Sister to Sister

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I don’t want to be another girl you compare yourself to

Or woman

Whichever term you prefer


Better than

Or less than

2 sides of the same pendulum


I want to be beyond that with you

I want you to know I live with shame in my veins

Crusty residue of a society ready to fall


I want you to know I long for the same things you do

For everlasting love + deep peace within


Sometimes I feel like I fall short in so many ways

But still I try, and live each day, aiming to be more me

More true

Just like you


I have days where I feel sexy as fuck

And groggy as fuck


I question my decisions

Over-analyze things I cannot change

Explode with joy

And crumble with pain


Whenever I post

I want you to feel my humanity

My genuine desire for connection

That underlies everything I do


I’m not perfect

I will piss you off

Make you question things

Delight you with my vulnerability

And maybe even shock you

With my defensiveness


I am made of blood and bones

Of stardust and thrones

And dear sister

I want you to know


That I know

You are made

Of those things



I don’t want to be another girl you compare yourself to

Or woman

Whichever term you prefer


Better than

Or less than

2 sides of the same pendulum


I want to be beyond that with you


Sisterhood of the Mermaid Moon Pinspiration

Reds, turquoise, gold, black

Dolphins, roses, crowns, Queens

Vixens, blood, mermaids, Egypt


Sisterhood of the Mermaid Moon


Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

Visiting Atlantis Guided Meditation

Hey loves! I recorded this guided meditation to visit Atlantis and receive guidance for our deeper circle, Walking as Priestess... but I love it so much, I wanted to share it with you for free. Atlantis is an ancient society that resonated with crystals, dolphins, whales, turquoise water, white and gold. Many of lived there in past lives and gained great mastery as healers + Priestesses... 


You can download this meditation as an mp3 by signing up below...

Did you resonate with this post?

Here are some ways we can connect more deeply…

🐬 Download 3 free Dolphin Rose guided meditations, that I’ve created for you!

In these journeys, we’ll meditate with the dolphins and angels! First, you’ll activate your Pleiadian and Sirian starseed DNA, with the dolphins. Then, you’ll receive a healing from the Divine Feminine Archangels. And in the 3rd meditation, you’ll receive a powerful activation from the Blue Ray and Archangel Michael!

🐬 Join our Facebook group ~ The Dolphin Rose Temple!

🐬 Follow me on Instagram! @the.dolphin.rose.temple

And there you are in my newsfeed, with your sexy smile...



Oh and there you are in my newsfeed
Popping up with your sexy smile
Even though we are friends
I was interested in more
And you politely declined

And there I witness that part of me
That yearns for validation
Oh if you liked me
Then I would be sexy too

And so we do this
For I know I’m not alone
Searching the world for people
To validate our self-worth

Temporary highs, we gain
And yet, inevitably
If I adhere to the old way
Of validation from the outside

When they don’t like me
Or I say something “wrong”
I come crashing down

But everytime I crash
I grow stronger and smarter
For I dont like that feeling at all

Here I am, in all my glory, whole
Like you, like us all, 
And I can no longer afford,

To wiggle my way into your graces
That are so temporary
That are so… unsatisfying

I’m amazing
Not because you say I am
Or don’t
Not because I’m better than
Or less

But because I’m a child of the Universe
With stars running through my veins
And a beating cosmic heart lives inside of me
A testament
To the unconditional love

That I am


Manifesting clients when it feels hard + sticky...

How to manifest clients + abundance when it feels hard.. When you want money + clients to show up... but don't want to be in Patriarchy while doing so...  Watch the video to learn all about how I manifest clients without the stickiness:


To join our private FB group, Sisterhood of the Mermaid Moon, click here and request to join!


Feeling like a Priestess in this Modern World...


This fast paced world, that honours hustle, and does not honour a slow pace, can be an interesting place. What do we do if we desire to feel spiritually connected, immersed in beauty, and deeply connected to our Goddess energy? That is... what can we do if we desire to feel like a Priestess?

Today, I wanted to share some practices with you, that you can do to help yourself come back to feeling like the Priestess you are. 


It's likely that after hearing of so many Goddesses and archetypal energies, like Kali, Lakshmi, Aphrodite, Magdalene, Isis, Quan Yin, etc - you'll have found one that resonates with you, even though you might not be sure why. I suggest creating a connection with this Goddess through prayer, research, and meditation. Pray to this Goddess and ask her for guidance, and support. Ask her for her lessons and messages. Take time out in your day to get really grounded so you can speak with her, or meditate with her. In addition, do some research on her, even if that's simply looking at images that portray her. Through a focused decision to connect with one or more Goddesses, you'll come to know the Goddess within more directly. 

