
My Issues with how Manifestation is taught

For many years, I struggled with manifestation.

Now… I actually manifested some pretty epic experiences and things, but what I mean is, the process of manifestation that’s taught. 

Mostly what’s taught is:

~Decide SPECIFICALLY what you want, get very detailed

~Imagine it’s already yours, through visualizing, journaling and affirmation

~Focus on this every single day

~Feel the feelings, affirm it’s here


What I found when I really focused on manifestation like this:

~Yes, it works


~It felt off. I felt like I was constantly placing myself in somewhere other than this moment. Like I was constantly focusing on what wasn’t here, and almost dissociating from the present moment, and I didn’t like it. 

~It felt very masculine in nature, very goal oriented - and to my divine-feminine-oriented self, that didn’t feel good

~I often felt like I was treading water, trying to keep myself afloat in the vibration I was supposed to be embodying. More positive thoughts! More affirmations! More visualization! More journal work! HUSTLE let’s go let’s manifest. 

Not my vibe. 

And yet… it’s basically what’s exclusively taught by most spiritual teachers and coaches. 

I’d like to offer you an alternative, if you can relate to me… 

Along my journey with Mother Father God, the Archangels, and working with the rainbow rays and sacred flames… 

I was being mentored in connecting with my I AM Presence. (The I AM Presence is your God-Self) 

And I’ve been learning how to manifest through the I AM Presence. 

And the funny thing is- it’s not even really about manifesting. It’s just about embodying who I AM. 

Here’s an example now of how I’d go ahead to manifest abundance, but not just that, how I spiritually grow and expand, in the present moment.

First I connect with my Higher Self, and let the light of my Higher Self fill every cell of my body. I say “Higher Self and I AM Presence, thank you for merging with me now.”

And then I might declare out loud, with passion:

“I AM the abundance, the abundance I AM” - and focus on the green ray of abundance filling every cell of my body. I say this over and over again with power, FEELING my I AM Presence merging with me.

Or, I might work with the golden flame of resurrection, which resurrects all the Divine Templates of your life, and say:

“I AM the resurrection and the life of wealth energetics.” - over and over, as I fill with golden flames, and focus on how amazing the energy of limitless wealth feels. 

I bring all that I AM, into this NOW. 

I DON’T leave my body to get lost in a future reality I want to create, and feel dissociated with my body when I come back.

I honour that I AM all I need, I AM all I want, in this NOW. 


And the shifts my energy field to attract all that is a reflection of my divine I AM. 

The light is the answer

I’ve just finishing soaking up the light in meditation. 

I sat in front of the sun, and brought the light of my Higher Self into each of my chakras. 

And this light had a message for my community. 

And for the world!

Many beings of light are coming forth through me now, with this message,

It goes something like this…

Many of you are making the fulfillment of your heart’s desires overly complicated. 

We see you watching video after video, signing up for classes, courses, and reading books - with complicated processes on how to achieve your dreams. Whether it’s learning more strategy, suppressing your natural intuition and tendencies for another’s ideal way of living, or simply distracting yourself with more to learn, when the answer is right in front of you…

In fact, the answer IS you!

The answer is the light. 

The light contains all you need. 

Your Higher Self is light. 

This light is:







And so much more. 

The attributes of the light of the Source you are, are endless, much like the limitless nature of your beings. 

Many of you disregard the power of filling with your own light each day. 

In favour of more complicated process, or - for simply worrying and allowing the fear gremlins to override your mind, when they could be surrounding to the light that is you. 

And so - we say this. 

Fill yourself with light each day. 

The light of your Higher Self. 

The light of the Sun. 

The light of the Angels. 

The light of pure Source Consciousness. 

It is all One Light, it is all One Source. It matters not which light is your preferance, as long as it’s light. 

As you fill each cell of your body with light each day, your light quotient will increase, which is the percentage of light your 4 body system is able to hold. 

The more light you hold, the more abundance you experience. (True abundance)

The more light you carry, the more love you feel. 

The more light your radiate, the more love you attract. 

The more light you embody, the more worthy you feel of receiving all your heart’s desires. 

Dear ones, light - really, is the key. 

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple is a flourishing online women’s circle, and we’d love to have you!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! I post a lot more magic on IG, and I would love to connect with you there! Find me at @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Sirian Water Code Activation

We're now in the peak of the Sirian Gateway, which happens annually from around July 3rd to the 7th. (This stargate is created by the Sun being conjunct to Sirius.)

What does this mean?

