Divine Feminine

3 Steps to Feeling Sexier --- {From a Spiritual Perspective}

I remember growing up, there was this girl who I found to be really beautiful. She was darker skinned and exotic looking, and all the boys seemed to want her. I felt like she was just born with that sexy energy, and I on the other hand... was not.

It was like I was on the outside looking in.

I remember wondering what it would feel like to be her... to know you were sexy and just claim it, every time you walked into the room.

Fast forward many years, and I started to realize that all people are born with that attractive, sexy, powerful energy - regardless of what they look like. It's just that due to societal conditioning, whether that comes from our parents, our school, or even past lives - we learn to shut it off, and deny this raw magnetism that allows us to feel sexy on any given day.

Once I began to investigate my sexuality, and started to peel off stifling layers of shame - I began to reclaim my natural feeling of BEING SEXY! Woot woot! I no longer wait on the approval of men or women to dictate whether I'm attractive --- I've tapped into a reservoir of magnetic energy that we all have access to, and now when I walk around - I know I'm sexy, I've claimed it - whether someone throws me a glance or not.

It's fun to live this way, and in the video above, I give you 3 steps you can practice in your life, to awaken your own understanding of your sacred sexuality. Practicing these steps often will allow you to work through years of conditioning, so you no longer have to question whether you're inherently beautiful.

Have fun with the steps!

Lots of love!

xo Beth

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Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

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He broke up with me over skype. Then the Goddess found me...

About 4 years ago now, I was in Hawaii, on the island of Kauai to be specific. Lush paraside surrounded me, I was interning at a beautiful farm owned by a world-famous raw nutritionist. High vibing people were around me, and I had access to some of the best nutrition in the world.

… And...

…I was crying every day, and in waves... was deeply confused in my soul.

My boyfriend of almost 3 years had just broken up with me. Over skype. While I was traveling in Hawaii alone.

Everywhere I went, and everyone who I talked to encouraged me to let it go, and get on the high vibe train. “Set goals, visualize what you want!”

The (lovely and well-meaning) crew at this farm encouraged me to do a liver & gall bladder flush. I was truly interested in feeling better and getting healthier, especially in the midst of this breakup, so I tried it out.

1 day into the cleanse, which required me to be on a juice cleanse for a few days to prepare for what was next… I found myself in the kitchen, making a piece of toast.

“Fuck it!” I said. “This doesn’t feel right. I need nourishment. I am in a foreign place, alone, and my partner just left me. I need some emotional comfort.”

In some ways I felt like I’d failed. And on other ways, I knew I was onto something.

A few days later, I was in the library at this farm, and among tons of books focused on cleanses, clean eating, and purity… I found one book that seemed different than the rest. It was called “Healing Wise” by Susun Weed. In the moments when I opened that book, and started reading this wild woman’s wisdom, my life changed.

Susun explained many things to me, which I won’t quite getfully into in this blog, because that might take a while… but the gist of it was this: Clearing and cleansing has it’s place. But it is the masculine way. It offers only a part of the whole.

The feminine way, the wild woman way, is nurturance. Support.

The wild woman honours the chaos, loves the richness of soil, and getting dirty. Wild primal sexuality, and honouring the dirty depths of living is the wild woman’s domain. Break the rules. Eat the bread. Make tea with the weeds. Be in your blackness.

Your pain is your medicine, it is meant to be cycled back into gold, just as an animal's poo is circulated back into a tree and produces new life. The Goddess supports you in all ways.

It was like a sigh of relief. And honestly, I really wish I could convey the wisdom that came to me that day, because I feel like that paragraph doesn’t quite cut it, but those are the words I have right now.

From that moment on, the Divine Feminine, the Goddess, the Mother… entered my life. Or perhaps, a better way to put it would be - I embraced her.

I dove into my connection with the Moon, I started exploring my sexuality & my moontime (menstrual cycle) much more deeply, and I started making plans to move to the place I’d always wanted to live… but my boyfriend never did… Vancouver Island.

Since then, I have deepened into the Goddess’s medicine profoundly.


I have remembered I am Priestess, and have served the Goddess in many lifetimes.


I have realized I have come to dismantle patriarchy, and remind the world of the beauty and sacredness of the dark.

I have remembered I am the daughter of Isis, a Goddess revered in Ancient Egypt and beyond. I have remembered past lives in Egypt, and Greece. My world started to make a lot more sense. I got a lot clearer on my purpose, and what I was and am meant to be doing in the world.  

