what’s going on?

Ok - so for me to explain this, we need to talk about Divine Templates. 

Every soul has a Divine Template, our a Soul Blueprint. Think of this as the sacred geometry and etheric grids, of how that soul’s energy is designed to optimally function and emanate. 

The Divine Template of your soul is also encoded with your soul gifts, your soul’s destiny, and much more. 

Now imagine, that there’s a divine template for EVERY area of your life. This is designed by your Higher Self and your I AM Presence. 

There’s a divine template for your soul’s mission for this incarnation, a divine template for your perfect financial reality, and divine template for your perfect partnership, and so on and so forth. 

Now… imagine that someone has activated their divine templates, or at least certain aspects of them. 

As an example, say this person is here to embody the templates of the Divine Masculine, and best manifests their Heaven on Earth through intense focus. Journaling, visualizing, and working towards a goal, all feel really good to them - because their soul templates are resonating with that Divine Masculine focus. 

Now imagine… they say… “I’ve cracked it” - They begin to manifest abundance, money, and amazing opporunities. 

Victorisouly, they say “I’m going to teach this, I know what works!”

So they offer this amazing program full of how they did it. 

A 5 step process for journaling your dream reality into fruition, a meditation to visualize your perfect outcome, accompanied with lots of Divine Masculine energy that says “Go go! You can do it! Let’s crush this!”

The program works for many people who also are here to seed a Divine Masculine template. 

But let’s say there’s a soul who’s here to seed Divine Feminine templates. They haven’t had many lives on this planet, and they’re very Pleiadian in nature. Their divine templates for manifesting heaven on earth include lots of time in nature, breathing in the emerald ray of abundance, and trusting Source with all their being. They manifest through presence and an open heart, with lots of surrender to the Divine Mother. 

But…. This soul hasn’t fully owned that yet. Society doesn’t really encourage these templates yet. 

So they sign up for the program I just explained… and feel deflated after spending thousands on something that simply gave them anxiety. 



And what the coaching industry hasn’t quite figured out yet, is you can’t just teach someone else your own divine template, and expect it to work for them. 

That’s why the most transformative experiences I’ve had, in my investments, have been in journeys that activate MY truth, MY soul light, and don’t get me to follow another person’s step by step program. 

Yes, my most incredible transformations have happened when I’ve invested in Priestess journeys and spiritual mentorship - that’s main focus is to activate me to ME. To unveil my own divine templates, and get me to trust them. 

That’s why I’m so excited about The Rainbow Ray School of the Angels

In this journey, we’ll be working with the colour rays and flames, and the Archangels - to activate your Divine Templates. 

We’ll primarily be activating the Divine Template of your Soul, which is one thing the angels specialize in. We’ll also be working with the following colours to activate other divine templates that your Higher Self has designed for you. 

The result? You TRUSTING your own way forward. You are here to seed new realities from your Higher Self. Only communion with your Higher Self, and the embodiment of your Divine Templates, is going to bring that about in it’s full potential. 

The Yellow Ray of Archangel Jophiel

Today I sat down to work with the yellow ray, and the Archangel of that ray - Archangel Jophiel.

Woah baby! It’s so important to sit with the rays that we don’t necessarily feel an initial strong affinity for.

Yellow has never been one of my favourite colours, and my soul isn’t a frequency keeper for this ray. I’m a blue, white, turquoise, and blue-violet ray holder.

So I’m quite strong in the qualities of the blue ray.

But as I sit with the yellow ray, I feel there is SUCH medicine for me in this energy. For me, there’s one word that comes up with this colour. Unapologetic.

It invites me to shine unapologetically, as the sun of my soul. The sun shines like a glorious gift to all. The sun never hides it’s power. (And thank God it doesn’t!) The sun says I AM A BLESSING. YOU’RE WELCOME!

It doesn’t try to pretend it’s not f*cking epic.

As I sat with this ray today, what was detoxing - what’s not in alignment with it - were the places I make other people’s opinions and feelings about me, more important than my own opinion and feelings of me, and how beautiful I am.

I could feel such an activation, and know that it’s important for me to sit with this ray, that I’m not naturally a keeper for.

This balances me as a person. My soul may be a keeper for certain colour rays, but my Oversoul is rainbow, my Source-self is ALL the colours, ALL the qualities of God, and it’s important that I activate them to honour my full potential in this lifetime.

What is the Blue Violet Ray?

Woah baby! I feel called to share about the Blue Violet Ray with you, as I've just been in conversation with Archangel Michael, and some galactic forces who emanate the blue ray.

They're saying humanity is very much ready for the frequency of the Blue Ray, and Blue Violet Ray.

So let's get started on the foundational question:

What is the Blue Violet Ray?

This ray is - as the name suggests - a combination of Blue Light, and Violet Light. I would say about 82% blue, and 18% violet, if I'm being really specific.