In short, that our “light bridge” to Sirius, becomes stronger and more open, on these days.

That during this time, we can more easily connect with the frequencies of Sirius, and receive them to activate our DNA, and connect more deeply to our Sirian guides.

I wanted to offer you this Sirian Water Code Activation Ritual, to support you to receive the Sirian codes coming through at this time. This ritual came through to me after I'd got out of the ocean today!

In this ritual, we'll be working with the blue ray of Sirius, and with the crystalline Sirian water codes.

As you read through this ritual, know that you can change it according to your intuition. You can leave certain things out, and add other pieces in, if you feel called!

You can spend just 10 minutes in this ceremony ~ or ~ you can spend an hour going deep! Whatever you feel inspired to do.

You'll want to do this ceremony, ideally, between now and July 7th to ~ however, you can actually do this at any time. It's just that it will be supercharged at this time.

For this ceremony, you'll need:

💧Sacred, soothing music (optional)

💧A candle (or candles)

💧A lighter / matches

💧A glass of drinking water

And here's how to create the ceremony…

Sirian Water Code Activation

💧 Optional: Play your music.

💧Open ceremonial space. You can do this in many ways! Some like to call in the directions, some like to call in the Archangels, some like to work with the Sophia Dragon Tribe, some like to cast a circle of salt with prayer. If you don't have a way you love of opening sacred space, you can say:

“I call upon Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Gabriel now. Thank you for surrounding me with light. I call upon Isis, Mother Mary, and Hathor now. Thank you for blessing and opening my heart. I call upon my Higher Self, to fill every cell of my being, with light, now. Thank you Higher Self for co-creating a sacred space with the angels and masters, who are present. And so it is.”

Since we are working with Sirius in this ritual, you can then say:

I call upon the Sirian Masters of Light, the Sirian Archangels, the Dolphins and Lion Beings of Sirius, and all of my Sirian guides and angels of the highest light, to join me here, now. I call upon the blue ray of Sirius, and ask the Sirian blue light, to fill this sacred space now!”

💧Light a candle (or several). At the moment you light the flame, say: “I call the light of Sirius to this space now!”

Take several moments to breathe deeply, and focus on your heart. Now - see a brilliant bright blue light coming from Sirius high above you. See a pillar being formed, from this light, that goes through your body, and into the crystalline core of Gaia. See all of your cells filled with blue light. See your aura filled with blue light.

Breathe here in this visualization for as long as you'd like.

💧When you're ready to open your eyes, take the water in your hands and say: “I activate the Sirian light codes in this water. I activate the crystalline Sirian water codes. Water - light up, with the crystalline light codes of Sirius! Water - light up, with the songs, sounds, and sacred geometries of the dolphins and the whales! Thank you water!”

Take a deep breath, and drink from this water.

Now, place your hands on your body, and connect with the waters of your body! Then declare: “I activate the Sirian light codes in the waters of my body! I activate the crystalline Sirian water codes, within the waters of my body! Water in my body - light up, with the crystalline light codes of Sirius! Water in my body - light up, with the songs, sounds, and sacred geometries of the dolphins and the whales! Thank you water!”

Take a deep breath, and feel the waters of your body activating, and lighting up.

💧Now say, as many times as you'd like: “I open to receive the highest light codes of Sirius, that are available to me now! (x3). I integrate these light codes with ease and grace.”

💧Breathe and receive for as long as you'd like. Visualize the blue light filling you, and surrounding you. You can offer any prayers or make any request for help or guidance, at this time.

💧Take a moment, to send a blue ray of light, from your heart, outward, to bless the world, and to bless all beings.

💧When you're ready to close the ceremony, you can say “It is done, it is done, it is done. And so it is!”

Yayyyy! The ceremony is now complete, if you didn't drink all the water from your ceremony, you can drink it throughout the day or night, knowing that you're drinking activated water!

This is a powerful ceremony. The blue light of Sirius is really powerful. Hold yourself in that field for as long as feels right, and now that even just 30 seconds of this visual could be enough. You may be called to bathe in it for much longer. Do what feels right. Blue light is very powerful.

Full Moon in Cancer Ritual

As a Cancer mermaid baby myself, I am feeeeeling this moon! It's not always that I do a Full Moon ritual, but today I felt super connected to the moon, and did so.

So I'm going to share with you my ritual today, so you can get inspired on how to create your own intentional ceremonies, whether they're on the Full Moon, or at some other time!

But first, before we dive into the ceremony, I want to touch base about this Full Moon.

