Divine Feminine

Mary Magdalane + Our Sacred Sexuality...

Who is Mary Magdalene? ... Was she a prostitute, who simply followed Jesus + the Apostles... or perhaps... was she the Tantric lover of Jesus, a High Initiate in the Isis Mystery School Lineage, and a profound Spiritual Teacher in her own right? Watch below to learn more:


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On judging my sisters...

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I’m in the South of France right now, and have been calling on Mary Magdalene’s energy a lot. Her energy is strong here, as these are the lands she landed on after fleeing her Middle Eastern homelands, after the death of her Beloved, Jesus.

When I was in the bath the other night, I called on her presence and felt her energy with me. She asked me to open up to my sisters even more, to have less judgement for them, and to go deeper into healing the wounds of separation between us.

For a mili-second, I wanted another message, as I do love receiving guidance that’s, well.. not pointing out things I need to work on. But then I got over it and realized, she was very right, and in that moment I chose to come into my next level of opening.

You see… I’m too harsh with my sisters, I’ll admit it, mostly online. This shows up when I see fellow coaches, I’ll come up with reasons why their work isn’t as authentic as mine, or I’ll point out energy I can feel in their field that isn’t as resonant with love as it could be. 

But guess what. That’s me, and that’s my own insecurities talking. Big time. Underneath the judgement lies that sneaky little fear that says I’m not good enough. And sometimes when other people shine, that part of me feels threatened. That fear likes to come up in a big haughty voice, overcompensating - and declaring she’s ‘better’ than other people, more authentic, more real…. Funny how that works. Believe me I’m cringing a bit as I write this. My truth knows a much different story, but I’m being honest. These are the things that still play out inside of me.

So right here, right now, I declare to step it up. 

I choose to open to my sisters more deeply, and in the last few days, I’ve been catching myself when I veer into judgment. Most of the time, I find I’m in judgement when someone is actually really badass and doing great things. So I’ve been practicing going into the energy of celebrating. Celebrating that sister for what’s she’s putting out there, and her energy. And I can tell you, it feels ALOT better, a lot lighter. When I judge, I create a problem inside of myself.. friction. The moment I veer into celebration instead, that ‘problem’ goes away, and all is well. 

This is the path. I won’t be perfect at this, but everyday I’ll do better. Because the truth is that every woman, and even every man and child, is a badass, amazing soul. And it’s my job to see that. Each and every day. 

Initiations Open Me Wide


Initiations open me wide

Snowy mountains
And great pyramids
Ancient roads
And modern vistas

With these two feet I walk
Feeling the energy of life pulse through
Opening all the places
I've been saying 'No'

And in this awareness
I feel there's so much more to go

My prayer rings out

Release all the parts of me
That cling to pain

I'm ready to dance the dance
And find immense pleasure
In the pouring rain


I imagine days gone past...


Walking around this small medieval town
I imagine days gone past
Where beauty was honoured and valued
Craftsmanship was of high quality
Stones built into buildings
Stand for hundreds of years
Details everywhere I look
Feel romantic and luxurious

And then I remember
These buildings were built
Even before the witch trials
Herbalists and healers
Were dragged out of these homes
And burnt alive
Simply for the crime
Of being powerful women

So then I'm grateful
And wonder what it will take
To have beauty and freedom merge
Imagining a future
Where it all comes together
Where all live in peace
Where all live in beauty

May we create this time

Right here

Right now

Merging the Divine Feminine with the Sacred Masculine...


"Did you know our birthday is in the exact middle of the year? There are the same number of days on both sides of our birthday.", he told me, as I'd recently just found a 'birthday buddy', someone born on the same day as me - July 2nd.

"Oh really? Wow!" - And a intuitive hit instantly pulsed through me "That's because I'm meant to merge the Feminine and the Masculine as a soul purpose in this lifetime.

I noticed the intuitive imprint, knowing I was still unfamiliar with exactly what that voice meant. 

Over the next few years, I would begin to unravel what I was told... 

To merge the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine, to unite the Magdalene with Christ, Isis with Osiris, is a sacred path for many of us, maybe even all of us, who are reading this.

This is what is needed for balance and peace on earth to emerge.

In order to activate this balance and peace on Earth, we need to balance and integrate the Feminine and Masculine within ourselves. 

This is a powerful and challenging path. In particular, for me, the invitation to forgive the shadow masculine for his abuses, and honour the masculine as sacred, has been a particularly powerful ask for me. 

Every day though, I am moving into more and more forgiveness, and more and more integration. 