Every light ray of Source has different properties - for example, a Ruby Red Ray has a very grounding effect, resonates with the Great Mother, and can offer feelings of safety, and security, when worked with in someone who is deficient in the Red Ray frequencies.

Now - let's explore what Blue and Violet do on their own:

The Blue Ray - the Blue Ray has many rays that emanate from it, including turquoise, and midnight blue, but from my perspective, the home temple of the Blue Ray is sapphire blue. This sapphire blue colour, is the colour of truth. It supports people to communicate directly with their souls, opening the dialogue between one's true self, and human self. The true self, shares the truth with the help of the Blue Ray as a bridge to the person's human consciousness, and allowing the soul consciousness + human self to merge more deeply together. Blue is many things - but for now - let's keep it simple, and say that sapphire blue is Truth.

The Violet Ray - this is a ray of transmutation. It takes lower level frequencies and purifies them through the potentized power of forgiveness and compassion - resulting in a more refined frequency of the light - a return to Source consciousness. Again - Violet is many things - but for now, for simplicity - let's say that Violet is Transmutation.

So what happens when you put Truth & Transmutation together?

Well - the Blue enables you to see, feel, hear, and know the truth, through your Higher Self's lensing.

And the Violet transmutes the fear that may get in the way of you fully receiving, and following through on that truth.

So they are a powerful combination, indeed.

Example, blue reveals the truth: that your Higher Self sees your job is not serving you, and wants you to fully commit to your spiritual business. But there is fear around money + safety. The violet clears the fear around this, so you're more free to follow your soul's guidance with confidence.

Now, I'd like to speak about a process in which you can work with the Blue Violet ray, that the Blue Ray Masters of Light, have shared with me.

Blue Violet Medicine for Clearing Density & Ancestral Issues in the Lower Chakras

Resulting in Lower Chakras filled with more light, and allowing you to follow through in this now, on your soul's mission, dreams, soul's goals, and callings.

  1. Close your eyes and connect with your breath, taking a few moments to allow yourself to feel centered and grounded. Let the breathe help you release what you've been thinking about moments earlier. Be in the present moment.

  2. Call upon Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light for assistance. “Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Thank you for brining the Blue Violet Ray into my lower chakras. I am ready to change and open up to the Divinity within me, that is me.

  3. Visualize the Blue Violet Ray penetrating your lower body: sacral + root chakras, legs, feet, earth star chakra below your feet, and in the aura surrounding them.

  4. Allow the Blue Violet Ray to penetrate this area for no less than 3 minutes for a full transformation. 3 minutes is good, do more if you're called. The Blue Violet ray is powerful and work quickly.

  5. While you see the Blue Violet Ray doing it's thing, you may repeat the simple mantra “Archangel Michael, I receive your light" over and over again, to keep your thoughts centered on the process.

  6. When you feel complete, thank Archangel Michael, and send a grounding cord or tree roots, into the soil, and down into the crystalline core of Gaia. You may also wish to bathe yourself in golden light from the Great Central Sun, and allow it to permeate your cells, to support full body integration of this upgrade and healing.

And there you have it!

This process is powerful - but can you imagine what it would be like, to access an entire course of Blue Violet Ray medicine?

Woah baby! I'm talking 15 hours of video content, 14 guided meditations, and 4 PDFs of channeled invocations, devoted to your activation with Blue and Blue Violet.

That's a total transformation - right there! Medicine Keepers of the Blue Violet Ray - is now available as a self-paced journey.

Inside this journey? Sirius. Archangel Michael. Water. Isis. Hathor. Whales & Dolphins. Lions.

You also have the option to add on a private Blue Ray activation and Angelic reading with me!


The Medicine of the Orcas

I've just left the Atlantean mountain tops of the Canary Islands (for now), and I'm super grateful for my time there, and for everything it activated within me.

And right now, I'm feeling called to share a musing I had about orcas (or killer whales), while I was there. Orcas hold such potent medicine for us, and I wanted to pass some of that medicine along ~ especially in regards to how orcas can help us heal the wounds of Atlantis, so we can successfully anchor in the next golden age.

So… Let's get into it!

I believe orcas hold major keys for collective healing.

They are the Dark Mother, AND light and joy, embodied in one being.

My remembrance for the reason that Atlantis fell, was the Atlanteans stopped honouring the black womb of the Mother, and the death cycle.

Towards the end - only white, clean, bright, and light, became sacred and holy.

Since then, we haven't been able to anchor in a new golden age, because we haven't found the balance of light and dark.

We haven't been able to integrate it all as one, whole, alive being - that is the Universe.

Image item

The Dark Mother, the Black Madonna - whatever words you want to use - is the one who eats shame and fear, and turns it into coherent energy.

She's able to be everywhere at once, as she composts what others feel is deeply unloveable.