This moon, as you may know, is water, she's emotion, she's depth. What I want you to understand however, is this moon's connection with the Divine Mother.

Cancer is Mother. She is the ocean, and she's ruled by the moon. Sirius is also in the constellation of Cancer, which is where the whales and dolphins live as their homebase in our galaxy. Today, we have a strong watery transmission from the Divine Mother, emanating through the Moon.

That means that your Mother wounds around not feeling safe, not feeling loved, loveable, not feeling innocent, or anything else connected to the Divine Mother ~ will likely come up at some point ~ whether that was in the past few days, or the next 1 or 2.

Our relationship with the Divine Mother is at the core of every aspect of our lives.

From money (milk and honey money from the Mother, the Mother of all Life! Do you let in her sustenance?), to our relationships (feeling worthy of being loved and seen in our essence) - this Divine Mother connection is at the core of it all.

So please know, that anything you're experiencing right now in terms of your emotions or your feelings of safety or lack thereof - is about more than just this moment.

The Divine Mother transmitting through, and as, the Full Moon in Cancer, is showing you something deep within you, that wants to be held and loved. Seen. Expressed. The trigger is only the trigger. The wound is ancient - the belief you are separate from the Divine Mother, or that she abandoned you. And our work today, and always, is to ask for Divine Mother's love to fill us, so that we can remember the truth. We're held. Always. Loved. Infinitely. One with all of creation. A jewel in the Divine's eye. Eternal.

Now, let's dive into this ritual I created today. Full Moons are typically a time to let go, and as we're working with water when we're in Cancer, letting go also seems appropriate because water wants to flow unobstructed. Letting go of density helps the light-water that's all around us and in us, to flow. Being in divine flow = a life of love and abundance.

Here's the Full Moon ritual I created today:

1. I opened Sacred Space. I called in Mother Father God, the Ascended Masters and Angels I work with, and Gaia. I asked my Higher Self to fill my cells. I welcomed in the Dolphins and Whales.

2. I wrote down all the things I wanted to release, on a nice turquoise paper that reminded me of water (any paper will do though). I stated at the top, ON THE FULL MOON IN CANCER, THIS IS WHAT I'M RELEASING. I authentically wrote all the places I felt stuck and out of alignment and confused and angry, and all of it, and then I wrote, I RELEASE IT.

3. I got out a pot that can handle fire, and went outside. I invoked all the elements, and lastly invoked fire, as I lit a candle. I then invoked the Sapphire Blue Flames and the Violet Flame in to burn through me and around me as I spoke all I was releasing out loud (These flames transmute dense energy, if I speak out things I want to release, I want to do it intentionally, so that the clear direction is to release them, not manifest them) I read what I was releasing, and burned the paper, throwing it into the pot as it burned. I felt the discordant energies being burned up inside of me, in the fire.

4. I then put on my water playlist on Soundcloud, and danced. I breathed into my body deeply, feeling my breath moving around my body, releasing all that's been stuck. I imagined water flowing through my breathe and flowing through me, releasing the stagnation.

I then closed the ceremony.

Ps. *MOON WATER* While I was doing all of this, I was drinking moon water I'd prepared the night before - I put out filtered water in a glass jar, with a small moonstone in it. Then I gathered it in the morning and blessed the water. Voila! High vibrational crystalline moon water!

Honestly none of this felt rigid. It just felt like normal flow. It wasn't overly formal, it was just a natural movement of one thing to the next. Your ceremonies don't have to feel like you are 'getting it right'. If you don't have time to do the full ritual above, but you like it, just pull out one or two elements and know it's enough!

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Feeling not enough?

“Thank you Higher Self for transmuting the places I feel like I’m not enough, and where I feel like I’m not doing enough.”

…I was just having a moment of comparing myself to someone
, and that unsettling feel of ‘not enoughness’ came up.

The moment I became aware of it, I said the prayer above. Multiple times.

This is my flow now. When I encounter difficult feelings or patterns - rather than stew in them, or try to devise an elaborate way out of them - I just ask my Higher Self to clear them.

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Being human is a crazy enough ride as it is. I’m not going to add to that by spending an hour on every difficult emotion or pattern that comes up, trying to figure out the root of it and how to heal it. If I did that I would spend my whole life engulfed in old patterns + masterminding how to heal them.

That is not my human self’s responsibility.

That is the job of my divinity.