  • I started hosting Women’s Circles every New Moon for my community.
  • I began singing and sharing my voice much more freely, because I honoured and acknowledged it as my medicine.
  • I threw the “good girl” chains off, and awakened my powerful sexuality.
  • I made friends with many other Priestess sisters, and we get together on holy days to do ceremony.
  • I continued to grow a “business” that deeply serves the collective, nourishes my soul, and takes care of me financially, because the Goddess has shown me... that is my birthright… that is my truth… to be deeply supported, and to be deeply expressed. I'm on the growth edge of this, everyday.


  • I have pissed people off along the way.
  • I have cried deep tears at the state of the world.
  • I have agonized with grief for my brothers and sisters in the animal + plant worlds.
  • I have witnessed sisters while they deeply cried, and began releasing lifetimes of turmoil.
  • I have felt deep rage at Patriarchy.
  • I have gotten real.
  • I have shown up.


I have gotten fierce.

I am on a mission.

And no one will stop me.

No one will stop US sisters, because we are the Goddess and Her time is NOW!
We are her hands and ears. We have come here to do extremely good work.
And the world is ready.
It needs it.
It is crying out to be loved.


I want you to know the Goddess path is not the path of Patriarchy, shiny things, and false promises.

It is not a path I will say to you “Oh girl, come with me and all your dreams will come true! You will make 10k a month, you will get that super hot guy/girl in 1 month, and have the perfect relationship, you will be happy all the time, you won’t feel pain anymore because you have cleared it all out!”

Sorry to be a bit aggressive

but… Fuck that shit.
The Goddess path is real

Human AND Divine Embracing. If you know what I mean.


The Goddess path honours ALL the rays and frequencies of life & death… Not just the clean, white, shiny, acceptable ones. YES, as powerful women seaSTAR, we can and WILL create abundance, have amazing relationships, feel beautiful, and so much more!

But we will also cry, get angry, and get real about the very real tragedies that are happening in our world right now.

And we will have the clarity about what to do about it. We will feel empowered as we gaze into the mess, because we know we are here to help.

And we will have our sisters, and the Goddess to support us.

If you are called to deepen into the Goddess.
If in reading these words, something is triggered, and your soul is inviting you to go deeper.

I have a special invitation, love...


I invite you, dear sister, to join me for a Moon Goddess Initiation - a deep dive into your Divine Feminine energy, so you can unblock yourself, express your deepest gifts, and come alive to the Goddess within.


Imagine what it would feel like, to be fully expressed in this world?
...To honour your gifts, and share them wildly and freely?
...To claim your sexuality, and allow yourself to take up space in this world?
...To be clear about your path, and know where you are meant to go.


In Moon Goddess Initiation, we will be unlocking that for you, with the help of the Goddess.

Sister, this sacred journey includes:

  • 6 months of private coaching
  • Meditations, myths & history about 6 Goddesses - we will be working with one a month. (Brigit, Hathor, Aphrodite, Kali, Isis, and Aine) - Learn more about them here.
  • 2 Goddess Boxes of Earth-friendly beauty + adornment products I’ve made myself (Which include: Mermaid Moon Anointing Oil, Sacral Chakra Perfume, Golden Cosmos Lip Gloss, a Moon Necklace, Greek Goddess Eye Shadow + Cheek Highlighter, a Moon Sticker and a Cedar Smudge Stick)
  • A 30 minute follow up session
  • A feature on my website after the journey has ended
  • And 2 bonus gifts, one being a discount on the price of the journey, and the other being a 7 part series through the chakras called “Becoming the Healer You’re Meant to Be”


All the details of the journey can be found here.

I would love to have you in the journey, if you feel called.
These are sacred times, indeed.
We are called to awaken deeply.



This is an opportunity to experience a spiritual transformation that will shape your life, FOREVA!

You will be saying yes to awakening the Priestess within, remembering past lives that will inform your mission in this current one, unblocking issues with abundance, confidence and sexuality, and SO much more.

The result will be that you are deeply connect to, and living your purpose. Expressing your soul’s gifts, and making the DEEP impact on this planet that you long to.

Please go here to learn more about the journey sister! So much is awaiting you!


Lots of love!

xo Beth


Don't have tons of money, or the perfect man? Here's why that's perfectly OK...

I've got to be real with you....

I'm a little bit tired of going on to someone's website, blog posts, etc --- and then seeing them say: "I have lots of money, the perfect partner, and all the material things I wished for! I'm living the life of my dreams --- Let me show you how!"

Patriarchy is just washed all over that.

Listen sister...