Orcas embody the Dark Mother. They are black, they are killer whales, they are what others would find unpalatable, in their fierceness and relationship with death.

Their latin name Orcinus Orca, can be translated into: “Whale of the kingdom of the dead.”

And yet - they are also dolphins. (The biggest dolphin species)

They are joy. They are love. They have intense family bonds. They embody lightness, too.

In one body, they unify these frequencies. And we can visually see that, in their white and black forms.

May the wisdom of the orcas, be with us as we learn to embody all of who we are!

If you want to go deeper with orca medicine, look out for my next live initiatory journey 'Dolphin Consciousness' - launching next month!

Sirian Water Code Activation

We're now in the peak of the Sirian Gateway, which happens annually from around July 3rd to the 7th. (This stargate is created by the Sun being conjunct to Sirius.)

What does this mean?

In short, that our “light bridge” to Sirius, becomes stronger and more open, on these days.

That during this time, we can more easily connect with the frequencies of Sirius, and receive them to activate our DNA, and connect more deeply to our Sirian guides.

I wanted to offer you this Sirian Water Code Activation Ritual, to support you to receive the Sirian codes coming through at this time. This ritual came through to me after I'd got out of the ocean today!

In this ritual, we'll be working with the blue ray of Sirius, and with the crystalline Sirian water codes.

As you read through this ritual, know that you can change it according to your intuition. You can leave certain things out, and add other pieces in, if you feel called!

You can spend just 10 minutes in this ceremony ~ or ~ you can spend an hour going deep! Whatever you feel inspired to do.

You'll want to do this ceremony, ideally, between now and July 7th to ~ however, you can actually do this at any time. It's just that it will be supercharged at this time.

For this ceremony, you'll need:

💧Sacred, soothing music (optional)

💧A candle (or candles)

💧A lighter / matches

💧A glass of drinking water

And here's how to create the ceremony…

Sirian Water Code Activation

💧 Optional: Play your music.

💧Open ceremonial space. You can do this in many ways! Some like to call in the directions, some like to call in the Archangels, some like to work with the Sophia Dragon Tribe, some like to cast a circle of salt with prayer. If you don't have a way you love of opening sacred space, you can say:

“I call upon Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Gabriel now. Thank you for surrounding me with light. I call upon Isis, Mother Mary, and Hathor now. Thank you for blessing and opening my heart. I call upon my Higher Self, to fill every cell of my being, with light, now. Thank you Higher Self for co-creating a sacred space with the angels and masters, who are present. And so it is.”

Since we are working with Sirius in this ritual, you can then say:

I call upon the Sirian Masters of Light, the Sirian Archangels, the Dolphins and Lion Beings of Sirius, and all of my Sirian guides and angels of the highest light, to join me here, now. I call upon the blue ray of Sirius, and ask the Sirian blue light, to fill this sacred space now!”

💧Light a candle (or several). At the moment you light the flame, say: “I call the light of Sirius to this space now!”

Take several moments to breathe deeply, and focus on your heart. Now - see a brilliant bright blue light coming from Sirius high above you. See a pillar being formed, from this light, that goes through your body, and into the crystalline core of Gaia. See all of your cells filled with blue light. See your aura filled with blue light.

Breathe here in this visualization for as long as you'd like.

💧When you're ready to open your eyes, take the water in your hands and say: “I activate the Sirian light codes in this water. I activate the crystalline Sirian water codes. Water - light up, with the crystalline light codes of Sirius! Water - light up, with the songs, sounds, and sacred geometries of the dolphins and the whales! Thank you water!”

Take a deep breath, and drink from this water.

Now, place your hands on your body, and connect with the waters of your body! Then declare: “I activate the Sirian light codes in the waters of my body! I activate the crystalline Sirian water codes, within the waters of my body! Water in my body - light up, with the crystalline light codes of Sirius! Water in my body - light up, with the songs, sounds, and sacred geometries of the dolphins and the whales! Thank you water!”

Take a deep breath, and feel the waters of your body activating, and lighting up.

💧Now say, as many times as you'd like: “I open to receive the highest light codes of Sirius, that are available to me now! (x3). I integrate these light codes with ease and grace.”

💧Breathe and receive for as long as you'd like. Visualize the blue light filling you, and surrounding you. You can offer any prayers or make any request for help or guidance, at this time.

💧Take a moment, to send a blue ray of light, from your heart, outward, to bless the world, and to bless all beings.

💧When you're ready to close the ceremony, you can say “It is done, it is done, it is done. And so it is!”

Yayyyy! The ceremony is now complete, if you didn't drink all the water from your ceremony, you can drink it throughout the day or night, knowing that you're drinking activated water!

This is a powerful ceremony. The blue light of Sirius is really powerful. Hold yourself in that field for as long as feels right, and now that even just 30 seconds of this visual could be enough. You may be called to bathe in it for much longer. Do what feels right. Blue light is very powerful.