Guess what - Your Higher Self is here to do the heavy lifting for you. 🦋

You don’t have to know what the root of every issue you have is. You just need to ask your Higher Self to heal it - and spend time communing with your Higher Self daily. If you need to know anything about an issue’s roots or take certain action steps to heal it - your Higher Self will tell you in communion. Other than that - ask for help, let it go, and love yourself. 💕

Watch the next time you encounter a yucky feeling or pattern - what do you usually do about it?

Next time this happens - I invite you to take a deep breath, feel into it first, honour it with love - and then ask, out loud, for your Higher Self to transmute it. Ask as many times as you want, in as many ways as you want. When I’m in a sticky place I’ll spend many many minutes praying for help out loud. 🙏

(Please note, there ARE many occasions where you truly need to FEEL the pain and breathe, before you’re ready to get into full-prayer mode. Your Higher Self will still guide you to know when it’s time for what)

Let me know if you’re going to take me up on this invitation in the comments below! 🧜🏽‍♀️

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

From Carbon-Based DNA to Crystalline DNA


We are moving from Carbon-based DNA to Crystalline DNA. 💎

Long ago, our DNA was tampered with. We were meant to be, as humans, a phenomenal species, capable of deep emotional processing, multi-dimensional awareness, and many creative gifts.

But in the multi-dimensional realms, some beings used their gift of free will to enslave the human race. These beings have been behind the scenes, invisible to most eyes, calling many shots on how this planet is being run.

And this is able to happen, because of the Carbon-based DNA. In this DNA, there are patterns and programs of war, famine, lack, rape, and slavery. All the nasty things that aren't really our truths. Carbon-based DNA also stores our ancestor's traumas and beliefs that aren't of service to the One Heart.

Our Crystalline DNA 💎 - is our true Divine template of how humans were meant to function, in freedom, peace, love, and epic creation.

You know who has their Crystalline DNA super activated? Dolphins and Whales.

Dolphins and Whales' DNA is actually not so different from our own, they tell me - they just happen to have their Crystalline DNA LIT up, and anchored - while most humans are still operating from Carbon-based DNA.

So - the question becomes of course, how do we activate our Crystalline DNA? 💎

Some steps:

❤️ Self-love: The dolphins + whales tell me self-love is the most important piece of DNA activation. In order for Crystalline DNA to unfurl, it must be in an environment of love. That environment is your body, and your energy field. The more genuine love you offer yourself, no matter what - the more your Crystalline DNA will activate.

❤️ Food and water: Factory-farmed animal products such as meat and dairy anchor Carbon-based DNA. (Notice I specified factory farmed, I believe there are ways of eating meat that are not harmful to us, such as hunting with love and respect) Chemicals and processed food also support Carbon-based DNA. Instead, eating fresh whole foods, with life force energy, organic if possible - and drinking water that has been blessed and charged up by crystals, the sun, reiki, and/or lemon juice, is helpful. Spring water is amazing if you can get it.

❤️ Out loud decrees: Actually commanding your Crystalline DNA to activate, out loud, from your heart space. "Higher Self, thank you for activating my Crystalline DNA now"

❤️ Working with the Dolphins + Whales: Simply listening to dolphin and whale sounds that you can find on YouTube will activate your Crystalline DNA. If you actually meditate with them, connect with their guidance, and follow through on it - now that is some next level Crystalline DNA activation right there.

And so - that's one of the reasons Dolphin Consciousness (a 5 week online journey with the Dolphins + Whales) - will be so powerful.

We'll be working closely with these beings, through ceremony, meditation, listening to their sounds, up-leveling our diets, and working with crystals.

The result will be a purification, and an unraveling of our innocence. 💎 A DNA activation, that will keep on going, long after the journey, because of the continued mentorship you'll receive from these beings.


Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

I am a being of the blue ray...


I am a being of the blue ray. I resonate with mermaids, dolphins, whales, music, vibration, and sacred geometry. My soul works closely with beings from Sirius, with Archangel Michael and Isis- who work within the blue ray as well.

I am here to activate the blue in people's energy fields, and especially my fellow blue rays. We are activators and awakeners. When we align with violet and vibrate with the blue violet ray, all bullshit is cut through, and transmuted. We are like Kali.

It is important that we awaken to our true multi-dimensional natures, for it is only then that our life missions can truly unfold. Blue ray beings are meant to work with their spiritual support system in the other realms.

I can show you how to work with the blue ray, especially the blue violet ray, and Archangel Michael to transform your life, wake up out of illusion, over and over again, and to step into the leadership roles you know you are here to take on. Your soul mission and meaningful achievements you wish to co-create will not come through striving. They will come through being an activated being who identifies with the light of your highest truth. You will magnetize all you need towards you with this activated energy field. Including soul family, money, and opportunities for leadership. Guidance will come to you easily with your clear energy, which has been activated and upgraded with the blue violet ray.