This path is challenging. Earth life is challenging.

Sometimes we don't get what we want, sometimes our soul wants us to stay single to truly and deeply learn and grow.... sometimes the money doesn't show up, or we are re-routed to a better option that will simply take more time. Sometimes our path of learning takes longer than someone else's. Sometimes we are doing deep work for the collective, and we need to look a certain things, and feel our pain. Sometimes we have past life issues that we are working with, which others don't.

If you are not running a successful business, don't have tons of money, don't have the perfect partnership...

There is nothing wrong with you.

Your soul knows what it's doing.

At the end of the day self-love is what really matters.
How you feel about YOU really matters.
Your connection to the Divine + to the Earth really matters.

There is nothing wrong with wanting beautiful things and beautiful relationships in your life... but I can't help but feel that many use the outside appearance of their successes for personal gain... without telling the whole story.

I encourage myself, and the rest of us... to let go of the comparing mind and realize that most of these fancy stories are simply marketing ploys to make you want to work with someone, and spend money with them.

I can tell you this because I use to do the same thing.

I remember sitting at the computer a few years ago, thinking how I could spin my life to make it sound REALLY AMAZING.. so I could build enough credibility to do what I wanted to do... coach and teach. Sure there were lots of awesome things going on in my life... but at that time I was dealing with a bit of depression.

Me trying to spin my life in a picture perfect way...  didn't last long. My soul knew better. Ups and downs are a part of the journey. Everything is temporary. Including the man. Including the money. We all die. All things release. It is the way of things.

Just a reminder... you are whole. You are perfect as you are. Your journey is unique. You are right where you need to be.

Tempted to cut someone out? Here's what you need to hear...

One of the most important lessons I have learned is... When someone triggers me, irritates me, angers me... They are showing me a reflection of the pain that lives within... And if I am willing to show up for the assignment, I will thank them, instead of blame them, for showing me my unprocessed pain.

How many times have we wanted to cut people out of our lives because they anger or trigger us? (I am not talking about serious abuse here... Though that is a reflection too, but would need to be dealt with, with physical space from the person, yes)

How many times has the same pattern, the same energy- shown up in our lives again & again, even though we've cut the person who has triggered us - out of our lives?

You may find you keep repeating the same patterns with love interests.

You might find you keep attracting the same stories in your friendships, or in your career.

These patterns beg us to feel our pain. They show us the way- if were brave enough to pay attention.

They invite us to- instead of blaming someone, fully acknowledge self-responsibility for having this show up in our lives. We manifested it. We've perceived it that way.

This is not easy.

Self-responsibility is not encouraged in our culture.

But when we take the initiative... When we honour the pain we see in the external world as a reflection of the pain that lives in our individual and collective psyches... We now have the chance to heal it.

The obnoxious girl that always one ups you... Is a trigger to feel your unprocessed pain from childhood.. Having never felt truly seen or heard because your big sister always got the attention.

When that pain is felt.. Truly... and released... That girl's voice suddenly turns neutral... You actually start to find her funny + realize she's actually really rad.

And what's more... All those potential triggers that could have come your way.. Now no longer have a hold. You can open up to people. It feels good.

You have felt your pain.

You have transmuted it.

You have found your freedom.

This is deep work.

It will take courage.

And most people will never do it.

But you aren't most people.

You are a goddamn warrior.

And you will heal.

Enter Your Divine Ray ~ Let The Shadows Ignite With Love

The Divine ray has come,

To pierce through all of

your illusions,

The ways you cling to your shame and cry,
"Not me! Not I! I have wronged!
I am not whole, not innocent!"
The shadow, perceived as deeply real,
As deeply right,
And you,
Deeply sure,
That you,
Are not enough.

You await when the divine ray will come deeper,
And see,
The truth of who you are,
Of what you hold deep within,
And turn away in disgust,
Huffing and hawing as it whispers,
"Not you, you are not ready,
For the feast of unconditional love,
You are not Pure,

And yet,
When the time came,
For the Divine ray to illuminate all of your shadows,
She turned to look at you,
Awake in Her beauty,
And instead cried,
"Oh! My child!
Is gold to me,
Thank you"

And then, she swept you,

On a tide of gold, red, and white,

To the infinite bounty

of your beauty,

Showing you,
That in truth,
You are deeply human,
And deeply not,

And your shadows,
Are the compost,
That will heal the world,
When transmuted.

Thank you for your shadows sweet sisters and brothers,
The time has come,
That we may set them free,

And be washed in love.