When we integrate these aspects within ourselves, many things can happen. We no longer end up in co-dependent or toxic partnerships, asking for the other to feed an inner need. We start to find success and momentum in the world, on our chosen paths, because our energy of receptivity, is paired with the energy of follow through an action. And we end up finding a deep sense of sexuality within ourselves, as we start to embody this sacred union within. <3

If you are called to start merging your feminine and masculine energies, but don't know how to do so, I would recommend offering a prayer, and intention to the Universe. Something like "Spirit, my intention is to embody the union of the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine. Show me how to do this. I am ready to open to forgiveness, healing, and cleansing, so I can honour this sacred union within. Show me the way."

You can also practice calling on Magdalene and Christ, to be with you through the day, guiding you. 

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

She could see through my pain...


Sitting in front of my mentor, as I had been for the past 2 days, in deep retreat, I couldn't hold the shadow in, any longer.

Here I was, sitting in front of 2 sisters who held so much unconditional love in their eyes, that it was both incredible and obvious... I was still grappling with wounds of not-enoughness, of not being worthy.

Here again, was this old, and in some ways, familiar voice, whispering...

"You don't really belong here. They don't really love you. If they knew who you really were, they wouldn't accept you. This unconditional love stuff does not apply to you. You are the exception."


I had become aware of this voice, in another of my mentor's temples, over the last year or so.

It's a really shitty voice. It makes me feel so separate.

And as I was feeling into this pain, my mentor Eden could see it clearly, and through my tears I connected with her eyes...

"Beloved, I love you unconditionally.

I already see you, I already love you. There is nothing you can do to make me not love you. There is nothing you can do to make me love you. I simply love you.

We don't do that anymore. We don't throw Priestesses out any more for not abiding by certain codes. That's over."

A huge well of grief arose within me and poured out as tears through my eyes, and as sobs through my gut.

The nature of alchemical work in a Priestess container is interesting. So often, as I walk this path of remembrance... deep feelings will arise within me, alluding to memories that I can't quite remember... reminding me of experiences that I can't quite put my finger on.

But there it was.

Clearly Eden had touched something very deep. And spoken words that needed to be spoken.

It is only me who keeps myself separate.

And in that moment, I was able to burst through the lie of separation, just a little bit more.

I was able to see the lie that I am unlovable in any way.

This, this is medicine. And I continue to walk this path. To remind myself that I am deeply lovable, in all of my shadows, in all of my pain, that there really and truly is, only love.

I share this with you today because I want you to know the places in which I am raw. I felt them today. Gazing over the Spanish mountains and knowing that I was in such beautiful place... and yet for hours, all I could feel was anguish and resistance. Something had triggered the shadows yet to be loved.

I have them.
These pockets of unworthiness.
I'm willing to guess you have them, too.
And together, we are lovable in them.

And when we honour that the pain we feel, lives inside all of us, we can find a togetherness in the shadow. A togetherness, and an understanding of our oneness, that is able to transmute it.

Because the truth is, you are lovable, I am lovable.

In all the places we've held back out of fear.

In all the places only we know about.

In all the places that drive us to addictions, or so called self-defeating behaviors.

We are lovable.

We are one.

And I am with you.

xo Beth

Healing the Wounds of Sisterhood - Free Ceremony & Guided Meditation

Through our wounds and our past betrayals, we still deeply yearn for the support and intimacy of Sisters in our lives. Yet if we allow past hurts to dictate our present, we might end up shutting down, closing our hearts, and leading with distrust... rather than with an open heart. Join us in this ceremony below to learn how we can open ourselves more deeply to the truth of Sisterhood + change our stories so we can open again to love, support, and trust!

Once you've finished the ceremony, there is a guided meditation below you can download and practice to bring this healing & openness into every day of your life!


Practice the Guided Meditation Below:

...To bring this practice of forgiveness and opening to Sisterhood, into your daily life! Hit the "Download" link on the right hand side to add this meditation to your music library.

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple


Medicine of the Snake - Full Moon in Scorpio Guided Meditation with Kali-Ma

🌹Happy Full Moon in Scorpio! What is Scorpio all about? 

In most traditions, even New Age ones, we honour White & Gold, cleanliness, the Divine from ABOVE, and Masculine energy (productive, direct, logical) --- above all else. Think of this as the white & gold snake.

While that aspect of us is rad, it is only half of the story... We are lovingly urged to honour the BLACK & RED energies coming from BELOW & WITHIN us. The FEMININE is rising, and Kali-Ma calls on us to embrace the black womb space from which we all originate. Sex, death, and transformation ya'll. 🌹Think of this as the black & red snake.

In order to step into sovereignty as we are destined to, we need to honour Spirit AND Soul, Light AND Dark, Masculine AND Feminine --- white AND black snakes!

Watch the video above to learn more and meditate with Kali-Ma and the Snake <3