Please keep in mind that as we connect with Goddesses, we are not worshipping them. They live inside of us. We are all one. 


Love your body up, and in turn, honour your spirit. Choose fabrics that delight you, to wear in the morning. Adorn yourself with jewelry that feels delicious to you. Anoint yourself with essential oils, or natural perfumes. Rub your beautiful body down with an oil or natural lotion that feels heavenly. Wear red lipstick if you feel called. Whatever feels juicy for you. Our bodies are temples. When we honour them, we can feel closer to that which created them. When we feel beautiful, we resonate with the energy of beauty. Beauty is divine. 



Go to a women's circle, or join ceremonies online if you feel called {you can find more information about joining myself and other sisters in ceremony below} --- This is ancient. Connecting with other women in ritual, honouring the divine, and eachother, together. Gathering around the lunar cycles, or in connection to a certain theme or archetypal energy. This is probably the biggest tip I have, as sitting in ceremony with sisters has brought me back to days that we truly honoured one another + served the Goddess together. It's a powerful experience of remembrance. 

If you're wondering how you can sit in ceremony with sisters, I have a wonderful offering for you. You can join a free 5 day journey with myself and a host of other sisters, called Walking as Priestess - in which we'll sit in ceremony 3 times, with Mary Magdalene, Isis, and Kali. You can sign up for that below, and you'll receive the first ceremony immediately after signing up!

Why I cried in the Louvre in Paris...


I walked into the Louvre with one single intent: to visit the Ancient Egyptian collection. As I passed through the famed glass pyramid and descended into the matrix that is the museum, I marveled at the sheer breadth of this storehouse of antiquities. 

Walking through collection after collection, I did not stop until I reached the green sign that let me know that I’d found my intended location: The home of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities. 

My eyes immediately found the eye of Horus, painted and shaped with turquoise and black. I meandered then into the next room, which housed ancient sarcophagi - most painted with Isis, the Ancient Egyptian Mother Goddess who lives still, in and through, so many of us. 

As I gazed into the images painted on the ancient wood, I felt my heart connect with the Ancients. A well of emotion rose within me and I started crying, quickly wrapping my pink scarf around my head to give me a bit of privacy, as fellow museum-goers moved all around me. In the well of emotion, I knew something to be true - I missed Egypt. What Egypt was. I desperately missed life among my Priestesses and brothers of Isis and Hathor, Osiris and Horus. My heart broke open, until I was reminded of something Mary Magdalane told me etherically while in her Grotto in Southern France, “don’t long for the past, the present houses what you truly desire and need”. 

I breathed in and continued to walk around the room. Again I stared at another image of Isis, and was met by a wave of remembrance. This time, the remembrance showed me hatred I still carried in my being, which still deeply affected me to this day. It is hard to admit, but I hated my sisters in that moment. Not all of them. But I remembered the dissolving of the sanctuaries we’d created, how some women chose to “sell out”, in the terminology we use today. How they paraded their positions of power or Priestessing to the Patriarchal elite, for safety, luxury, or more power, diminishing the true aspect of who we were as devotees to the Divine Feminine. Confusing the publics view of how to return home to the heart space, and convoluting everything we had worked for. 


Again, I started crying, as I am now as I type this. I felt where I had stored this hatred, deep in my root chakra. I felt how this comes up in my life as Im wary of fellow sisters, especially those in a position of leadership, as I now understood on deeper levels, I subconsciously question the integrity of many whom I meet. 

I also noticed the way I judge this pattern in me. Part of me enacting the fear, and part of me judging it, because that’s not the way I’m supposed to relate to my fellow women. 

All of this came up and I wept, but after I left the Louvre, I knew something had been cleared. I remembered more of myself. And I know that something was lifted yesterday. I know I’ll continue to see remnants of this pattern come up in my life - mistrust in powerful sisters - but now I can have more compassion for this shadow side, because I know it’s not from a place of malevolence. Deep down, it’s from a desire for clarity, and integrity. And in compassion for my shadow, I can heal it. 

Blessings be to all beings, and may we open to the true codes of remembrance that are offered to us, everyday.