What a girl reading tarot at a party, taught me...

The other night I was at a party. Now when I'm at parties... I gravitate to one of two things.... Dancing like a crazy person OR if there isn't much in the way of music or a dancefloor.... having meaningful conversations, away from the chaos. 

Well this party had a teensy dancefloor, but when one is a cosmic gypsy, one can get only so into Rihanna before one must go for greener pastures. (And OK, usually I would be down with some Rihanna, but I was also a bit sleepy this evening)

I was about to head out the door, when the birthday girl said "Hey, I'm going to get my cards read upstairs! Want to come?" My thoughts...

a) Yes!

b) Obviously

c) Haha, I'm not the one reading the cards! When does this ever happen?! Excellent! I shall get to observe!


So I went upstairs, and proceeded to watch a lovely young lady give readings to two of my friends, with a tarot deck she carried around in her purse. It was a treat to watch one of them, who obviously leaned towards the side of skepticism, really open up and acknowledge that some true and real guidance was coming forth. 

At one point, the girl giving the readings, said she'd only been reading tarot for about 2 months. 

Immediately, I felt warm, like... warm inside. Hahaha. "This is what it's about!" I thought --- a girl wanting to be of service to the world, a girl who has recently delved into her mystical side, and is just saying - let's go! Let's do it! Let's help the world! Let's carry around tarot cards in my purse and be the weirdo who does readings at parties!

Now please note - this girl did not have:

a) A fancy website

b) Money being offered to her to do these readings

c) More than 2 months experience

And yet she gave the readings willingly, and had a really positive effect on 2 people. I know for sure that both of these people, 2 friends of mine,  have benefited from the guidance that they received and will keep it in mind for many moons. 


Now I'm not saying you shouldn't have a website or receive money for doing readings, or whatever healing it is you offer. 

What I am saying is --- this is where it starts, and this is the root of it:

Spreading your healing energy wherever you go. Because you can. 

I have a website, and get paid to do readings, but I also prance the street anonymously, leaving love messages on bulletin boards, and meaningful messages in chalk for those who pass by. I often carry palo santo or sage with me, and offer to smudge people, many times, people who I barely know or who I've just met. Etc etc etc. 

That's what it's about. Whether you choose to enter into healing / the mystical arts as a profession or not ---- the energy is the same. You are called to serve. You know you can be of assistance. And you don't need much to change someone's day - a piece of paper, and a marker, a deck of tarot cards, a piece of chalk, or even just a smile that comes from the heart. 

That is the work. Be a healer 24/7 --- not just when you're doing it in a professional setting. 

Go to parties, share the love. Frolic in the streets, and sing your song. Go to the broken and the beaten, and give them hugs. 

And the thing is, if you DO desire to do this work professionally - it happens naturally from there. Because you're telling Spirit - "Hey! I'm doing the work! I'm BEING the change!" --- and then the people, situations, and ideas you need to take it to the next level, magnetize to you, because you're already in the energy of that which you desire.

And yet, so many gifted healers, intuitives, and lightworkers, sit at home, or in jobs they don't feel great in, and go... "One day I'll be that healer. One day I'll be helping people. But I need more _______ (training, money, time, skill, luck, guidance, technology know-how, etc.)" in order to get there."

Sister, sister, siSTAR! Maybe now you can see that you do indeed have what you need at your fingertips.

And that's where that feeling of purpose you so deeply crave, lies.

Not in that website (although that can help spread the message), or in that healing center you want to create (although that will be epic) ---- because those are future things, and your purpose always lies in the NOW. 

And then of course, the irony is when we focus our energy in the NOW and what we can do, with what we have.... the things we want, actually manifest much more easily and quickly. 

So, I ask you --- what are ways you can spread the magic + love vibes, TODAY?

Can you make signs with inspiring quotes to put around your community? Can you volunteer for a non-profit in your area that really inspires you? Can you put Fairy Oracle cards in your purse, and give readings to people wherever you go?


xo Beth



Kali-Ma, Your Snake Wraps Around Me

Photo by Marnie Recker

Photo by Marnie Recker

They feast on illusions,
Drunk with lies,
They're convinced, will keep them,

Your snake wraps around me tight,
It won't let me sleep at night,
Until the fire in my belly,
Is one with the flame of truth.

The way they deny it angers me,
The primal yearnings,
The kindergarden learnings,
Of what not to do, 
And how not to act.

Eat me alive, chew me whole,
I am your willing victim,
Your princess of the night.

Eat me up, and spit me out
Until in the truth,
We find delight.