Join me for a free course on learning to work with Archangel Michael and the Blue Violet Ray here.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple



The story behind my snake tattoo...


I often get compliments and questions about my tattoo, the serpent coiled around my left arm, with roses and a lotus. ☥

"What does it mean?" - people ask. I rarely answer with the whole story, actually I don't think I ever have. Most of the time I simply say, "It represents my spiritual path."

Today I'd actually like to explain my tattoo, and how it came about. 

Several years ago, I was dancing at a really amazing party with a really amazing DJ, and was in a very expanded state. As I danced, I literally felt a symbol, a frequency - a packet of information, if you will - drop from the sky, and download into my body through my crown chakra. 

It was a tattoo of a snake, wrapped around my upper left arm. I knew I was to get it marked on me. 

Honestly, I cant remember if in that moment I knew the symbolism of the design, and how it connected to the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis. I just knew it was to happen. 

Now I know, that the ancient Priestesses of Isis, who could be found through Ancient Egypt, Greece, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, France, and far beyond - wore golden serpent armbands to signify their initiate statuses in the Ancient Mystery Schools of Isis (+ Hathor). 

You can find these ancient armbands throughout museums. I was lucky enough to see many in the Egyptian section of the Athens museum, and had a lot of remembrance come through in those moments. 

It would be years from the moment I downloaded the snake, to when I finally got it tattoed around my arm. 

I knew that getting the tattoo was a big commitment. And an honour. I didn't take it lightly. I knew when I got it, I would be initiated more deeply into my Priestess path, and into Snake medicine. And I was right. I got it 2 days before I hopped on a plane and flew to Peru, to sit with Ayahuasca, and to then wonder through ancient temples throughout the Andes. 

The roses in my tattoo connect to the Magdalene, and the ancient order of the Sisterhood of the Rose. The Magdalenes are Priestesses of Isis. 

Isis is an Ascended Master mentor. As Priestesses of Isis, we don't worship her. We embody the frequencies that she is a cosmic mother to. We learn sacred Priestess arts through her. We act as midwives through the veils, with her as a teacher and friend.

Isis hails to Earth from the star cluster, Sirius. The blue star in the sky, the brightest one. 

Her frequency weaved through Ancient Atlantis, seeding orders and Mystery Schools there, before moving on to Ancient Egypt after Atlantis was 'destroyed'. 

Isis ushered Egypt into a Golden Age, where it's citizens knew themselves as sovereign and unlimited. 

After Isis ascended, Mystery Schools still flourished with her teachings. 


Isis is an emanation of Sophia, Mother Father God, Creatrix of all life. Again, Isis was never worshipped in these Mystery Schools. 

The initiate was seen as a powerful soul in her or his own right, and was training to embody their Higher Selves in human form, thereby accessing multi-dimensional powers and awareness. 

The path of the initiate was rigorous, yet profoundly rewarding. The Priestesses (and Priests) of the Ancient Mystery Schools were spiritual leaders, healers, and frequency holders. 

Then, as the cycle of time turned, Egypt began it's descent. People were lead astray. They forgot about their own inherent power, and Isis was deified. Rather than seen as an equal and a mentor, in the hearts of her people, she was thought of as a Goddess, an unattainable figure only royalty and highly trained initiates had access to. 

And after this long descent that spread through Egypt, and then, the whole world...

...The Priestesses of Isis have returned again. 

This time, to seed a new golden age. 

From our origins in Sirius and beyond, throughout our lifetimes in Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, and reaching into today, we are waking up to who we truly are. 

I feel an urgent, yet simultaneously patient and loving call from Isis: "Awaken sisters."

Even though it's tempting to spend our days numbing out, or distracting ourselves, because deep down we know our missions are so damn big, and we're not sure what to do about it... It's time to rise. 

Let us sit in ceremony. 
Let us enter the ancient halls of remembrance. 

Ancient Egypt did not die. 
It lives within us, 
In the inner temples. 

The ancient temples were always gateways to inner temples. 
They are still very much alive, inside of us.

It's time to access this. 
It's time to continue our mentorship with Isis. 

It's time. 

You are more than who you've yet remembered yourself to be. 

You are my Priestess sister. 

Ancient powerful one. 

And I witness the fire inside of you, 
That has come to heal.
Yourself first, 
And then, 
All beings. 

☥ May we remember. ☥

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple